i made fish n chips using celery root

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well top of the morning to you that's all I'm doing for British accents today that's all I got so you get thankfully I'm gonna stop maybe I won't we're making something nice and British today we are making something that I've wanted to try my entire life and never once I've tried we're going to try to make some fish and chips today oh I didn't see you there we're gonna make fish and chips today because I was browsing through YouTube and wouldn't you know it they're wonderful sometimes random and seemingly relentless recommended algorithm just popped up this video for me and the video was called making fish and chips with celery root I'll give you a second to that digesta because yeah celery root I watched the video super interesting I think I was probably amongst the majority who watched that video in watching it you're thinking there's no way this is gonna actually taste like fish and chips sure enough a bunch of the chef's friends try it and they're all blown away at how much it tastes like fish from fish and chips so I'm thinking okay this is right up my alley because this is just complete food fraud if I've ever seen it and I am all about that okay so we are going to recreate fish and chips with no fish yes with chips and we are going to use something really crazy it's called celery AK or celery root or technically I don't know if it's the same thing but what I know is that this is the same thing as celery it's just made or grown for different reasons or uses so on the top you can really kind of tell it looks just like the ends of celery just smaller and then this I don't know what the [ __ ] that looks like because I've never seen anything like it but it's dirty I got it at Whole Foods I was looking around I was glad I could actually find it so we're gonna turn that into a nice beautiful British spread a fish-and-chips before me I have a bunch of different liquids all going to serve a purpose in the marinade that is going to turn a celery root into fake fish we're gonna just go for this okay sometimes you got to go for this here's a couple things to keep in mind okay number one you're gonna need some time for this one you're gonna need about two days or like eight hours but I'm just putting this up into filming it in two days so I can maintain some level of sanity not that I already have some now but just pretending I do another thing that you want to keep in mind this recipe requires beer so it would go baby let's get the party started where's everyone going why are you leaving if beer is not your thing I suppose you could use club soda because I think the main reason why you're having the beer aside from the the lager flavor that we're going for in the beer batter is the bubbles it adds to the light and fluffiness of the crisp on the fry when you cook the fish in oil so get your beer ready get your celery root ready what even is this I don't know but we're gonna try to turn into something delicious I was laughed at in the produce section for grabbing that I don't know some people just like to judge what I buy that's fine anyway we're here now so let us do it to them all together we're making fish and chips baby the video I watched which by the way this all came from one video and I'm gonna link it below it's really good video super creative and fun and I this is like exactly the type of recipe that I like to take on because while sometimes you slip on a proverbial banana peel into a failed pulled pork recipe other times you're able to create something wonderful and almost magical with an ingredient that you never would have thought of so I'm hoping that this is the latter and all we can do is like we know how to do really well on this channel let's try our best so we have the celery root this is the first step we're gonna do is before we touch this we're gonna preheat the oven to 400 so do that or you know just light a fire somewhere till it gets to be 400 degrees and I'm gonna do two of these why you might be asking I don't know I'm just you know I'm just excited about the recipe so I'm going to woah it's kind of like a inside of a coconut a little bit I'm just gonna slap like slice off this skin as as thinly as I can because we want to keep most of the meat intact and once we are done slicing the skin off of this we're going to give it a nice little wash because it is dirty and so basically the method that we're gonna be trying for this and turning this rather hard fruit vegetable into a delicious savory meat substitute is by cooking it with a little bit of seasoning and olive oil to where it gets soft and then once it is soft we are going to marinate it for a long time like six to overnight hours not doing the greatest job of cutting thin pieces off but are doing a job [Music] right we have our two naked Liars of food right here and we are going to just go clear off this cutting table of dirt now we're going to cut these into the shape of our fish fillets or our circles of fish for the fish and chips so I'm thinking we'll start at the top that one's not going to work so we're gonna do I think between two and three inch rounds that looks like two inches this should work the next one will be a little bigger because it's closer towards the center it's got some jagged edges but seems to be working okay so that's what about like five usable pieces we'll cut into the next one there's one there's two so this is what