(ALL POV) SYKKUNO being TOXIC in TRICKY TOWERS and it was hilarious ft Corpse ,Kkatamina & Natsumiii

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all right all right short break short break all right i came back from my pee were you guys all we're holding it in or what uh well yeah absolutely unbelievable unbelievable all right short pee break we'll be right back starting why does it say starting guys wait anybody it okay you know oh i'm still here so yeah i guess i'll i guess i'll play yeah sure yeah i guess these guys [Music] oh my god [Music] what if i still lose they only okay i can't i'm laughing too hard oh god i'm messing up oh god it was way too funny wait guys who started it it started on its own no one pressed ready it just started on its own oh it's too funny i was like laughing here i was like i hello it started i mean i guess i'll keep playing well well look who started the game to get an early lead on our agreed-upon pete he breaks he went to pee i don't know i didn't do anything wait so wendy's saying it was me young didn't do anything you didn't start the game watch me and corpse get absolutely wrong play it in the fun that's true wendy's telling the truth it sounds like it was me check the boy check the vlog check the vod i don't need the bot i have ch chat tell me who it was no i'm just kidding yeah tell him tell him oh god oh good no no no no too busy laughing i couldn't play oh god oh god my tower's to fall any second now oh oh any second now oh god oh god it's going to fall bro it's all going to fall oh god why did i do this oh my god you're five you're five you're five oh it's my victory yeah they did the same thing to me corpse i had one vlog wait how did he get third place he was afk actually why didn't we tie we were both afk he probably lost guys it's rigged against me the game is raised well good you're the most bloody one here what do you mean i'm sweaty you started my what is it i know it's probably auto start it happens all the time okay oh no i did it on purpose wait she didn't start it's all the time guys i need this to stay oh stay please game please wait she is sweating she wasn't joking she actually cutting i'm not i'm not kind of messed up they cut what kind of mess wow okay no yeah all right okay yeah all right okay oh this is bad um okay all right let's slap that one there this goes down here oh god will this stay there's no way that stays it stays it stays this won't stay either no it'll stay trust me i have to do this i have no choice no you don't have to oh okay wow here's a plane right here [Music] it sounded really painful it's because it was painful to try and do that maneuver i don't know i'll be honest i actually learned that from mr lang you can thank him for it of course what happened this will stay surely right oh thank god i have nowhere to go oh it's over time for the biggest play of the century watch this all right why are you making that noise wendy wendy why are you making the noise i'm the one making the play oh no it just says she's making the noise for me yeah it is it is pretty scary [Music] nothing i just just want to know if your air conditioner still works just want to make sure your air conditioner works you're getting pretty hot lately you're just so tough to make sure you're feeling okay you know i just wendy i'm getting bullied though oh wait you are you're beating all of us she's wendy wendy look at her score you think she's getting bullied yeah what about the rest of us yeah wait yeah see wendy knows yeah god [Music] just need this one this one this one have no powers for other people um i think this one has no power there oh perfect now i can go super fast mode and never once have to worry about anything going wrong no are you serious i think this one's too easy if there's no offensive abilities losing track of two pieces away yeah we were really close close wait corpse you're eating something i think the only thing i've seen him eat was banana pudding oh yeah that's true that's true this is all true well i've seen meow need a lot okay wait why why why like what do you gain from that i was trying to think of a way to say like eat a lot of winds in this game i was trying to make it like she eats a lot of i was trying to think of a way to complement i couldn't think of it and then the game started i was focusing that there went all of my thoughts [Music] wait this is a race oh god it's gone bad it's gone oh oh god oh god all right wait what did that even do oh [Music] oh god there it goes there it goes here oh my god oh oh this is bad i'm actually in trouble here wait wait you're literally copying my lines now bad bad bad i'm the only person who says it three times for no reason what do you mean you know like you just repeat it for no reason you wait you've been repeating it for no reason well for oh my god this is my tower's so jiggly it's so jiggly oh god wendy no wendy stop quiet quiet oh my it's