I Made A Game With Stupid Word Puzzles

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what about t p t yeah like T is in like p as in pterodactyl yeah that works yeah there are no P's unfortunately word puzzles are boring you get some letters and yeah guess what you have to fill them in whatever but don't worry we can make it better there are two options to do so we can either use my understanding of game design to innovate creatively on existing games or we can make misleading puzzles and Lead players to failure and then punish players over and over again for failing it's this one that's the one we're doing for example making a puzzle with only one three-letter word Ren you're up first I'm going to pick a letter uh let's go with uh F okay there's actually an F uh okay you can uh pick another letter can I ask a simple question if you don't mind uh as keep it really simple so I can understand it are can the vowels be picked or are they read for a specific reason they're just vowels because they're highlighted okay I'm going to pick a then there's no a and unfortunately you're going to have to spin the wheel of failure no okay oh reverse wheel all right I'm following ooh yikes a God now my you're gonna need that social credit okay who are you gonna give away a social credit to uh STS St you now have one social credit I'm winning all try you're up can I guess the word yes is it fun it's going to be the wheel of failure I'm not having fun why did the wheel stop oh no it's a goblin don't worry I'll kill him and I'll get this video back on track while my clone is fixing the video let's talk about our sponsor gamer Subs oh dear God the goblin has dragons gamer Subs is energy drink but better energy drink too gamer Subs is an allnatural caffeine energy drink and there's no blood sugar Spike also there's no crash so you don't feel like trash after you're done drinking it my dark blast is going to send you and your dragon straight to hell but Noah look gamer Subs can cost $40 true but give me this thing it is 100 servings that is 40 cents per serving compressed air can cost 50s gamer Subs is literally cheaper than air use code magic for 10% off at checkout or even better use my link in the comments or description for 10% off automatically buying gamer Subs helps support the channel so thank you for watching this ad and watching my videos that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be anyways back to the video oh no improv okay okay okay now we're going to have to spin the Improv wheel okay this is so many wheels is there a wheel for the the tall Colt oh and it's war never mind okay altrive you are a general trying to convince his troops that the suicide charge isn't that bad ruren stands you're going to act as his soldiers all right go guys like literally what is the worst that could happen we run in we take them all out we win it's good for our nation I just don't really get why I have to be in the front and they like have guns so it just feels like General stands if we want to win this war and help our country we are going to have to charge and someone has to be the lead not me though I I feel as as a general I think you should be our leader and we will follow by example you know what happens if I die do we get another General no well I think there's like a line of succession that's uh that's good enough uh Ultra you'll end up getting a social Credit Point for good enough improv that's awesome stands you're up okay I am going to ask for an I there's unfortunately no I and you have to spin the wheel of failure oo we're 0 for three right now guys we really suck at this like what's going on okay oh what what could that possibly mean that's rough no that's the worst thought uh I'll try you can say something mean about St now don't do it for the emotional damage o what is there to say mean I mean I'm just too good yep no one can say anything mean about me the emotional damage was not good enough you're going to lose a social credit no okay Ren back to you I'm going to pick the letter o oh there's no O's that's going to be a failure what what is this word I'm starting to think there's no vowel yeah I'm trying to think there's no word to be honest oh not again give away one social credit um well I'll give it to all trive thank you I earned this guys there are hints up in the top right uh oh it's three letters okay all tribe you're up can I guess the word yes is it fur it is not fur that's going to be a failure God damn it oh more being mean STS uh you can do the emotional damage on this one all Drive thinks he's so much better than us cuz his Discord picture talks when you hover over it and when he's talking you are so jealous it's not even funny you could just take another picture of yourself you lose a social credit for that emotional damage uh okay STS you're up yeah I am going to guess e there's no e what we're running low on vows here boy there's like one and a half left oh oh I'm actually Lucker dog here okay you get one social credit Ren you're up can I can I ask another question uh I'll allow it is there a vowel in this word I don't have to answer that uh you know I'm