we're looking for here this is just bizarre they're like super hard they're dense that they're not you know I'm sure they have no flavor should I taste one just because I'm here really hope it doesn't end up tasting like that that is bad so we are going to put our fish fillets in here and okay so actually put that off to the side for a sec we're gonna take our stash of nori if you're a sushi fan like myself you have some in the house if you if you're not you're gonna need to go buy some this is the good stuff this is what you make sushi with it is seaweed aka nori so we're gonna take maybe like a square like two squares and we are going to dice up nice and fine because this is going to give us a seafood flavoring that we are looking for I'm literally gonna use this to problem camera there we go look at that who needs the tripod all right so we're gonna take the nori and [Music] this is also a recipe that I'm pretty confident Jenna will not be liking she might have some of the chips part of this recipe but I don't think she'll want to have any of the fish because the taste of seafood to her or the smell of it it just kind of repulses her so I'm just gonna have to trust in my own judgement that this dish is how I perceive it and hopefully that will be good anyway so we have this kind of like mess of nori here chopped up we're going to use that we're actually going to need a little bit more later you know I'm wondering if I should open a new batch of it because I wonder if they like the crispness of the nori kind of has faded in my batch so let's open this new I got a safety supply of it okay this one seems definitely you can even hear it in the sound [Music] yeah the new stuff is pretty damn good anyway so to get this ready we're gonna get some olive oil in the bowl here get them nice and oiled up ready for the seasoning in addition to the olive oil we're gonna take some sea salt and now we're also gonna add the nori make a big mess while you're doing it now we're gonna get our hands dirty and just really try to coat these pieces and everything yeah we just want to even even coat here so every little piece has some oil on it some salt on it a little bit of nori and this is just for the preliminary cook to soften these bad boys up they look pretty evenly coated to me I'm going to grab our pan and start laying these out yeah I definitely want to look crazy with the nori but you know sushi fans know there we go we have room for about one more and there we go I'm gonna go wash my hands BRB anyway don't spoil your lemon juice like I almost instead we're gonna take this sheet of cut-up celery root nice and seasoned in oil then we're gonna put it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes so let us do that I just realized I might have offended our beloved and my favorite jacksepticeye as well as all the other Irish women and men out there for saying top of the morning to you as an English saying that's Irish isn't it what's an English saying that I could say and butcher really bad and embarrass myself too here we go are you ready here we I'm gonna try I'm gonna take it again I'm real chuffed to be making this recipe in it I'm just gonna disappear we're done with the first part here now we need to make them marinate ok the marinade is what's gonna make this taste like fish so for said marinade we are going to take and also I don't have exact measurements so you're gonna just have to eyeball like how much I'm using cuz I don't even know if this is right but a good bunch of vegetable or canola oil some extra virgin olive oil some rice wine vinegar again as a sushi fan I always keep some in the house this is probably the weirdest ingredient I've ever used now and I've used way weirder what am I saying this is an odd ingredient that you might have it is caper brine so it is the juice or the liquid in a jar of capers I'm gonna use a decent amount of that we have I don't know about 1/3 a cup of lemon juice in addition we have some of this really beautiful Pinterest looking lemon zest and of course we have some sugar so we have all of the ingredients now in the bowl this is what we're gonna marinate in so before we get a little crazy I'm just gonna whisk this together this is likely going to separate when I'm done whisking it because there's oil and lemon juice that will separate I think Oh also you want to add the remaining shredded nori this so I'm just gonna put that in here these will obviously soften up and just sort of add again to the seafood type flavor we're going for that is that now we need to move on to the chips which you're wondering I know you're wondering because I I'm in your head I thought we were doing the rest of this recipe tomorrow why would you get the chips ready today well I'm here to answer that question okay and the answer is I would rather do it tomorrow too but there's two steps to the chips process here I looked up a proper way to make you know English style chips as we call them fries but where I'm trying to stay as on brand as I can here with this with this meal so we're gonna take our potatoes and we are going to cut slice wash and boil them today until they're very soft and then we're gonna put them in the fridge overnight while we let this marinate so we're having two things kind of get ready while we you know go to our beds and sleep do whatever else we do hopefully what that will yield and what I'm what I've been told by the video I watch is that it will make the fries or the