Professional Developers Turn Me Into A Horror Game

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let me make this clear I love horror games I play horror games on my streams all the time and it usually ends with my heart rate going to dangerous levels or me realizing that I wasted money on the worst game ever made but then I thought to myself what if there was a horror game about me what if I could walk down a dark alleyway and have this flash right in front of your eyes so I decided to put $1,000 on the line and find six professional developers who could turn me into the scariest game possible within 72 hours some of these developers made Gam that were played by so many YouTubers you might recognize some of them so anyways sit back relax and enjoy the video wow hi YouTube hi YouTube Welcome to the video I said I had an idea I wanted to play five random horror games and then once we find those games we're going to DM the developers and hope I don't know how you DM developers okay hopefully they have their information somewhere for $500 wait $500 I thought it was 1,000 yeah this first stream I was still figuring stuff out but y'all will see how the money quickly got doubled this is going to take over the course of a few streams okay one thing we need to keep in mind we are probably not going to be able to play those top horror games like Buck Shar roulette fears of fathom and have them actually DM us back the chance of them actually being willing to do this challenge is going to be very unlikely for some more context to find these horror games we're going to be scrolling through the popular section of is. if you don't know it is. has some of the most wacky but coolest games you'll find and the number one most popular game on it right now is Buck Shot roulette which has been played by Markiplier IO speed lwig and queso dang it not again so I decided this would be the first person I'd message for the competition this guy might be too famous this guy might be too famous okay let's just shoot our shot chat I'm going to send him an email guys we're sending the email I'm going to open my notes app so you guys can know what I'm matter right okay this is the example of what we're going to write to him okay guys dear Mike hi hi my name is Samy and I have a channel called King samalot I have an exciting video idea chall the best game gets $500 sincerely Sam with an E all right guys what do we think guys this is going good and all until you see your email in r/ choosing beggar with people discussing how much of a scumbag and cheap out you are for offering only $500 for 48 hours of work I would only turn this in to $11,000 if this guy actually decided to do it okay if he actually I do it then I'd make it a th000 cuz this would be crazy okay Chad do we turn this video into a 1K video I don't know oh we get a sponsor all right Chad that's true Chad should we get a sponsor on the video okay you know what we're doing $1,000 cuz I'm going to get a sponsor and that's right today's sponsor for this video is RA I'm just kidding we didn't get a sponsor I'm broke just if you guys could like the video and subscribe that I please please thank you so much oh my gosh I I appreciate that that's so much thank you okay guys let's do it $1,000 I'm upping the price I sent the email chat I sent the email anyways we should find new games let me go to new and popular now things were starting to look good I had sent the email to Mike so we had one potential person but not only that I forgot I have friends and I got two more people to join one was my man asterisms who I've known personally for like 10 years and he actually made me a horror game two years ago called lanky Sam but he's a lot better now and for my other friend we got my guy poly Mars if you don't know him he's a great YouTuber and we actually did a video together but yeah now we we had two people it was time to test some other horror games and see if Mike ever responds should we play this and see and and see how it is leave me alone and we're getting a virus run yo yo why is looking at me through his back of his head why' the camera angle change holy crap buj accepted the email wait what holy CP oh shoot oh shoot okay okay okay okay hold up hold up now that Mike responded we had a total of three Developers for this challenge but I wanted to play at least three more games to see if we can get more people so we started with an absolute Banger called rinse and repeat by hadrien Dev of course rinse and repeat is winning every person in chat just wants to see a toilet you know why cuz every person chat watch a holy crap that's kind of scary oh wow you just you're just in W game okay Graphics are kind of fire all right chat which door know I'm going through this door no no no we got to go through the back door bro game didn't think I'd do this the game didn't expect me to but I'm do it oh wait did I just did I just I just got an ending one ending down all right open door oh why is there blood everywhere bro flush okay flush again how many times oh oh sh yo yo yo yo wait what wait bro bro two out of three endings am I about to get the shower ending what is this now you already know Markiplier would make a 35-minute video out of this game I got to wash my hair wo why do my eyes close who closes their eyes when they wash their hair oh wait I don't like this bro wa why is this actually scary Yo wait I'mma open my eyes it's going to be a man oh no no that wasn't scary that wasn't scary that wasn't scary that wasn't scary I called it bro I'm actually insane I told you I holy crap that's not scary bro holy crap it's not scary I think what we need to do is actually just not ever