going to take a risk here uh is there a why hey why is sometimes a vowel oh oh let's go huge okay Ren you're up again oh God what is this word um oh uh fly is the word fly yes it is fly go very you will get to spin one second oh new wheel wheel of winner yes a winner it's the wheel of Hope did one of those say lose all social credit don't worry about that will you oh no easy steal three social credit there is not three social credit to steal well I'll take two from STS sorry STS sorry just just what it is just business hey you know what looking at the board I would have made the safe Choice uh where you going to take the last one from uh you know what I'm going to take one from alri I feel bad if I can you just take it from Noah instead like come on like oh true I forgot about that okay this scaled a little bit Ren you got the last one right you can go again I'll uh is there any A's also there is a small chance uh and I did this the last time that I did this uh puzzle that uh I may forget something and say you didn't there wasn't of anything when there was so sorry about that if that happens but there is an A so yeah uh if anything that's problem we should have known okay Ren you're up again uh let's go with e what about t p t yeah like T is in like I was going to say t like the drink p is in pterodactyl yeah that works doesn't work but there are no P's unfortunately that's going to be the wheel of failure for you yeah I shouldn't have guessed P I would have done T instead yeah I know right God damn okay that's GNA be improv I can't do War again ruren you are a car salesman trying to sell a car to a customer but it's really just a loaf of bread stands you're going to be that customer well so here's what I got for you okay I don't have any money but what I do have is one of the rarest cards in Magic the Gathering of all time oh car uh it's one of the rarest cards ever that you'll ever see your life it's from a foreign country you may have not heard of it Slovakia okay okay it's got four-wheel drive it's got beautiful interior most importantly V8 engine it could get you anywhere in about 10 minutes regardless of the distance I know you're the expert here but that looks like a loaf of bread you said has four-wheel drive I don't even see wheels on it see I think you just may need to get your vision checked out if I'm going to be completely honest here I don't think it's a it's a skill diff on your part like completely have you tried getting into the car uh yeah let me let me actually try and get into it really quick one second yeah really really struggling I'm not sure do I just like step in do I have to slice it you kind of have to like uh like kind of like dig it out a little bit like you have to make the interior yourself but once you get into it it's super soft like a bread bowl you're you're telling me to eat a bread bowl yeah kind of yeah exactly exactly we'll give you a social credit all Drive you're up can I get an O there is an O can I get an i yep there is an i yes oh okay I'm following uh could I get a g there are no G's unfortunately there's okay that word is not gasoline okay i' you know what that was my bad you're thinking about the car I I'm just really thirsty I'll I'll take this one don't worry you actually thought it was gasoline really it's you're not even close idiot all right stands you're up uh I am going to guess s there's an S okay I'm going to guess R there is an r t there is a t oh also there was a u I forgot about that oh okay got it got it got it got it what oh wait nobody asked you yet oh hey there I'll guess you uh you please uh there there's actually no you right now that's a wheel of failure no I got baed okay number off all right here's what's going to happen Stan me and you are both going to say a number whoever number is bigger wins 73 7 trillion well played okay ruren you're up uh I'm going to take B There is a B I will also take l l there is no l looks like you're going to take the L good one guys very good one that's all right I could spare one it's okay no big deal you have to give away one social credit uh I'll drive okay he goes to zero yes okay I'll drive you're up all right I'd like to guess the the I'd like to guess it okay I have a one and 10 chance uh is it my favorite number is one uh that is incorrect I I'd like to solve the [Laughter] puzzle yes okay you lost but you win yeah I mean really that's a metaphor for life okay stands you're up I'd like to solve please okay oh wait my favorite number is six that's incorrect [Laughter] no I was worried for a second give away one social credit I will because I made fun of him early I'll give it all track yippe Ren you're up uh I'm going to gu some letters to verify that they're actually correct uh I'm going to guess an M you know I'm just I'm just going to give this all okay we're not doing this okay uh X my favorite number is X that is unfortunately incorrect oh my God X is not a a number man that's a letter well it's like in like you know in math when they bring like you had you had a one in eight chance of guessing correct and you picked you picked on scale dude ruren you're now going to have to do