I Made Jumping 1000x More Extreme

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okay the stronger I get the further I jump the further I jump the more points I get the more points I get the stronger I become and the further I can jump we're gonna try and break something today that jump got me 900 studs which I'm gonna spend buying pets that make me go further picking up these Rockets also gives me a strength boost we're up to 420 base so we'll save up to about 500 and give ourselves another jump 550 even that's gonna send this even further we're gonna get eleven hundred dollars just for that I'm also going to equip three of my common pets that I've since accumulated that puts my base up to 881 which is going to send me even further for even more riches 1500 what I really need is exactly this 12 000 so I can hatch one of these potentially mythical idiots I will settle for a common piece of toast but the toast by itself adds 400 rocket power the three other things had 300 in total plus now I get to be followed by all these little weirdos for a little while and they get a free spin on this thing that's gonna give me something amazing no doubt like 3 000 I guess it won't complain with three staff these things get very expensive so I need to get back to Jumping but with to help with my pets and all my newfound power two thousand one hundred basically I need another twelve thousand to get another proper chance at a good pet so it is going to jump a few more times currently I'm in 15th Place and that's not gonna do it all I need to be making such big jumps that we leave the map entirely behind we're gonna jump straight out of this universe I just need to do this enough times a couple of jumps and Rockets later 2300 and everyone suddenly just died and started reset we still have all our powers though so I'm not sure what that is new pet time what do we got lava jellyfish that was a rare one there's a one in five chance of that happening it gives me 600 boost and while I'm waiting for the jump thing to unlock I'm gonna collect as many Rockets as I can now we should go much further again we have 300 seconds left before that everyone dies 2700 but it's 90 000 for the next available pet thing my base power is also over 2 000 now so that's going up quickly the Rockets are helping I'm trying not to grab a ton of them as I go but I'm getting some oh we're almost up to 3 000. after that yellow rocket that'll probably get us there this is surprisingly fast paced come put more Rockets one more jump and we should be able to buy a new pet after this which means we'll remove one of our common ones but let's see what we're able to hatch come on something amazing common toast so we'll unequip one of the basic ones and replace them with three e 400 so we get a surplus of 300 jump power which means we're gonna go much further again look at the end of the board we can't even see it yet but we got 3 400 a couple jumps later we're actually making pretty good progress almost 3 800. and it's very quickly time for another new pet again which was nothing more than a common toast but I'll take it 12th Place is not good enough I don't care how long it takes or we're gonna go further 4300 I've just realized on the bottom of the screen it kind of shows how far you can go up to a million so far we're going 4 000 so we've got some work to do we're gonna take another pet which was just another comment so we'll unequip the basic one and then get right back to work jumping into Oblivion slowly saving up enough money oh I was in third place for that though oh as soon as stronger people jump I lose my spot that's all gonna change once I get my super pet number bind got a good feeling about this one we're going to so far now we didn't quite hit the big 5000 chunk I did hit enough to buy another pet though another common toast and I think we can actually turn these into one shiny because we have five of them and that gives me a 1 200 boost so this time we're gonna go a little bit further probably well into the 5000 Mark yup and a five thousand dollars a job I can do this all day and since I need 90 000 It's Gonna Take Me 18 jumps from zero to get enough for one of those pets this big jump right to the middle of five thousand puts us over ninety thousand time for one of the big eggs we have a point one percent chance of a mythical here so what are we gonna get common I expect no less it does give me a thousand power by itself though which is kind of crazy and with the ones I don't want I can straight up throw them in the garbage I'm gonna take a few seconds to grab a few extra rockets for a little bit of extra power this is very satisfying strangely okay after all that how far can we go well past five thousand almost past six thousand incrementally we're working our way through this picking up a few Rockets every time is just enough to push me a little bit further and further and further so don't have to keep staring at the same space again and again and again broke into seven thousand my base power is climbing very slowly close up to five thousand though after the big yellow rocket I think we've got it and that's gonna lead to a colossal jump halfway through seven thousand and then after this big jump right to the middle we have enough for another 90 000 pad hopefully a legendary one we're getting so unlucky there we go a rare so we're gonna straight up uh trash that one and then