I Made A Game, But Losing Is Good

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I'm in a game show but there's three twists twist number one the losing player wins so whichever one of these people has the least amount of gold at the end of the game wins twist number two players can change the rules of the game at the end of each one of their turns however I may veto any rule change so if they try and change that twist number one I will veto it twist number three there is a countdown at the center of the board right there and when this countdown is over I have a plot twist plan that will screw over all of the players and that countdown starts right now Captain kid you're I guess let's just move above me okay now what would you like to change new rule we all have to be on the layer below the game board yeah it's going to be great for visibility for the viewers I mean he didn't veto it so oh I can do that that's right I'm going to veto it that's a good point failboat you're up all right I'm going to move one space down okay uh new rule the countdown goes down by 10 H that's vetoed we sorry no we're ruining your content you guys aren't having fun in the correct way I it's okay I'll have fun in a correct way okay spell it you're up I am going to move down adding a rule if you ever move at all in the down Direction you get two gold okay it's now my turn I'm going to make a rule what okay that seems fun okay we'll say demon moves one space and gives five gold failboat it is your turn I'm going to move up I'm going to change rule the demon is controlled by failboat no I can't Target one player y That's No Okay the demon is controlled by whoever's closest to him uh let's see that's small ant right now no wait back that backfire small ant it's your turn all right when can I control it uh at the end of your turn I am going to move towards the demon and and the rule that I'm going to add is every time you move up your coins are doubled we are really inflating the economy here we're turning this into a math problem uh and now you can move the demon I wanted to move to my Square you get five gold now yes just just a reminder the losing player wins I know I don't it's good this is all strategy okay failboat you're up okay I'm going to move a square upwards double the gold oh that's right new rule um if you move right then your gold is divided by 1.17 uh veto too hard to do math too much math your gold is divided by two okay we we'll do two small an you're up I will move up that's going to double your gold yes okay move the divon onto me all right you get five gold there is a space adjacent to each player current if you land on it multiplies your gold by 10 uh and that's going to multiply small ant and failboat's gold by 10 I'm going to add a dragon and the dragon has a shop okay uh Captain kid it is your turn I'm going to move to the left can I add a character to an adjacent Space by all of us uh sure like can I get a can I get a verus wait who wants a verus I'll take him can I take a TC Nick yeah you can get a Nick who do you want small an uh uh uh uh one second um see it uh pink background what's his name Tel it's you and me tff let's go buddy if you go first you could steal TC nck from failboat so they don't even do anything yet all right failboat you're up okay down towards nick uh that divides it by two and removes two so we'll say you're now at 48 awesome I've now acquired Nick I I assume well that depends on the rules oh I guess so so right now they they functionally do nothing yes they're just there um new rule the closest NPC follows the closest player let's just say uh walking on a NPC makes it your companion all right okay yes yes they can travel with you small a you're up I am going to move up and to the right you may now move the demon I'm going to move it on to me you get five gold okay and I multiplied by two oh yeah 505 let's go baby let's go you are you are getting up there uh my rule if you ever land on the space of another player you have to bite and go ban for ban whoever loses gets all the money it's going to be my turn uh what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid of one of these the moving down one well I think I moved right so I I multiplied and divided by two I just realized I yeah I should only have 255 then okay Captain kid you're up okay I will go to the right and collect my bernius oh wait but it was a blue square so I multiplied by 10 oh yeah that's right and a zero on there okay we'll just say that's right it's close enough my rule is going to be that any anyone that has a non verus companion gets their money doubled at the end of each turn uh we're going to say that that's a targeted rule uh let's can I add a slime somewhere on the board just anywhere yeah we'll we'll just say he's chilling out here failboat you're up I am going to move one to the left well let's do a couple of calculations now yes sorry guys not to slow the game down yeah yeah that's up so what does up do multiply by two but that's also blue so yeah so it's multip by multiply by 20 I will just say it's a thousand any year that's easier math okay I'm going to add a rule that the board Loops to the left and the right uh small ant you're up I will move one square to the right small ant and friends will move one square to the right we'll just say the demon is a companion now and he follows you around fantastic that was the plan you have a whole like RPG party oh yeah ex that's that's my plan I'm collecting them there is a hidden Square somewhere on the board of your