Coding Weapons to Destroy My World

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This is Minecraft! Known for it's beautiful forests, it's precious wildlife, and it's lush terrain. I'm gonna code a flamethrower! [calming music] I've already made it so that if you grab a stick and you right click, it shoots a snowball. But why D: Why... What did I do that for? Well the plan is to replace these snowballs with MASSIVE chunks of fire. And we can't do that without a coding montage! *Mysty coding over furious typing* cheese pizza? Alright, I added one line of code. Let's see what happens now. Oh? Oh Jeez! *between laughter* What is that!?! Let me just fire one? *explosion* Oh je- What did I do? If I fire a bunch straight up what would hap- Oh that's SO laggy. *giggling* *explosions* Oh jeez... I may need to tweak a few values... We're back in the game and if I got the numbers right, which is very rare, It should just look like I'm throwing a fireball. *explosion* I think that worked!? *another explosion* Oh this is so cool! This feels like I'm shooting a harry potter spell or something. *terrifying Voldemort impression* The boy who lived *terrifying Voldemort impression* come to die! AVADA KEDAVRA! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: * So while these fire particles do look really cool, They're not really setting anything on fire... I tried having it place fire in the air and on the ground below it, but I ended up going with something a little different. Yeah, I didn't thing it did enough damage, so I did both the trails AND the explosion. Let's see how good our flamethrower is so far! *laughing* Oh yeah, I'm liking this a lot. But y'know these normal Minecraft explosions are kind of boring. What if we made it a lot more visually interesting of an explosion? So after messing around with some uh... coding shenanigans. Let me just show you the result. How cool do you think this explosion looks? *BOOM!* *laughing* This is so cool! It like throws everything out! What happens if I just hit a tree? *explosion* *laughing* Oh, jeez! Let's try and carve through a mountain. (Mysty imitating explosions) PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW! Y'know, I don't think these explosions are big enough. Here we go... WHA-? *laughing* My game! This looks so cool! Wait, what if I shoot this at the bottom of the lake? What happens? *explosion* Uh oh... Woa - Oh no I accidentaly clicked again! Okay, so this is what TWO explosions at the bottom of a lake look like. But right now, this is more of a rocket launcher than a flamethrower So, why don't we try and limit the distance? Goodbye tree. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Oh, what a perfect area to test in. Let's just try out the range on this real quick, Let's see... Let's see how these animals hold up with... *laughing* Everything that's going on. Y'know, it is killing them but some of them are getting away. What if we make it do a LOT more damage? Alright, this one should be much better. *laughing* You can see the pigs already taking knockback. Oh, he died so quick! Oh, burn down the tree! ʘ‿ʘ *deep demonic voice* BURN FOREST BURN! Okay, I might've gotten a little carried away there... But I did a couple tweaks and I added some nice sounds and now it's VERY satisfying. Let's just try this out... [Flamethrower wooshing and explosions] I think I'm in love ♥‿♥ I think this custom explosions actually perfect because it like chars the grass off the ground. It like - It like actually leaves destruction where it goes. I also made it start just a second late so you can stand here and not die, which is very nice. Oh! All the blocks have been replaced with fire. There are no trees here, this is just floating pillars of fire. Now THAT'S a flamethrower. Well would you look what we have here, a nice little village, in the middle of a forest! *deep demonic voice* THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE THAT DON'T SUBSCRIBE! *normal voice* Welp, looks like my job here is done! What's actually cool about the way we made the flamethrower is that with just a couple little number adjustments, we can have completely different weapons. I present to you the rocket launcher! *laughter* Oh, he's so sad about his house. I wonder if the Iron Golem can protect the village from my wrath? Guess not! This bell won't save you now! I present to you the bacon thrower! *sad oink* *pig death squeal* *Wicked Witch Impression* Fly my piggies, fly! Oh hey, look at this happy little cow. I sure hope he likes pork! He looks happy. *sounds of many pigs dying* Oh... Oh wait! This gives me an idea! Let's get a bunch of food here... Let's just make a big ol' pile of it. And if we grab our flamethrower... this should cook all the food for us. Look at all this! Look at all THAT! Yummy (˃ᆺ˂) But what if we changed it from a flamethrower... to a SAND thrower. *Mysty mimicking machine gun* BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Wait, can I draw with this? Wait a second. Wait a second. So let's start with the outline... Kind of make a nice little curve in there... Maybe make another round section over here... and of course how could you forget the round section at the back? Amgungus ඞ (Among Us) Oh, wait! I'm so stupid! Why do sand when we can do primed TNT? *Mysty mimicking plane noise* NYOOOOOOOOM *Mysty mimicking explosion* PEW! Now this is more like it! This is what I'm wanting to draw with here. *many TNT exploding sounds* I drew a circle :D This is essentially just a grenade thrower if you think about it. Let's see if I can aim a grenade over the church at that house right there. *Mysty exerting effort* HYA! *TNT explodes* Oh, it landed on the thing! Wanna know what weapon I've always wanted