Can 6 DEVS Make a HORROR Game Without Communicating?

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can six amazing developers make a horror game without talking they'll pass the game along each adding their own updates without ever talking to each other it's like broken telephone but in Roblox Studio starting with tech lead let's see what happens hey guys it's Tech lead now because this is going to be a horror game I think a good place start us with a Lobby system so let's go ahead and get that set up all right so I went ahead and got the lobby system done let's see how it works all right awesome now that the lobby system's done basically how I want the game to work is you get teleported into the game and then you spawn in and there's going to be a certain amount rooms that you have to go through and then at the end there's going to be loot it's something similar to doors but instead of just reaching the end you actually have to backtrack and head back with the loop and that's how you win let's go ahead and get that room generation started so in order to actually do the room generation first we need rooms so I went ahead quickly I mean these are pretty pretty awful models but you know that's that's hopefully the next person can try and improve them but basically this is going to be one of the rooms and then here is the end room where the loot would be and then you collect it and run backwards over here is the spawn room that's what that looks like it's very detailed by now let's get let's actually get the generation started all right so I just went ahead and finish up the room generation let's go ahead and test it out and down here be the loot room and you go ahead and head back seems to be working pretty nicely all right so for I run out of time here I quickly added a timer and when the timer ends it just straight up kills you um I wanted to try and see if I can get the puzzle system down to go through each room but I'm not time for that here it is then it ends right there I hope what I've made is enough for the next developer to go off of make sure youall rate me at 10 out of 10 it's time to hand it down hey I'm Dan coat I've been a scriptor on Roblox for around a year now and uh I think I'm pretty good at so uh let's just go look at what I did it's not bad I swear when I opened the game it didn't look like there was a lot going on but then I realized that it was in another BL file okay I think I found the actual game it looked like the last developer was going for a randomly generated type of game but I was just going to focus on adding a little bit of Polish and making the spooky game I started off by changing the spook Factor the game I just gave it a little bit of darkness and the player a flashlight and it's pretty good but I I think it could be better I wanted to give the player some first person arms to make it more realistic and it was going well but then I kind of messed it up once I got the arms working it looked pretty good but it kind of felt like there was something missing so I decided to add a little bit of shake whenever the player walks and a tilt when they move their camera the game still fell a little bit empty at this point so I decided to add a sound to the door whenever you open it just to add a little bit of atmosphere and then I also added some ambient sounds in the background after I finished adding sounds to the game I still had extra time left open so I decided to add selection highlights and device support so you should be able to play this game on mobile and console I also added a couple extra things at the end to hopefully direct the other participants but it looks like I've used up my hour don't forget to write me in the comments and I'm going to pass it to the next person now let's see what trixon has in store hey I'm trixon and I've been chosen again to participate in roev gam SW I'm a UI designer but I can also script a little and I tried to add what I can to the game upon testing the game I found that the script has added a flashlight system random generated rooms and some of the stuff since I'm a UI designer I decided to start off with a simple loading screen since right now when you spawn in there's a sudden timer straight off the butt so I made some text and photo here and this is what it looks like in game so because I don't know what other sort of view I to add I added sprinting and crouching mechanics since those are key components of most story GES this is what the crouching system looks like and this is what the running system looks [Music] like after that I needed to add Mobile support so I made two buttons and scripted them for mobile I also ended up changing the flashlight button to a custom one so this is what it looks like finally with my time running out I added an interact promo system for Builders or scripts plays throughout the game which looks like this anyways that's all I could do than 1 hour so good luck to the next person hello everyone I'm Johnny Go tree and I'm the four developer okay so I joined to test the game and there was this sign that says Builders do something and some gates okay so first I started to build the map for the map I added some trees and some cars for the gate okay so I'm inside the main game and this seems like a Thors game with random generation okay so first I decided to start building some rooms for the game I also changed the text of the note to say something think more scary so these are the rooms and I also modeled these flashlight but sadly I lost the footage I think that's everything for my part let's move on with the next developer hey guys I'm Jack uh I'm a I'm the Builder for like this game swap I have an hour to start and I think first I'm just going to take a look and see what there is not sure how much there is this looks pretty cool see ooh this looks