trivia uh pick a number and no I'm not reusing these trivia questions from an old video I'll take six okay six what is Magic the Noah's favorite Pokemon hint it's from Diamond and Pearl uh Swamper it was Garchomp Swampert is from gen three you're going to lose a social credit I'm going to be honest I haven't played Pokemon games a h minute no I can tell all trive you are up uh is is your is my favorite number three incorrect it's going to be a wheel of failure okay what if it's not a number guys oh boy I love trivia trivia okay pick a number um nine what is the best time to plant a tree uh right now it was the past yeah the beginning of the quote that's going to lose you a social credit okay STS you're up yeah I'm going to go ahead and guess my favorite number is nine that is incorrect we're running out of numbers like upside down six hey congratulations I'll take it plus one social credit Ren you're up uh uh I'm I don't know what numbers are guessed but I'm going to guess my favorite number is four that is correct ruren oh my oh that was my next guess okay you get to spin the wheel of winners is that twice in a row is that two puzzles why is trivia my prize is trivia wait why did the wheel not change it says wheel of winner got to do trivia no that's no he's got to do trivia all right R pick a trivia question uh 13 13 all right if I drop a 10 kogam ball and a 100 kgr ball which one will reach the ground first I I guess it depends on where they're draw from same time same place than the 100 kg ball yeah 100 kog brao heavier okay and you'll get uh because you won the puzzle we'll say three social credit or something I don't know okay next one Ren you're up uh I'm going to take an i there are unfortunately no eyes oh no uh I'll try you can do this one um I feel like him playing card games is uh is of emotional damage oh Tak the L ult TR you're up can I get a a there is an a oh my God this is so cool can I get a e okay can I get a oh no there are no O's all right well it's over for me guys I'll see you on the other side it's going to be an improv thank God I didn't get comedy I couldn't do that one alt drive you are a medic who cheated on all of their tests and you are trying to save Ren's life right now uh uh uh are you um are you are you bleeding I I I think so I think it's internally internal bleed okay uh um you're going to need to close your mouth uh because then there's less um there's less uh air that goes in um uh we're going to give you the the heick maneuver so that you can also cough it all up you know so then it's not isic perhaps I think you might be drunk no trust me no no I I pass I passed my my I passed my uh my college my college class you are Ren's uh mother watching him die I'm going to give you the high okay we're going to make you we're going to make you cut off all we're going to make you we're going to make you cut shut are you a trade doctor I don't think so who has their license who has not you now let me do this let me do the one thing I know to do I I'll I'll give you all a point for that let's go wow look at us okay I think Stan you're up now sure I will guess R okay okay I will also guess S I will also guess T I will also guess p as in pterodactyl p is in pterodactyl there are no P's it's going to be a wheel of failure yep I needed that keep me humble this will keep you humble yep yep yep yep yep yep uh raren you can do the emotional damage on this one stands spell pterodactyl p t I can't do it I've done my case Okay uh Ren you're up what is this first word uh I'm going put second word yeah it's a good point actually I'm going to do an L there is an L thank God I thought you going to crack that joke again uh I'm going to take what is this word man uh I'm going to take oh no it's uh this is like a this is up I I figured this out I was just thinking that's a it's just a jumbled up word so these are like anagrams or whatever okay I'm going to go with M uh we'll go with the H there's no h what the am I looking at if you're gonna guess it you're gonna to guess an a grab not emotional damage again please I can't take it number all right we will both say bigger whoever's number is bigger as first all right 18 infinity infinity is not a number you lose a point oh all Drive you're up can I get a c there is a c can I get a uh D there is a d is it BRX tell RS unfortunately it is not yeah okay yeah dude if it actually was though holy moly that'd be funny if it's what the hell is going on here give away one social credit you know what I'll give it to sads okay stands you're up is the answer BR Max to Red you know what I I'll give it to you let's go no I I get it it was my bad mainly cuzz I don't I don't want to spend an extra 5 minutes here for you guys to can I also have a guest Mr Noah I think I got it wait if you can solve it then I'll give the win to you instead scrambled letters yes it is all right this is now R's win let's go three in a row he's a genius I didn't really think about that one oh and good job man bet you wish you didn't win buddy lose all social credit this is unreal thean ping is not happy with you I find it interesting how Ren has won every single