making super bowl appetizers

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Hey coming in hot today I'm gonna drink a wellness shot I feel great oh so much wellness I feel well speaking of which I hope you're feeling well well come to my video this week we're gonna do it to them really panicked and fast but also with good spirits and energy and maybe eat some chips along the way because today we're cooking food for your Super Bowl party or me alone watching the Super Bowl with no friends coming over whatever you do for the Super Bowl you know if it's just you or your dog or a whole group of people there's never too many snacks that you can have for this really really festive day in February it's the beginning of February let's celebrate alright we got past January only 11 more months then we're out of this damn year I'm not good with dates or planning in general which is why I thought the Super Bowl wasn't this weekend so this is happening sooner than I thought it was supposed to happen but who cares you know I mean the kitchen is not going anywhere I'm not just gonna stop doing it to him the oven stayed on since last week it's literally been on since you watch the last video that has not turned off disclaimer I'm lying that would be very unsafe anyway I thought it would be fun to make three Super Bowl appetizer foods and no meal no dessert just appetizers just things that you can snack on you know the calories aren't counting you can it's finger food you walk around the party with it pretending you know nod your head when people talk to you oh yeah great oh you're starting a new school very cool I don't care I'm eating a potato skin you didn't mean that kind of thing so we're gonna make potato skins which are some of my favorite like finger food bar food just vacation appetizer food and I figured it would be kind of perfect for the Super Bowl so we're gonna make some potato skins which is why the oven is on the potatoes are in there roasting we're gonna make a seven-layer dip my turn into an eight layer dip or nine layer dip depending on how crazy we get no planning no promises just gonna see how many layers we end up with and lastly we're gonna make some tater tots which is pretty much gonna consist of me putting the tater tots in the oven taking them out and putting some things on them that's gonna be the final the last thing we do because it's the least labor-intensive it's literally just us you know following directions on a label and maybe I think I'm gonna do two different seasonings on my tater tots so I'm gonna do two different types of tots seven-layer dip and potato skins it's gonna be a great day and I'm gonna watch some hopefully really good commercials in a decent football game while I eat all of this food and you can too depending on how quickly you can gather ingredients and watch this video but in the name of football let us cook we are going to start by getting our oven hot turning it on some sort of bake setting and throwing however many potatoes you're going to cook for the potato skins in the oven I think I'm doing five for six which should you'll double that of potato skins because you cut them in half each potato yields two skins and while that is going and softening up we basically need those to the same consistency as we did for the left side you want to be able to stick a knife all the way through the potato with minimal effort so that's gonna take like 40 minutes so we're gonna start by leaving that in there let it have some time to itself while that is cooking well you're going to get our refried beans they were fried and then they were refried thank you for going to my TED talk and we are going to take these put I think like maybe two cans not the bird just two of these double one into a bowl and season it with some spices that we have but we first need to pick our dish this is kind of like the ideal dish for seven layers so you can kind of see all seven layers of your dip and the first layer which is why we're starting on the bottom is our beans so let's crack these suckers open here's one two let us see how much this is oh there's a little liquid we can drain okay it's gonna look like cat food there's actually a significant amount of like bean juice in here sit down I'll do two cans I think two is the perfect amount literally looks like cat food and this ball is too small I've never picked a bowl that's too small for the task never on this show not once what do we do when our bowls too small we deal with it and we season anyway so this is a mix of cumin chili powder and garlic powder also if you say cumin I think that's a little bit weird we can still be friends I just not really sure about that choice so we're gonna try to get it's all nice and mixed together in our tiny little cat bowl how does this ball fill up so quickly did you see yeah that happened so fast so we're just trying to get this all mixed together while we're at it I think we're actually gonna grab our salt put a nice like healthy pinch it didn't call for salt but I think we should salt it because this is the last time we're gonna be able to touch these beans before they are on the end of our chip as we dip because this goes on the bottom of the dip meaning once we place this sucker you know that's it that's Curtis now we're gonna layer the bottom of our dip pan with our beans it's pretty simple you're just gonna want to spread it out to make it a nice like flat first this is the first floor of the apartment building you know I feel like I'm raking a sand trap after I hit my ball into the sand trap for the 