I made a VR game to propose to my girlfriend

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so I want to propose to my girlfriend and I work in Tech hmm the grand idea make a VR game that turns into a tripped on memory lane and get my girlfriend to play it here's the plan [Music] set up the VR gear and hide a nicer outfit ask a few friends to hide before we get there arrive with my lady and have an awesome colleague from work pretend she's the Indie Game Dev change into nicer clothes while she is getting geared up bring other friends to watch the show and feel bad about my lady crying with her headset on then asked the question and hope for the best last step hopefully celebrate well that's great and all but how do we get here hmm [Music] sometimes you try something and it just doesn't work so goodbye photograph [Music] this thing would actually have a button on top that I could press but for some reason that's bugged out right now [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what do you think one more memory [Music] okay here we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes I'm a little dramatic I'll make the setting a bit more colorful and we're good to go to move around hold the movement button and let go to teleport let's try it follow me over here [Music] grab items with the trigger on your controls give it a try with my ring collection next to you I'll wait right here foreign [Applause] [Music] look Mom you were busy I was thinking I know you're here to play a game but I really need some help how about you help me first and then you can play with more Rings all you want I promise there will be more partying and excitement after my chores I mean side quests deal since I don't have ears I will just wait until you accept by clicking my head [Music] welcome to my farm [Music] as you can see my chickens are pretty useless they have been like this for months now because I don't have arms to help them up can you get them back to their feet I'll wait and watch you and your awesome hands [Music] no way look at that chicken go [Music] sh I think that looks so effortless only two chickens left foreign [Music] look at them all walking around again chicken chicken and chicken chicken and chicken you are quite handy I need your help over at the school as well let's go [Music] oh my this is not the school but maybe you can help me anyway I forgot which locker I put my personal Masterpiece in can you look for it [Music] [Music] by the way you are definitely not helping you steal from a bank right now oh but don't think about it too hard either [Music] yes it's coming through excuse me sir pardon [Music] really me of course you need this [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] memories of that place [Music] how about we go there next [Music] ah it's quite something isn't it foreign [Music] you should take a picture [Music] something is off try another one [Music] thank you maybe take a picture of me [Music] look at that Maybe maybe this isn't the normal VR experience after all [Music] now don't freak out I've got some more things to show you before you take off that headset [Music] tap my head whenever you want to head to another place [Music] this has been the setting for most of our time together [Music] so many memories here you should take another picture [Music] so it's a good boy from me now I know you think that I suck but hey sure that's my job so farewell human has been a pleasure inhaling all of your hair and all your crumbs now may the most you'll be sure be the least you get all the best [Music] foreign [Music] remember our improvised beginnings feels like yesterday bring back some more memories that fireplace reminds me of something [Music] thanks to you fire and marshmallows has become my definition of coziness [Music] what do you think one more memory I mean picture visiting your family and Roots was such a blast just don't drone next time okay [Music] let me show you something else that my head whenever you're ready [Music] these are just some of our memories [Music] [Music] I could watch this all day but you just let me know when you had enough nostalgia foreign [Music] we only looked at our past what's really exciting is what lies ahead of us [Music] but for this you will have to first hand me your controllers and then take off your headset foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Twosome Saga
Views: 2,057,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PxbvG8UmmYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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