Tips From PRO Players To Become A Better 1's Player In Rocket League

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AUGUSTUS976 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
today we're learning from some of the best 1v1 players in the game over the past few weeks I've been playing with some of the top 1b1 players in the world and asking them questions about improving as a one's player in general today I'll be showing you some of the answers they gave about improving as a player and how to get better at once the four players that are featured in today's video are King Rani magic beer kin sir enjoy use each had been in the top 10 many times in the past and are all incredibly talented players in their own ways with different approaches to the game I hope you enjoy learning from some of the best in the world now as always if you enjoy the content and want to see more feel free to subject the channel to keep up to date with my content now something else I really quickly want to talk about is twitch I'm currently streaming every day on Twitch for the next month and we'd love to see you there there are also competitions running all the time over my discord server where we decide the winner on stream the current competition is for the next set of emotes that I'm adding to the stream and then when I will get a little bit of money for their designs links to both of these are in the description and I hope to see you there also the link to these guys socials are all in the description as well if you want to keep up to date with them and watch their incredibly high level gameplay so I played two games against each of them asking them questions about one big ones and how to improve I hope you enjoy you put me normally by the way out oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I want to get like I want to get smashed okay good steps and being a former top 100 player is there any one thing Jesus okay is there any one thing you would say changed up like you implement into your game while you were learning that really changed up your gameplay so shooting was probably the biggest I feel like hell shooting is a really underrated mechanic just like being able to hit the ball correctly and power right especially like with learning how to hit the ball forever in my car once I did that it it was a big game changer because like I just kind of it allowed me to kind of shoot from everywhere and in one day once where you need to be able to shoot from everywhere and be more consistent with your shooting with your with your shots right it really helps me with funding ones as well as Susan 3s though I mean do you think ones is important for improving gameplay like in jammer generally absolutely I would you like me to expand on that or I yeah yeah if you want to okay so the reason that it's just generally better is because it can make you a more more all-around balance player right and if you don't if you only play twos and threes your ground game your shadow defense your decision-making for for some challenges isn't going to be as good as it could be if you played a lot of mundi ones because you get put in those situations and you're it's it forces you to learn how to play smarter and learn how to dribble and stuff like that right as well as it improves your kick cos because you get a lot of lot of practice with them go for a lot of kick awesome ones yes most helpful game-mode by far the family cannot read this I feel like I'm like in the right position I'm just getting like dunked on from the ear okay what three things do you think people should improve on or like should focus on when trying oh my god she went trying to get better at once first and foremost oh man first three things okay the first touch is a huge thing that I think people should work on it's very underrated if you if like the first touch is the beginning to every single drill that you do if you don't have if you hit the ball too hard with your first touch then it's it's not gonna be good you're just giving up possession number two would be shooting and oh my god so for you said from one go just in general but for ones I'd say okay then then ground control as well okay just generalized dribbling the ball moving around the field what did you scorn me I got I think I got lucky I've been so distracted by the the question is kind of play on although I've been like trying to light listen in but I'm so focused sometimes I'm just trying to no it gets cooled on when you were becoming I mean I guess it's hard he'd always been like top 100 but like while you were grinding out once trying to give it at once what is there anything specifically you did to improve your gameplay I know you mentioned shooting earlier was there like certain drills or something you would do so for me I was really putting a lot of time into drifting but I think what I saw the most success out of and like start getting me a lot of goals is when I really started focusing on my flicks they're one of my better parts of my gameplay for example but the thing is I I wish I put even more time into my my general dribbling ground control actually because you can't do flicks very consistently or with much power unless you are able to get the ball to be settled on top of your car all right and just like to really to get more ball touches you need it to be settled basically she took the softest touch and go along at my net okay right so you would recommend even when you think although dribbling is like fake just keep going mm-hmm I mean that was more for like when I started I think like now I'm still really going with this ground control I think that it's it still has long ways to go but for like we start seeing a peak for for like just dribbling so a lot of like a lot of workshop maps really helped me with my my ground control right that's focused on a lot of it's like dribble challenge to another dribble maps like left measurable map once I got good enough at norm that dribbling normally on the dribble to like you've got a good time on that you know at like ten nine minutes or something when I decided to switch over to two left meters $2,000 one in that one whoops what's my shape real