decision that will summon a random enemy when you land on it there's now a hidden Square on the board that will summon a random enemy uhoh anywhere could be anywhere anywhere it could be anywhere who knows where it could be wait I I moved to the right yeah moving right divides by two yeah oh boy all right now we're get some clean division 12 25 1275 sure I'll say that's good uh I'm going to see if I can fix this game with this thing oh oh the game is solved now awfully close to me I don't know if I like that I'm going to add a rule that says the demon eats the board and rules okay uh and he's going to eat blue triangle rule he's going to eat that one bradden you're up okay I will now move to the blue space to my right okay is is there still a rule for moving to the right let me check oh yeah divides it by two and you also moved up so I think that cancels out uh yep yep it made it easy for you I want to give every player 50 Health 50 Health points okay now every player has 50 Health failboat you're up all right I'm going to move one down for no reason um uh if that doesn't activate a hidden tile by any particular means why would there be a hidden tile there I don't know who's to say I'm going to have a rule that uh players can warp back to their starting spot at the at their choice at the end of their turn once I'm going to veto that I don't remember where you guys were our new spots indicate our home point you can warp back here once Okay small ant it's your tan I'm going to I'm going to move to the right uh unfortunately small ant this is actually a dangerous base with an enemy on it oh no swear to God we'll just we'll just say here this seems somewhat appropriate a time God we'll say he just gives you like a th000 gold or something I don't know on odd numbered turns I will not keep track of that okay never mind I'm going to change a rule moving right instead kills one of your party members including yourself also it's really cool because I actually have two more members of my party now NPCs on the same square are companions oh no let's see it's it's my turn the demon uh he's going to eat a space and we'll say he eats uh I don't know this one Captain kid you're up okay I'm going to move to the left can I add a Beholder to every blue space failboat you're up I guess I'm going to move up and acquire a friend and then I am going to make a new rule unclaimed Boulders move a one tile to the left at the end of everyone's turn I can't get my beholders F bers dude I I'm getting outplayed right now me and bius are just moving to the left and hoping we don't die uh that's going to end your turn uh and then you'll get another Beholder let's go the farm you've got a coner belt going right now small a you're up I'm going to move to the right and is it at random or do I get to pick who gets sacrifice uh we say it's up to the gods it's time for a wheel it's time we introduce a wheel many companions do you have well let's see uh let me just get all these jotted down God what is this Katamari ball that youve amassed I mean small an there's a chance you just die here yeah I guess we could always just call up tofel and he could potentially fill in uh well I think uh it's uh night time in Germany so okay understood no it's still pretty early it's still pretty early oh is it okay well oh no beh your Beholder is going to die small ant okay well it it happens also it was at the end of Small's turn so all the unclaimed holders move on to the left and uh also my coins are cut in half but I did move wait I moved up I was up slightly wait I think my coins don't change was is it up I'm yeah it's up the the line is up into the right okay we'll just adjust that a little bit so I don't have to redo it okay let's see uh it's going to be the demon St he's going to eat this part of the board Captain kid you're up I didn't set a rule oh yeah my bad players can move two spaces each turn Okay Captain kid you're up okay so I guess I'll move left two spaces my farm I will claim one of the beholders oh no you move up so that doubles your gold ones okay I want to change the rule to where the other demon can only eat rules uh the demon is going to veto that rule can all of the companions now have a weapon we we'll just say uh companions now fight when okay okay yeah we haven't actually done any combat yet we'll figure out the combat system when when it comes to it failboat you're up the bottom right space with that Beholder if I go to the left to get there and then move up does that count as me moving right right or all right that answers my question thank you I'm going to move one to the left okay to grab the other Beholder all right cool uh and then she got tricked did you I swear to God did you just revert the line what okay so hold on I mean you have to move right your hand is one way buddy wait wait D play have to move two spaces what what's the rule say uh players move two space yes no no so I have to move right are you going to kill the the innocent little Piplup I I don't want to but I can't go anywhere else okay I go up just put behold her four times uh actually you know what name your beholders give them names oh awesome uh B ho ler there we go oh oh no not TC Nick 3 I'm so sad okay new rule all beholders are now TC nick uh yeah I'll allow it I will move left and then up left and up let's see oh yeah that doubles doubled my gold that's it I'm going to change a rule then players can warp to any home Point uh okay it's going to be the Demon's turn he's going to do that uh and then I'm going to change the