puzzle but also has the least social credit okay it's easy as thing okay okay it looks pretty easy ruren you're up I'll take it a this is going to take a while so just hold on all right I think there's a good probability that's all the A's and if I missed one oh I did that's probably all the A's uh I'll take an e uh I'll take a t a what a a te not pterodactyl uh trampoline why do I have to make so much work for myself you know what Ren you get it right it's it let's go explore extraordinary I've decided I no longer want to deal with this anymore great job Ren thank you oh I'd like to guess it is it explore extraordinary profound natic labyrinths yes alt drive you get to spin the winter wheel yeah wow scame no okay oh I'm just I'm playing so well is the thing about me this is a cruel game this is skill is you know uh I'll try since you won uh you get to go can I get a A can I get a e uh no pick another letter okay my okay uh can I get an R okay can I get a h God this is such good content I'm a genius now you're crushing it can I get a B there's a b unfortunately jeez okay so I figured out most of this I just don't know this last last word can I get a w can I get can I get I can't get okay I'd like to solve okay St you can solve backwards puzzles are hard that's correct St puzzles okay no I'd like to guess it's it's oble this is for stands watch me lose all social credit then all three of us will have done it oh oh you get to steal three uhuh okay congratulations who are you stealing fre social credit from let's see what what's the what's the leaderboard looking like this can he steal three from himself yeah I'll steal three from myself okay STS you're up uh I would like to guess T there are two T's I would like to guess I there are two eyes uh I'd like to guess let's get crazy w w there is no W failure yep heard that before oh yeah you have uh-huh oh never mind number off yes okay 73 200 I my number is bigger interesting okay Ren you're up let's go with an L that's unfortunate cuz there is no l o I'm just I'm just saving everyone else from taking the L it's fine oh easy though is it really an L great work do we even know if we want social credit I don't know question can't be bad brother I'll try if you're uh a e uh you cannot guess two vowels row I've decided that's going to be a wheel of failure oh I'd like to solve the puzzle we one second I shouldn't have done that take social credit he needs it I got to get one social credit okay STS you're up it's I hate this game well that's kind of mean real failure no it's not true it's the hint yeah well guess what STS I hate you too okay roren you're up uh I'm going to solve the puzzle it's uh I hate this game hey good work let's go okay what is that other players decide that's not a spelling mistake all right what does he get for winning uh he gets to give us uh five credit each we we'll split his credit oh sh it's over boys I'll never coming back it's art of the deal man what I've learned from this game is winning is bad let's see Ren you got that one so uh you can decide the next letter uh let's go with an S there is an S uh let's go with an a there's no a no a oh wait this is wheel we're so I'm taking it it's allow okay we'll give you five social credit he earned it yeah he's going to need it let's go you'll still have to spin the bad wheel though okay it's plus one every time okay I mean it's a it's plus four so like I mean is it really that bad give away one social credit uh altri can have it perfectly balanced uh let's see altrive you're up can I get a a there's no a hey good work you know I work hard for this plus one social credit okay stands you're up I will guess a t there's a t I will guess an i there is an I I'm going to guess n there is an N too actually e there is no e oh my first trivia oh no okay it's going to be trivia I would like 47 oh you can't do 47 of course I can't 28 good choice what is this a photo of uh a PowerPoint slide is a black hole yeah you should have known that should have known that it was obvious now that I look at it there the depth was there Ren you're up uh let's do o uh yeah there's an O Let's do an H i' like to guess the P who shot Lincoln okay that is incorrect what huh I'd like to solve the puzzle okay St before you solve the oh wait no I'll try before you solve the puzzle deal emotional damage jarin have you even hit like top 50 Legend in Hearthstone or like what's going on I've hit rank one actually rank one dude that's somehow even sadder yeah it is you you know you're right are you going to solve the puzzle anyways uh yeah uh I'd like to solve the puzzle is it who shot Lincoln oh that is incorrect oh my bad I'd like to solve the puzzle one second number off all right this one's an enigma okay uh 87 three all right that's bigger okay STS you're up yeah is the answer Lee Harvey Oswald that is incorrect ooh no good guess you should have known it was a it was a string oh oh no also there's just no longer number offs I'm not giving it to all trive I'll tell you that much okay Ren you're up is the answer who shot Lincoln oh that's going to be a wheel of failure wheel of failure is getting thin boys oh