quick it is it is hard it's really fun and helpful though I think you should get like 15 like if you can get 15 minutes or under yeah dribble over haul - that's probably good indication that you can you should start moving on because you'll kind of get like less benefit out of it if you keep on doing it when it's not gonna help you as much it's not like challenging as much like knowing they're both equally important would you say shooting is more important than positioning or the other way around absolutely I ice I put shooting all the way up there with learning how to aerial in this game I think it's not important okay like yes everything else is real other things that are really important but was shooting like since there's nothing that really teaches you how to shoot in the training like the tutorial it's it's that much more important that you learn it as soon as you can because there's nothing else that's gonna teach you how to hit the ball correctly right unless you find like a youtube video but you really have to like seek it out and a lot of people don't realize that they're not shooting like a lot of pros are like you're able to see these pro players hit hit crossbar down from across the field yeah a lot it like a lot of that's repetition but to be able to get to go that far in the first place and get to go where they want like you need to be able to have like the same kind of motion every like to be able to control your card just the way you want it to you want to for those kind of shots right is there a certain way you personally worked on your shooting so there's a single training pack that I find that me and a lot of other pros apparently find is is like their most preferred for teaching people to get better and it's the strength and accuracy training packed by by Vince good for anyone over like gold level right and yeah it's it's a really like sort of basic shooting training pack and I would just use it to really focus on on getting good corner shots with their card in order to be able to hit through the ball well I can give you the code to that if you if you would like it cool thank you everyone strengthen accuracy okay considering everyone is still improving is this like do you have a warm-up routine that you do consistently so I like to tailor my warm-up routine thanks cool I could say 115 for whatever game but I'm gonna be playing press so well if I'm meaning one doin's normally most days I'm gonna be tailoring the warm-up but for 1d ones but for wall for one b1 which is my most played game mode it would usually be about like 10 minutes of like striker training either with that map or with one of the ones that I made exactly squad you look like it was scary a little was actually one of the most intimidating things ever simple and then at this rink I normally work on like ground control and like just being able to dribble the ball around the field [Music] working on movement sometimes just so I can like wave - on the field effectively like have movement and girl I'll see what else are usually I do a little bit of dribble training like the workshop I'll do like a workshop mapper - it's for a woman that's part of my warmup right I'm probably missing something but okay okay interesting so you have set out three minutes of warm up every time nice okay what would you say I I think people who know you might know this what would you say is your favorite like move or mechanic definitely drifting yeah a lot of people do if they follow my Twitter or watch my streams but I I have come a long ways in the game like I've played for seven thousand six hundred hours now and I've been really focusing on drifting as just its own mechanic like I started off working on like drift shots furgus tonight started work crimes like brown dribble hair like drift dribbling and drift catching stuff like that reg utilize it more but that was all since like before 400 hours in the game so it's been like one of my most worked on mechanics since before about 7,000 hours now at least geez okay right cool in it I think that's all my questions that was I got Spanish well like that so I guess for me is that something you would recommend me working on giving you less time or pressuring more so yeah against higher levels definitely you won't be pressuring more but I do think you're probably giving me a little bit more space than me - okay from what you've seen from those two games was is there anything you would say needs work oh yes definitely so I I didn't see many good dribble plays um some of it is just due to strategy uh like being able to notice when you could keep possession and I'll just kind of give it away I feel like you're giving away possession a little bit more than you needed to right honestly if you do start working on your on your flicks especially like 45 you flex around this rank and just general ground control you'll be fine Co where can people find you so I most nights on slash King granny quick shameless plug would be for my youtube channel and ghost need replay streams YouTube channel replay streams is the the content house that I live in with a bunch of other awesome rocket League streamers OCO me upload videos every week - yeah been good shot no slash free play streams I think should be the link for that awesome okay so first off what rank you currently on the leaderboards to be honest I don't really keep track of living my rank on the leaderboards I just think should be like a round top 20 oh yeah once in Jewish real app top 10 I don't really play advanced to get high on the leaderboards more to improve on Netflix was there any one thing you found that once you implement it into your gameplay really like kind of improved your game overall or helped the way you play ranked how the way you play one sir I don't know maybe did because finished demos yeah probably tons bounce tables there create as well hmm I think my once game is probably really good gonna forgot a lot of our variety in my play yeah I do like a double sit beside sitting shots everything in my everything you can think of I'll do it once yeah your arsenal is pretty pretty mad from what I've seen yeah blanket statement would you say that ones is