chips just that much more crispy and crunchy and golden and wonderful which is what we're going for so we need to prepare our potatoes so let us use our pasta arm sorry I've always wanted to do that and we're gonna add some salts to this water be very generous with the salt and we're gonna stop boiling this let that go and now get out of here we have some chips to make as with every recipe that's not from literally where I'm from I'm prepared to offend someone some way but I'm gonna do my best to not do that I don't know if you like your chips with the skin on but I'm gonna take most of the skin off I'm not gonna be super crazy about hitting every spot because from what I've read and seen some places and some people like to have their chips with the skin on so I'm gonna sort of meet you in the middle here leave a little bit on this just looks like I'm doing a really shitty job which I guess is pretty accurate so I watched a Gordon Ramsay video as most of us do and have and he uses much smaller potatoes I think they're red potatoes but I couldn't find any the size I wanted at the store so but the method he uses is he cuts it in half and then he cuts that same piece in half twice one more time so he has it and then he quarters the I think so we go what is that the hell okay these these don't have a weird secret in the middle like this one does like what is that what are you hiding from me hello it's like one of those old phones hello I'm an idiot sandwich we're gonna watch them I was gonna say they've touched my ears but I'm just gonna try to cut around this imperfection I don't even know what to call it like what is that I've never seen that I'm gonna cut around it and I'm gonna throw out the middle piece cuz I don't have time for that I'm again gonna have the halves and we want to make these as even as possible because we want them to cook evenly I'm gonna cut these in half at an angle so it's sort of like that so I'm just going to use hopefully that kind of maintains the shape we're looking for I want to throw out some of the pieces that are small and that I don't like completely just choosing and picking what I like here cut the half in half and cut that half once more that sounded like a dr. Seuss Ron I mean these are thick boys like is this too big for a fry or a chip I feel like it is that seems better that seems like a more appropriate size that is what she said when she was making chips in the kitchen during her fish and chips episode of cooking making like fraud fries which I guess makes sense because I'm making a fraud meal here all right well we kind of have a different array of sizes hopefully they're close enough though in size that they'll cook at a relatively similar rate we're gonna take a strainer here and pop them all in here because rule number one when you're making potatoes and you want them to be good and crispy you have to clean off all the starch so we're gonna go rinse this under some tap water for like a minute and a half two minutes and then we're gonna toss it in the hot boiling water and get moving I see boy the guy who forgot to set the timer for the oven so let's check on these celery roots they still seem a bit firm and dense on the middle of some of them I'm gonna let him go for like five more minutes see we're fine who needs a timer okay so we have maybe a little bit more time left with the potatoes and again I want to emphasize the recipe I'm following to make these you want them to almost be falling apart so this one's still firm enough to hold its position like they're definitely getting softer but once you start to panic and they look like they're actually falling apart that's when we want to take them out and chuck them in the fridge never try this method it might work it might not but just reiterating that detail I think is important so a little bit more time on that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're working on the Fras I'm taking out the smaller pieces early because the bigger pieces haven't started to crumble yet but I believe it is time takeout celery root she crispy oh yeah these seem like the perfect consistency I've stabbed a few holes in them to check how well they're done but at the same time I'm also trying to give little pockets for the marinade to seep in so I'm gonna let those cool for a sec then we're gonna put them in the marinade bag them up and chuck them in the fridge to sleep a good night's sleep and we'll pick them up in the morning as for the fries these you know I'm getting a little nervous because I don't want these all to fall apart so I'm they're not fully crumbling but like the edges are kind of getting destroyed and some of them are breaking in half so I think I'm doing it right I just don't want to push it too far so I'm gonna take the rest of these out put them on the rack to dry and then these will go in the fridge as well this is a cool method I'm actually excited to see how these chips come out because I do love making homemade french fries or chips even when I'm not making recipes it's just something I like to do because they always come out better than most of the time they come out better than the store I'm going to slide gently these um potato wedges onto our parchment paper sort of spread them out a little bit but again be gentle you don't want them to break promptly chuck them in the fridge see you guys in the morning okay now that that is done we are going to just whisk together this marinade can pop these pieces in