10th time of the day well usually when I play golf I hit the sand trap like every time there is one and then I spend as much time as possible just raking it because at least I can be good at that we are now going to set our beans aside we are going to grab another Bowl you're gonna take about two avocados to do the trick this is where we're gonna make our guacamole I really enjoy guacamole and I'm more than eating it I enjoy making my own guacamole because it's a really simple recipe to follow to make it really damn good so you're gonna cut down the middle pop these open and we're not going to need a ton we're just going to need enough to coat one layer of our dip so let us scoop out the filling here of our although obviously of those viously kado this is actually a fun recipe to make you know for a lot of different occasions whether you're having like friends over or like you're watching a Super Bowl or I mean you know anytime you have guests making a guacamole from scratch I find is a good way to score points with people especially when you know what you're doing because I've never met someone that didn't like a really good guacamole they were like no this isn't this isn't for me no it's for everyone it's really good you just got to make it right so we have our cutting board out where actually we don't need these green onions till later so we need to wash those and set them aside those are for the potato skins we don't need those for guacamole we're gonna take a lemon a lemon and then one of our beautiful Mexican limes from my wonderful neighbor who grows them and we are going to squeeze all this out in here I'm gonna do a half of a full size lemon and then a half of the Mexican lime I'm a big fan of citrus and when it comes to guacamole I feel like not enough guacamole has lime and lemon in it I feel like people skimp on it all the time and I don't know why I do not know why well you're gonna take our white onion here cut it down the middle and we are going to do our actually let's take off this top layer oh this just got weird hold on it was like a film layer I'm gonna take off and we're gonna do a little micro chop slash dice here okay that's about enough we're gonna take our white onion drop it in here all right this is the quick and easy way to do it you're gonna just take a little bit of garlic powder you can also just dice up some garlic but I kind of find that this works a little bit the same generous amount of salt and let's smash these avos and start mixing up our guacamole drive salsa do I do I where's oh I do yes I have salsa okay I'm gonna add a little bit of salsa into our guac a nice little spoonful and we still have to kind of break up the chunks of avocado because we don't want whole pieces we want it to be nice and smooth and one thing you cannot forget is cracked black pepper you're gonna need this if you want good guac mix this all together hopefully I didn't do too much onions I can always add a little more guacamole because I have extras this is sort of what I like the guac to look like let's taste it you know what I'm making Super Bowl food well I need know we can eat it before it starts don't worry we're gonna take our homemade guac Jenna do you like my homemade car here that we're gonna put this as the second layer on and YUM both things well you're gonna have a lot to come taste test and maybe like an hour you excited we're gonna cover our second layer here with our homemade guacamole not store-bought because it can never be this yummy when you buy it off the shelf you have to make it don't buy it off the shelf make it yourself not even joking that [ __ ] is so good in if you think I put too much lemon I'm not gonna be mad that you're wrong but you're wrong this is where we're looking right now we need to kind of hurry on the next layer so this doesn't Brown we're going to make our own we're gonna make our own sour cream how do we do that cup and a half of cashews 3/4 a cup of water there's our water I'm gonna do lemon juice about a tablespoon be liberal with the lemon juice because the lemon helps take away the flavor of cashews which you do not want in the final mixture we're gonna use two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar one dude and a little helping of salt we're gonna quickly blend this up next time you see this it's gonna be sour cream okay it's gonna be sour cream BAM and it is sour cream so we're gonna empty into two bowls why two bowls you're asking well because we're gonna need it for the next recipe as well the potato skins oh I'm making a mess oh no oh whatever all right let's get this thing in the sink okay it's a messy one well we have our two bowls of sour cream let us do a little quick taste delicious you can hear the potatoes screaming for their lives you hear that [Music] potatoes am i right quit whinin we got our dip back in the mix and we are now going to spread the sour cream for our next layer dude look at us go look at us go we're almost done here so we're just gonna not worry too much about having a ton in here again the layers are not supposed to be too thick you want them to just kind of fill the slot you're doing a relay race okay the guacamole just passed the baton to the sour cream and the sour cream tripped and fell get back up sour cream so you're just gonna want to cover every little spot that's not creamed up okay and we're gonna save the rest of our sour cream for our lovely potato skins that are screaming very nicely next on a seven-layer dip this is the easy part where I'm just gonna put some pre-made salsa I honestly don't feel