I Made A Cruel And Unusual Game

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in defense games you have enemies with waves and then these waves get stronger and you get stronger enemies but that's boring so let's make it random where wave 1 you could have like a time God then it's just a wolf and then you could have an Unholy amalgamation of dragons uh that was my plan until one of these people who will go unnamed ruined my horrible plan here's how that happened this is like your games before but now it is a tower defense game the encounter wil's decided randomly oh boy oh Neptune oh like like the hardest encounter right off the bat little girl no little girl look out no let's go you don't deserve this uh okay uh I guess Brent you're up first well I will go first I will go first I will go first I go first you go first then all right all right all right all up hi little girl how's your day going where's your mom honestly where where's your mom person you're a bad person follow me I can show you the way out oh uh down the stairs and to your left there is no down pass oh my gosh Eevee all right thank you have a good day that's not what I was expecting but I also that makes sense she was in bro we can't trust her for every enemy you defeat you get one gold yeah why was that an enemy she's canonically an enemy now good okay uh next encounter round two we just get another play get one of something hopefully a good okay you all get one goal one wow sweet demon oh Neptune yes goblins a minut whatever oh boy whatever Noah feels like let's see what I have over here he looks through his assets this one feels pretty cool oh no oh my days okay this thing appears and then we'll throw in I don't know maybe like a Hydra or something sofus you're up first I've got like several spells here I'm wondering what I should cast honestly like a lot of options I mean this thunder spell looks pretty neat I might honestly just cast that you sound so unfamiliar to the idea yeah I know right yeah it sounds you sound too casual with it what do you mean I'm just I'm just going to go ahead and use my thunder spell nice and simply on who on ver I mean on the Hydra the moment Nick asked he just fought oh light bulb moment I got this let's see how well it goes the eer is he lucky wait I remember 18 18 18 18 no it's not no oh 19 19 19 19 nine okay it's going to hit and he will go to four out of five Health the entire Hydra or just H well say you get the H okay verus you're up oh okay I have a cheeky idea you say cheeky you love British dialect what's your issue dude you said you you are not that guy berus what the I I'm just I have a silly plan jeez we're on the same team you know what be really silly if I if you teleport me to that uh that dark wand up there I only have one teleport spell and you have plenty of spell right now be worth it would be worth it I think I don't know I'm not doing that yet I have a better idea I want to use knockback spell so that I push the Hydra into the lava well that that en knocks him away from you oh I can't okay has be in front of me okay I didn't know teleport yourself behind the Hydra then do I only have one teleport though this thing in front of us probably dies to Healing oh good point well I don't see the issue I have five of them all right I cast healing spell on the Behemoth looking guy oh boy this will turn out well smiley face smiley face F it's fine it's fine you heal it and it damages the demon nice okay good Ving sist Nick you're up I have a i a new ability double move I don't know what that does ah you can move twice also now this uh this line acts as the standard for how far you can move line that thing on the upper left seems pretty cool it's like a knife yeah I think me and Vern should go up just because you two have more offensive capabilities than we do oh yeah my offensive power is quite strong whe everything I do offends Vern in some way well no no it's just you killing little girls that offend me a bit that's the only issue I have you know that makes me think you know technically in Tower Defense you are right there is supposed to be something you're supposed to defend uh we'll say you have to defend the little girl oh the return every fiber of my being is like coursing through me to like not cast Thunder spell so is she defending the blue button is that what that is we'll just forget this thing exists okay that was the original objective I see good good improv if I can only go like that distance I probably can only reach the ladder right well we'll we'll up you to we'll say instead of double move it triple whoa can I get my up can I get my moves upgraded no Evee don't ask that bro all righty then wait I forgot to take a thunder spell too oh no that's even know now now now it's bad now it's really bad okay I'll move to the ladder are you using the triple move no no no not yet so you'll get to about here Brent you're up what can I do differently except walk up to people hit them with an X really well that's that's just what you do your purpose what you that's what do me strong me swing act the thing is can I even attack the from this far cuz it's like there Gap that's why depends on how much you believe in yourself I think I believe in you I believe in you Brent you know what I believe in myself too I'm going to jump over that Gap and attack the Hydra with my axe yeah let's go let's see how well that goes let's go we we have to hop off the trend of smacking Dragon but every since oh 12 12 12 I'll take oh that definitely hit 12 let's say that goes to three out of five and it loses another head it's now the Demon's turn you three are all grouped gred up there so he is going to cast Fireball let's see how much damage it does I summon one I summon I summon fail dies let's go it exp not okay I deflect it he's going to try and cast it but I guess that healing spell really messed him up and he's going to blow himself up instead kab okay the yadra is going to attack Brent now not the actually it's AER guys not theer let's go take it take it's not that bad okay eight it misses oh damn okay bro why are we why are we lucky okay sopus you're up uh I will start making some movement so I'll go ahead and head up that ladder to get a good Vantage okay and I will a uh peruse my spells I have on hand this um the the the one that does thunder it seems pretty useful so I think I might just C go ahead and cast that one okay he he's going going to cast Thunder spell on on who on the little I mean the the uh Beholder on our objective oh what the are nice we very nice of this 15 that's going to kill it w goodness damn Nick you're up no verus is next ver hold up what if you like teleported the ladder to the other side so we can climb it up can't we just move it ourselves no that would take effort eeve let's not waste my one teleport that's not too bad and plus that means we couldn't get the health then I have it right here no I