it is that will net you one social it okay all Drive you're up is there an L yes there is an L uh and then is there a w yep okay and is there is there a c yes okay gotcha is the answer Nobody Knows No Okay C is the best of us happens to the best of us yeah you know what my bad emotional damage I I would like to solve the puzzle if I get a chance uh it it's stands turn now stand inflict emotional damage and then you can solve uh I'm going to inflict emotional damage on both of them it's embarrassing that you guys can't solve this puzzle okay St okay then why don't you solve it it would it would Le I think as a good teacher I want my students to succeed so it' be embarrassing for me to do it that's a failure that was a bad guess that was not the answer okay that that yeah it's a failure I'll trve I'll give this one to you it stands you are a bad teacher also your four-eyed okay Ren you're up uh is the answer John wils Booth yes it is John wils Booth oh why did I think it was yeah Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK unless his head just did that I'm a goof bro I'm not going to lie there was a part of me I was like wait am I just really dumb right now yeah did you put the wrong one no you're definitely right oh man I am losing it's crazy that we could have Google this this entire time we went through like three rounds knowing what the question was okay lose all social credit r you'll go to zero social credit let's go huge okay big negative credit is credit I'm going to guess an a there is an a I'm going to guess a t uh what a t as in trampoline t as in pterodactyl got it uh I'm going to guess an e I'm going to guess an H there's an H the last word is no never mind I'm I'm going to take that actually is the last word theater but like spell Canadian well that doesn't make any sense cuz there's that's not a thing you can do on your turns that's a wheel of failure no wait this is the wheel winner I'm take wait I split the wrong wheel all right you still get this he's taking it he's taking it all right still so three social credit who's got the highest I'll dve uh it's stands St is higher we're back boys back in the running boys all right now uh now you actually have to solve the what wait it grew what am I solving wait we're back okay I'll solve this trivia easy okay trivia uh 32 this game is not called science of scatter uh twister oh it's magic the Gathering yeah you should have known you play card games I don't play Magic though okay so you're a one trick yeah kind just a reminder he didn't land on emotional damage all Drive you're up can I get a k uh K can I get a m m can I get a oh can I let stans's guess this one I forgot that my bad uh yes St you can guess this one sure I'll guess s s there's no s that's tough that's tough that's tough this is for all tribe though cuz it was his failure to pick me that is true that is true yeah no I follow that's going be a trivia sweet uh can I do 45 I am as light as a feather but even the strongest person can't hold me for more than 5 minutes 47's stands as age so can you guess this for me guess on your behalf it's a a ton of lead it was a very big big feather Sans you really screwed me over man like yeah all in the game My friend all right we'll just I'll just I'm kind of confused right now so I'll just have you both lose one social credit I did nothing wrong okay uh we'll just say raren you're up uh I like the puzzle I lost my turn too okay right uh is it me movie takeout theater no yeah I would have guessed that if I were you listen I got to wait easy easy easy yes plus one social credit well well well boys how the turntables ult try you're up can I get an I I'll allow it can I get a v uh is it m movie takeout theater no that's going to be a wheel of failure ooh yikes my bad I just wanted to land on improv again you could spin it again if you want no no wait what did this one say that said one social credit social credit now okay all right sweet uh St you're up I'm going to go ahead and guess you and then I'm going to go ahead and guess has arbin guessed probably but I just missed it sure and then in looking at these letters and in looking at the hint and understanding the spaces I'm going to guess me movie take out theater that's gonna be a wheel of failure that is going to be a wheel of failure number off okay 87 all right that's that's not going to be as big okay ruren you're up Take Me Out movie theater Take Me Out movie theater oh I forgot the the' didn't I what oh there supposed to be a the and you could say take me out to the movie theater and that was the right one i i two either there's no two either well isn't that just crazy Ren you get to spin the the good wheel all right I'll take it wow oh yeah am I in the lead holy plus three social credit Stan I should have given him a harder punishment for winning yeah I didn't realize it could literally be anything that's what it says this is the F wait I'll do this this is the final puzzle okay okay this is big for me ruren since you got that one right you go first uh let's go with a there are no A's I'm kind of hoping for improv too if I'm going to be honest oh improv it's