How Dangerous is a Slingshot?

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how dangerous is a slingshot I mean could it actually be deadly for a human well I wanted to find out there are a bunch of different slingshots out there so to make sure I had the most powerful one and also because I was genuinely really curious to try them I bought four from a basic one to a that to a professional slingshot to a rifle that is still technically a slingshot my plan was to measure accuracy speed and power of each slingshot in order tock the best one to use against the ballistic dummy the cheaper slingshot I bought I got it on Amazon for around $20 it came with a set of rubber bands and a bunch of clay balls even though I W need those because I got steel ones anyways to set up the slingshot I unscrewed this screws plac the rubber band in the gaps and screwed tightly and like that the slingshot was ready now the biggest problem is that the last time I used a slingshot it was 18 years ago and that was the beginning of a love story a love story that ended 5 minutes later when I shot myself in the hand and since I didn't want to shoot any of my neighbors I needed to learn how to use the slingshot before testing it well my first instinct was to keep it horizontal mainly because of bar Simpson but you should actually keep it vertical like this I was indeed wondering why the site was in a completely useless position then after loading it I got to pinch the ball with the knuckles and not with the fingertips the knuckle grip is way stronger and it should prevent the slingshot from going off when I don't want to then to aim I had to align my feet and both BS of the slingshot with the Target now all that didn't work right away I actually had the horizontal aim figured it out but I was always shooting a bit higher maybe my sight was too low or my eye was too high anyways I tried to fix that by practicing for a while keeping the pouch centered while stretching the bands and I felt I was actually getting closer and in that moment I also realized I might have have underestimated the power of this thing the impact was really loud and I also noticed the balls were sticking into the wooden panel or even flying right through it so I guess it wasn't looking great for georgo Georg is the dummy anyways after a few minutes I got one hit and another one right after that so I felt I was ready to test the speed the accuracy and the power of the first slingshot test number one speed I wanted to measure the speed of the steel ball flying in the air and through that I came up with something that I even thought it was a smart idea I placed the target at exactly 5 M from the slingshot and by checking the time it took the steel ball to reach the target I could calculate the speed of the ball with this test I got 250 m a second or 820 ft per second which is really fast for comparison a 9mm bullet travels at around 400 m a second and I travel at 9 m a second so I knew this was an accurate all and the problem was either my math or the method I was using that was leaving me two frames to play with and I knew that in both cases I couldn't fix them so I ended up getting a chronograph and out of three shots I got an average of 96.4 M second which is still incredibly fast 99.4 so I wrote down the average speed of the first slingshot and I was curious to compare it with the more expensive ones I was going to test next test number two is the accuracy test somebody says all slingshots have simil their accuracy and it's how you use them that matters but I was curious to see if it was actually true so for the accuracy test I drew a Target and he placed it at 50 m the plan was to shoot five times each level gives you different points so out of five shots I was going to measure the total score the problem is that my first round has been really really bad like I hit the target once and since the results were too bad for myo to take it I decided to try again this time I tried to kind of lock my hand below my here and even though this strategy was literally just guessing it actually worked and I get a total of eight points now the last test was about power the plan was to try to smash a few targets and then see how far into the ballistic gelatin the ball could travel and I could totally avoid the first two Targets for scientific purposes but I won't and so I started with the can and the steel ball went right through it clean cut it's pretty insane then I also tried with the Hairspray and well I wasn't expecting that now this is a block of ballistic gelatin and it should simulate the density of muscle tissue and yes it kind of does I wanted to see how far into the gelatin the ball was going to go and then like for the other tests compare the results to the next and more expensive slingshots and to be fair usually gun YouTubers use these things so I wasn't even sure if I was going to scratch it or even worse the ball could bounce back and hit me between the eyes but I quickly forgot all that when I noticed this fascinating Behavior the steel ball was falling slowly on the surface of the gelatin and then I went on with the test three two 1 and the ball actually went in and since now I knew it wasn't going to bounce back in theory I tried shooting from a shorter distance do you see that slightly more in than the previous one the penetration was around 2.4 CM or 0.94 in and contrary to many what might think it wasn't bad at all if the gelatin was accurate it wasn't looking great for the ballistic dummy especially considering this is the cheapest slingshot of the list anyways these are all the results I got for slingshot number one slingshot number two is called pocket shot and that's obviously because you can easily keep it on your ear leaving space in your pockets for bigger things it's basically a piece of plastic with a rubber band connected to it so it's still technically a slingshot Jesy got some power to it I wasn't expecting it the pocket shot also comes with a bunch of accessories normal bands and blue bands which should be more powerful and also a different band to shoot Arrows with it well reloading is easier and faster than a normal slingshot but I was curious to see how powerful and how accurate this was compared to the other ones I tested the speed of the pocket shot with both bands the black and the blue one and I first got 89 m a second with the black one which was actually similar to the first slingshot but then I switched to the blue one this one was definitely harder because at first I couldn't even pull it using my Knuckles so then I tried wrapping my fingers around the band and immediately