what am I strong enough to lift the ladder oh we can check okay so in that case I'm going to walk to the ladder and grab it all right let's see if you're strong enough oh my God this spin a wheel to move a lad oh wait dude it's a basic it's a basic ladder like come on come on yeah how I have the same thing in my garage you try and lift it but unfortunately you fumble it and it falls to the ground ver is troll stuck there well you know that's fine it's closer to the other side now you know what that works honestly I'm just handing it off to Nick at this point okay Nick you're up all right Brent do you need help or you got this uh I think I'm good here okay I'll try to move the ladder upwards on the other side though okay uh uh uh no please this is where we struggle this is where the struggle begins could be good forever okay unfortunately you do try and struggle with it and what ends up happening I mean two ladds no I think it broke is that what it means lad's going to end up breaking in half ber you gave him an idea that's what you did no no that was not intentional you gave him that idea verus well I I I what else was supposed to be I thought that made sense I thought that was already applied we could have had two letters you thought oh oh clearly we failed so much it perfected our ladder making skills Nick right good thinking quick you say he spelled to restore think I highly doubt that works on an I cast super glue Brent you're up all right I'm just I'm just going to do the same thing as last turn I'm going to attack the high that's why are you acting unimpressed that's your party trick that's your thing you the guy he wants to be he wants to be a wizard all he no no got 11 you're fine would be so funny if it was specifically the first bad thing to happen I mean yeah 11's fine okay 11 we say that kills it okay the first well second wave has been defeated okay so sofus you killed an enemy so you get another gold actually you were supposed to get one from before but now you have it now okay and so did you Brent wait I I killed the ladder do I guess something repairs damn it okay you to put a down payment on the repairs for ladder so in between the rounds you guys can go to the shop ah was I'm curious like what was I love the shopkeep I love buy another ladder I buy dragon I buy three dragons wait one go for a I guess we can't control it it's very unpredictable wait eeve why not buy another dark blast spell I buy three dragons Three Dragons you buy three drag to fight those Dragon s no ver why you what you don't think you don't think Noah really F ahead about someone buying Three Dragons talking bro oh my goodness dude I am not going to stop until this room is filled with Dragons okay you know what I I want to buy a hat and and I want to give it to verish I was going to buy a hat no you you hat price will increase up to five gold that's well thanks the free hat sucker no that's the that's the dumb guy hat you got to wear it now V oh oh the dumb guy where did it say dumb guy hat on this hat no no can you rate that on the hat no it's impossible yeah the game's current engine can't support text it's already being pushed to its limit right now uh Brent verus is there anything you guys want to buy I wish to acquire a a loyal Goblin okay you get a goblin loyal Goblin interesting wow verus promotes slavery this is what I'm he no I promote happiness Brent what would you like uh give my shield back okay like the good old times baby wait what if we just kill the shopkeeper and take all the loot you can try no never try we do not try yeah why would we try why would we try something so stupid why we do so something so I cast Thunder spell shopkeep oh well it was nice you guys bro salutes s in chat all right give me a 19 okay well you almost got it buddy you almost got it bro no I want to try 10 10's got to kill he's got to be very weak you cast Thunder spell on the shopkeep and it is absorbed into him and reflected back at you let's go let's go get his ass get his ass Eevee you are unfortunately going to lose three Health bro that's that's fine I just won't get hit you just W get like you just got hit no dud there's there's healing there's healing right next to me I'll just go to that all right next wave uh let's see verus you purchased a loyal Goblin he is now loyal and your friend hooray sofus you purchased three dragons Unfortunately they are not loyal and they will try to attack you yeah yo I got SXP that was just kind kind of I look they're all defending the items now too you also have to roll for your encounter as well oh God wait oh my gosh yeah we you going to speedrun dying bro oh my God we're playing on hard I guess we're only going to have one though it feels like no please be kind uh I feel like it's appropriate to have another Dragon one for each of us we each got take we each got to take out about 10 you know one for the Goin too oh God no I you just spawned in he's just a guy he's just a boy okay this feels like a pretty fair encounter uh oh my God all right let's go sopus you're up first all right can I do like one action then move or do I does my turn end on my action uh you can do it in whatever order you feel like okay I cast dark blast where are you shooting the dark blast at uh the the two above me oh you can't hit this one right now it's blocked by the wall I reverse cast dark blast I cast Thunder spell where you shooting this one forward all right it's going to hit hit this guy I suck the dark blast back in inhal that back into your W 15 15 15 15 give no punishment that's going to do quite a bit of damage to the dragon wait how much life do these guys even have oh they have 10 oh my God we have to do 50 damage toal indeed you do well get ready to enrage a lot dude so now so here this is my big brain strategy like these cost three gold now there's five of them so we're going to get five gold off the end of this you're going to break even on the ones that you bought that is not how that work yeah but by the end of it we're going to get five gold though also not not a efficient way to profit also for my move I turn around and go grab the healing okay it is mine you Lee okay as you pick up the healing all of your spells are also restored let's go ni that's worth I should cast dark blast verus you're up next okay oh I got to think I got to Pi I got to think heal the L okay well should I use teleport on one of you guys to go for the dragons Al now you want to teleport well yeah when there's no other way to get to them yeah maybe you should put uh Brent up there what the bro or or you can put me up there and give me a cool one like next to a cool weapon so I can about to say okay okay if you're confident with it I'll teleport you up to the upper left where that Co D teleport me to the cool wand uh well wait the one in the middle is cooler the one in the yeah that's that's like that's like a demon sword in the middle that's