board let me just don't worry about what I'm doing right now it's not really important so have we determined how combat Works bro I don't even know how that works I'm just going to figure it out when it happens cool cool Captain kid you're up like if I teleport to the right does that count as moving right oh no you're teleporting okay so I would like to teleport to my home square that failboat is currently on okay and hope that the verus counters all the Nicks what you could do is they have pick a number between 1 and 10 okay well how about this they both guess a number between 1 and 10 and then these two Nicks cancel out so then your number is boosted by one and then your number is boosted by three failboat I just messaged him in all accounts are you around check Discord had you not messaged them yet verus seems very confused okay yeah I've me I've now messaged them both okay so Nick chose seven so that's going to equal out to 10 verus chose 10 that's going to equal out to 11 base base so uh Captain kid you're going to win this one let's go what failboat you win so you steal no but you lost so I did lose I mean I I did lose the game I mean we should have made a rule about this this is my fault Captain kid you won you decide what happens I'll make a rule right now I'll decide it right now this is going to look I'm going to have to fix a lot of this in post it'll look normal then the winning player feels bad and gives the loser all their gold I think we've just set it up to where small ant can just overwhelm us with all of his companions and just dump all the gold onto US yeah do you have to message a time God yeah I I got one in the DM D don't worry uh you know what we'll also say he takes 10 damage we can we can utilize the HP system that we implemented yeah it it still doesn't do anything but you know what uh okay whose turn was that was that failboat or was that Captain kid that was that was my turn and I still have I still technically have one move left to do cuz I teleported home still I've been gone for 10 minutes and it's still Captain's kid turn yes I'll move left and then down at the end of every turn goblins move one space to the right I just realiz I've had a goblin with me for like two turns and I hav gotten any gold from it uh yeah that's the end of your turn so goblins are going to move right uh and you're going to get a goblin yes yes let's go failboat you're up okay so I don't want to move right that would that would kill a Nick I'm going to move to the bottom left too and my rule is going to be all blue spaces become beholders no no they become beholders the the space itself is a Beholder Oh see it's already it's already got the outline and everything this does for yeah perfect it's it's the first you knew behers become spaces yeah how did you actually know that beholders were going to become spaces that's actually crazy this wasn't even supposed to do that uh but you know what yeah yeah that seems right now at the end of my turn all beholders move one to the left wa there spaces though okay so this space is going to get moved over to the left and then it'll get compounded onto that one oh no this board is got this is okay so this one's going to move onto this one and pounded into that what do even happen here you could just choose your direction wow this is perfect no this is ideal and then the one on the right moves to the oh no these get combined eat each other it's a super Beholder guys I think we need to start adding some spaces well okay that that that seems like a uh legit um small ant you're up I will start by moving up and then left uh and then you get two beholders but give me two seconds uh and then I I I guess I have to move up again oh no one of your allies okay I have to sacrifice one of my allies 4600 is that what that is MHM y oh wait then it goes up again I think I'm at 70 a 9,200 then 92001 because of the goblin oh all right mine's locked and loaded God sorry time God no more time I'm going to say I'm going to change the rule clarify the fighting rules Whoever has more companions wins the fight oh no demon is going to move he's going to go and make friends with the Slime yeah Captain kid you're up I I kind of feel like my hand is forced here a little bit okay I'm going to go up and then down putting me back in my same spot oh yeah I'll allow it that's going to double your gold okay that's totally fine my addition is going to be that at the end of each turn every non- claimed companion is given to a player by wheel assignment so we'll spin a wheel and it will get assigned all baby come on come big money big money I want that Goblin I want that go companions please uhoh I mean we should have know this was happening we should have know this was going to happen the rich get richer yes they just all right next auction beholders going up next big Beholder baby all right I'm the companion King let's go baby yeah beher King yeah the beholder I think I might have screwed myself Beholder boss we we'll say this is two this was initially two beholders we'll just give you two uh next up is the Slime yes come on if anybody give me the Slime please please no come on baby come on baby stop stop no no no no let's go oh God who gets the demon the other demon the demon then can we just change the board give me another demon yes yes yes I got they had to come as a pair they were they were together they were friends that's true this is awesome uh okay failboat you're up I'm going to move two to the left so I guess one up uh and what will be your rule change