felt it was much stronger this way and then I tried shooting and I got 118.7 m a second or 390 ft per second and that's 20% faster than the basic slingshot for the pocket shot I was mainly worried about the accuracy though you can't really aim with this one you just got to shoot intuitively and my intuition is usually pretty bad I think we got to go that way and it was a shot five times and I missed every single one of them and that's pretty bad but at least this time I could blame the slingshot so my ego wasn't really hurt and when it came to the power test I tried to not think about the fact I was shooting steel boss at 12 m a second without knowing exactly where I was shooting them anyways as expected the pocket shot was smashing the things I was shooting at and also the thing shooting it what I mean is that I punched myself in the mouth basically like this and I also shot my hand a bunch of times and because this slingshot wasn't dangerous enough it also comes with an arrow set you can basically turn the slingshot into a sort of bow or crossbow and because I wouldn't consider this to be a slingshot anymore there is really no point in me even shooting it the last test was shooting the ballistic gel to measure the penetration and speed equals power at least by keeping the M8 consistent and indeed the steel ball went 3.1 CM or 1.22 in into the gel so slingshot number two slightly less accurate and much more powerful than slingshot number one now I was getting into the expensive ones and I was really curious to see if they were going to be worth the price slingshot number three is $120 you could basically buy six basic ones instead of this if it's premium it has shiny steel and Olive Tree would an handle it also comes with an adjustable sight and also the bands felt more premium compared to the ones on the first slingshot tubes are more durable than flat bands but they are harder to retract and they usually generate less speed and that's why I was planning to use the flat bands that also came with the slingshot well I only got tubes never mind they cannot fixed it for the speed test I tried first a single tube that came with a slingshot and it wasn't particularly fast it was actually the slowest so far so then I tried the double tube tube and it didn't change much I get it tubes are more durable and all but I'm not a fan of being durable as you can clearly see in my videos and I was hoping the bands could shoot at a higher speed compared to the tubes but they broke right away once again I was kind of disappointed by the slingshot so far but maybe I was simply expecting the wrong things from it and when it came to the accuracy test things got better the slingshot has an adjustable side so I shot it a few times to tune it as fast as I could but I didn't change anything I'm just pretending to move things there and then I took five shots from 50 m the first one got really close to the center of the target which got me excited but I was still doubting it was just a fluke and then I shot another one o That's nice and another and the fourth and the last one and since I don't think my skill skills suddenly got better I believe it was the slingshot that was helping for the power test I decided to use the steel boss that came with the slingshot with this one I had fun shooting targets from afar and honestly it's actually really easy to use and that got me even more excited about the last slingshot mainly because it has an actual scope but before testing that I also wanted to snipe a hairspray what I didn't know is that I was going to accidentally build the bomb anyways I shot it and actually Hit it first try it didn't break through so now it's going to I got to shoot it again it's going to explode so I took another shot and still nothing the steel boss were making dance on the candle and in my mind they were just building more and more pressure inside the can and I started to fear it was going to explode at any moment so then I built a shield to keep trying from a short distance no that's not possible no that's that's not possible and nothing was working the pressure was just increasing making it more and more dangerous and more indestructible I need something pointy and luckily somebody invented rocks unfortunately the rock did nothing and it just shattered against the can so my last hope was using an arrow and given the accuracy of the pocket shot this took a while so my only option was moving the shield even closer the first shot I still missed and I didn't like at all the idea of getting close to the thing but at the second attempt I got it my house was still standing yes and I was still breeding finally so after quickly testing it against the ballistic gelatin I could move to the final SL shot and at first I didn't know what was happening but then I realized the boss were not even getting into the ballistic gelatin it doesn't go in what so these are the final results for slingshot number three not powerful but way more accurate than the previous ones the last slingshot though was the one I was most excited about it's red it's flashy it's a rifle and most importantly it's the last slingshot I was going to test before picking one to use against the ballistic tummy first though I had to assemble it I started with a quick check of the components mainly because I wasn't sure where to start and I got a bunch of tubes and bands and many red metallic elements a scope an keys and bols and then these not sure what these are maybe barrels or maybe feet I stared at the components for a while and when I realized they were not going to assemble themselves I just threw myself I couldn't find a tutorial unless it was Chinese and even though I've been practicing my Chinese recently I figured it was probably better for me to try assembling everything intuitively instead so my plan was to put together the most obvious parts and kind of hope I was going to figure out the rest on the go so I started by assembling the stock which is adjustable and it's pretty nice and then following the same principle meaning inserting things where things fit I also assembled the sort of barrel with the frame in which I'm going to place the tubes or the flat bands it was also pretty clear where I should fit the trigger system it's a nice mechanism you see how it works if I'm going to get to that point Point luckily though my plan actually started to work the process was pretty straightforward and I managed to assemble the scope mount the handle which took a while and finally the scope then I connected the rubber tubes and with that the slingshot was either ready to go or ready to blow up at