definitely a brentt weapon a fun fact dragons sworn so yeah let's not do that I will go to the upper left then that's what I freaking fought I teleport Nick up to the upper left into the dagger okay let's see if you're teleporting good oh God please it's a pretty as long as you get like a five or higher oh God please bro he gets teleported extremely well five or higher it gets between four and three Nick you are now teleported next to the dagger verus is there anything else you'd like to do in your turn do you have to send out your goblins or your Goblin yeah verus give him like a boost or something and like throw him like making oh verus you could use him as bait because they swarm no verus this will be a great Advantage wait okay okay hear me out hear me out hear me out verus verus you got to send them verus you got to bro you need to put use him as B bernius I'm not using berus you the midle it's either us or him bro okay okay Define how I'm going to use him as bait what you want gobl teleport Goblin teleport bro Goblin tort you have a goblin teleport now dude he costs one gold you could get millions of them they're cheap labor ver you out I I don't wait evaluate all my options before I do something so horrible to my new best friend that's the purpose the goblin serves now oh my God yeah wait but where would you teleport the goblin too that too I love dude okay you he said he loves you that cute dude teleport him to the wall tell to throw down to me specifically I'm not I don't have to tell look look okay wait wait wait wait Noah how far can a dragon move uh let me think well has wings yeah they have wings that is a good point we'll say like this far Brent can you give me one of your snacks please what you could give him some lunch on the way out no no no no I I want to give the goblin one of his snacks I'll teleport to the dragons he'll feed the snack to the dragon and then befriend him verus verus can you stop being a silly guy for once in your life bro what are you talking okay I'm a silly one when when Eevee buys free dragons hits the shopkeep and then bars himself off from the rest of the danger it doesn't tell me they're evil even you bought them and then instantly they tried to kill them yeah exactly I just I I don't know I'm trying to think about when we befriend the dragon and then the dragon fights with us wait hold up hold ver might be cooking though what if we try to befriend one of them this actually might work yeah we know how much Noah loves content this might actually work especially if you help the the dragon that's already weak and you heal up that's a great Point yeah I have this feeling that this is not going to this either backfires or it's going to be super awesome we have only the wheel will deter I send my new best friend to the Grave immediately or he actually turns the tit of battle for us I think the ladder is the better option okay fine I think best option best option Ren can I please have a snack yeah I'm kind of far I don't want to like throw a snack Miss and it falls into the lava okay you you get past the lava first then give me the snack okay sure okay okay and to make it better uh I'll move a little closer I'll move to the ladder so this way I'm closer to Brent Nick you're up I pick up the dagger I feel like each one of those weapons are made for each of us or I can have two weapons with this dagger if you hit and you get a 15 or above you will automatically cast a thunder spell free Thunder spell should I I feel like if I stab the dragon in front of me they'll all swarm I don't know is that how it works maybe you choose invisibility yeah I was going to say okay fine give me give me invisibility please I will hold out and hope Bernie's plan is successful no Nick where'd he go no oo Brent you're up yeah I can't I literally can't do anything else other than I try to make my way to the center and then from there I give one of my snacks to him okay verus you now have one of Brent's snacks it's now uh the Goblin's turn he's just going to follow you all right he sck behind you come here buddy come here buddy okay it is the dragon's turn now all right this dragon is going to go first uh he's going to make a smell check can smell oh no wait what happened wait he's oh he smells good no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh he smells really good it's fine he is able to smell Nick you dragon and he's going to try and bite at you oh God wait uh you have you have healing behind you to be safe oh c fail will be so funny no yo he crit fell twice going to go a five out of seven I'll take it I'll take it this dragon's also going to come over and attack you he can he can smell me from over there well you're you got attacked so now you're no longer Invincible oh my gosh oh no oh oh no oh no well it's it's been good Nick I hope you like that dagger that's a natural 20 you're going to go down to one Health okay okay you at least survived this dragon's going to go down uh and it's going to cast Fireball on you three wait if the goblin dies this plam is all for nothing oh please no don't let the goblin die wait can I block with my shield get behind me buddy block sh uh yes you can block with the shield and Brent the damage you take from this is haved okay so you'll take two Health then that will kill the goblin gobby no B us for nothing ver Vern can still feed him I guess I I can still try to feed the Dragon even though I'm really sad because it my this dragon's going to go over here and he is going to pick up this sword in his mouth oh that's not fair say with what OPP posable thumbs but I guess with his mouth okay that makes sense now that's honestly so damn raw okay and this dragon's just going to move over here this is not looking good uh sofus you're up okay let me see my spells very quickly I think you should cast ice spell on top of the Dragon that's flying right now it might take some really bad fall damage and need to kill it yo hold up dragons do be kind of weak to ice Hold Up cast ice spell above the dragon in front of me and possibly cause it to crash down all right let's see how well I cast ice spell ice spell e no eeve ice still spell good unfortunately that's going to miss and you'll put the ice right here okay at least you have air protection now that's something yay that's what I was planning on doing verus you're up I'm going to try and feed the the injured Dragon the snack all right let's see if you're able to throw it up there oh my gosh does Vern have hands he's going to have to roll for oh how bad how bad does it have to be how good it can be how good to have to be does it seem it's very hard to just throw uh food in the air yeah we'll say that it gets into the dragon's mouth the question is how does the dragon react though all right verus we'll say this is an animal handling check oh okay okay okay please please what's your anual handling score Battle of mid bro what is this he's not