important for improving overall and yeah I mean it it's really easy to prove improve mechanics and ones and fifties cuz you always you need to do them in freeze you can just stay back a bit unless your teammates do the work the only ones you can actually improve yourself you have to do it yourself so you get better at it yourself as well right yeah like all the work comes down to you kind of thing yeah okay yeah in general what three things do you think people should focus on when trying to get better at once if you have that like three things I'm not a great coach but be one thing asking me this question a lot I think it's try to keep possession of the ball as much as possible yeah includes like if you feel a curry of the back work try to roll it back to your own corner boost to keep possession of the ball mixture challenges in with faith challenges and early challenges so surprised opponent and then if you really want to like win games probably don't do anything crazy in the air or on the ground go for like lower risk place even if they don't always work out or barely walk out so it's low risk place so you always be able to get back now deduct not that flick only no fifties low 50s yeah banner shots from the halfway line right so play a safer game yeah you say okay so how did you go about improving your gameplay did you do any specific drills or training or anything no I mean I just go around and try to do the most cool things I can I just let my mechanics do their thing and try to improve them practice on not a face for like warm over only do double recess just improve from them and I think that's really what in through like when I go back for instance on my ps4 not like I remember seeing like that replay from when I was passing them to the only thing I'd do was like even if I had an open net to just take off the wall to go to the ceiling try to do a ceiling shot everything just improve my mechanics so everything was like a long-term if you improve it even if you miss even if you lose it's just about improvement yeah just improve nice I mean I think yeah that's pretty like there are a lot of players that don't play ranked or scared to play ranked because they're too scared of losing the rank there it yeah and it's yeah I've been missing out a lot on the improvement side of it all you currently have a training routine you're doing oh yeah well I really suck shooting now my teammate I asked my teammate for a shooting puck and she gave me some left and we're shooting back and I do that like two hours a day now just with my shooting it's always something to it seeing as you've been at the higher level for quite a while and you'll you'll know yourself that the ones matters change a decent amount do you say the Ariel game is much more important than once nowadays yeah yeah that's probably cuz people are way better recovering mechanics and for sure and I love people and also regulates branch and can go for all three shots in the Aaron's this looks like that without conceding if they don't score always keep a bit of boost and really good recovering mechanics so now you felt struck out the possibilities to do them without getting scored on that makes no aerials plays are way more ya usual and wants an important I guess true [Music] and with recoveries being so important nowadays is there a certain way you trained your own recoveries was it just like you said like replay free play and ranked I mean just implementing what I heard from my youtube videos and stuff in rhyme distracted I mean always I think seven eight months ago I think I think it was jolly boy yeah I learned from him that by holding power slide when you're Lance yeah if she's not such an easy recovery this is it we won't backstop and I started like thinking about that whilst playing myself just focusing on that and trying to make it something else into my muscle memory so I do a definite diamond since that moment we've coffees way better than the forest world right so you is the mindset that it's just go on a ranked and do it and even if you lose like yeah it's like a long-term oh yeah you're gonna employ yeah yeah but where can people reach you and I plug everything in the description for you okay and I've got a twitch and a Twitter and yeah Twitter's giorious with an underscore your um which is the same sure he's on the school okay no worries me so in general full ones do you have any three things you think people should focus like if they wanted to improve one's the three things people should focus improving on us-- management and control I don't give like possession a lot done this and would you say your your style of play is more aggressive or passive it's definitely more aggressive yeah and okay and as someone who has an aggressive play style how would you say is is the best way to the best way to counter an aggressive play style ah best way to counter is just to let them monkey and just like and just like counter them right I don't know but ii just play it more patient yeah okay but don't give him like like too much space right I'm trying to take that in there I mean that's how I got an encounter by multiple player series I think everybody like as their own way to like like that is most effective for them and once yeah and I think you just master and like make the other like opponent like like struggle over it I think that's a really big Fred play to your own strengths but yeah do it in a way that is beneficial and not like just kind of bull chasing yeah right how did you go about improving your gameplay like was it through drills and training or just grinding once every day well the first time when I got top 100 like I just came back from a slump and that was like I was like I'm just gonna play once like three days in a row so I did that and I just I just didn't care and I somehow I just got like 200 points like one day I don't know I think like Natalia you helped me a lot like not carrying if I lost everything right so we just say you mean tell these other ones is one of the more important aspects yet if you just keep like bringing yourself down because you keep losing that gets back you're not gonna write my eyes I mean it gets hard I