landed on improv wow isn't it crazy how that happens it's just willed into existence okay ruren you are at a restaurant and the menu only has lettuce uh altrive you are the waiter there hello welcome to uh the green Shack what can I get you is sorry just I just have a quick question we're we're in North America are you from a different country uh no I am from America okay I'm actually looking for your specials today what do you have oh we have uh lettuce sule that is lettuce uh topped off with the finest uh lettuce and then uh sprinkled on top of that uh some uh lettuce of War see it's going to go against my diet uh do you have any else that's not just only letters what's are your uh restrictions uh stance you are a police officer who is hunting down all tribe cuz he is running an illegal drug operation and he's armed and dangerous everybody get the down this lettuce guy's crazy I got a hostage I got a hostage he's got a hostage and the hostage is hungry what did you try and feed this guy I have a hostage he can't eat lettuce he's allergic sir what did you order if you can't eat lettuce it's a lettuce restaurant I I I I'm also blind he's BL is that why you didn't know was a lettuce restaurant I had no idea I just walked in I was just hoping that it would give me food it just feels like you should have done your research before going to a restaurant if you're blind and you have dietary restrictions hey if you don't go away and pretend nothing happened I will kill this man I take the shot heads or tails uh heads Tails never fails I shoot him right in theing head both of them actually one bullet two kills all right you died so that's going to lose you a social credit either of you you're both going to get a social credit let's go whose turn was that I'm sorry was that Ren's yeah that was mine okay I'll try you're up uh can I get a p there are no P's o brutal a PE improv wow aliens two aliens are deciding whether or not to blow up Earth altrive let's say that you're alien one and Stan you're alien number two uh I'm I'm an alien here yeah uh you know the thing about it is I I really like the Chinese food on this all right you know what that's going to lose you a point man I was just trying to get it going okay stand zero yeah I'm going to go ahead and guess s there's no s okay that's something improv got it oh wow look at us making up for lost time we're making up for lost time Stans you are a bakery owner who only sells moldy bread and ruren you are trying to buy something from this uh restaurant after just getting to going through a horrible lettuce restaurant excuse me fine gentlemen I'm looking for some beautiful pastries and or bread I have a big family gathering because I can't eat lettuce oh have I got a product for you I mean honestly everything around in this restaurant's good but you're going to love the scones you're going to love the muffins you're going to love the French bread you're going to love the sour dough bread honestly just look anything you see anything you see you like yeah I'm I'm actually noticing that there's uh some weird I'm actually am I still blind for this NOA uh I mean yeah I guess yeah you were before do you mind if I feel the bread I'm so sorry to say see I noticed now that you have your your glasses your seeing eye dog it was very rude of me let me let me hold this bread up to your nose what what do you like altri when he shot you in the face you didn't die and you're coming back to get revenge on raren hey you blind do you know what you did to me what I do I didn't see you know what you did to me that I had to go to the hospital for 5 minutes excuse me B Bakery odor do you mind if I run through the back but could you guide me cuz I can't see oh yeah yeah exit in the back you you can't see it but you know do your best I I'll call that good you know what we'll just we'll just leave that as is feel like this whole video is just going to be you're not going to show the game show it's just the Improv it's just I'm going to all these improv scenes are going to be attached together into a movie okay roren you're up uh e there are no e all right I'm surprised we get improv again that's kind of weird wait trivia emotional damage again H St you can do the emotional damage on thisk God yeah I'm going to say that you weren't very convincing as a blind man when I asked you if you saw any bread you liked you said yes and that makes me think that you're a liar and I don't like liars you know fair enough you know I haven't had any practi as I think you're right you can actually practice a blind person if you close your eyes for a couple minutes true I'll trve you're up is there no final puzzle this is the final puzzle yeah but is the answer there is no final puzzle no okay hey great work thank you man just uh really good deductive reasoning and screaming okay stands you're up sure I'm going to guess o there's going to be quite a few O's uh I'm going to guess n there is no n uh no it's gone actually needs this papa needs this number off 93 seven okay my number is bigger not good how this number thing stands I know it's actually my fatal flaw R you're up what about a m what