as I'm dragging these over sure uh you can expend one party member to make them into a uh board space wherever you like Okay small it you're up I am going to move to Captain kids space oh no my coins are doubled on the way too oh no this is bad this is bad 18,42 I think small a wins this one I have seven and he has five yeah true uh so I'm going to I'm going to change the rules here uh we'll just say that the loser sacrifices a party member uhoh oh no I've lost I've lost my Nick you killed Nick I'm sorry Nick I guess I change a rule now you can sacrifice party members to delete a square I am going to warp to my home Square now I am going to sack a goblin delete the circle above captain kid I I'm stuck I'm going to sack another Goblin to oh God we we brought the magic the Gathering player into this game it's over sacking goblins uh to delete one that's pointing the red line is pointing to oh my God I'm going to sack a Beholder to uh Delete the the red one below failboat oh no he's ramped I can't believe he got ramped think we're I think we're in trouble here sack a Beholder to just destroy the one that failboat is currently on what my home and yeah I guess that's my turn huh Captain kid it is your turn Al did that countdown just jump from 20 to 15 I'm I'm bad at counting my bad so what are my options here am I able to move along an arrow that doesn't point to the way that I'm going I'm going to sacrifice my Goblin add a space in between me and my home that connects me to my to my home they all connect together I'm going to sacrifice my demon to destroy that space okay failboat your turn I'm going to move two to the left which brings me one tile down technically wasn't there a point where you turned all of your beholders into Nicks does that rule happen immediately we we'll just say it does Okay cool so seven Nicks gotcha you know what I think we need more companions in this world uh could you make it so every arrow becomes a companion okay can you make uh the companion um vaporeons yeah yeah every one of these becomes a Vaporeon with a dress okay they're just in the void yeah yes correct all right we got some wheel spins to do after this turn let's my God forgot about that that's awesome oh who's going to get the most vapor is just gone it all it all ends in nothingness we're going to have so many vaporo we can just get rid of the entire board and just throw hands that's true we can all instant these just destroy the whole border right now we're just in the void I can still throw hands in the void me and my me and my 20 vaporeons after I win these yeah cuz we can still we can still create pieces we create boards we can build our own board we'll build our own we'll start from I'm going to auction off the vaporeons in pairs of two okay so this will be four times all right come on come on baby let's go come no yes yeah yeah it's over oh let go this is awesome all right come on I need my vaporeons oh no no no no no no oh no we're so end this might be the end for me I love this game that is a that is an army right there he has 11 things right now and oh no I'm getting I'm going to I'm going to strike out this is getting very very bad for me come on one time one time me me please please yes no no no oh I I'm getting so outplayed right now okay the vaporeons have been evenly distributed small ant you're up I am going to sacrifice three vaporeons he's going to summon an Egyptian god I am going to delete the two home squares then add a home Square the one that's below me or sorry add a square sorry I meant wait add a square yeah yeah Square please excellent that is the perfect shape I just want to clarify does that down move you right uh yeah I think technically that uh wait where are you moving I am going to move down and then left okay awesome after you move down I'm going to sack a VAP to uh remove the tile above you my rule is going to be that you can only have one of each companion you have to move twice too yeah well I'll I'll move to this the square then actually I'm going to sack a Vaporeon to delete that according to you can now only have one of each companion well we are using sort of Magic the Gathering rules right now so this is having like do things that instant you can sacrifice them now I'm going to sack six TC Nicks I'm going to make a just like a hexagon of uh circles to my left every everything in that tile space can move to any one of the other six tiles and then I'm going to sack uh one additional Vaporeon give me a second we Chef we're just going to say they're all interconnected and if I forgot one we'll just say it's there I'm also going to sack uh one VAP H let's get rid of the tile between me and Captain kid Captain kid you're up I attempt to move also uh I forgot this last time but the demon technically lets you change two rules well you can eat a rule right yeah you can eat the board with the demon too can I eat the big thing that F just made that you spent the last 5 minutes on that's one one tile you can remove one space eat the board eat the board no I Network the rule is no hexagons sorry yeah we'll make that a rule I would like to change a rule to where you have to pay your employees okay so otherwi they leave you yeah any of your companions you have to be able to pay them or they yeah they take a uh yeah fair fair fair pay yeah yeah and then you you decide what Fair pay is Noah how much is a fair wage to you this this says a lot about you Noah I just texted uh verus how much is a fair wage to you we'll see uh we'll wait there on verus but we we'll