like making salsa if I'm gonna make either salsa or guacamole guacamole salsa [Music] [Music] when you dip a chip into this seven-layer bad boy you're gonna want to get a slice of everything that's why we're not making each layer too thick because you got to share the love now we are going to set this aside I am reminded that we do need some green onions so we're gonna chop some green onions and get them ready for the seven-layer dip because I think we're just about to the top it's gonna be cheese green onions and you're supposed to do tomato bits which I guess we could do so I'm gonna do some chopping and then our seven layer dip is gonna be ready so just hang tight and we will soon have a dip that is not one layer not two layers not three layers not four layers not five layers hold on I'm not done not six layers but seven layers [Music] [Music] okay well we're just about done doing it to him with this dip right here did you expect us to do it to him this hard that is a nice-looking seven-layer dip actually is it seven layers we got the beans beans guacamole sour cream salsa cheese tomatoes onions olives that's eight do we did eight layers oh also I don't know if you know this but I got the restaurant size bag of my favorite cheese because you're not doing that what's this all been about well there it is I mean that's our seven layer dip I'm [ __ ] excited I'm actually gonna set this to the side actually I'm gonna put it back here you chill and we are now going to put on our hot potato gloves and we're gonna grab these hot potatoes okay there's two how do you think this is it's pretty hot good guess five six well so we're gonna keep one glove on and this is going to be the globe that we used to hold the potato obviously where we cut it so we're gonna cut it down the middle we want to keep the skin is intact as we can not like I just did and it should look like that so here's the part where you have to be kind of not a mess like me you're gonna scoop out the middle of the potato but you want to leave about a quarter inch on the edges sort of like a little border you know like when you draw like an outline almost that's what I'm thinking of an outline so you're gonna scoop out the meat of the potato not meat and potatoes meat of potatoes okay I just [ __ ] that up a little bit okay and that's the just a shitty version of what you're gonna want so do that but less bad just notice how I'm leaving like a nice kind of outline a little buffer zone of of tato filling I guess you can think of it like you're making a boat no I mean all right this is boring so I'm not gonna make you watch all this I'm gonna just snap my fingers and through the magic of editing all this will be already carved out ready what did I say it's magic anyway we have our 1 2 3 4 5 12 potato skins all carved out ready to go so before we fill this with our industrial sized bag of cheese amongst bacon bits and other things we are going to we're gonna butter these things up we want them on our side we got to butter them up a little bit literally we need to butter them up so you melt some butter get a little brush and we were just gonna go get in here and butter the top of our potato skins so it has a nice little layer of crisp eNOS you can use olive oil I suppose if you don't have butter or if you prefer I don't think it really matters it's all about just getting the brown crispy nasaan they're you know I gotta say I really love the recipe of potato skins because we're celebrating a part of the potato that is so often disregarded disrespected forgotten about throwing in the trash no today mr. potato skin we celebrate you and we salute you okay that might have been disrespectful I just like potato skins so here we go and so what we're going to do is we are going to butter these up cook them for like five ten minutes in the oven face up so that they can brown just like the crust of butter a little bit then we're gonna flip them and butter the back sides we're gonna get these potato skins double cheeked up you know what I mean okay so here we are the oven is hot you're going to just gently set all of our potato skins down actually I wonder if we should butter the backs before we put them in an awesome then all we have to do is flip them let's do that and let's get our hmm yeah let's let's see that well well just flip these over and we'll butter the shell or the outside of the potato potato shell and then called it and then after ten minutes we can flip them and since the inside is already buttered it'll be easy we're just gonna brush easy look at this we're cruising baby cruising for some carbs Bandon called it there we go I'm gonna get some nice coverage here let the potatoes the boats of potato goodness carry us off to sea look at that perfect amount of butter can you believe so see you in ten minutes okay while we wait for those potato skins to get nice and ready for us we're gonna throw our tater tots in the other oven I got a look at the instructions how do I do this full bag 28 to 32 minutes that's so much time alright well do we even need a full bag we can just do a half bag that's about a half bag see the thing about these are they're really easy to make this is not really cooking just so much as it is preparing so my goal for this is to cook this batch of tater tots and once they're almost done cooking all the way I'm going to divide them in half and use some fresh parmesan salt and pepper on one so we'll have some Parmesan tots and then on the other we'll do some buffalo tots so it's going to be red and white but for now we need to just get these