going to so well at the beginning you don't know what he's thinking right now okay okay he's indecisive no I get it you need some time I understand not okay Nick you're up do I go for the healing right behind me but I have two dragons on me bro what am I supposed to do against two dragons you can't go invisible because you smell so bad like just find you anyways you shut you Barbarian bro you are covered as way I don't want to hear it okay I mean if I die verus can revive me I can revive gobby if you revive gobby over me verus I will show up at your front door okay I'm all get I'm all it I'm all get I just thought it was funny that it could be possible dude if anything Reviving the ladder would be more useful than Reviving gobby oh oh his corpse okay yeah you you just dead body as bit goby no okay okay so I can attack and then move behind me right okay so I think I'll just I'll do that I'll Attack the dragon directly in front of me then all right come on baby give me a bonus Thunder spell never mind I'll take a 13 I'll take a 13 no no four oh my days that's uh that's going to be a Miss okay well I'll move behind me and get my health Brent you're up hm now what do i o you got something new oh unless big boy oh I was thinking something like that wait oh I see I see dude you should cast big boy jump I was going to jump to the the dragon with a sword and take him out and take a sword I was thinking that I was thinking that would be better use oh this encounter is definitely taking 30 minutes you're welcome guys this is going to be the majority of the video yeah this is probably the last encounter we'll have yeah all right I'm going to do that I'm going to move to the left cast big boy jump and try to jump all all the way to the very top and try to uh to the platform with a dragon with the sword okay you're able to get here can you attack still or yeah that's like movement all right that's my that's my next move I attack that dragon with a sword okay get him take his loot shoes specifically please please the first ever CR please please godamn it it keeps giving us garbage he took a hit at least I think those so dumb with this section that the one time we get a crit like the entire l the entire room just going to die we we'll see we'll see how I feel by then okay Nick this dragon is going to attack you of course he will all right now it's their turn to get mid rolls right no he's going to get like a oh God fine I'll take it a little nibble just a little nible I'll take it I'll take it he's hungry yeah okay wasn't so bad wasn't so bad it's fine it's fine is this the other Dragon yeah yeah what wait here comes the 18 here comes the Big Boy Hits 18 I think Noah is secretly a dragon who spinning the dice right now there's a chance maybe the wheel is biased Brent this dragon's going to attack you all right let's go oh he has a giga sword though whip a sword in his mouth uh six six you will block it six is lower than 16 easy game baby okay this dragon's going to cast Fireball on this ice oh I was hoping he would like go underneath the platform and right and then kill the little girl we have to protect right fine fine I guess to keep remov that ah hello s here and then he's going to go down here verus I'll think of something hold on I'll think I'll think now it's this dragon's turn he's going to attack you verus No I gave you my snacks care about the snacks no just hold out hold out I thought we had something special oh just hold out he'll change his mind trust me okay he does not hit you and now he's looking confused as he should be I think his heart's grown like three sizes all of a sudden can I go beneath the dragons and just cast dark glass above me the we'll see how that works out all right let's see my life is in your hands I see I see Vision cast dark blast and there's just like a rumbling underneath Nick's feet like what the hell's going on what's Happening and then just fart with Reverb and then just a giant fart with Reverb okay your dark class is going to miss is it bro did hit I'm falling through bro oh oh no fall damage no verus can you why are you give him ideas you're the worst what what that is clear what's going to happen no it's not he wouldn't even thought whatever you know what Nick now you're going to have to roll against fall damage this is how much yeah okay thanks ber appreciate you big guy feel like I feel like this is already like 18 all right seven you're not going to take any cuz you're a rogue yeah he's I was about to say he's a rogue he can just uncanny Dodge the fall damage I am athletic let's go verus you're up if I were to walk up to the dragon on the left of me could I cast knockback spell into the lava you'd have to be above it okay okay hear me out hear me out hear me out I use the half ladder right I climb on top of it I jump off of it and then I cast knockback spell while I'm above the dragon so I push it into the L yeah like that y let's go all right let's see how good the knock back spell is Go Fort wor reever there's no way come on come on we can't get higher than the five everything we do sucks you're able to knock the dragon down into the lava but unfortunately it is a fire dragon and the lava does not affect it okay well that think going for Ace swim no that's fair that's fair okay well at least that's a plus Nick you're up what do I do bro do you have triple move oh I do have triple move okay I'll use my my triple movement to go next to the next to Vern because it's closer it it'll it'll be more effective all right we ball I'll throw 100 knives okay that's roughly probably 100 or something like that anyways you're going to throw these at the dragon yes okay yeah Hilt first directly for his head shut up historically this has not worked out for you oh my God and will it continue to not work out what happens uh that's going to deal two damage we're never going to kill these drag are we bro it's taking 30 minutes to deal this is all Eve's Fault by the way I hope we all know this he summoned three of these I felt like there was more to this RPG and in like two hours of it going to be on these Dron I I I look I had all of these really cool encounters that I made planned and some of them were like call backs to vaporeon's Revenge I don't know if we're going to get to that said I'm going to buy three dragonss Brent it is your turn do I really got to jump down I just got here man the the number one thing that matters is the girl bro she'll live one hit she can live one hit no she won't no she if you if she can't survive one Thunder spell what do you think a fire blast from a dragon's going to do Point Blank too the dragon's not nearly as strong as I am you have so much health you will not take you'll take minimal fall damage the dragon's weaker just put those there wait would that don't worry about that oh her health bar perhaps she can take three hits I think that's the I think that's the I think that's