the first shot so I put on safety glasses to load it I placed a steel ball in the pouch I put it in between the trigger mechanism and I stretched the band using my foot and like that the slingshot was loaded and to me that looks really cool was it going to blow up though one and it didn't blow up like the professional slingshot even the rifle had a few bands and tubes and I wanted to test the speed of each one of them I started with the green ones and honestly they weren't that fast slow so then I Trad the other tubes the red ones I loaded the slingshot and the reason that happened is because I've been using clay ammunitions for each speed test mainly because they are lighter than and steel they go faster and I like to see bigger numbers but with these red bands the tension was so high that the clay balls were shattering inside the trigger mechanism before I could even shoot them so I tried shooting the steel ones and even though these ones are heavier and slower I still got a speed of 91.5 m a second for comparison the first slingshot shot clay balls at a speed of 97 m a second and it only got 82 m a second with the steel one that means in theory that the red tubes would shoot clay ammunitions at around 107 m a second then I also got the flat bands left to test and even though bands have been the ones that shot the highest speed so far these ones were probably too soft 70 so I kept using the red tubes what I was most excited about for this one was the accuracy test did I mention this thing has a scope now based on my years of sniping experience I was expecting that I simply had to aim at the Target press and hold left trigger to hold my breath and should and I will get a perfect shot exactly where I wanted this game is different though oh come on and Scopes need to be adjusted to do that based on intuition I held the rifle still using saw horses and clamps and after perfectly centering the target I shot then I checked the scope to make sure the reticle was still centered with the Target and then I adjusted the wheel until the center of the reticle was perfectly overlapped with the point I just shot the problem is that that based on my shot I had to lower the center of the scope by a lot and the scope was already at the minimum high so I could only move it on the opposite way so I came to the conclusion that this scope must have been pretty bad or I was pretty bad with the scope luckily though I had another idea I found an old laser in my house and I believe this could work as a scope I placed the laser on top of the rifle then I adjusted the laser with the same principle I wanted to use with the scope aiming at the target shooting bringing back the rifle to the center and then adjust in the laser moving it to the point I just shot and that took a few tries for some reason but even my father got excited about it and decided to help me out and after a while we got it right and at that point this thing was really really accurate so I took the accuracy test as usual but I wanted to try two times while standing first and then while crouching laying the rifle on the saw horse and well while standing I got hilariously close to the bush side but without actually ever hitting it come on but for the crouching test I was so confident that I actually only drew the bull side I took the first shot to adjust the laser and then I started with a test four five to be fair the do I drew was actually smaller than the other busai and that's why I decided to consider this a perfect score and before shooting the ballistic gelatin I wasted 1 hour sniping things around my house and I definitely don't regret it but when I shot the ballistic gel things took a weird turn mainly because I couldn't even break it I initially thought it must have been the gelatin maybe got harder than before but then when I tried shooting it with a basic slingshot had no problem damaging it and after measuring the speed of the rifle the problem was clear it was the tubes they weakened by a lot I got 92 m a second shooting steel BS at the beginning and now I couldn't even get 82 m a second I even thought it was maybe because of the cold but the next day under sunlight when I tested the speed of the rifle once again I got slightly better results but still it was below the initial ones so these are the results for the final slingshot and now I could move on to the final test against the ballistic tummy my plan was to pick the best and most powerful slingshot and shoot the dummy with it and since slingshot number three and number four couldn't even break the gelatin and I would probably struggle to even hit Georgio with a pocket shot slingshot number one was my best option it wasn't a bad one though before trying the kill test I tested the speed of the first slingshot once again and either my technique got better or I got stronger but I could now shoot steel boss with a basic slingshot at 105 m a second 105 oh my God effectively making it the fastest slingshot on the list so how dangerous is a slingshot obviously I don't believe getting hit by a steel ball traveling at 400 km an hour would be a pleasant experience but could it actually break bones and be potentially deadly to find that out I tried shooting first from a long distance I stretched the bands as hard as I could and I hit the target georgo was still alive though the ball did basically nothing to it it simply bounced off something similar happened from a medium distance and after a few attempts it was pretty clear the ball wasn't going to get into the ballistic gelatin so then I wanted to try the point blank shot now given the penetration on the gelatin from this distance I was fairly confident the ball was going to crack the gelatin and get to the bones and the first shot went at ey level and it went right into the gelatin that's why I've been using safety glasses I guess but then when I aimed higher on the forehead the balls were leaving marks but the bones were probably too strong and they were making the balls buns right off so now I knew two things one I want to build a slingshot that's much more effective than these ones and two the next video is going to be the last one for georgo because I built something really loud and really powerful you can get behind the scenes and early access to the videos on patreon check it out thank you so much for watching if you like this video subscribe and check another one
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 11,547,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: xWghJEgmovU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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