INSTANTLY Rig Characters for UE5 Mannequin

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if you've ever opened up an unreal breaking saddle blender you can know it looks like this it doesn't look like a normal freaking subtle blender this is what it should look like today I'm going to quickly show you how to rig in blender for unreal so you can use the exact same mannequin skeleton and get all the animations that comes with unreal let's go all right cool this page will be linked down below it's just a camera link and then you can get the add-on you can just tap and have them as you want uh so if you go into the content of it you can see over here that we have gamery tools at real module and then you just gotta go download the gamer tools unreal v11 and when you're over in blender just go edit preferences go down to add-ons and ninjas on install and then I'm just going to go find my game open it install add-on and click on the box and you can see it's over here on the right cool and then if you have a character like this all you have to do to start using the add-on this is code software and click initiate manager so you can see you can have the real full and the unreal five I'm just going to go click initiate mannequin and you can see it's slightly easier for my character so you can either just rescale your character if you want to make actually be like whatever how tall it is 1.8 meters or you can just scale down the brick itself if you go select this one so you just go up it up here so if you select The Tweak one you go to pose mode you can see we have a couple different bones here so you can see the triangle ones is kind of just full of shape and stuff and you can just scale it up and down now what we're going to start doing is like kind of changing the proportions to actually fit our character it's sometimes easier to just click on the little joint tweak button and you can kind of just changing the shape like this because that helps with just place because then you can just like place it on every joint that you need just like this probably the spawn down a bit like this join the neck bring the neck down middle head bone okay and then we can position the shoulder there make sure lights up in the side view and they can just grab this piece and remove the whole hand and then if your hand's bigger like mine clean it up if it's too big or too small there's a lot of poly so it doesn't really matter too much about getting like all the like bones and stuff positioned properly but if you do want to get everything positioned properly you can get the finger tweak or just the fingers in general um and then just like move you can scale them up and down and you can put the finger through you can actually change the position of each bone like that then what you're going to do is Click apply rig and now that will take the D4 brick as you can now halve The Tweak just click on the little button over here and I can see we have the deform rig and this works fun now there's The Tweak rig which is basically just to build the actual shape get the right before then you have the default route this is just one that makes your life so much easier when actually doing the weight painting instead of having to use a real one so you can hardly unreal one for now they all have the exact same names all the bones but just in the way that actually works that'll blender properly so you can see the rig Works normally and what we can do is just our weight painting in our character so I'm just going to select them the mesh and then select the arm Archer and go automatic weights so this is when you start wiping through character uh I'm not going to do it right now but I do have the tutorials on it it's pretty just going through this good way painting for everyone uh just going through all of these uh until it all looks correct when you kind of move the bone around once you've done that so you've done all your weight painting and stuff then just go switch parent Armature and now if I go unhide the unreal rig you can see now it works fine like this you see we can start reaching all the bones and the character follows it properly now that we have this we can just go select our mesh so we actually have your mesh selected so whatever part you have of it then shift select your Armature then I'm going to go file export and fvx all right so first off you can give it a name someone's going to say like uh unreal rigging test then I'm just going to click selected objects so if you have any other objects in your scene that you don't want you to be pretty useful just don't lock that on I'm just going to change the dimension Armature as well just in case you have anything else selected like a camera or something then we can also to apply transforms and then I'm going to go geometry you can choose it to face and they'll basically just mean it won't smooth it properly so it might like if you sometimes these export the games will be like smooth and you don't really want that Armature turn off lead bones you don't want that and if you have animation click bait animation if you don't let's turn it off yep you can click export fbx so when you're over in unreal all you've got to do is I have a third person template up here right now what I'm going to do at the bottom you can add a folder so I'm just going to go a new folder let's go with my player model let's go open it it's going to go right click and go import into game and then find my fbx file and then it should pop up with this I'm just going to choose etop on the Escape mannequin and if you have just turn the animations off of Bitters and click import all right and then we have this skeletal Mission here in the bottom not if we go to over the third person and they go Blueprints and you can see BP third person character that it should open like this now in the top bar the top left go to viewport if we select the mesh like this we can see it should be yes game good simple and then we can just do the model and you can see now it is supposed like the shoulders a bit hard but that's probably something to do with Ma rehi and not having it actually correct but yeah if you go control s and save now and then go back to the main scene and then if we just go click play you can see now that my character is working well so we can see all the mesh animations are working fine so sometimes you just have to play around with the rig a bit just to go to work so I think you can go back to the tweak rink and then just like fix some of the position so I think I just need to lower the shoulders a bit uh but yeah you can see my character is even unreal and working with all the animations I hope you enjoyed this video and it's been useful click over here for another video that YouTube thinks you'll enjoy cheers and have a good day
Channel: Thomas Potter
Views: 64,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, blender tutorial, b3d, 3D, Rigging, unreal engine, eu5, unreal engine 5, rig, Rigging for Unreal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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