here [Music] so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do our very best at trying to pour the contents of this bowl into a plastic bag to marinate here we go oh god oh god oh god oh god it didn't completely destroy itself yay and we're gonna put it in a bowl the bag inside the bowl rather just in case of any sort of leaks or anything like that and just try to make sure all the pieces are somewhat submerged I will tell you that the smell I'm getting from these being soaked in the marinade is definitely like a fishy smell in a good way it tastes very nice so this is it this is the marinate we're gonna leave this in there for 6 hours to overnight depending on how much time you have or want to dedicate to this recipe so I'll see you guys in the morning for some fish and chips get excited about laughs okay that's a new day happy welcome hoppy welcome to the new day this is the time when we get to finish this recipe okay I was up all night thinking to myself well this recipe be worth it is it gonna taste like fish what am I doing with my life no I'm just kidding I fell asleep watching two married at first sight I wasn't up all night anyway we have our filets of soon to be fried fish and battered marinating and I flipped it about halfway through like late last night I flipped it so I had a chance to really kind of get the marinade everywhere I don't know I think we just try this so we're gonna set this aside and we need to get some oil in our pot for frying so we're going to pour some oil in here I'm definitely gonna need more always got to have an extra thing of oil always - you never know what you're gonna have an emergency frying requirement situation happen or you're gonna need oil so so the idea here is I'm going to batter and fry our fish first and once that's done we'll fry our chips or our french fries in the same oil hopefully to give a little bit of that flavor to the chips this looks good I'm gonna turn the heat on also I hope that this machine isn't giving feedback to my mic because I think every time I turn it on I see comments that that is causing problems so I hope it's not I'm gonna try to stand a little bit away from it we're gonna try to get this to about like 400 degrees I think anyway over here I have cornstarch and a flour mixture with baking soda and salt added and this is what we're going to be using to make our fish and chips so basically we're going to take our little circles of celery coat it in some cornstarch and then turn this into a batter with beer are you ready for that let's do that so you're gonna want bloggers for this recipe so I have myself one right here so I'm gonna pour a little bit of beer in here actually first we got it oh that's good it'll pour a little bit at a time and the goal is to kind of just turn this into a nice bubbly beer batter for our fish I could be using a bigger whisk but I for some reason enjoy smaller whisks don't tell me what to do okay finally use the bigger risk jeez still is actually a little bit thick you might need to crack another lager for this yeah it's it's definitely a little thick still so let's grab another again I'm not complaining that I have to pop open some beer for a food recipe just so you can kind of see what the mixture is looking like Oh got a little in the cornstarch everything is fine maybe just a touch more yeah it's looking like pretty good consistency here yeah it's almost like a pancake batter yeah I think our batter is done here pours more beer still not even 200 Fahrenheit we wanted to get pushing I think like over three is what we want no no what I said before but I'm pretty sure over three hundred degrees is ideal I'm going to take our first a little bit of celery and drop it in the cornstarch and because we're cultured and fancy individual oh god this is a bad idea I was gonna say because we're cultured and fancy we use chopsticks but I'm just gonna try to coat this a little bit get a nice even starchy coat on here I'm so nervous about this I don't know if it's gonna work I don't know what it's gonna taste like anyway we're gonna want to cook these around three to four minutes and try to be as even as possible with how you're crisping them up so you know maybe like flip them halfway through or or just kind of move it around this how hot are we how hot are we 235 remember if all this crashes and burns at least we tried our best but I actually have high hopes for this I do think you know I haven't tasted the actual celery today after it's been marinating but it definitely feels different it's like soft you can tell it's been like infused with the flavor of the marinade which is really nice because that marinade is exactly what we're looking for also don't forget in the fridge we have our chips that are cooling from yesterday so they're firm and they're ready to fry those are going to be real quick easy to fry those this is the always the worst part just waiting for the oil to heat to 40 to 50 I guess while we wait I mean that is good we also have some vinegar that we are gonna be serving our chips with because that is how you do it I'm gonna grab a fork all right we're doing it to him here we go taking number one and we are going to coat it in the batter give it a nice beer bath Oh a beer bath that sounds nice can I have a beer bath I'm gonna pierce it let it drip for a sec and in we go and on to the next one Oh God this one's breaking because I keep piercing it shouldn't use my fingers on this one all right now