Adding A Friendly Companion To My Weird Shooter Game - Devlog

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey hi thanks for joining me in this dev look i'm making a third person shooter game where you can transform and climb stuff this month i've been doing a lot of level design and since my game doesn't feature infinite areas i have to limit where players can go in my game specifically this is quite tricky because the character can climb anywhere and so i can't just put some rocks or trees to block the path many games choose to just turn the entire area into an island and surround it with ocean however i don't want levels to feel like small islands i ended up making toxic water that kills the player when you get in contact with it this way i can design rivers and lakes to guide players inspired by nick carver and minions art i've also put together a toxic waterfall it mainly consists of one shader for the water itself one shader for the rings near the bottom and also some splashes and particle effects anyway after adding the toxic water i decided to finally put my mind to fixing an issue i'd been procrastinating for months previously whenever players would climb a rotating surface the creature wouldn't rotate with the surface properly after a couple of days of trying to figure out the nightmare that is quaternions i actually found a really simple solution to fix this rotation issue i ended up storing the creature's forward direction relative to the surface so when the connector transform rotates i can restore the local forward direction to a wheel direction and have to play a look at the new forward direction [Music] with that out of the way i wanted to take a break from coding and work on some wildlife firstly i've improved the animations for the snail elephant as many of you pointed out it was looking a bit unnatural i then added an essential feature that i forgot previously wobbly eyes [Music] as you can see the eyes kinda bounce around and look much less static than before now since there's animals on land and in the sky it makes sense to also add some life to the water so i set out to design some alien fish [Music] after modeling a texturing i use the same technique that the birds use where i spawn mesh particles and animate them through a shader the shader for these fish was surprisingly simple because their movement is pretty much just the sine wave unlike the birds they just fly in a straight line these fish have to actually follow the river and avoid obstacles to get them to follow a specific path i used the splines plugin and got the particles to follow the spline next up i worked on a new robot that flies around and scans the terrain you can break it to get a very general map of the area [Music] as always i started with some modeling and texturing [Music] after modeling i made some flying animations and for the movement i used the same system that the wildlife uses where it takes random points in a given area and smoothly flies from one point to the next i then added a damage system so it falls from the sky and shakes for a couple seconds before shutting down finally i added a little interaction so after taking down the robot you can actually view the map okay before i move on to the next big update first let's quickly go over some tiny changes i've removed the stamina system from the last death look because it didn't fit the game the drones now have a horizontal glow inspired by titanfall i've toned down the jump height and added a little squashy effect when you land i finally set up source control to make sure i don't lose entire scenes again instead of notepad i switched to a proper ide and lastly i put together a mock-up for the main menu [Music] anyway time for the main topic of this dev vlog the new ammo system i designed it so you can collect blue ammo blobs that can be used in any weapon so for example one ammo blob can be used to fire 30 rifle shots or 15 shotgun shots obviously ammo block doesn't sound great so i had some ideas for more futuristic names for the ammo i haven't really picked one of these yet so let me know if you have any suggestions for cool names in order to implement the new ammo system i've updated the ui the gun models and most importantly i've added a little companion that helps collect the ammo blobs [Music] initially the companion was going to be a living animal but after a week of several failed attempts i decided to go for a little robot instead [Music] after modeling texturing and animating the robot i put together this cool liquid shader to show the collected ammo when programming the gathering and following behavior for the robot i wanted to try a behavior 3 plugin to improve my workflow after playing around in it for a bit i managed to get some basic follow behavior to work however it took so much extra effort i decided to go back to just go it for now i'll probably attempt to make another behavior 3 later for more complex ai because it did seem promising after implementing the new ammo system i did some level design again more specifically i needed to make some good rocks and also played around with the grass in hindsight i probably wasted a bit too much time on the cross because i tried pretty much every possible solution instant cross chunks geometry shaders shell texturing and the built-in will wear system after trying all of these i was left with two grass type that i like and so i did a small pole to see which one fit best [Music] in the end i just kept the exact same cross from before anyway for the rocks initially i had some really detailed ones that i tweaked to make them fit the game but i ended up just making my own instead to make a rock i basically take a cube and cut off pieces until it looks rope shaped which is surprisingly satisfying their main advantage over the initial high detail rock is that level design is much easier because there's way less tiny crevices and bumps now onto something i've been continuously working on for the last couple months a better camera system originally my camera system was completely custom as possibly figured it would give me more control over the camera implementation the main issue with this approach was i had a hard time implementing camera collisions to keep the player in frame also with the previous system transitioning between different cameras and camera angles was a bit of a pain i actually looked into cinema machine before but always figured it couldn't possibly have all the functionality i was looking for what pushed me over the edge was this video by robert thompson where he tried out cinema machine and it pretty much did everything i was looking for so i rebuilt the entire camera system including the creature camera the third person camera and the planet launcher camera and cinemachine with the new setup adding collisions was as easy as clicking a button [Music] something a little more tricky is the creature follow behavior basically i want players to have full control over the camera but when players aren't actively moving their mouse it should still automatically follow the creature around corners to achieve this i set the camera x-axis input through script so it's basically like tricking cinemachine into thinking the player is moving their mouse i also added a custom damping system because the built-in one looked very jittery and i made a component that modifies the camera orbit radius so it moves a bit closer to the player when indoors finally for this devlog i designed the robot i wanted to make for a while it's a giant walking robot that the cyborgs use for transportation the idea is you can climb into it while it's moving and defeat it from the inside i've not yet completed the robot because i moved on to different more important stuff first however i did finish modeling and i'm pretty happy with the concept so far i'll probably continue working on the robot next time and until then i hope this was interesting thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Codeer
Views: 288,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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