was gonna say when you're first learning mechanic but I'm sure you you've got pretty much everything you need sit down when you're learning mechanics or like improving them how do you focus wait okay how do you how do you work in mechanic's is it just by purely FreePlay uh yeah I think well me like remember Kennex like can you just go I just always that creased out like me writing friends - being partners just restocking you like that helped define McKenna's yeah my boobs management needs some work every time I like stucked onion - I've sucked in the other room you know got window um my boost when it comes to ones what would you say are the most important aspects of the game at all like I mean this positioning just shooting this defending would you rank any higher than each other I think shouldn't shooting and defending I guess actually yeah I think there are you go holy career because you can't like have fun like on balance yeah from what you saying to my game played there are obvious flaws is there anything you would say needs immediate work for improving I think you're flakes are really good like there's couple times where you just flicked it like - I think I think you should work on like your speed right yeah I think speeds like really important ones as well like keeping up with pace so like knowing when to slow down as well yeah like be fastened you saw so when it comes to speed how would you [Music] ha when it comes to speed is there anything I guess because I can see you're definitely faster player because it matched your aggressive playstyle is there anything you would suggest training wise how did you how did you become a fossa player in general is it just just playing I really think like because I'm peers for like I used to be such a big ball chaser so I feel like that I would Smith but yeah I think I just bought a spheroid and then over time he and I you learn what not to I guess yeah ok let's mop and his feet just stick with me no all right giving away position too much ten second I can hold out against a flick keep it up keep it up I'll pass it to you I'm okay losing all right I'm more sure ah that's gonna see if I could save all my shirt all right however in your imprint wavedashes in your game is it just every time you land yeah like coming off the wall like we're dashing when you have service like it's like a like an always thing I open go to yeah do you have any social medias or anything you want to plug where people can reach you so you might which is a magic barrier RL and my twitter is magic väri yeah cool upload as well in the description for you okay so like kind of a blanket question do you think ones is an important is important for improving your overall gameplay and why because most of the times when you get scored on that point saw like like your mistake will you be wrong so I think that helps a lot I think like they also can be like health point threes like if you know your mistakes and ones it can just go out to all gamers so you kind of recommend anyone looking to improve in general should pick up once yeah I would say ones unfree plan right yeah okay so when trying to get better at once what three things do you think people should focus on I think I think it kind of depends on like the play so they kind of want like if they want like a you know line blades kind of place over there just on a like counter tech you know save everything or if they want like a ball chase but for mine for me personally I would say was like moose management like recovery speed and just kind of like positioning stomach sense right so you would say your play style is a lot more aggressive than some players so when you were learning and like improving in ones were there any certain things you did to improve your game play I know you spoke about boost management but there any like certain like drills or training things you did oh I worked on my long shots I worked on that a lot I also worked on like my aerial game and it was a psych training packs and stuff like that right some long shots here do you think aerial like the aerial games too important putter ones in like I think it's become more so now oh my god and would you say the organism and like is important at a higher level um I think I guess as like AJ that's coming in and like chronic I'll say yeah because um you need to have like it might be not feel like you have to have like good you have to be good in the air to like kind of defend in the air right so I'll say yeah I think it's it's almost as like much important as your game okay so despite the leaderboards and like you may greet lady bullets but who would you say is the current number one player the current base 10 players and their name we're like all the room all around I would say probably Oh Colin right even though I feel like he lost against yes I still think like he's really good you know I feel like it just it was just like who is playing better on that day yeah as a close game yeah okay I guess from our college and joys then is there anything you could say like anything you would take away from the game play say people could learn from these guys I would say like their decision-making is really good um I kind of like went to challenge the ball went to like um leave the ball went to like you know just kind of like what to do in situations yeah cuz I know like I think a college kind of I guess is repopulating of the bounce dribble like that says his bounce table is kind just insane a lot of people have started picking it up since something else okay something else I think it's just recently come up is this whole the arrow right and left thing do you have like specific opinions on bit like do you play with arrow left and right or just arrow left or like a mixture I mean just arrow oh yeah I just you I use regular arrow and then hero right right I think it helps like a lot in the air I think I use it use it way more than I use a regular arrow really yeah I use it for my half flips like so I think yeah it's deafening to bind okay and okay I can see the long shots coming into play man I actually cannot yeah heck yes like a little bit trying to defend heavily here oh please alright I think