the thing and ver you could probably just heal her up anyways so I could yeah so it's like there's no like big rush that's fair that's fair if we have three lives and yeah okay no we I we need to kill these Mother starting with the one right in front of me I cast en rage and attack the dragon in front of me all right please let me just kill one of these dragons no we should get a three oh my goodness gracious this is why I C so sad br will be the first one to get a good rooll were we like complimenting our roles at the beginning of the game by the way yeah we were what that's not going to do anything unfortunately oh my God I hate to hear I'm sorry you can't control the the Arbiters of Fate okay it's the dragon turn this one's going to crawl don't worry about that this one's going to crawl down on the ceiling the glitch it glitched texture issue it's going to cast Fireball on sofus oh God be like a move like that H this one does can Dragon yeah he turned he turned like a really hard 90° angle oh okay okay okay no wait no no no oh my gosh the dragons are taking all our good rules he needs it we're going to die oh my God we're actually going to it's overt maybe there could be hope we're still alive and we're still alive we're all still alive we can yeah it's not over till let's over this next one's going to come down give me a second uh and attack you sopus with a bite well how can you how can you fit through there how could he fit through was their what is their ability to fly honestly oh their first bad luck the first bad roll okay six it's going to miss this is the first bad thing to happen to the dragons Okay this dragon's going to attack Brent let's go watch he's going to get like a 19 watch I'm I'm going to this guy up watch oh the two okay thank god oh easy game baby he he somehow rolled worse than me and now this Dragon actually this one is going to shoot a fireball at the girl and she'll lose one Health this one's going to come up and bite you Nick never mind no I thought was confused he's confused about you not me he hates me I hate him too 14 you had to say you hate him you just had to shy okay you go down to one Health sopus you're up I feel like we need to be more creative with this no Eevee this is no this Rob will be better copio I feel like you have two right in front of you this is a perfect dark blast yeah yeah let me just cast that really quickly yeah he uh he's uh kind of out of that right now oh Neptune time to make a giga caveen all my ice spells I cast them all together for one giant ice spell to drop on top of these and cave and bright and just hold them in there up there at level three dropping dropping them into the no just like just like dropping all of them into that singular hole into there a lot of them 17 give me 17 yeah crush them destroy them and the weight causes causes it to shatter crushes the girl that's see what happens okay everything over here the plan was to fill in the hole to crush all of them but I guess this happens too oh wait you you you're filling in the hole oh yeah yeah that was the plan that was the plan like they're all just like sitting in that hole okay well that makes a lot more sense yeah yeah yeah I wasn't play I'm sacrificing myself who do you take me for that's going to do quite a bit of damage to the dragons this one on top here is going to go to three out of 10 and this one over here is going to go to four out of 10 okay it's it's it's a start it's a start verus you're up verus heal me please I did it I did the useful thing I'm just thinking like I think what I have to cast force field protect the girl because these two dragons are going to kill this girl soon wait can the one in front of Nick even can he even can even reach the girl yeah he's focused on us it's a left Dragon that's the problem yeah but it's like the girl can take one more hit the girl she can take one more hit before she's at one it's like this turn you can heal Nick and then next turn you can heal the girl okay okay um what if I use knockback on the dragon next to Nick it will then knock it back right I'm ask I'm asking as a group not to but what if the little child was force fielded how long does the force last roughly however long Noah feels like it but Nick's about to die is the issue cuz like the girl the girl has one more hit she can take I feel that's the thing okay okay in this case I'm going to heal I'm going to heal Nick V I'm going to pray that the other Dragon next to Nick focuses on him this way the little girl can survive at least longer let's see how good the healing goes oh damn I Wasing to forget about that this is the part where crit fails and just kills Nick shut up oh my God no I like how we're begging the freaking God the RNG Gods above God I'm desperate right now got to five out of seven Nick that's going to bring it over to you I will move to the left and I'll try to kill the the eight out of 10 Dragon I'll use uh I'll use my dagger you know what let's try it out like my my cool one yep with th with built-in Thunder spell yes exactly I will get a a 15 no I will not not today baby yeah that's going to deal one damage to him okay Brent you're up aim for his mouth try to cut his mouth off so you can take the sword okay you know what that's to play I'm going to cast another enrage and then try to like aim my axe towards his head so you can like Drop The Sword okay you're going to cast another enraged you'll be double enraged then Super oh wait I thought Oh I thought enrages for one attack a mustache bro why are you so mad you know what I'll take this we've been rolling so I need like four rolles though this he actually genuinely looks genuinely pissed right now okay a Crosshair on him first attack yeah now he gets four rolls that's how it works I think Al we need we need oh yeah this see this is why double enraged we need all four of them second roll it says we have a winner every single time but I don't believe so oh my god get let's go for a six baby h no it's good to use a double en ra you got this let's get that six bit even know it was ruing for you no way oh please gravity come on oh oh my God that is UN I got a three a four and a four holy you are unfortunately going to miss it is going to be the dragon's turn now oh my God I want I I don't even care about the girl at this I just want kill his stupid okay this one's going to try and take a bite out of sofus hey how about no watch this mother like 18 oh oh my god oh gracious it's been fun knowing you guys I I think I did my job yeah see you man see you later guys I'm out of here oh no not the upside down part no no that means you're super dead now uh it's going to be this one's turn and he's going to move over here oh dear God he's going to cast Fireball okay well well G bro it's it's over bro no maybe he gets a one out of 10 bro or a two I'll take a two I'll take a two that's like the lowest I've ever gotten I know this is the first