we're going to equip our new one that gives me 1500. the next one's gonna cost 450 000 so but I potentially have a better way to get that one we're going so much further now right up to ten thousand so that's escalating pretty nicely and this actually works in conjunction with my plan just need to do a few of these ever-growing jumps and then I can buy another four of these medium eggs even if they're just common that's perfectly fine by me because I can turn those five comments into a shiny and the level 2 shiny 1.2 000 so that's gonna give me another boost again not a huge one but every little boost counts because every jump is worth more and things are gonna escalate so much further there's another 90 thousand so that means another ninety thousand dollar pet and that's another rare So this basic rare is going to be unequipped and then we're going to place it with the third level rare for 1.5 000 and we're gonna trash that and then it's straight back to Jumping grabbing whatever Rockets we can along the way at this point our base power our power is 8400 we're able to jump to the middle of Thirteen thousand which means we can buy yet another pet come on legendary and before you know it it's time for another pet just a comment but if we get enough of those we turn them into a shiny anyway then I'm gonna spend a minute Gathering Rockets to get my jumping just a little further boosted maybe we'll get it up to ten thousand my Rockets nobody touched these These are here for me we're not running a Nimble yellow rocket so let's see what 8800 does plus my new pets 14 and a half thousand so no it really only takes a few jumps to get the 90 000 we need for the new pets so one more pet hoping for a rare I got a comment I'll take my frustration out by jumping myself into Oblivion repeatedly no matter what we get here it's going to be exciting because even if it's just a common you can smash those all together to turn them into a shiny which is probably pretty good yep plus 3 000 power that's insane so my base power is well over ten thousand at this point which means we're probably about to break our own personal record by a lot eighteen thousand and at this rate it's gonna take very few jumps to get the ninety thousand we need and we can start moving on to even bigger rarer pets okay we're jumping well into the 19 thousands now and that's alarmingly quick to buy ninety thousand dollar pack so we're gonna keep going with those I think this might be my first jump to break twenty thousand and that's gonna feel very good every five jumps will make me a hundred thousand and if you could actually find some super rare pets that would be even better now the twenty thousand we're well over a hundred thousand in the bank but there's a rare pet it's marginally better than one of Royal Chinese then it's straight back to Jumping but that pet did Propel us well into 21 000 and those numbers add up I just hatched a legendary pet that had a 10 chance 2500 is how much that gives us so that's gonna give us a 2 000 bonus over one of these and that's such a colossal boosted each jump is not gonna take us so far we go so quick and we're touching down at twenty four thousand and we also is hatch an epic pet suddenly so luck is finally on her side this one's only worth two thousand but two thousand is still really really good my Army of idiots is going to carry me to Victory eventually we just need better idiots the base is now up to 15 000 so we're going almost 30 000 every job and with their current power level we're able to hit 30 000 we're escalating so fast after that last jump that gave us 453 thousand dollars that means we can get our first pro level egg 40 chance of common one percent chance of mythical I wouldn't say no to anything common but even a common is worth four thousand so now I just gotta save up for a long time to get another one of those but look how far we can go now thirty six thousand it actually only takes 11 12 jumps to get us to 450 000 we need and along the way I'm picky up enough Rockets to make myself incrementally stronger and stronger like we landed in the middle of 37 000 there there's more Rockets even some blue rockets and then we do it again a few jumps later we're Landing almost to 38 000. every once in a while I'd like to turn around and look behind where everyone spawns because there's often a lot of yellow Rockets sitting there because nobody looks backwards and I mean I don't blame them it's kind of fun just to launch yourself again and again and again forty thousand a few of those and were able to get another 450 000 egg what do we got something amazing epic epic dog now in six thousand bonus and I realized I could just hit the equip S button and it automatically sorts me out so now we're gonna go much much further again we were landing on forty thousand now we're going all the way up to where is it fifty five thousand I'm not gonna complain about that that was a huge jump not sure why it was so big though we went from 40 to 55. after starting a new Roundup was in first place for a fleeting second because I landed on 55 000 but there's someone down on the bottom they looped around over a million but don't worry we'll get there I've got all the time in my world to keep doing this again and again and again and again this jump is gonna land us just about a sixty thousand actually I did let us n60 000 which is enough for another Pro Pat