I'm safe fool I'll change it so I'll wait with some guy there we go huh all right so do you find yourself trying it more of a risky play when it comes to once as I try to say it as you would go and stuff like that and how's it hop so like do you I guess you're allowed to be risky in this game because this is no real like threat but like in a I don't like I'm just seeing how the the meta and ones is kind of evolved recently especially over the past year would you say you are more inclined to go for riskier plays or is it just really calm down a situation I think I think it comes down to situation you don't want to go for risky plays like all the time yeah or you don't want to like you always want to play safe sometimes and stuff like that but I think it's it's like good to go for a risky play in there because it comes with the high reward right so when it does come to that stuff I know a lot of the people on my channel have kind of come from there's a series on my channel like a hundred hours of a certain mechanic oh my god I just can't get back how would you say how did you practice these I guess high-risk high-reward mechanics was it just hours and hours of like free play grinding yeah definitely yeah it was just free play like I would do like 30 minutes or like 45 minutes of free play like every day when I felt like I was kind of lacking on the sly presets and stuff like that so just keep practice from what you've seen so far and I were only two minutes in the second game but like oh my god - all right so this is a rough question - because I haven't actually done anything offensive in the last eight minutes with is there any part of my my gameplay you would see and you would say needs like immediate work Jesus I bet there is the definitely his granny did not hold back so I was like very thankful for it I would say like I would say I would say like sometimes you don't like challenge the ball enough right like do whatever I think I think if you work on though help a lot suggest that's like getting a bit more aggressive with everything Kanha just like when you're in defense like just do like shadow defense or like kind of just be close to the ball yeah right just don't give like a lot of free space how important do you think kickoffs and once I know like I think it's kind of the general consensus that kick like ones is I almost all kickoff to some people I [Music] think kickoffs are actually like really important I want to say it's like all kickoffs right but it's definitely like really important once if you if you have a good kickoff and it's gonna help you a lot because if you're gonna like you could be better than like a player whatever and yeah you could be like better than a Blair and they can just win off of their geckos being better than yours you can like concede a lot of pickles I've seen having a good ok so when it comes to like to wonder ones in particular would you say like what would you say are the most important aspects of the game by positioning defense kickoff shooting my opinion I feel like with ones it's like kind of everything like it tests your defense or offense and all of that but I always say offense like if you have a counter attack place so right you have to like be able to like have a strong attack to a counter you know yeah you can't just keep saving the ball over and over again yeah yeah I think I think like all senses yeah so you'd say people are struggling in ones offense is kind of a big thing to focus on yeah okay and that would you say for someone I'm sorry carry on just like flakes and like stuff like that no just having good flakes oh yeah yeah yeah I like got kicked off as someone who is looking like if someone is looking to you to say like how one piece of advice kind of thing any any one piece of advice for someone who just wants to improve him once in general I mean I met like a champ one level but okay saved by the champ right because I think champ time of the champ is when one starts getting she's getting a bit more like some players they're really fast some players are really defensive like the play Styles really come out is there any one piece of advice you would give to anyone looking to push through and just get better at once in general um I would say like just just grind free play and work on your mechanics I feel like ones is like a huge part of having good mechanics and I think that's something deafening will help if you work on a lot oh so I forgot to ask conservative social medias but he has since said that he would like to promote his Twitter and his twitch which are both cancer under school the link to these will be in the description as well as the link to everyone else's social medias that we've already gone over so that is today's video a very very long video compared to what I normally do we did a poll over on the community tab on my channel and an overwhelming amount of you said the longer video instead of a shorter one with less points or two videos so hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you stay to the end because that would be absolutely amazing but anyways if you enjoyed make sure to LIKE subscribe to keep updated with the channel and liking the videos actually does really help out with the algorithm especially with these longer videos anyway I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you over on the livestream and in my discord anyway catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Thanovic
Views: 385,976
Rating: 4.9492826 out of 5
Keywords: Tips From PRO Players To Become A Better 1's Player In Rocket League, rocket league 1v1 tips, rocket league pro 1v1 tips, how to play rocket league like a pro, rocket league guide, rocket league 1v1 guide, how to get better at 1v1 rocket league, Ultimate guide to 1v1 rocket league, king ranny, kinseh, joreuz, majicbear, 1v1 tips, rocket, league, rocket league, rocket league tips, rocket league 1v1, Thanovic, massive rocket league guide, top 100 1v1 rocket league, top 100 1v1, pro, tips
Id: k8aSfjKZ2zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 5sec (2285 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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