bad thing to happen to these Dragons It's going to miss all right this one's going to shoot a fireball at the girl this one's going to attack Brent all let's go come on watch 18 or higher bro let's go let's take it outside bro oh my God course bro of course fun fact about this sword uh when it gets a 15 seen her higher It cast a fireball spell oh God please things aren't working things are not working for us bro oh my God three God damn it unless just kidding bro just kidding dragons are BR okay so that's going to be a natural 20 and then a fireball that's going to bring you down to 10 oh god oh oh thank God for that shieldo uh and then it's going to be this dragon's turn he's going to fly up and attack this dragon whoa he buddy taking retribution yeah get that budy yeah that's good Dragon Knight use Fireball he's going to kill this Dragon yeah I think we're this session will have to go for like two hours so that we have like more session Beyond this right here we we'll figure out something I'm honestly down I don't mind honestly I think verus now you go first oh yeah I'm healing M girl yeah I have to heal the girl okay so after killing that Dragon this Dragon Gets enough XP to level up wa what yo he's blue blue eyes white dragon okay I got to C I'm going to cast heal on the little girl that will Auto hit and it will heal her now it's Nick's turn all right well I'll just keep going to town on the dragon to the left of me me bro me and Nick bro we're just doing the same thing we're just we're just praying for please big roll big roll big roll 19 19 19 yeah please wait wait wait yeah finally holy crap not only will that 19 hit it will also cast a thunder spell yeah I C been waiting so long they have the opportunity to yell that no I actually don't care about saying that but you know what it was nice it was nice okay bonus too that is going to bring him down to two Health Brent it is now your turn this is just a this is the turning point in the anime where where the heroes are on their last legs in the first 5 minutes of the show and everything has to turn around right here okay no I don't I don't care about anything else I just want this dead I'm attacking this dragon with my four eyebrows again okay attack number one I don't even care about our objective anymore I just want to kill this mother once and for all oh oh this is your time Brent oh easy easy game baby after like 10 rolls I finally got a 20 you're going to crush him and he's going to go down to three out of 10 okay we'll take it y uh it's now the dragon's turn this one's going to go over here and attack this blue dragon now you tri yeah yeah literally okay okay let's see one stupid that's the easy game look at this idiot Im Just rolling a one he's going to miss and then this dragon's going to tear his throat out and kill him it's going to be the dragon turn and this dragon's going to attack you Bren okay let's go let's go wait what's up bro what's up what's up bro he'll be fine'll I can take it I can take it you can take a hit you'll only take one damage okay uh now it's going to be this Dragon turn he's going to attack the girl verus it is your turn okay listen wait wait wa wait wait let me just check how many healing spells do I have left three no two okay Nick can you do this okay I will kill this Dragon I will I believe in you okay so okay I I'll revive sofus in the meantime uh he'll cast Revive on sofus is as long as this doesn't get a one it'll revive him oh oh my no there's no way right no stop why would you say that yeah yeah why would you why would you mention that it's there it's right there yo two it's a bu one let's go I get revived the bare minimum back up my feet he's living baby oh my God the revive was so bad you got one life Nick your turn okay I'll use daggers I'll use a bunch just to like the lower the score like even if it's like pretty low it'll get a good like a little bit of damage how many are we talking so I'll say we have to do it I'll say 500 I'll take that to 5 at least 500 minimum you know what I I I I've decided I don't I don't care anymore yeah you don't you don't have to don't it's kind of a waste of time so maybe you can use like five knives and just each are 100 okay we we'll do that listen it was funny the first 10 times I did the joke but it's too much work it's too much work all right baby come on come on we ain't got that much production value 500 knives all rained down on this mother okay nice and mid nice and mid there's 500 that they hit 250 250 of them yeah also you get a gold for killing that and I think sofus you know you were close to that Dragon when the other dragon killed it so you'll get the gold for it nice two more dragons let's go shut cool cool cool I to buy more dragons it's never going to end bro Brent it's your turn H same deal as before I want to kill the dragon right in front of me with my extra set of eyebrows this should be easy oh oh baby oh easy game get and give me the sword and give me the sword all right that's going to crush him oh there we go finally okay it's now the dragon's turn he's going to rain ice on you two oh come on Budd Chang his mind we were doing so well he leled up that means he's worth like double gold or something probably that's not the point or the fame we should be taking away from this interaction no no oh my days I've thought we had something special go you're up it's ice now that means it's weak to Fire come on Eevee put him down fire spell I'm sorry buddy I wish we could have been better know my Pokemon element instincts cooked over give me the 16 too it was nice KN you buddy okay verus you're up okay I'm so sad and ver you probably should heal yourself you should heal yourself Vern if he hit you again you're done I I should care about myself you're right yeah you should love yourself now Vern I will okay I'm going to heal myself all right let's see how the healing goes I love how you still have one Goblin teleport maybe get like teleport his dead body somewhere I was thinking about that yeah like please I swear to myself it's going to be a don't worry maybe I can okay that's nice Nick you're up okay wait before I go can I can I pee real quick I really got to go yeah yeah go for it okay okay thank you be right back okay Brent you're going to go in instead Brent you're now controlling Nick oh wait what wait what no I don't approve of that no okay I'll do I'll do my first no no no Brent's go to the bathroom go to the bathroom Brent no all right Brent what's going on wait do I actually control Nick right now yep you're Nick now you know what I think I'll do the I think I'll do the play he would do I'm going throw 100 knives at the blue dragon I don't want to waste all his knives that's why if it was me controlling him I've about the very least I'm like dip his toe in the lava just to see what happens oh mother bro oh my God you thre him just like Nick usually does exactly what nothing