better be something amazing epic dog so we'll go ahead and equip that that went from two thousand to six thousand so we got an extra four thousand boosts just from that and then we're gonna pick up a few of our very valuable Rockets then we get to find out how far that's gonna launch us judging by that air time a long way 78 000 a couple easy jumps later and we're Landing actually over 80 000 already so this is escalating faster and faster and I'm all for it 81 000 picky of the Rockets seems to have much more of an effect now too if I pick up just a few of these it'll probably push me even a few thousand further especially with the yellow rocket big lunch nice me to start this will land is over 450 000 but let's see where we actually land on almost 90 000 so let's hope for something amazing here another epic if I get two more of those I might be able to turn them into an epic shiny which would be unreasonably strong but we won't put the card before the horse because they're probably gonna get very bad luck but we just went up to 108 000 so basically four jumps and we get new pets so we're probably gonna start stacking pets endlessly especially because every time even we pick up just a few Rockets it pushes us so much further those who push me all the way up to 111 000. come on Epic two more epic so we got a rare that's good for five thousand that's still really really good and once I equip that we're going all the way up to 125. it's crazy to think when we started we're getting less than a hundred now we're getting 110 000 every jump I'm okay with the fact I wasn't getting lucky at first because now I'm getting very lucky with my drops click that to Legendary way 7000 that's even more than the epics so we're gonna equip best and the pets are giving me a total I think of 43 000 boost my base is 40 000. which means we're up to 130 1000 this kind of ridiculous jumping power makes it so easy to buy the pets this guy's gonna have the strongest legs in the universe by the time we're done come on Epic yes perfect one more of those we get to make a shiny epic and we all know the shinier picture the best kind of epics our jumping is known so insane that we're jumping up to about 150 000 which means three jumps gets us a new pet and we got a fifth epic epics have a 20 chance of happening so we actually got really really lucky with those so we're gonna craft those into one we're gonna lose a few but that one's now with 18 000. so our base power is now up to 47 000 our pets give us 56 000 so this is gonna be a really big jump and I'm here for it this is gonna make us some serious money and then we're gonna be able to buy even stupider pets what is that 182 000 it's been two jumps we've made four hundred thousand dollars so three jumps is gonna be more than enough for more pets and I've now officially collected enough Rockets to launch me incredibly far we're officially Landing over 200 that was 211. and the jump after that 218 and I'm actually legitimately in third place at this point we have two minutes left in the server but I've officially made it to third place and with three million dollars that means we can buy the next level of pro eggs before doing that I think I want to give myself an extra 300 luck boost uh then an extra 100 on top of that because I didn't realize that was also a thing now we should get our money straight after their three million dollar investment this one's gonna be common that's not a good luck thing there's a 60 chance that well whatever is it at least super good okay it is worth twelve thousand that is incredibly good I don't know what we paid for with their extra luck though that's a little alarming I feel like we just went 266 000 that's wild we're gonna need a little more of that 268 000. so the current rate of 250 000 per jump it only takes 12 jumps to get the 3 million we need for another pet and those are Super Pets jump number 12 we're touching down 269 000. so how about that luck of ours we got an epic dead at a nine percent chance of happening that's with 18 000 the same as our epic shiny so depends in a way the hundred thousand boost might be is 88 000 that's a real big jump we land down 325 000 then 333 000 so as long as I pick up a few Rockets we go a lot further it's very easy to save up another three million dollars hopefully we get something absolutely amazing another epic but we're kind of running into the problem too where we're starting to run out of room but we're about to replace a five thousand with an 18 000 but then that kind of got me thinking why don't we just quit five more pets we did equip some lower level pets again but that put our boost up to 138 000 which naturally makes for a really really big jump you can't even see where we started anymore and we're just cruising along to 450 000. so I think this is the point where things it is really going to start to escalate super super strongly it's only a few short jumps later we landed 495 000 basically half a million every single jump but more importantly new pets more often this one's going to be common but even for common and still 12 000. we need more escalation damn it how about collect Rockets from anywhere so now we're gonna get a big upgrade every single time we relaunch and I don't have to run around looking for them manually we're just gonna suck it all in on my legs are going to get that much stronger again 547 000 plus all that so every