I Made A Dodge Ball Game, And it's Multiplayer

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so guys I made a dodgeball game and this is how I did it first we need a Caron model so I started making one in blender but for some reason I actually don't know why this Cary is broken anyway let's make the map and let's take it to Unreal Engine to be honest this is looking pretty good I mean it's just a low ply game I got the animation from literally the only place I can get animation from mix Amo and for the character model I decided to go with a stickman that wear these classes not because I'm lazy it's just because I think this is a very compact anyway that's how it's looking and I think it's okay first we need to make the character movement which supposed to take a lot of time but I just took the character movement from my old game and it's working perfectly I mean the animation are looking kind of weird but I'm not going to change it not because I'm lazy it just anyway I added the new character which is basically the same but blue and have funny glasses and I started working on the ball system I added this blueprint that keep throwing balls so I can test them I also added this score card pretty cool the balls now have no physics they just keep going so I need to fix that and I did fix that I really like it when things go well what the so basically what they are saying is that I just need to change the Collision so if I do this um it should work so let's try Okay physics still working and we have no errors let's go but wait we have another problem see when we shoot the balls they throw the player away I mean look at this a dodge ball should not do that this is happening because the ball is too heavy I just need to used the weight and now it's working way better okay right now the balls are coming from here I need to make the player able to shoot them balls first I need to make a blend space animation of when the player is holding the ball and then a UI to tell you to press E when you are close to take the ball and this is how it looks okay welcome to the endless problem part where whenever I found a solution to a problem a new one appeared first we have a problem of the ball don't want to get destroyed with the player pick it up it stays right there I mean it got dest destroyed in the server but not for the clients and when I finally fixed it I got this other problem where the ball that the player spawn when he shot always comes out bigger than it should and I can't make it smaller I mean look at me I'm so hopeless I'm just laying around what's what am I even doing okay apparently I fixed it the ball size is normal now but of course a new problem I want the player to stop the holding animation which is happening for the client but it does not replicate for the other players and also the ball in his hand again don't get destroyed so the way I fixed it is just by turning of the variable on the server I should have done this from the beginning but because the variable is replicated I thought it wouldn't be necessary then I spent a lot of time fixing some other minor problems I don't want to bore you by going through all the details I also added some sounds like dodging jumping Landing I got these sounds from freesound.org if you are interested well now I have to work on the win lose system first if you get hit by the ball you play a death animation and then you leave the field but of course it won't work from the first time nothing is happening I know why nothing is happening okay we start actually I start to make some progress you can now hit players but the problem is that the ball will hit the player even if it did hit the floor first and this is not how dodge ball works so in dodge ball if the ball hit you directly you lose and you go out until your team get a point and you can enter again but if the ball hit the floor or the wallers then hit you the point will not be counted actually I don't know I've never played dodgeball before in my country we don't play dodgeball we play soccer let's go anyway I fix it by adding a bullion if you don't know what a Boolean is I don't know educate yourself everybody should know what a Boolean is and that Boolean will turn off if the ball hit anything and the applied damage event won't get activated uh here I don't know I'm just trying to fix some other problems I told you that I added the death animation when you got hit but you'll just end up again and I need you to leave the stadium when you die so I added that wait for it wait for it okay I fixed some things and I think now it should work properly it did not work properly okay maybe if I added this okay let's test now wait wait let's go okay now I need to add map Collision so the player can't leave the map and can't go to the other team part of the stadium but the ball should still be able to which should be easy I then added the team system where the player on the red team will change their color to Red I know very creative people on Red Team becomes red anyway now what I need to do is that I need to make the player leave the pitch when they get hit by the ball but then you team get the ball and shoot the other guy and now he leaves and your friend rejoin look I guess this is how dodge ball work I don't know anyway I start trying to do it but now the guy who shot the ball respawned on the sky for some reason so I fixed that and now it's working pretty good your friend enter and the player who got head is out then I start working on the menu which at first end up looking like this honly looking at it now it's not so bad cuz I managed to make it even worse and this is how it looks now I mean it's also not so bad I don't know anyway now I want to add footsteps sound and I need to use something called any notifi to do that but I have never worked with it so I watched that tutorial on YouTube and surprisingly it was easy to do check out my footsteps yo okay this sounds so off okay this one sound good yeah yeah I want it log in I already log in anyway this is how it sound in game not bad not bad okay now to make the player model look a little better I can either make a better model which I already did but I could not change it cuz I didn't rig the original character myself I used mix ammo and this is what happened when I Tred to rig the new character with the original Armature look at his eyes what is that so the only thing left to do is to use shaders which if you don't know what they are they are basically like a filter but since I have never worked with shaders before I just use a simple Shader of an outline this is how it looked before and this is how it looks now a little better so the game is basically done now it's obviously free guys if you want to play it anyway bye
Channel: sperpo7i
Views: 1,297
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Id: hQ8b3EHOAGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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