has changed I'm back am I still alive uh yeah you're playing as Brent for this turn wait what the okay well you're right above the dragon you can do something so cool wait wait wait have me take the sword that I finally got and then like let me like link down there him from that an angle yeah exactly no literally I was exactly thinking that literally just do a jump and just go straight into his yeah yeah EXA okay I want that yeah b i Bren pick up the sword and do like a jumping thing where he just like he doesn't make him do a flip make him do a flip okay now we're all good wait oh the the SW has to be pointing downwards and then we're golden oh yeah here we go all or nothing I swear to God if this guy still one and I break my knees from the fall damage I will I will my God no I have enraged I have my set of eyebrows I have my extra set of eyebrows hold on don't don't worry you're going to get five this time this here comes the five here comes the five here comes the five 11 please the two is better what the two is funnier two is funnier two fun I have one more set of eyebrows please bran stop I di it's not my fault oh oh oh the crit easy game baby yo okay that's what we've been waiting for that's what we been waiting for at the very end okay that's going to cast a fireball I forgot about this dude the cool guys don't look away from 11 11 no come on I'm blowing I'm blowing the oh nice 11 so with that crit and the fireball spell that's going to kill the dragon yeah baby and then you get a gold for killing the dragon wa do do I get the gold cuz I that was my turn basically no damn it what a great fight guys that took us about an hour yeah only an hour for that encounter all right what's next okay uh yeah you you guys have gold Brent you have two veras you have zero Nick you have one and suus you have two wait this means verus can never get gold oh yeah I K I mean I tried to kill a dragon but it didn't work here you know what verus the pity coin thanks Noah no problem I'm I I'm can almost buy myself a Happy Meal yeah you guys are free to buy stuff now I purchase mystery potion you get a mystery potion sopus yeah I I'll save my money I'll save my money yeah I'll I'll save two I guess we're on to the next encounter then yeah let's go I swear to God if more dragons come I'm leaving imagine more dragons yeah I swear to God it's more dragons this video doesn't end until until every encounter is done oh dude Noah rig this if it okay oh wait back oh God she's back okay vaporeon's Revenge she's grown in size she took my staff uh and vaporeon's also going to come with two dragons no PS how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man sopus your first I drink mystery potion let's see what it does uh I I think the game is processing what the that this mystery potion does I just I didn't exactly have an idea for how it was going to decide what it was going to do but I have a pretty good idea now I thought spin a wheel I get the power of AI on my on my side what does the do what the that's way too many words yeah that's way I I I think I think you specify a little bit more it grants temporary invisibility what the what just invisibility that's so boring bro can I like wall bounce off to the to like get on top to the platform above me oh yeah dude invincibility potion would have been awesome you know what actually that sounds cooler you are now Invincible sopus all right I I told you the wall bounce thing and get on top to the other platform wall drop like Mario yeah like like smashy Bros so S I care smashy Bros please don't crit feel for a goddamn wall bounce thank God thank you yeah why not I to say like how how hard could it be verus you're up okay can I can I see spells again please yes oh dear God we're all you're dead Okay okay I have I have an idea uh I'm going to cast Goblin teleport on gobs gobby's corpse I'm going to teleport him in front of the the dragon on the upper right to distract him dude he'll e dude he'll eat become friends with us that's a good idea I don't know if the Friendship okay no I hope I hope that can be implied I hope that can work I get behind Nick and I and my turn okay okay you know what I'll use my triple move to get up on the platform above me um I will not attack I will stand here Brent it is now your turn Okay uh oh I got my jump back what no that was always there it actually uh had two charges so oh okay okay okay can I do all I don't think I could do all of this in the same turn like I want to like eat a snack and then use like my super jump to jump in front of Vaporeon an attack can I do all that super jump uh will say that's a movement uh eat a snack will say it's a bonus action and attack will say it's your action so I can do all three then yes I just did some mental acrobatics and declared it yes all right that's that's my plan I first first I eat a snack we'll see how much the snack heals you for oh oh please oo I agreed like wo all right 18 we're nice we're nice nice now next I used my super jump to jump in front of Vaporeon all right now I'm going attack with my super sword too woo super sword my super sword super cry cuz I'm really sad oh easy game easy game bro we are eating 17 that's also going to cast a fireball nice oh unless unless rules unless 17 bro fine you know no we deserve this I know okay she'll go to 21 out of 30 after the Fireball and the stab that is a lot of life okay it's going to be this dragon's turn he's going to eat this Goblin yummy by go uh and that will cause him to level up oh what the oh God gosh hold hold he might be friendly now I think he has like no Allegiance he just like attacks in front of them this one's going to attack you sopus let's see if it hits uh it won't cuz I'm naturally just charismatic and fit and can avoid him easily and he's going to get a 17 ain't that cool no unless I'm blow more air to the wheel 17 okay you do have the invincibility potion so that will get rid of that then why can I see me I'll get it it's now going to be vaporeon's turn she is going to use dark blast on Brent I got take it I got to take it not the first time you've had to take a dark Blast from Vaporeon oh oh oh no no here come their big rolls because she rolled the 15 or higher she gets to cast another dark blast what the oh no oh my gosh good thing I had those STS the Giga blast Maybe it's cuz I gave him the idea earlier no please please please please just little B more oh okay that's a lot better than it could have been that will bring Brent down quite a bit now it is uh sist your turn you you know I I I cast Thunder spell yeah oh dear God please please just see 11 bro oh nice nice nice please just see 11 it is okay cool that will put him to eight out of 10 after sofus verus you're up ver I think should you heal Eevee I'll be fine I could take it yeah actually I just I should heal Eevee which I am going to do okay let's see one second here what that okay it passes the