open our eyes okay all right chat everybody hold hold I know I'm hearing noises I know someone's in my house I got my dingdong out bro I know what your looking at bro I don't care 5 4 3 2 one we have three main endings and one out of two secret endings shoot we got to get one word secret o maybe if we take our clothes off what then leave is that a secret ending yes I left naked guys was in the chat I beat the whole game all right that honestly was might have been the game of the year anyways let's send that guy a message bro let's send my boy a message no way the guy who made R repeat is followed by the guy who made Buck roulette wait they're boys they're boys wait we're actually going to get Bros together to make games together no way yo my name is Sammy and I have a channel called King samula I have um wait he's in chat he's in chat wait no way yo what's up Adrien Deb yo Deb so my name is Sammy and I have a channel called king samai would you be down I'm busy but I'll be willing to try let's go so now that we got the yes from hren we now had four Developers for this challenge there are now only two more games wanted to play VHS paradise and insomnia experiment which looks terrifying the first game I played was VHS Paradise but I'll take you guys through it real quick so this video doesn't become 30 minutes long the VHS Paradise they put the volume at 50 you know what that means [Music] chat oh shoot okay it might be too loud okay you know what I actually can't do this this is just so loud okay okay I'll turn it on a bit is it good now is it good now start the shift boom okay what you looking for yeah what are you looking for bro I know you like these games okay oh yeah that's a good one bro yo why are you wait is he oh my God wait no oh my God oh my God yo yo no Sprint oh my wait can I shoot people is there a gun no wait she actually going to pay for it w woman chat I'm going to watch you go outside don't do anything fishy okay oh this guy's definitely robbing the store he's bald that might have been racist towards Bald people I'm sorry but wait watch him Rob the store oh he didn't Rob the store okay I'm racist my shift is over let's walk some that John left me yo chat what do you want to guess that the movie is about rabit I'm excited bro all right let's watch it what a mediocre movie I wonder what John saw in this to recommend it to me CH what movie do you guys want to guess who watch bro yo I ran out of stamina I ran out of stamina oh my God oh my God holy God I out of stamina go go go I'm L out of stamina bro I got to get in the car I'm the goat holy crap how did I survive oh my gosh that was actually terrifying holy crap wait did I beat it yo what w game chat what did I just play guys oh my God that was actually fun so after I finished that game I went to DM fev the developer of the game and it turned out like the last time that he was already in my twitch chat watching the stream I have no idea how they keep doing this I want to see crazy theories in the comment section as to how they have these magical powers to find my stream anyways now that we had five developers and wanted to get one more it was time to play insom this experiment by V us and see how scary this was but like I said I want to get to the main competition soon so I'm going to keep this part short yo what are we playing what is this wait why am I playing this guys inspired by the Russian sleep experiment chat what is that what what no I don't want to play this game I don't want to what this is not h. bro guys a stop there's no creepers in this game bro no no this is too scary was that the sound of a door creaking or was that a monster is that a toaster them for 15 days breathing that gas that gas my farts if I get jump scared I don't know what I'm going to do bro I'm actually shivering no no no no no no nope right here 3 2 1 hey wait does this game have jump scares maybe it doesn't Chad yo give me out of here bro what what happened oh no what what do you mean left shift the Run what do you mean left shift the run where do I go what wait way too quiet right now bro how do you so easily yo yo who's talking calm down bro keep cutting I paused the game I got so scared I paused the game I'm going to send him a DM and that's that'll be good bro so I finished playing the game and guess what he responded saying yes to the challenge let's go so now we had our six developers finally gathered together the first thing I did was get everybody in a Discord server but before we started the challenge I started giving everybody the videos of me that they needed and it was embarrassing I'm not going to lie what the heck so now that they had their footage it was time for them to start their 72-hour challenge 49 3 2 1 oh go go they were now off to win $11,000 each of them started making their games and they were actually starting the really cool look at how cute my dog mil looks he wait what is he doing wait wait what oh my oh my god oh what what is that no but yeah they were doing great except some of them were being a bit too cocky spoilers guys I going to win this competition these silly developers have nothing on me we'll see if he's right or not another important thing to note is that this competition will include two other judges besides me but I'll explain that in a second because their time to make their game is done so guys guys we have we're in a call with all the judges right now guys welcome the judges are you guys ready Marcus and King Mike I see Kevin Hart Kevin Hart's on your stream Kevin Hart everybody knows Marcus everybody knows Mike these are two legends Philadelphia Cream Cheese we're all going to be judging the games today