about an R there are no RS unfortunately rough trivia uh 22 automatic loss what the how trivia is that all Drive you're yikes uh is there an i there is one IE that's a k oh oh okay you didn't see that is there a uh is there a d damn this wheel is rigged against improv instead of giving away a social credit can I give an improv to stands okay yeah you can give an improv to stands all right sweet all right you are a man talking to a duck and you believe the duck is talking to him and he's telling you to take yoga lessons and gamble your life savings altrive you are the duck and stance you are the man I just I know we've been in this park for a couple hours now and I I understand the yoga I promise you I promise you I do I just don't get the gambling part yeah I know Blackjack is a game of skill and not necessarily gambling but it just doesn't seem like I should get a third mortgage on my house and put it all on that the yoga's supposed to help I don't I just don't know would you come with me to the casino I know you've got a family here it just seems like a big choice for me to do this yes I know what the Buddha says about attachments to this Earthly realm I shouldn't care care about my money that's what the yoga was about it's just yeah you are always right let's do this okay I'll give you both a credit for that one I'm so glad I had a duck call actually is that a real duck call that wasn't your mouth that was a duck call I just have one in a drawer uh okay stand you're up yeah I'm going to go ahead and guess K I'm deciding whether or not I should give it to you all right fine I'm going to guess y I'm going to guess g am I looking at uh I'm going to guess n I'm going to guess and this is a tough one this is a tough one for me I'm going to guess W that is there's no W what woking yeah it's a it's a place in the UK he said he Lov London I didn't say I like London I just say It's s the Clock Was yeah he said that we weren't allowed to use any time zones for the rest of our lives improv who who could have guessed it was going to land on that wow that's tough wish I got the bonus point to be honest okay STS you are a door toor salesman selling doors but you come to a house with no doors ruren you are the owner of that house all right go okay ding dong I I could actually see you from right there you didn't you didn't have to ring the doorbell you could have just said something yeah sorry it's just you know like a kind of a nice thing a Salesman do I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me just walking yeah but you know someone could walk into your home yeah see I thought about it but like I don't as you can see like I don't really have anything in this house I kind of just stand in the middle of my living room and think so like what are they going to take you got a family here Todd can I call you Todd I prefer Mr Howard uh Mr Todd Howard Mr Howard what if I told you that someone could walk into your house they could kidnap your family I I mean that's something I consider but like do I really need a door that's the real question yeah well I mean a door is the first it's the first stop it's the first stop from you becoming Liam niss from Hit movie Taken you don't want to be Liam n from Taken do you Todd I I I'm not Mr Howard I'm sorry Mr Howard Mr Howard Mr how it's fine it's fine you can now call me Liam n because I'm definitely into that idea I'll try you are now uh really angry at ruren because his dog keeps pooping on your lawn Ren sorry do you mean Liam le le rvw whatever your name is hey talk to you wait what's going on you your dog keeps pooping all over my lawn you don't even have how does he get out of the house he I mean he just kind of walks I mean it it just is what it is where he jumps through the window got a 19in vertical listen listen just keep you're being really insensitive for a quick second the sorry sorry sorry clarification no doors is it just wall or is there an empty spot for a door I think empty spot where a door would be okay great great great great got it okay then change you understand he is really really scared about having a front door okay he do he doesn't like it so if he sees a front door he's going to take what do you want me to do there's no therapy for dogs you have you have a000 disrespect that you keep putting on me think you want me to call HOA do you want me to light your stupid house on fire you think they're going to take my dog do I'm going to walk into your house and murder your whole family if this dog keeps going okay that's uh that's good all right Ryan you're up all is a Jay yeah there's a Jay uh is it monko yo-yo Jim joking yes you get to spin the good wheel the does that mean come on easy money oh nice okay youde you get you better pick improv I get the the title of winning the game well it's a title doesn't really mean anything he's a winner y let's go wow ruren you are the winner so you win because you are the winner if you like this 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Channel: Magic The Noah
Views: 2,525,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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