nice interact ooh that seems to be it for the building for now all right so I think I'm just going to start with making a new flashlight model as you can see it's pretty basic uh let me just get it right into that okay I just finished making the flashlight model and it's put in the game that looks amazing uh I think the next thing I should do is the things at the end let me uh let me get to those really quickly okay so I just wanted to make some of these so there's actually stuff that you're interacting with I think maybe stuff like Priceless art Jewels maybe a a vase or something and then I'll put these here I'll check in when I'm done okay so I just finished making all the assets I think they look amazing like a 10 out of 10 therefore you should definitely rate me a 10 out of 10 hey guys I just finished with my part of the the game and I'm excited to pass it to the next developer to see what they're going to do with it cuz I had many ideas for it but I unfortunately couldn't fit into the 1 hour time frame I thought I would just run through the game a little bit just to show you what I did over the hour H H let's take the vase anyway that's all for now um I will see you guys when uh we all go through the game at the end and that's it for my part of the development bye what's up guys I'm cash AKA cash the king and I've been a Roblox scriptor for 3 years so here's what I did okay I have an hour starting now to work and finish this game and I'm the last person so I have to get started really fast all right so let's open up the place okay so I load in and it looks like there's a q system looks like it's based in like a forest wao there's some ambient noise this is really spooky anyway here's a quick time lapse of what I [Music] did all right let's see if this actually works basically I just changed a bunch of stuff anyways that's it for my part so I'm going to call the other devs and we can play test the game okay guys cash just finished and we are about to play the game for the first time this is my first time seeing the game in a long time let's go and hop it into this circle wow this Lobby looks absolutely amazing this Lobby does look really cool John did you make this oh I forgot he does not have a mic but I think he did make it jump if you made it jump if you made it yeah jump if you made it oh he did make it I like how that thing got more and more green and I really like this loading screen here oh this intro looks amazing so looks like we have 15 minutes on the clock I wonder what happens after that okay we're going to do something really quickly the first person to make it to the end will get 10,000 Robux what is this Bell hey oh yeah you guys should do that I might to switch into free cam here obviously I'm not going to win the 10,000 Robo myself but I do want to see who touches the end wall first this race is kind of crazy how many rooms are there until it ends I there's like 15 how' you die is there a monster oh crap oh there I may have added a monster I'm kind of like stuck in like a in like a black screen I'm not sure if that'll work uh we're a little stuck here okay what is going on with the room generation around here who scripted this not me I mean you you kind of nope it wasn't me kind of I mean it was working whenever I so don't worry guys I can get a sue here so this is a really weird dead end we just hit but I think cash has cleared it up all right let's go let's go let's go so we're going to keep going and see if it's the end wall for first I Know Jack died and he's on a black screen right now but you know that's just the game what is that cash can you help us out with this wall too I got you as we get closer and closer to the end here guys make sure you're paying attention really closely and make sure you comment who actually wins the race so I'm going to press C to crouch here and maybe we can get through there we go we just got through thanks to cash let's keep going now there is a this is a really weird window because jump is disabled but there we go cash is destroying everything I really like this here I wonder who made that it looks like the rooms are already generated or we're going backwards oh you know what you're probably going back oh yeah you're going backwards we're not going backwards though I know that no but why are all the doors open okay let's go the other way okay this is the correct direction okay are you sure I think right now cash is in front of everyone else but I think johnica is coming up behind me I don't even know where I am uh I think Dan is a little bit lost I might op into free cam here oh you know what it probably made Circle there we go we just ran into Dan it's looping wait dan were you behind us is this entire map a loop I I ran the opposite direction so I think I'm going to need you guys in the comments to tell me who to award the robox to should we split it with all the devs you guys let me know yeah we should split it cuz I died and I want some this video took countless hours to make so if you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe click on one of these two GameStops if you want to see them I'll see you guys in the next one peace bye subscribe
Channel: RoDev
Views: 701,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox studio, game, game dev, game development, robloxdev, roblox development, no communication challenge, challenge, roblox challenge, roblox studio challenge, roblox development challenge, Can 6 DEVS Make a ROBLOX Game Without Communication?, how to make a roblox game, roblox game development, RoDev, dev, development, gaming, Roblox, ROBLOX, robloxian, roblox game, simulator, horror, Roblox horror game, october, halloween, horror games, how to make a horror game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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