I Made Drew and Amanda Gooden a Custom Love Song

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hey guys listen I know you all know me because like I do all this YouTube stuff I'm just a super serious YouTuber right but it's not all I do okay I do other stuff professionally actually I make songs sometimes I even make songs for people what are you supposed to do if you don't have a song go find it what if you can't find it why don't you just have one made for you so now I figured why not you know dip my toes in this whole custom song thing it's like an nft that you can really hold what what better idea than to bring in my favorite couple the good and family Drew and Amanda hi thank you for making a song for us oh getting really good at this every couple has a song whether they make it or they find it and we decided we couldn't find one so we hired you to make it yeah and that's the beauty of it is not only am I gonna make the song but they're not going to hear the song the whole time so it's also kind of like they're finding it we're gonna make the song they don't know what it sounds like they're gonna be on the song they're not even going to know what it sounds like until the song is done and then we'll hide it and they can go find it what do you like loud okay I like that funky one at a time oh wait I am supposed to hear it could you do a plot twist in the song like a big twist yes yes that's what I'm talking about oh yes right when the listeners get comfortable that's when you yeah that's why I just hit him in the head in the mouth tell me about the first time you ever danced together the first time we danced together how could we forget I think it was our wedding we like to play music around the house and just kind of dance but not in like uh like uh coordinated Waltz you know I did that we just kind of did this at the wedding should we recreate it for the viewers yeah okay [Laughter] we would just like normal dancing you know you know don't look at this that's nice that's right you're really nice so you never dance before your wedding so does that mean that like you didn't like know how before yeah we were too shy still don't know how oh that's nice we had like juice like Juicy Juice Capri Sun yeah we had a lot of that we had Lunchables so once we had that then we felt like our inhibitions went away after drinking the juice like juicy juice and stuff you got it wrong again oh I'm nervous you thought I was South Dakota yeah you have said that and I got kicked out of my eighth grade dance group because I was so bad I didn't know that you were in a dance group in eighth grade oh you guys are not gonna believe this part oh it's really romantic to dance to this oh great you're gonna have to figure out how because it's really hard to dance to this one what's an ideal date night walk me through the perfect date night sexy no no no okay um a normal date uh ideal date I mean we stay in a lot we don't do I mean we like our house yeah we like our house we've been together eight years now we've kind of done all there is to do you know you go out to dinner you go to a theme park there's not much else to do when the weather's nice we like to walk um oh yeah well a typical wait what was your question so basically the questions like walk me through like the ideal oh an ideal day the best date not like what we usually do okay ideal date yeah it's like okay oh my God scratch everything we said before I was talking in my ass none of that matters it's like it's like it's like 70 degrees oh nice and it's but the sun sets at like eight so it's like it's like 7 30 and then we're like walking somewhere cool it's like a cool restaurant and then we go to a restaurant and then we get to sit outside and then there's like no one there except for like maybe like one other person yeah and so it's like quiet and then we get something and then we get something that has like cream cheese in it or something you love cream cheese like if we're getting Sushi she's getting cream cheese with mango anything mango and cream cheese that's good for me that's good for you I like spicy Sushi yeah I like spicy music make a spicy song please okay spicy on the house and it needs to sound bad to everyone else because if they like it they might try to take it for themselves yeah it needs to be good for only us so no yeah I think definitely a lot of people are not gonna like this but we but you guys are gonna love this we need to like it it's sweet it's spicy it's loud it's quiet yes perfect it's that's us should we talk in time signature wise normal or weird it's the normal one I didn't want to get too you know creative with it because well no I do want to get creative with it that's mine we're paying you out native well you just want to do it by the book I mean it's a song that works for them oh I really like that yeah I just realized I never asked you like what do you like to listen to music wise that's a personal question um pass Ariana Grande and you too that really sounds like them yeah that's them sometimes like if I'm in the mood for it I'll listen to like some screamo I think if you could get some yells in there some like loud some like guitar solos you know uh some good drum fills just go just go bananas but keep it pretty intact for my wife she's sensitive but for me in the screaming songs I just like when they sing yeah yeah because a lot of times I'll like Scream the verses and then sing the chorus and you just like password get to the chorus yeah you know the Screamers the screamo stuff you know it's a bit of an acquired taste yeah yeah you know I wish we could hear what you're hearing oh yeah I'm sure you do what's like the worst date like tell me about like the worst worst day someone sitting next to me and they're so loud oh man that's a pet peeve of ours that we share and they're talking about something stupid so stupid but so loud talking as if everyone in the restaurants wants to hear what they're saying but then because if that happens actually