actually the diagonal it's actually diagonal oh my god [Applause] okay just just go higher just go higher at least get there [Music] oh no me young's she's still in first she got there he's in the lead right now of course what happened okay okay oh he's eating he's eating he's eating he's just eating that song all right guys i don't mean to alarm you but we do have the vines this round and do you know what that means right yeah you're gonna try hard oh this should be perfectly balanced oh my god it is incredible incredible um incredible there we go are you guys laughing so much it looks incredible it was just incredible how well it worked out i'm just proud of my building there we go there we go ah and with this i can do this now it's not gonna stay it's not gonna stay oh god i messed up [Music] [Music] goes down like that this will probably stay i don't see why not no i oh have more please please i need this oh thank god oh thank god finally finally oh god what's her luck up there guys you know once he finishes eating he'll be in the zone this is true well i didn't want to have to do this but what are you doing what are you doing letting go um you'll find out in about five minutes [Music] oh wait that's like pretty long maybe less than five minutes five minutes oh god i didn't know you could split more what what are you talking about no it's possible i'm not i'm literally not you oh god oh oh jesus i barely survived that one no i can't tell huh um don't do what i think it is oh this is no way another one oh i'm actually doing it i made that work so well that i'm even shocked oh god oh god it's going to work the way i think it will oh dude okay okay all right oh oh god oh god somebody oh i can't believe it god thank god i won i can't believe it oh jesus jesus those giant blocks saved me i can't believe how lucky i got there i i was about to be done oh my god no the hardest one for last right i've been training i've been training for yeah you have remember we all know remember the youtube tutorial the youtube tutorial oh no oh see the play slap that one in there goes over this way oh [Music] it's kind of kind of sort of working oh it's all gone wrong okay okay yeah this has gone to pika monkey is that even what okay i mean okay it's working oh no what do i do oh god oh god this is bad okay oh no i can't do this i'm crazed this is the worst idea oh oh no oh god it's all dude no think of your friends what do you mean all your friends down here wait wait where are you guys holy jesus oh no oh who's done this who's done this oh wait it's healthy no oh no all right good luck with this one neon anywhere it's not happening this isn't working it's not working not if it's working [Music] she's gonna win oh god i believe i can't believe this happens oh my god me and meong are tired which is better wait this is the one the 50-piecer we just i just got a copy who knows this is the one huge huge place bang right in there this one wait a minute wait i don't know where i can put huh wait this is this isn't the one i wait a minute something's wrong no where do i put this oh no i did it wrong oh god wait a minute guys i think i did it wrong you know sometimes it is what it is i did it wrong i actually did it wrong um wait no i did it right i did it right no i did it wrong yeah yeah did i do it right or did i do it wrong you can't tell i don't know anymore he's distracting us he's distracting us he's trying to distract us seems so wrong i have to put something here will this stay it's probably gonna fall oh god i think you won unless you throw it somehow i might throw it i might throw it it's gonna make me fall oh it all went bad it just it went bad i'm gonna make me fall fall fall oh i'm still in point okay miang definitely wins because we were tied and unless i mean i got last place so unless oh no i got a solid four i can't complain like you got one free round because we were in the bathroom we were literally in the bathroom close one close the one i almost lost that too wendy was afk and she was beating me i actually almost lost that still somehow she she beat yeah she beat us yeah listen listen listen yes one this is the one this is one give me one sec huh not this again i don't like this one i don't like it my brain is too small for this one i don't know how to fit pieces in are you serious too much yeah i just have to copy reaction time man [Music] all right all right i'm ready for this one this one goes in here like this [Music] this one goes in like this [Music] i don't know i this is gonna work oh my god corpse finished eating and now he's gone crazy right here right here that's the one right there this one slaps in here perfect [Music] like that [Music] another one like this because i'm insane oh god you can't keep getting away with that i don't work another one like this uh uh this is gonna be possibly the biggest throw of the life but i'm greeting it i'm greeting it nothing's