there are six games made by the developers we are going to go through each game we're going to give the games a rating out of 10 in three categories so the categories are funny fun gameplay and horror okay so me Marcus and Mike are going to be rating it out of those three categories and then after that guys the chat can make a tiebreaker the chat is going to vote which is their favorite game and based off what y'all vote you can add extra points and make someone win it's going to be crazy so crazy we're going to try our best to not let you guys know who made which game just to welcome everybody and again so you guys know we got no this guy's not a developer get him out um this guy is not a developer get him out we got the Legends but poly mores Mike Adrien forev and asterism well chat are youall ready to game are you'all ready game one what is this the Sammy machine King Sam's Crunch bar now inventing hasin hear you what TV we got some boxes all right wait was that Maro in the car what is this game bro insert $1 don't click wait hold Q to turn around no hey how's it going [Applause] oh oh my God why is this game so good already what's happening breaking news 14-year-old brutally murdered in an Alleyway sh you really get the other two endings dude this is the first game bro and it's already amazing so Chad should we click the TV or get the Crunch bar which one pick I'm clicking [Music] TV I'm sure if I don't click the TV I'll never be invited on another king samalot episode again so you know what I'll click it oh this was so worth it we said that TV was playing a video King s with his brother Marcus and Milo dog during their signature tag team Riz dance is believed that the kid died from Pure shock of excessive rib what what all right chat are you'all ready to get the last ending are you'all ready we're going to get the ball this time 3 2 1 oh oh okay money in oh let's go I got my king s dude that's kind of clean wait guys should I start a chocolate brand after grabbing the king Sam Crunch bar you head home it's divine you can't help feeling bad for the guy who saw you with the bar walking home he seemed to follow you for a while while on the way home now that you think about it he seemed to look a lot like King samlot but maybe it's your mind playing tricks on you you shrug it off and go to bed W game game two bug swap roulette all right sir yes sir sir yes sir yeah go dot game engine holy crap yo wait what the what the hell bro bro yo get out yo that is terrifying wait how did he get my room to so well wait the dance B is literally on my floor right now bro oh my God oh my God who's a good boy who's who's a good boy yes you are [Music] yeah oh I think you have to kill the bugs I think when the bug hits me I die come on dude look at this what the can you get out of here you can jump I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck ch do I have to look at the window like to make sure he doesn't get in is that what you have to do yo look look at Milo guys W Milo bro hey extra points for adding Milo to the game oh wait the way slowly [Music] wait Milo wait I think it's cuz they touched Milo guys we're protecting Milo from the bugs all right well that was the second game guys there we go there we go game three all right chat y ready for analog I don't like this picture I don't like this picture defining what is [Music] that yo I don't want to play this game I don't want to play this game c are youall ready okay maybe it won't be as scary as it looks right now okay let's just open the game what we need to know that you're ready dude no shot yo no no no no no no no King samai uh I think it's uh that one dude so scared right now uh in the middle I'm pretty sure his face is so bright Milo Chad which Milo photo should I use which one let's do that one dude someone's going to be out there someone's for sure going to be out there some of these are infected bro D no why this is crazy bro there should not be oh let's pick the normal one oh my gosh is that Marcus okay Marcus I think I'm going to do the the middle one wait which window oh I didn't even see there was a window there that one's crazy what is that okay I'm going to do the pro the one of the game I don't care I'm looking at that window every single second bro choose human uh the one that's human uh I think this one is Marcus right you may go in rest wait what oh you actually moved move oh no bro okay no I don't want to walk hello no no one's here right yo why is this place so dirty bro like can we get a little cleanup or something dude dude dude dude I I I can't do this I I can't I can't do it what's happening what is happening I've been here for 20 years no one will ever find me I can only follow the instructions on the screen Maybe one day I will be free what happened yo don't take away the music like that bro dude this goes way too deep Bro dude why is this oh my go this is so bro I don't want to do the the base bro I don't want to play this anymore bro no I actually never thought I'd be scared playing a king s horror game hey this game is actually wholesome if you think about it you know it's just photos of me like the thing game is pretty good actually I'm really liking it I'm I'm enjoying myself bro this base is crazy I feel like I'm in iron lung right now chat can we get some happy happy in the chat like it's really [Music] wholesome the demon has been opened why was the cage opened oh I passed Jed up going to Harvard going to get my degree in I'm going to is this the path to Harvard say less I'm going to get my degree in neuroscience how is this a king samot horror game bro hello the TV what the oh Sho I heard my oh oh oh my God but who