say standard we'll say it's 100 uh we'll say it's 500 for each okay the demon and the Slime but we'll get back and see what we have forus okay failboat you're up you know I'm just going to I'm just going to make it easy for us uh okay new rule in combat all relevant Pokemon now have their given type matchups smelling it you're up yeah okay I am going to sacrifice everyone I have to I'm going to add a square between failboat and Captain kid I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I had they're begging for their life I can't pay you you must must be sacrificed I can't okay what are you going to add a square between Captain kid and failboat and then I'm I'm just going to add two connected to uh me in like a similar pattern but up top careful we're getting close to creating a hexagon yep which would be and that is a band item that is a band shape okay it's going to be my turn I had something I was going to add but I don't remember what it was so I'll just forget about it oh shoot it's the last turn turn uhoh Captain kid you're up wait I get to make a rule right oh yeah you get to my bad uh oh wait verus has just gotten back to me of what a fair wag is verus requires $50 what's the conversion rate here should I ask verus what the conversion rate is between gold and money yes yeah uh small Ant back to you I'm going to change a rule you cannot sacrifice party members so verus got back to me his conversion rate for $50 into gold is $25 okay um that makes sense to me okay yeah you that's I mean that's you you're the you're the board Master okay I'm just going to put this here I guess I don't think it's going to come up but okay so now you're in debt I don't think that's going to come up but it's there okay it's very important to keep track of I will move uh two spaces to fight failboat destroy him with my three companions actually you know what okay here here's how about this this this is the person that goes first Oh Captain K goes first Captain okay okay okay all right who you going to attack Captain kid um let's use let's use verus to attack TC Nick we we've already seen how this one plays out so we know that verus actually wins the okay yeah so verus will kill Nick because that is in the lore accurate okay oh no he's dead um can I use the revive uh sure yeah so I mean I just I just do it again verus do it again he's out of revives TC Nick no okay what I'm going to do I'm going to sack TC Nick Oh I thought we can't willingly sacrifice uh companions anymore no no no but Vaporeon Vaporeon destroy his demon directly yep super effective does that let me attack twice okay we'll just say captain kid wins then I think he wins anyways yeah I think he's going to win this this has been all right yeah all right triple triple beam attack from all my guys we didn't even get to use the effect Sprites I feel like I need to use one big spell to end it Us big blast yeah one big blast one big boom no no let us see it let us end it off yes yes ah and I did it okay I knew now it's time to remember what exactly happens I think failboat now I I I and I give him all my money oh my God I have 1 18,000 18,5 two oh god what have I I'm also in debt so does that make me that's money that's that's that's I'm suffering from success and now you're going to have to sacrifice one of your guys unfortunately no or it could be yourself no wait you're right no please no put yourself on the chopping block okay it would feel oh God no no no oh no even worse youc Nick to the end though I feel like that's the way it was meant to be yeah the duo okay now now the demon is hungry after that battle so he eats all the remaining spaces that nobody's on swall what happened all of your friends are gone I don't know I'm So Alone can I can I make a rule to where we're all friends now and we all get to exist on the same space VTO no friendship no friendship has been beat up so they all disappear failboat you're going to start your turn on the same space as uh oh my goodness I just count I just played myself so hard so now the gold is going to be given back over oh no I thought I had won uh you beat braen that means he has to sacrifice one of his people uhoh oh my God you're right well it's been real here we go it's been real who's it going to be could be anybody oh I am going to end my turn and with my rule I am going to create one line that warps back around from the left of my side to the right of small an's side okay yeah smallant is your turn all right um I also don't have enough to pay TC Nick I move to fa V square and by doing so you have to sacrifice someone what no it says a companion it doesn't say you moving right instead kills one of your party members including yourself including yourself including yourself it just says companion the rules check the rules count compion we Illustrated this earlier check the rules Come on come on come on yeah that's unfortunate no yeah okay well um so that's going to be the end of this uh I'll tell you the the plot twist of the last turn was going to be technically speaking uh the player that was actually in last place but was in first place was going to win but everybody else is dead so failboat you win anyways YouTube has spent millions of dollars making a really good algorithm for recommending videos it thinks you should watch this one click it with your left pinky
Channel: Magic The Noah
Views: 2,687,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QpsNJCFkFys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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