going to stop me from greeting this it has to work and you know it all grief too okay okay okay okay uh this one all right all right all right oh god okay this one goes in like this [Music] i'm so sad i'm so sad i can't just end it like who don't descend it all right all right what it's staying and stay this one goes like this it goes like this i see it stop i say my vision's going blurry okay okay okay okay one more like this one more like this bathe it daily stop we get it we get it oh my god oh man my vision it's turning blurry it's blurry 31. [Music] let's go 31 guys new record oh my god man my vision's blurry it's blurry it's blurry guys that was good that was good oh man that was insane i think i could have gotten a few more but i didn't want to squeeze to get it we get it what do you think we get it we really do what are you gonna get it what do you what do you get me what are you someone slipped that much in my life me i'm gonna have something to ask you well how's your coffee this morning why was it blue is what i wanted what was this blue what do you mean why was it blue it was special it was expensive and special why was it blue i don't know it's blueberry it's special it was special wait you're trying to poison me you ordered me two coffees okay but these things both have extra shots yeah you ordered me like six shots of wait something huh just happened what's just that and damn wendy guys what you guys are talking about how did i how did i lose so fast really you really just i lost so fast you're really distracting you're you're really i got to focus this round i have no i have no choice but to focus on hurry ask him about the weather it's like hello how's the weather in vegas how is it um i'll tell you right after i win yeah how's the weather right now like is it hot right now let's see 100 forecast of winning i think it's going to be really awkward when i lose this one so i really have to win this because if i lose after saying that it's just going to be it's just gonna be really really awkward so i i really have to win this one now because yeah how am i gonna say that and then lose yeah how would you play and then yeah yeah there's no way really awkward if i lose this one oh wait the special technique vines on to the fort fortification oh i forgot to push the please wendy oh i forgot i i oh me i'm wrong yeah you ate what oh no this is bad this is bad this is i got distracted again i was distracted this is it you're distracted all right i hope you guys are ready to see it oh not this you're about to see a literal miracle happen i believe that actually i i'm not even afraid of people copying me that's why i'm going to oh this is bad this is bad why are you laughing just not that down i don't know where to put it uh okay red goes in there i think i can slap this one in here i don't want to be next to corpse he's distracting me this goes in here thank you of course this no look guys i i just pretend to be toxic for the memes but that was just savage he really said he was distracting you because he was dropping so many pieces [Music] no please i disappeared are you glad are you no i'm not i'm not not even a little bit god oh god oh god how sorry are you no you gotta throw this around you gotta throw this around if you actually okay well then you should throw this round too what do you think i've been doing this whole game i've been losing everything yeah i've been losing everything i'm literally losing everything you want me to travel this whole time oh no no okay drop both of them oh ah all right drop this ah perfect exactly what i needed to catch some unsuspecting victim off guard huh oh [Music] ah big chungus even bigger chungus how about this what's up with you guys what do you think of the even bigger chungus actually you did completely fine it didn't even bother you i wait why didn't that even bother you like i actually kind of got rid of it but i didn't mean to get rid of you got rid of it that's illegal [Music] slow down slow down wendy the tournament's not till tomorrow we're just playing with friends right now we're just playing with friends wendy the tournament is not till tomorrow does anybody win anybody with anybody anybody anybody wins i tell her uh what can i call this the drop it down oh god uh hotel holiday inn and then just kidding i thought that would make core glass [Music] i got first ones [Music] oh god oh god all right first place here i come it's [Music] [Music] i'm having a great time oh yeah me too oh oh my god it's all diagonal oh god what do i do there's no way well um i can't come back you ever see that meme where the dude says perish and then the other guy perishes oh you're really this is messed up what oh no oh no okay like this i see it rigged do i see it no i don't [Music] all right let's see you survive with the fog oh oh my god oh no no no i'm gonna live i just gotta live oh oh my god oh my god i survived holy jesus that was it