I put it up on the screen our first date was that Universal Studios it was so hot that was your first day the date wasn't hot you perv come on it was hot outside we were sweating not that kind of guy I just thought we were in love it was our first date well we had only been talking for like a month we did long distance for a while we met on the internet you met on the internet like which part of it I'm fine we weren't yeah no I used to make Vines I had like 300 followers she commented I was like just happened to see him she looks good and I found your Instagram we started messaging started talking hey what's up and then Within a very short amount of time we were she flew across the country to see me and then the rest is history and the books [Applause] it was on our first date and I'm going to the beach it was so hot out so humid then we went to Disney it was also very hot you did all this on the first date well in the first yeah it was the first trip where she came through like four days so but it was still a lot to do in like four days so we set the bar high so it's only been for that yeah we got all our fun days out of the way when we were doing you know long distance you only see each other every few months you know so you like really make the most at that time but now we see each other every goddamn day wow your first date was four days long and now you're in love [Laughter] it was wow yeah not many people could say it we can what were you I probably want a song to really represent us and let me tell you right now I think I've got the song for you I'm gonna I'm gonna sing a little bit and then you're gonna sing a little bit you have to help me because I'm really bad with words yeah I'm good with words and I'm good with singing Amanda my wife every day since we met you have been my wife I married you when we met and the only venue he's got blonde hair you got talking and uh I think it's probably my verse right that's nice I think that's the perfect amount I think so he's gonna love that I guess I should just go get her yeah yeah okay she's done okay what are you just dying to get off your chest and say to the man of your dreams um I love how funny he is and special to me you should you should see him first but you guys are my favorite couple yeah really nice stomach I'll put in a guest first oh yeah we shouldn't tell him because you know that's his thing is like he like surprises yeah yeah thing so it's like I'll do something quick yeah my favorite nice to me nice nice and one two three four and now I love you you're so special and sweet and you're so nice to me and you're so smart and we have lots of fun together and we love to hang out and wear matching clothes and match match so how did you propose what was like your plan oh are you surprised no no not at all no so yeah we did long distance for a year and then uh it was getting to a point where we were sort of like well one of us needs to move to the other and she decided to move to Florida with me and it was sort of like well if you're gonna move across the country to be with me then I should show you my commitment with a with a ring and so that's what we did she picked out the ring which was great because I wouldn't have known what to get I would have been stressing over it she still got it to this day if you can believe it all these years she's wearing her right now she's wearing it for the video I wasn't nervous because like I knew you were going to say yes that's part of the nerves that go into you know proposing obviously if you if you don't know what the response is going to be but I was nervous to do it in front of like your neighbors were there and your family and like I was I didn't really plan and then I was sort of like you should marry me but not like nobody knew it was happening though either they thought well my well I was also moving the next day to Florida and so my friends thought I was like coming out to like do a speech to like be like goodbye everyone but I like walked outside because my mom was like oh everyone go outside go outside in the backyard and then I walked out and then you walked out and then my and when they when I walked out they all held up signs and I said Amanda will you marry me but it was funny girl in the end she had to sign upside down and we thought it was funny it's a high honor to be a part of this moment today to bestow upon you your One True song to really represent your one true love for each other and I really hope you like it and hold it close to your heart for now and forever thank you so much amen here it is Amanda I love you you're so special my wife and sweet and Amanda so nice to me and you're so smart life and we have lots of fun together and we every day since we met you have been my wife I married you we met you got blonde hair you've got soft skin got a face I like to look at it Amanda I don't know who that is [Music] all right yeah nice yeah [Music] and I feel like it really captures our love because of the words we said and because of the music yeah oh our first kiss so thank you guys for coming to me and trusting me with this with this you know tender task of making you your One True song and I hope that you dance to it forever and listen to it in in the car with the windows down the wind flowing through your hair and that you really cherish this song with you tonight tomorrow and forever okay thanks I think we will thank you thank you thank you thank you Dev well guys um don't forget to check out Drew and Amanda okay they're both really good at a lot of things and thank you so much for coming and and don't give up okay that's nice
Channel: Dev Limes
Views: 453,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the cave, the cave but bad, drew gooden, drew and amanda gooden, drew gooden music, dev lemons music, song process, making a song, how to make a love song, how to make a song
Id: GTEbEeww4o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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