to see in Minecraft? A gravity gun *laughs* Wait, can I use this to rocket jump? Will this work? *gasp* YOOOOO! Okay, this is fun. *weird cat bouncing noise* Now, as nice as all the fire and explosions and all that is... why don't we move over to the water? *Mysty charging up* BOAT THROWER! *laughing* That didn't really work as well as I hoped for. Oh, look at me go! I'm travelling. Oh, I'm going, I'm travelling, I'm going so quick! Well this is...interesting. Okay, so, I set it to do lightning, but um... I'm not actually sure if it'll actually do anything, so I don't know if it will like, fly? Okay, it just lands on me. Aw, dang ): Well, that looks cool. I was about to think that I was out of ideas, until I thought of making an air thrower. Now, I don't really know what that means... but, uh, let's try it out! So, YouTube could be sending you my videos every single day, but you could still not be subscribed, so if you could double-check it'd help me out quite a bit! So here is our air thrower... you can definitely tell it is air. So, let's try it on some cows. *air wooshing* Oh! Where'd he go! Where'd he go? Did he despawn? That might've been a 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 powerful *cowboy impression* So long, partner... (=^・ω・^=) Goodbye, cow! But one thing that's sad is it doesn't really do anything to like the fire or the blocks... if it did? Let's try and put out our fire. There we go! Goodbye fire! We're also environmentally friendly, look at how nice it is! What's that? You have a fire in your house? Well, I'll get rid of it! Wait a second, does this work on water? Oh, jeez! *laughing* I did not think about that! Oh no! Goodbye squid! *laughing* Wait, do you guys know what this means? We can go straight down...forever? All the way to bedrock? And it will go through the bedrock, I think? Right? *explosion bursts through bedrock* *gasp* Uh oh... I just had a wonderful... HORRIBLE idea. If we simply change the speed of our projectile to be instant... we can make a nice little sniper rifle. *in deep voice* HEADSHOT! This is actually just like way too much fun. Wait, can we line it up for the collateral? Stand still. *explosion* Kind of! What if we had an earthquake thrower? Y'know, nothing too out of the ordinary... Just... *laughs* my game crashing. Oh no...I clicked so many times! Oh I click- okay it wasn't that bad. I lowered it a bit. Hopefully this is a bit more watchable. Oh, that's so cool. Oh, my sticks gone ): Oh, there it is, okay. Now this is Minecraft everybody! Oh... What? How did this happen? Why did they all land right there? Now it's time for a little... *Announcer Voice* Audience interaction! How many seconds do you guys think it would take me to get rid of this mountain right here? Write down your guesses now! I think the answer is one... Uh oh... *laughs* It hit the mountain! Well that's not a good sign...*laughs* Oh, it loaded. I think one was a good guess. I just realized something... the fact that I used a stick for the flamethrower means that if you break a tree... trees drop flamethrowers. Why don't I bring my roommates in for a little PvP battle and see what they think? I'm going to have them both choose between either a very normal stick with no magical powers... or a netherite sword. But, of course, the netherite sword is going to be the flamethrower. Alright, welcome James. Do you see this chest over here? James: Yeah, I also see that I have really high uh... sensitivity and I can spin really fast. This is me moving my mouse across the mousepad by the way... *Mysty laughs* Fundy: Okay, but Mysty first listen to this. *Fundy harmonizing* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *Fundy harmonizing higher* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *Fundy harmonizing even higher* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Fundy makes a gorgeous melody* Okay...let's have a PVP bat- *Fundy laughing* Mysty: So, in this chest... are the two types of weapons you can choose... you can pick one of them! One of them! James: A very normal stick with no magical powers... Uh...knowing you I'll take the stick... Fundy: It's a netherite sword versus a stick that summons meteorites. Mysty: It's a normal stick, it has no magical powers. Fundy: Yeah, so it's a stick that summons meteorites versus a nether- I'll...I'll just take the stick. Fundy: How do I summon a meteorite? Mysty: It has no magical powers. Mysty: So, um...count down from three and then we'll fight! Fundy: How do I summon a meteorite? James: Three, two, one, go! *James burning* *James screams* AAAHHHH. OH GOD. Is it me doing this?! *James still screaming* What is this! *Fundy screaming* You have the meteorite! I don't have any... Fundy: Stop, Stop, Stop! Mysty: Nope, get back up here! James: How did I do that? Mysty: I told you, that's just a very normal stick with no magical powers. James: Then what is this? Mysty: I have a flamethrower (=^・ω・^=) James: Oh WHAT JESUS CHRIST *Fundy grunts* Fundy: DIEEEEEE! Mysty: It's still a netherite sword. *Fundy and Mysty laugh* Mysty: Alright, that was great round one. Round two! *Mysty laughs as James screams* James: What happens if I do this? Oh... Mysty: Netherite doesn't burn James: I...that's clever *Mysty laughs* *Fundy war cry* *Fundy little girl scream* Fundy: What? Fundy: Y'know what? Mysty: Yeah? Fundy: Y'know what counters wind? Fundy: Wall (*^‿^*) Fundy: OHHHHHHHHHHH *Fundy and Mysty both laughing* Mysty: If you liked this video, you should check out this one next! /\_/\ ( o.o ) > ^ <
Channel: mysticat
Views: 1,177,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iIeKyoYMs2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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