Slingshot Sniper Rifle | Build Video

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thank you slingshot rifle number one number two the main one we've been shooting and today we're going to be making slingshot rifle number three the reason I'm making the third one is because there's a couple problems with the second one main one being and how high the trigger is since the site had to be here the chair got to be really high up so you kind of had to reach for it this third slingshot rifle instead of having this stock style we're gonna have the little pistol grip so hopefully that'll solve the trigger issue and this is how this one has a red dot on it this third one we're gonna put a scope on it so it's gonna be more of like a sniper rifle rather than whatever this kind is and it's going to be longer a couple probably maybe five inches longer right now the distance from the head to the trigger is the same as my draw length 25 inches so we're hoping to make this one maybe 30 inches 32 maybe so we can just get a little bit more power as this thing yeah other than that first thing we gotta do is glue this wood up [Music] all right goodness [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so here's the deal while I was letting this dry I drew out this template on a piece of foam board and I cut it out this is what the Stock's gonna be pretty much so it's kind of like an M16 styled stock but it's like longer and it's made to be a slingshot rival so let's draw this on [Music] here we go with a sketchy cut out [Music] that was terrible [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] shape on this thing's finish so now we're starting a long hard process of harassing this thing to shape here goes the first of many [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh my gosh look how I caught that [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come on [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] right [Music] now [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign this is like a couple months later I've been working on this thing off and on just sanded it to 1500 Grit it's nice and smooth ready for oil uh boiled linseed oil here we go don't look terrible there is the first coat of oil on this thing uh it's looking pretty good so far I'm gonna let this dry give it a couple more coats and then maybe buff it a little bit and then show you the end result [Applause] that is it for the build video on the new slingshot rifle I just threw a boiled linseed oil and Beeswax paste on it protect the wood a little bit give it a little shine yeah I think it turned out pretty nice it's really comfortable a couple main things that I changed with this one um compared to the old one the first one being the trigger on the old one instead of it being like right here kind of kind of reach for it all the way up here so to fix that I made a little handle so when you come into it the trigger is right there right this of your finger ready to shoot so that's a big upgrade probably the biggest one this one's longer five inches longer six inches longer uh and overall length difference is about that much because the Stock's a lot longer because I'm gonna put a five Power Scope on this thing what's next the butt pad on this one is smooth I was having trouble like when I was going to aim it would slip down and I was shooting to fix that I added a little or a couple little slits in the back um 13 of them which adds a good amount of grip when you go to shoulder it it's not as not definitely not slippery that's a good upgrade this one's gonna have a scope on it that one's got a red dot I really want to put a scope on it and then what's next I'm going to put a trigger guard on this one a little brass that comes like that so I don't accidentally jump bump the trigger because there has been a couple times where it went to like rest this on a pad and like slit it forward and fires it so that's not not the best and then I'm gonna put a bipod on this one I'm always like laying down resting this thing on a bag of dirt or pillow so for this one I'm gonna have a little Picatinny wrap Mount somewhere around here there's going to be an extendable bipod on it so that thing's gonna have all the bells and whistles um everything that I didn't like about the old one the new ones upgraded I don't have templates for right now because I hand drew it out but maybe in the future I will make a couple templates or even make a beginner's slingshot rifle build video that's a lot easier to make than this because this is really fancy yeah if you guys want to see a beginner slingshot rifle video let me know in the comments I can probably put together something that you guys can make at home she's looking pretty good really cool pattern uh triggers exactly where I want it might come in just right there I put a lot of planning into this one so yeah stay tuned for next video when we put everything on it and shoot it see ya [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hudson Hertz
Views: 486,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: og_USjppt9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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