time we launch it's gonna go considerably further than last time we're under 547 to 570 so we're getting 25 000 extra per lunch so that's gonna keep going and going and going and it's just very satisfying to launch like it launches at light speed you go so high and far you're just flying along minding your own business I don't know if there's a limit to where this game will let me go there is a leaderboard for money spent and eggs hatched there is 33 000 eggs hatched what a Madman there is presumably more luck on there two times luck so I wouldn't say no to that instead we got a million points I mean I guess that's pretty good and stuff for that we get an epic super pet pretty sure that's gonna launch us incredibly far coming up to almost 700 660 000 every single launch I didn't even realize we already broke 3 million that's how quick it's going at this point but look how far we're going on the bottom Easy Pass 737 okay now it's 750 000 that's going so so quickly we might as well save up with the 10 million pet currently I'm in third place on this server but we're jumping over 800 000 at this point so we might hit a million before we were able to buy our 10 million dollar pet and that's perfectly acceptable by me and I'm also officially in second place with my pizza shirt and cool hair but this is going to be the last jump that's going to put us over 10 million look how far we're going look how fast we're going look how happy we look and touching down right at 868 so a 10 million dollar pet .09 chance to find one of those so even with our 400 luck it's not likely but you never know there's an epic that's actually less than a one percent chance to happen that was incredibly rare that's where 38 and a half thousand which is at least double my next best so that's gonna help us go a little bit further in fact that's gonna help us go a lot further down on the map we're going over 900 000. we broke a million one million one hundred thirty eight thousand I think I'm understanding that correctly so we're lapping the board at this point so that's a lot of fun so yeah we break a million we're going past almost one million two hundred thousand and every time we launch again we go considerably further because we're just grabbing all the Rockets from everywhere while I'm waiting for the gates to open again oh we got so close to two times luck this jump is pretty good one million 250 000 but that's also enough for another Super top tier pet which is only a common but that's a really good comment it's worth 28 000 that's insane so my base power is now 312 000 my assist power is 391 000. one million four hundred thousand a few jumps later and we're already lapping aboard one and a half times you're doing 1.5 million every single jump for 1.5 million dollars which is ridiculous and that also buys his 10 million dollar pets Lots so there's an uncommon which is still 31 000. so now we're able to lap the board once and so close to twice which means you buy even more pets just a comment does my luck refer to this wheel too I want the luck I don't even care about the secret Pad but now that I look at these that's actually plus 140 000 why would I not buy one of these so my epic super rare pet is 38 000 this one's 140 which I feel like is gonna Propel us to new heights this is gonna keep going and going that was one lap around the board this is two laps around the board two million two and a half million so it's definitely very easy to buy new pets at this point it takes four jumps or less you think you can make a shiny one of these I want to find out if you can make a shiny one of these we're gonna need four more of these okay I officially have five of those but can we actually can we craft them into oh we can make that into a shiny 420 000 well that's just fantastic our base is now about a million our boost is over a million it's 1.3 million look at this go now I have a feeling we're gonna have a really really good jump now that's three laps around the board word that's about four laps around the board that's pretty ridiculous we started jumping like I think less than 100 now we're going 4 million soon to be 5 million or further he just keeps flying and flying and flying touching down all the way here and what do we get a reward for that a common idiot it's crazy to think now that I'm jumping almost 5 million meters that we're still only in second place Elsa and Zeb avoid that the VIP actually gives you a luck boost as well that's all I want luck boost for the rare stuff and more like up there of course but we're never gonna get it yeah this jumped 5.5 million in a single jump and we're definitely in first place now but we're able to jump a long ways there's two million that's three million three and a half four million five million and three quarters so I'm gonna triple by this because I feel like that's helpful somehow common common that's actually really bad luck oh but I do have five comments so I can actually craft them into some kind of monstrosity that's worth 84 000 and that's gonna look something like this there's one million 2 million three million uh seven seven laps seven million well all right I'm pretty satisfied with that [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,063,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nsl6B23M4lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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