is behind all this no way my oh my God oh my God game four all right chat are youall ready for Milo exe are youall ready you went on a vacation trip in a cabin with your family and your dog Milo when you arrived at your destination you noticed that he was behaving strangely sometimes you didn't recognize you he didn't eat and vomited a lot no Milo was vomiting while you sleep you are awakened by a strange noise and discover that Milo escaped into a forest you decideed to go out and look for him no it's getting dark I better come back tomorrow to continue looking for Milo what is that look at that thing I have to leave now yeah let's get bro which way do we go I'm going up bro no my stamina's so bad no my you know wait I'm going to the woods turned Milo into a doomed demon I don't want to die again that jump scare was terrifying bro no no hey how's it going what the dude that jump scare is crazy but how do I [Applause] survive oh wait when you hear footsteps stop moving all right so when we hear footsteps we're going to stop moving okay here we go stop I think that worked is this Jurassic Park okay we're almost there we're almost there come on wait no we can't move the camera oh my oh my God wait CH is this backwards are the right way are you trolling I can't tell which way I'm going okay you're going the right way the headlights are that way where's Milo the rler wait my God oh my God chat oh my god get in the car yeah yes car get me in get me in get me in yes oh the car one more tree for good luck let me kiss it who's a good boy who's a good boy all right we did it let's do our little happy dance how do I get in yes game five are youall ready terminal compression the execution is in 100 minutes you gather your strength for a final photo bottom text press oh oh there what press F to throw a sick pose for the execution every time you click a minute goes down Chad's not playing with Guardian look at these whatever game they're playing right now I can't play it all right for some reason I downloaded the game this little purple monkey showed up I think his name was like Bonsai or something he looked really friendly but now my computer's completely brick so I'm going to go ahead and play word instead holy okay let's keep keep [Music] [Applause] clicking chat am I am I cardi chat am I cardi three two one press e to confirm pose all right here we go chat welcome to the hydraulic press Channel today we have great safety experiment M we are going to see how bad idea is it to watch hydraulic press action without safy [Music] classes oh my god wow what did I just play guys claps in the chat bro that was so that was unique yippe yipp yay yipp I might as well show this so you guys um get a bit um of reference game six last game CH y'all ready final game chat are you'all ready for psycho Sammy all right start game oh my God am I playing the game or am I watching the stream oh that's a swear that's a swear m bit him this stream effing [Music] sucks he hey how's it going hey how's it going hey it's going good how about okay he's gone oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot let me in please let me in is he there is he Breaking Inside okay wait I got to retry I got to retry I got to retry I got to retry okay how do I escape no I'm dead I'm done for I'm done for I'm done are mine you are mine dude the use of sound effect no no no I'm going about the game wrong I have to I have to block up so he doesn't get in no we got to get in the basement we got to get in the basement can you enter the basement oh it's a bar please oh my God we're so done you are mine you come on shine your light at him in the window did don't see that please please go faster go go please yay wait what what you wait no I thought I did it nice try sucker nice try y w m go go go go go good morning us I did it wait wait no that every one wait wait he wasn't even there come on hold please three two come on come on Yes we made it boys oh my gosh bro what a game that was that game bro guys that's all the games oh now it was time for the final scorings on the game raided by the judges out of horror fun and funny this marks everything vending machine by asterisms Marcus 17 out of 30 Mike 16 out of 30 me 19 out of 30 equaling 52 out of 90 bug swap R up by polymars Marcus 16 Mike 18 me 17 equaling 51 out of 90 guess what spoilers guys I'm going to win this analog samot by vas Marcus 21 Mike 22 me 22 equaling 65 out of 90 oh my gosh Milo exe by FV Mike 25 Marcus 20 Sammy 22 equaling 6 7 out of 90 terminal compression by Mike me 22 Marcus 12 Mike 22 equaling 56 out of 90 psychos Samia by Hadrian Dev Mike 23 Marcus 20 Sammy 22 equaling 65 out of 90 F devil was in first but now it's time for the chat to decide and with the scores being so close and after all this work the winner is f wait wait wait F's here fev yes W fev guys if you guys don't know guys fev isn't just an incredible guy thank you guys so much for watching I know Rush the ending of this video guys I L have to leave in 10 minutes to go to the airport to go to Colorado it's insane bro but guys I just unlocked Channel membership on the channel go get channel memberships right now and if you like the video go to the description all the guys games are in the description guys there's so much stuff in the description just check but guys thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate you all so much but Channel memberships join now check it all but guys bye I'll see you next w
Channel: KingSammelot
Views: 1,458,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qqbY88pEunw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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