kind of defrosted let's get them in the oven ASAP just let that go let it do its thing anyway we got to get ready for the next step of potato skins which is industrial bag of cheese almost industrial size container of bacon bits which are completely vegan which is kind of crazy and sour cream so we have our green onions our sour cream and our bacon bits this is all going to be our potato skin assembly station and we're almost there we're really getting close [Music] [Music] we're done we did it we did the 8 layer dip or however many layers you feel like doing dip we did potato skins look at these things they came out so good there are little boats and then we have two types of tots we have the buffalo tots and we have the parmesan tots cannot go wrong with either I've spent enough time making and looking at this food I'm gonna eat a potato skin now I feel like I've been waiting for this moment my whole life maybe that's a little dramatic but I don't think so you know this tastes like the best potatoes can ever so I melted two types of cheese I'm out to the cheddar and the mozzarella mmm the crisps penis is like on point in the butter it might have seemed like a small step when we brushed these with butter but dude it made a difference like it really has a crispy exterior and the butter flavor really like it adds a lot to it hmm mm-hmm okay that is delicious oh my god I might be getting ahead of myself here because that's the only thing I tried but these are amazing these are the best thing I made today damn we did it to them what a spread this is Super Bowl food right here this is absolute Super Bowl food I need to taste tester come here all right you can try a little bit okay we can give you a little piece of potato and cheese mind you wow the cheese fell peach snuck into the pantry and stole some treats the other day so I'm rewarding you but you need to know that you can't steal food here you go sous-chef what do you think I want a piece of a Tater Tot I'm glad you're 5 I'm gonna switch over and try the tots now these look delicious the cheese seemed to melt pretty well easy recipe for film lazy delicious and delivers and lastly in the tots department we have our Buffalo tots got a nice like orange red color on it oh my god those are good and we're covering all the bases here recovering our Buffalo needs potatoes everywhere this is like heaven all right I'm gonna dip a chip into this big all the homemade layered dip let's get a nice thick boy let's try to get one of every layer [Music] I'm no scientist but this looks like we got a piece of everything so let's try it dude that is really good you know what's funny I've only ever eaten like layer dips like this at Super Bowl parties so I take a bite it instantly reminds me of the Super Bowl like growing up we came we saw and we did it to him now before I let you go I really want you to see Jenna try these so one sec I'm gonna go get her my god what are you doing to me this is a Super Bowl weekend babe it's Super Bowl weekend do you look so 7.5 layer dip Buffalo tots Parmesan tots and potato skins with chips I have buffalo meat oh this is just poppers on tots those are kind of basic I don't know you wanna try a potato skin these are so this is homemade sour cream good oh my god it's pretty bomb right listen okay I love all of the creative stuff that you do in this kitchen but sometimes you just gotta throw down with some classics because I'm singing this soul in the name of football you gotta try this the 7.5 lives on carbs on carbs on carbs okay Thank You Julian I'm dipping it for you no I guess that is so fun and festive homemade guac in there two ways was a bake thought nope because there's like guac you don't want to bake the Glock see if I had a torch though I could have melted the cheese on top I please get a torch okay this is like Super Bowl Sunday I like to eat food like does and then fall asleep on the carpet on the floor and not watch find us on the floor this Sunday let's not stop from food comas I eat a little on the floor with the dogs yeah well the good news is you can make this pretty easy this isn't these aren't complicated you try to put in a little time and then you can have it all to yourself for your guests or whatever I don't know you know I don't know your situation just like make the food step 1 make the food step 2 profit she's make frigging losing it with Kermit's shirt in her bunny what are you doing she's tossing it to herself she's you're really cute it's your first Super Bowl okay well I'm glad you enjoy it yeah I got a good nap now okay all right we're gonna go take a nap have fun watching the Super Bowl hopefully you enjoyed watching me make this food and maybe made it yourself who knows who could know eats one potato skin go go take it now time for a nap gonna go take a nap with potatoes can I come in stuff is like normal and not like that minecraft cake it's all about the timing sometimes you come in the middle of the storm sometimes you come in when it's beautiful and there's a rainbow this is a beautiful rainbow what a spread Thank You FOMA oh oh yeah I'm working with I want to take a nap [Music]
Channel: julien solomita
Views: 1,705,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: julien solomita, vlogs, vlogs by julien, how to, jenna and julien, girlfriend, vegan, vegan recipe, vegan cooking, diy vegan, diy, julien cooking, gluten free, aries, aries kitchen, chef, julen, julien, best, meals, super bowl
Id: gJ4tYmdtm-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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