Holding Breath for 4 Minutes to Beat a Fear

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I want to learn to hold my breath for four minutes the goal is beating my biggest fear by getting as close as possible to it sounds like a plan first I need to find out how long I can resist right now and to prove I'm not cheating I get a swimming nose clip this is how I'm gonna be talking from now on I tried my very best and I got two minutes and 30 seconds which is good news I mean I only had to double that wait I found three steps that should allow me to actually get there step one practice breathing exercises turns out that being able to hold your breath for longer is an extra skill you can practice and you can improve I just found an app that does exactly that she basically trains your ability to hold your breath for longer by simply breathing then holding your breath in Cycles when you breathe a lot you store extra oxygen in your blood that means when I hold my breath later I already have extra oxygen in my body which should let me hold my breath for longer so I did the first five Cycles breathing Lots then holding my breath all together as close as possible to my goal but I honestly had no idea if all this was even working so I just successfully completed the breathing cycles and I learned something extremely important number one be in a relaxed position is absolutely fundamental number two I realized that this exercise is probably going to be useful after weeks of practice I'm just gonna ignore that and now I'm gonna try to do a personal best once again I took in as much oxygen as I could and I was ready start alright guys so I'm gonna try it time to beat two minutes and 30 seconds so I took a deep breath and that was it now it was me versus my body at first it actually felt kind of peaceful it was a chance to completely clear my mind and just relax but after the first two minutes I felt a change this started to become extremely stressful I had basically no oxygen left in my body and I started to freak out thinking I was gonna have to do this underwater I had no idea how long it passed but my fear was becoming a problem how was I ever gonna do this underwater if I couldn't even do it outside my heart was founding in my chest and eventually I couldn't hold it 242. still extremely extremely far from the goal though I think we got about step two step two the dive reflex so I've been using a heart rate monitor to prepare for this video and my resting heart rate is about 60 65 70 BPM when I was holding my breath in the latest attempt my heart rate was 107. I fed my heart pounded in my chest and I'm not an expert but I think that sounds great because the faster your heart beats the more oxygen it burns and the less you're gonna be able to hold your breath thankfully the dive reflex should be able to fix exactly that the diver reflex is activated when your face goes underwater and your body basically tries to protect you your heart rate slows down to stop you using extra oxygen and it also redirects blood to the brain and the main organs basically to make sure you stay alive the cool part is they actually use this in movies like Mission Impossible and avatar for underwater scenes so if I activated the dive reflex I should be able to hold my breath for longer I got the water what I'm gonna need to do right now is to relax myself for a while so my heart rate drops and then with a wet face I'm gonna attempt to hold my breath once again I'm so curious It's Gonna Make an actual difference so I poured water on my face and the heart rate actually dropped oh 75 I guess I'm gonna just try to hold my breath and see how it goes I pour the water on my face to activate the dive reflux and I was ready to try again personal best 242. let's try now this time I was sure I could do better I'd spend the last hour practicing this breathing techniques something felt wrong for some reason I was struggling after less than two minutes and I know four minutes was gonna be absolutely impossible right now nothing changed worse than before the scary part was I was gonna try to do this four minutes underwater but I was seriously doubting if I could get it then I decided to give it another goal I washed my face and I started this time I knew I had to get better so I tried to relax as much as possible I breath in a ton of oxygen and a stead card all the way through ignoring the stress and the pain and then I looked at my phone I was getting three freaking minutes three minutes guys but I still didn't want to give up I knew I could stay longer even if I was suffering even if it was painful and then when I really had zero oxygen left I quit 322 322 boys really the biggest difference you saw with the dive reflex was when I was about to quit before without washing my face when I felt that I had no oxygen in my lungs I just gave up right away this way I could go like one minute longer I don't know how that's possible but I I just kept going I think that's it here's the problem though had absolutely no fear doing this outside if I passed out I could simply Breathe Again by holding my breath underwater was gonna be a completely different story so I didn't feel confident to try underwater until I got it on dry land first guys I'm super relaxed so now I'm gonna try it again so I activated the dive reflux took some deep breaths and I was ready my first attempt fell because the nose pincher made my ears pop I don't like this thing at all so I tried again and this time I felt good I wasn't even thinking about my earlier fails and my whole body was just relaxed there is so much that can go wrong here the dive reflex the breathing even the mindset but even though I practice all this at some point the pain still came back my lungs were burning my cat thought I was crazy and eventually I had to stop but again star Lots I actually got more than four minutes for the first time we started practicing yesterday evening tested yesterday evening guys the next day I arrived at the pool I was expecting to come here in a few days but given the results of yesterday I guess I'm gonna just go for it it was time to try this underwater and finally face my fear but honestly I was already getting nervous 170 skills I can't put this up here's the plan step one I'm gonna try to bring my heart rate down I'm gonna relax myself step two I'm gonna activate the diver reflux by going underwater step three I'm gonna breathe a lot for one minute step four I'm gonna go for it you probably get why this is dangerous if you pass out and you're underwater that's a problem to prevent that my best friend was checking on me at all times so please guys don't try this by yourself alright this time the dev reflex is actually working I went from like 90 to 72 in seconds not scared to be honest 55 oh my God it's dropping all right guys so like yeah I'm gonna go for it it was now or never you guys know sometimes you just gotta be brave and try it I had no idea if I was gonna make it because I couldn't check the time once again it was me versus my own mind but something was not right being underwater as soon as I had the feeling of drowning I felt the fear coming back I started to panic and even though I wanted to get this so bad I had to stop right away well that was disappointing well I was down there I thought it was like at four minutes and then my friend told me to that broke me I was so frustrated it was way worse than yesterday but I wasn't gonna give up I got over four minutes previously and I knew I could do it again but for some reason being in the water felt completely different no matter how hard I tried holding my breath underwater was freaking me out at the start of the day I seriously thought I was gonna get it but my fear kept getting the better of me after a while I was defeated yes I absolutely have no idea what went wrong today I went terribly bad listen I'm gonna go back home I'm gonna practice a lot I'm gonna get it so I went home and instead of practicing then try underwater once again and while doing that I realized two things if you think about it it was kind of dance when I tried but I need to stay absolutely still and relaxed and that is huge and the second one I need to convince my brain that I can do it it's mental it's a it's a fight with your brain because when you reach the limit you can actually still go for a lot you know but if your brain doesn't believe that you're gonna just quit so I spent the rest of the day trying to convince myself that I could actually do it this was a mental battle but after being scared of this my entire life I decided that I wasn't gonna let the fear hold me back any longer I'm gonna get it yes the next day it was same to try again and I'm not gonna lie I was really uncomfortable but it wasn't time to be scared and it perfectly knew the only way to do something is just doing it so after a bit of preparation I started this time one thing changed one simple thing I believed in myself I couldn't be certain I was gonna do it I was extremely scared I was gonna pass out but I was still convinced somehow I focused on staying relaxed I focused on thinking about the goal but then at three minutes 30 the fear arrived and the pain started I seriously wanted to quit for a few seconds but this time I didn't now the fear was gone and I couldn't give up I physically couldn't give up and then I reached four minutes but I couldn't care less it wasn't enough guys this is the proof your mind is your only limit and if you believe in yourself you can't do anything this is what yes go means if you want something and you don't quit You're simply gonna get it if you like this video I think you like this one too go check it out
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 2,018,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: WpknMX6FX4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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