should have been over i holy jesus the leaning tower of pizza hey corpse you ever hear someone call pizza pizza before huh no no no not once ever oh how do you do that asking for no reason i just heard someone call it that before and i was so confused yeah all right yeah go down this is not looking too good this is the win this is the big win right here [Music] right there this goes in on the side please don't flip over please please oh thank god i needed this i i really needed this one oh god please don't flip over please anything but flip over flip well i guess there's only two options it's either flip over don't flip over but you know what i mean [Music] what we have to do this don't we i messed up there we go wait a minute where can i even put this thing i have to put it like that [Music] oh i didn't fortify the oh this'll do it maybe [Music] okay now where can i even i'll have to do this how does yours always go that far hey what am i looking at like that there we go another one slaps in there oh my god what the heck how is that possible oh jesus man jesus just just stopped this one just squeezes in you already wait i wanted to see that no i didn't want to see it no that wasn't going to work that one probably wouldn't have worked i think would it come on at least 20 at least 20. 21. hey guys i got more than everyone else added up together mathematics fact of the day yeah yep haha fun mathematics of the day you really got us yeah yeah me too me too you too me too yep oh my god what the heck has happened [Music] no way no way no the wind oh my god [Music] oh god oh god no oh no not the whole thing not the whole thing no it's going to move oh god that's tragedy oh wait it happened to everyone else i feel better now what the hell yeah okay i mean i'll like feel better that you guys messed up too i feel better that like we're all in it this together like you know like the the high school musical songs together oh yeah okay all in this together third place yeah third place oh that was close i hate this one wait survival special this one's so special no no it's special mode it's super hard have i actually won all these i feel like i haven't but i don't pay enough attention to no oh god no it's a [Music] oh no l from death note yes you know i should probably tell you i've never actually watched all of death note that's not like something good and i kind of know what happens most of the time didn't actually watch the whole thing know once uh oh it's wiggling it's wiggling there we go i think you would like it it's kind of like a manga huh yeah i liked it until like i don't want to spoil it you know but like there's a certain character that oh i agree and then like and then i was like well oh really huh but yeah after that i was just like oh my boy what have they done to my boy you know and then that was it huh you're joking and you're joking who's done this who's done this to me oh god oh jesus jesus oh wait why even use that i'll just do this oh yeah i'll just do this please how are there so many of these are you actually is this real life is this holy jesus oh my god was this real life too many too many chunguses oh wait i won oh i just won yeah yeah yeah we did it guys i feel like i'm getting a lot of good practice in the puzzle mode i've improved on a lot this game hurts so guys what other games are you feeling like playing any four player if you guys are free i hm oh there's this really cool game called pigeons attack you mean the one where the servers are closed because the game's pretty much shut no i haven't played with corpse yet come on last time we tried playing it the servers were closed because nobody plays the game anymore i mean i didn't close the servers i can't because down said you said we want to play the game i'm telling you why we pretty much kind of can't play the game we tried last time right yeah well maybe it will wake up back up oh yes back up it's it's back up wow wow wow i can't believe it look look i i was willing to play but it's not my fault the servers are closed what what do you want me to do about it i i did i no i said hopium that's different did you really i said yeah i said hopi i'm not copious it's just a huge misunderstanding [Music] life
Channel: Reo Yan
Views: 248,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PODCAST, sykkuno, valkyrae, toast, pewds, pewdiepie, corpse, jacksepticeye, close the door, among us, imposter, crewmate, ej gaming, jess no limit, indonesia, USA, mobile legend, league of legend, arena of valor, king glory, epic seven, dota, dota 2, james charles, minecraft, moment, funny, clips, pokimane, otv, offline.tv, fuslie, quarter jade, animal crossing, the forest, intro, backsound, green screen, valorant, OnlyFans, Patreon, ender dragon, UNO, sea of thieves, HAchubby, phasmophobia, 39daph, gta v
Id: M912x26_zBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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