straight line test you can heal Eevee oh well I ate the test now do I ate the RNG yes I do nice I get healing 18 you'll go up to five Health uh Nick you're up what to do what to do maybe use your athleticism to join Eevee and take down the dragon but then I'll get hurt I don't want that I guess I can go behind Eevee like on the left side of Eevee and then throw my knives from a safe distance and I'll throw 100 150 knives okay 150 ooh feeling quirky random today are we interesting yes sir 20 for easy math what I'm not smart enough to do that all right I I'll throw 200 knives in fair enough it's very difficult math there's no human in history has ever calculated that before it makes perfect sense not a four 14 14 you're you're getting the 14 you're getting the 14 oh my gosh you'll get the 14 next time okay that's going to miss Brent you're up wait I still have my a on me right yeah dude you should dual wheel yeah that's what I was thinking I'm like what if I what if I put my Shield away bring out my Axe and attack with both my sword and my Axe can I do that yeah with both my weapons I'll Attack Vaporeon now okay you now have two attacks oh this is attack number one with a fire sword okay and I think i' like I like both my eyebrows still get the oh I could I have en rage on this right a your en rage is worn off all right that's deal one damage my eyebrows are gone no now the ax come on at least make up for this please d nice nice nice nice nice okay I wish the numbers were revers though but I'll take a hit they'll put her down to 16 slow and steady defense okay this dragon is going to attack you sopus uh can I ask it to not uh you can try I don't think it's going to work speak English no uh no a okay Dragon that's going to hit and your invincibility will wear off yeah I can be seen again yes yes this dragon is going to fly down uh and look at you thanks for the meal bro hey uh I I'm your I'm your son Oh No I gave you a bunny you were supposed to eat your buddies he's like thanks for the meal BR n99 please no no yes no h that one's stuck The Landing the one isn't it oh God okay it's vaporeon's turn all right black with your Shield I don't have a shield anymore I'm going to take more damage oh dear God unless not unless you roll five unless she's very bad at the game okay that's that's pretty good vaporeon's going to use the hat to teleport over here what the oh my God bro sopus you're up I mean like if we go straight for the Vaporeon though like if I like do a cool slide underneath the dragon and then just like use all my thunder spells on Vaporeon all right I roll for slide underneath the dragon oh my God bro shouldn't we get we no I got this we kill the Vaporeon they have nothing we kill the Vaporeon we get if we kill the Vaporeon they have nothing it's true the VOR summon them anyways 11 you're able to slide through now I cast all my thunder spell every single one it is a water type it is we to lightning it is very true eeve all right this is all going to come down to one roll every single Thunder spell that I've ever cast has brought me to this moment be the 14 just be the 14 bro that's good that's good we'll take that 14's higher than 10 all right that's going to kill her yeah she's gone baby that's definitely the final boss too verus yeah you're up I run up to the dragon I cast knockback spell and I try to knock it into the spike above it wait where's the wand wait where is the one in the Hat wait destroyed by Thunder wait where wait where is the one in the Hat I don't care about what's going out here but where's the one in the Hat uh that was destroyed in the Thunder spell what the all right that's going to stab the dragon all right it will go to 10 out of 15 that's pretty good ver you know what that's pretty brutal pretty gnarly Nick it's your turn guess I'll do what I always doing so you do you attack him with your knife or you attack him with your knife I'll attack him with my knives from a distance he's still closer to you nummy I'll use 100 one 15 I can't use 15 I'll use 200 KN that's way too hard as math it's not that hard XEL uses 300 okay try to do it right now 450 450 knives 450 knives got it no I didn't say that I didn't say [Laughter] oh okay we'll see how that goes God knowing me oh God Dam oh please stop I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it good it's good I'll take it all right that's going to bring him down to four sure you sound very displeased Nick I am he's double the KN as I wanted to Brent you're up Brent his weak spot is literally directly I was I was afraid you going to fing mention that you know what you know what you know what Nick just for you I'm going to go along with it I'm going to turn around and attack the blue dragon's butthole just for you Nick just for you do week SP right there with both my weapons on top of that bring him down legalis no please oh one away no okay okay don't worry BR the next one's a 20 it's guaranteed next one next one you got it next one you got it man okay see look extra damage bro okay Brent you going to attack with the other weapon yes I want to attack with my other weapon okay with my with my battle a just mirrored that's funny that is skill of King bro I told you br I told you gu I told least I told you I told you bro that is actually the weak spot I just it's a sign that thing just melts on impact up I can't work yes this dragon is going to turn around it's going to attack sopus wait it I freed you for vaporeon's clutches had control over you this is going to hurt Smiley oh well you have more Health than I do this's one oh I thought I thought I still have one life I forgot I was healed by bird so that was actually good okay and then the dragon is going to come down here where he is it's uh sopus your turn all right uh what do I even have on me uh I I think I have rocks I don't have thunder spells anymore I have dark Bast you have fire spells but no but Fire doesn't work against them I cast all rocks okay oaba you're going to throw all your rocks come on give me the 15 15 Rock fail throw in front of how did he miss the Run come on bro that's a lot of rocks okay verus yeah okay I cast knock back again and I make sure I aim for the same stac Tite I shoved his back into the first time yeah burn with the high accuracy burn is Rage bro he hates these dragons okay that's going to knock the dragon into the spike uh you guys all managed to teleport to the surface after surviving for long enough and you all live happily ever after if you like this video you'll want to see some of the stuff I coming up on this channel click the Subscribe button with your left ring finger fun fact the Subscribe button also lights up now when you press it so try that out try it
Channel: Magic The Noah
Views: 2,789,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C1Jwf4iv_RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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