I made Minecraft Paintings come to life

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The wither part actually made me jump

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KaydenZade 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

If i could do mods, these ideas would be awesome.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Makset 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's phoenix so here is a normal creeper painting that i've stuck on the wall and i'm going to start moving around it and i want you to focus on the creeper watch this so i'm going to move to the left something is moving inside the painting i'm gonna keep going this way something is happening with the creep oh didn't mean to do that yet dang it okay so this creeper is somehow following my movements that's not all if i move outside of the way once the creeper notices that i'm outside of the field of vision and i'll just go whoops i'm in the jungle i wanted to be in a jungle temple it's just i wanted a change of scenery i've been inside villages for so long so if i go inside this jungle temple the creeper has come outside the painting and now the painting is noticeably empty so the creeper has exited the painting and is now right there so i think because i know what's going on it's not exactly surprising for me but if you try this as a mod you can totally shock your friends so i've reproduced this effect from multiple paintings another one is the wanderer so if you didn't know this is just a wanderer a guy who's standing on a mountain and looking into the distance now if i just move away because i can't do eye tracking in this way because he's looking the other way it doesn't make sense for me to add eyes onto it it's gonna look really bad so if i re-enter the temple there is a wanderer and the painting is now empty what does he have terrible traits i don't get you this is another one i did so this is the wither painting which has the three skulls on top of the soul sand formation now if i move away just a little bit out of the view and if i re-enter one of the skulls has been placed on the soul sand so he's not watching you but he technically is the painting is now alive if i do this again i'll repeat the process if i exit and re-enter got three skulls and what's gonna happen if there are three skulls a wither spawns and he's destroyed oh my god dude that wasn't necessary okay i didn't mean to show you guys the wither yet he just popped up oh my god there is a stage where there are two skulls on the salsa and this is what it is um i think i moved out for too long that must be why so if i get out you can see the moment it transforms into three skulls i think the moment there we go so now there's three skulls and before he destroys my place i'm going to delete it you can see it's an armor stand always has been here's another one i did so this is a spider this is called the stage painting and you can see every now and then the spider begins to move the spider is now crawling above the frame outside of the painting and you can watch the exact moment the spider disappears from the frame or the painting and a spider pops out and the spider disappears from the stage this is like my little attempt to revitalize paintings because they're kind of boring right now um they really haven't had to change for a while so if i wanted to make them alive that's how i do it there's one more that i did and this is one that is like four by four so there's not much i could do to customize the behavior for it this is the pig scene so this is four by four so there's not a lot i could do with it because understands have a limit to the size that i can customize the behavior there is a pig on the canvas and what do pigs like carrots and i just made the pig pop out of the painting because they like carrots this is the original image by the way it's got green red and blue on the canvas but they just decided to put a pig on it instead and that's how i did it a pig pops out of the painting i can do it as many times as i like just they like carrots they love them so much they come to life unfortunately this isn't available for download because paintings have four different faces and the behavior is different for every single one also it's kind of glitchy paintings are a bit glitchy and this mechanic is too easy it makes the game way too easy do you want pigs everywhere just recycle the painting and spawn pigs with carrots you want this you can have it also jungle temples need an update thank you for oh what dude do not hurt yourself do not you stop it there thank you so much for watching leave a like subscribe for more creative content as always take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 3,802,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack, resource, pack, maps, painting, creeper, creebet, alive, wither
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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