I just got to get my fryer on so I don't know let's do a two of or something [Music] [Music] [Music] we have arrived and our final product fish and chips I don't really know what to say it's a little bit crazy to see because it looks exactly like fish and chips as you can see I mean every picture I've seen of this dish looks very similar to this maybe the chips are a bit [ __ ] because I'm a bad chef but I'm gonna try a chip actually oh my god that is good nevermind I'm a great chef that was really good we have some vinegar put a little drop on this one because I don't want to get on the whole pile mmm wow that is really good that adds a whole new flavor to this dish now it's the moment of truth I already cut into a couple of the pieces of fishing as you can see it's super flaky but it's like juicy it's flaky it's actually a little bit bizarre how much this is behaving like a battered and fried piece of fish that's celery Wow that is wild you know what I'm like weirdly confident of that tastes very similar to fish but again I have never had this before made of celery or fish I've never had it but I like something about this marinade really nailed it like it has that tang to it but it also has like that meaty texture this is all point dude this tastes so good oops oh my god this is fish and chips I don't know what to say this is fish and chips how did celery root turn into fish and chips like how Wow like it has that like meat ish stringy flaky texture that like sort of jackfruit has sometimes well so it's super crispy I probably could have done a better job frying it here's another piece this is a little baby piece I can open this right here that's celery y'all how is that celery hmm it's like savory delicious tangy I don't know it's it's very bizarre how this worked like I wonder who figured this out I'm like were they walking by the celery root and thinking why is that even exist and then they try this I mean come here okay so here's the thing we've tried hiring you over and over not only have you embezzled food from the company but you now owe Jenna money so we'll give you another shot because you need to make some money so you can pay her back okay I need you to taste test this for me okay how is that is that ready to serve to a customer do you want some fish does that taste like fish are we gonna fool them I need some feedback here you're gonna work here hello hi well think about keeping her on board I honestly I I'm very very impressed by how this worked out and I love this recipe because it's super outside the box like we're not talking about tofu or seitan or other traditional meat substitutes like this is celery [ __ ] root what how when where why I think we should get our taste tester for the at least for the chips hi Bonnie hi come here lady hello lady in a blanket and then you probably don't want to try the fish yes it's made of celery root which is crazy and I just want to show you like the texture because if you can imagine it has like a similar bite a little bite yeah like that yeah I can do it you can try the chip stuff that means it tastes like fish if I can't do it yeah fish yeah give me a chip Jones right with a little vinegar sure that's how you do it so you approve of the chips at least right remember when we went to Ireland mm-hmm yeah that's how they do it out there those guys huh not really it remind me of Ireland well I think we nailed it then well yeah I did just eat a whole box we have no fish and only chips mm-hmm well this is no fish - it just tastes like fish because it has like potatoes um I froze them overnight I froze i refrigerator them overnight oh that was impressive this turned out to be like crazy impressive with like it looks like fish I was like right first it has a texture of like the flaky fish you've got beer in them mmm that's beer battered you know we have to do it John anyway like it looks like fish its tripping me out a little bit this reminds me of the the lobster mushroom when we made mushroom lobster for a lobster roll and like it resembled so much the real seafood that it's like tripping me up a little bit but I mean I don't know this is we did it we made this out of a plant how did we do that somebody's genius not me not my genius I don't have enough to make this happen but we copied it and we tried it so if you want to give it a shot I highly recommend this is a fun recipe if maybe for whatever reason you don't eat fish you want to try this give it a go Bunny's chasing Jenna around and she's covered in a blanket I don't know get some celery root go get laughed at at the grocery store do what I did it was fun okay shouts out to the folks that good fool for making that really cool video that like popped up on my feet and kind of inspired me to just try this that was a really cool video and yeah I mean I'll honestly love stuff like this so give it a shot go make yourself some NOK fish and chips I don't know just do it to them a little bit I'm gonna go snack on some chips now and go door to door and see if anyone wants this okay bye [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 2,199,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, jenna and julien, girlfriend, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, fish, chips, fish n chips, vegan fish, vegan fish n chips, celery root, celery root fish n chips, fish n chips julien
Id: VuqF-BmMLiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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