I Made 5 Custom Youtuber Biomes!

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have you ever looked at vanilla minecraft biomes because if you look closely they're just so boring Plains boring roof forest boring desert that's right boring ice spikes actually I spikes his kind no it's boring so I thought today I would try to make my own biomes however I'm going to phim them after some of my YouTube friends now not only will I built up in Minecraft I have an idea in my head of what I want to build and I just set out to build it this time however it felt silly to just wing it so I put my art skills to the test and came up with this basic draft of how I wanted the biomes to be spread out but I want to do a bit more planning than that so I colored it in as you can see here and added a few little features I'd like to have in each biome and we started off with the smallish beans swampy swamp now 5 minutes into this build I realized how much of a task this was going to be now it may look very basic on that map picture but putting all the rivers in and building every single hill / cliff / river / swamp whatever you're building yourself took quite a long time to do also because I wanted a very colorful theme for each biome for this one obviously being a dark swamp like green I had to add a few mods in that I'd never used before one of them being the chromatic grass mod which I could get different colored grass and that was kind of good in a way because we got the different colored grass but there's a bit of problem when it came to bow and mail in the ground whenever you went to use bone meal instead of bone meal on the ground straightaway it would first die the grass white and then it would bone millet so there you'll see a lot of white spot cheese of grass around and stuff that's because of the bone mailing now I was doing now for my swampy swamp I wanted to have of course the Shrek house as you can see here but I just wanted to feel like an actual swamp man with lots of different green murky water all around and also just big loads of trees with lots of vines and stuff kind of similar to a swamp biome you'd normally get I only used one type of tree in the entire biome and it was the biomes of plenty willow tree you might notice it from other series that I've done in the past and the main reason I use this tree is when you spawn it in it starts off with vines so you'd have to add them in afterwards saving me a load of time but this biome in total took about two and a half hours to build and you'll see here a nice little Shrek cave with some green love hearts in it as well which is in the final part of this build let's grab a look around a very very green vine we have here there's a lovely path going all the way through you got all the vines and the trees you got like flowers everywhere there's just like water pockets all around very marshy the water seeps onto the path a bit sometimes we have Shrek's house here looking very nice indeed I just copied this in from a build that I done in the past rather than build it all over again but it's decorated inside and looking very nice indeed over here we have the shrek s lake house really happy of how this turned out is a lovely bridge across it as well leading up to what I like to call idea Tower where I get all the ideas for my videos I just go in here contemplate my life and come up with some video ideas but I thought it's just quite a nice natural spawning and build that you'd have in a biome and finally we have the cave over here the big love heart in here there was some hearts on the walls but I don't know where they've gone before moving on to the next build here is one of the parts that was really strenuous was building these rivers they just took forever to build but let's move on to the Lauren seaside lush lake now in comparison to the other biomes this one is by far the simplest but that does not mean it as boring is a pretty cool biome here we've got this massive purple lake for Lauren herself of course with a big l-shape island which I kind of put the wrong way round at first you'll see a bit later that I sort of welded it and flip it round because I messed up and on this island we have this massive magical Tower which I've kind of built something similar to this in the past but I have never done one that's purple obviously fitting in with the biome and I think it looks very magical I'm very happy with how this turned out the one problem with this biome is that I didn't really build it big enough like you'll see here I flip in a second and I don't really have that much space for anything else so I came up with this idea for the lochness Lauren but before that we have this little waterfall here plus some trees added in I think they called Umbreon trees and a lovely gold path and also linked up some fairy like the trees to make it look extra pretty but my favorite part of this buying by far is the Loch Ness Lauren which is just a big Loch Ness monster never really good at building heads on these sort of things but I think I did an okay job it doesn't really look scary but it doesn't look friendly either to get to the Loch Ness Lauren you have to take some stepping stones from the swamp over here and you get over to the island where you've got the fairy lights linking up the trees on your pathway up to the magical tower which is decorated inside with some magical themed stuff we have our waterfall here which is a bit weird and a bit out of place but I don't mind it I think it looks okay it's a bit steep I maybe should have made it a bit smaller and over here we've got the Loch Ness Lauren which looks really cool I think the head may be a bit big and the body may be a bit small so maybe we'll have to alter that in the future but I'm happy with how it turned out after this I went a bit mental and decided to do all the rivers at once I decided to do all the colors of all the grass as well and separate each biome from each other as this was the most tedious task and I wanted to save my future self from having to do it the next biome we made is our sentient biome which is Joey's rainbow mountain this biome ah-ha-ho by this by this biome took the longest to make by far because of the sheer scale of this thing having to make a mountain from scratch using world at it no matter how good the world Edit tools are was just the most annoying stressful horrible thing I've ever done and I had to make each layer separately the end result however was very very good in my eyes the mounting is a bit uneven and not exactly how I wanted it but there was no way I was going to redo this entire thing because it took like an hour and a half just to make the mountain my original idea was to add a massive cave in the centre of it as well but after this took so long I was kind of losing the will to live so decided to just do a bit of a smaller cave it's still a relatively big cave but a little bit smaller than I originally imagined in some early plans as well I thought I might have a mountain house on the side of the mountain I soon decided against this as I fought the mountain by itself was so bright and vibrant I don't really want to add like a splotch on to it of like a house so instead I just kept it how it was it added a little minecart going up to it as you'll see in a second we peek into this cave I added a cobble II stone sort of texture to the bottom of the cave rather than keeping it rainbow so I could add all the rainbow crystals in and was wiggling through the wall here you'll see the minecart track being made up the mountain which I accompanied with some rainbow fences which all matched the layers that the fences were on so obviously red was red orange orange and then for the rest of the biome I just added in a little minecart station and then just covered it in trees which was also annoying to do because to add trees you got to place a grass block and then your sapling as placing just a regular sapling on the chromatic dress wouldn't work so that's why you see all these green dots throughout the build adding that the sapling is on but the final effect I think is very effective a rainbow mountain if I ever said one at the thing that I found a bit weird is how the pink looks a bit different to the other colors I would have changed that in the past I made the pink a bit bigger we also added a bridge from the swamp to the rainbow mountain as well you can see the minecart station which is very simple inside get on the minecart from the chest here head of the mountain as you can see by the rainbow fences there and into the cave which is so glittery with all the different rainbow crystals as we know how much Jerry loves his crystals our fourth biome today is CP case orange oasis this biome stands out from the other biomes as all the other biomes are kind of made of grass then trees and all the basics of a regular biome this biome hotha is a little different it is sort of an orange desert which I decided to decorate with some rocks now not your usual kind of rocks somewhat quite deformed sort of rocks that you see in the sort of deserts across the world now you're probably wondering Joel where does the Oasis part come in well there is a bit of water in this and a sort of Oasis like feature where it's got some life and isn't just dry desert at first I was doing all the rocks by hand soon I figured out a world edit command that would help me out drastically and I also use this to make our fox cave here which I have ever so pleased with because I think this thing looks really cool it sort of fits in with the landscape but also looks like a fox look at that adorable here is the Oasis section you'll see in a second that I start building a massive sort of pale Lake I called it as I used yellow water and because there is water here I added in some life around it with some trees which I soon changed two palm trees which are a little bit smaller those massive ones I put in at the beginning and finally I finished off the fox cave by adding in just some random stuff into I don't really know what this is it just looked pretty cool and decorative there you go but I am very pleased with the overall effect of this buying we've got another bridge linking the two together cacti spread out across all these really cool-looking rocks very misshaped very unique each one is kind of different because they're just all over the place our Fox cave with the rainbow mount in the background I think looks really awesome with a little tongue entrance and inside very simple not sure what that is maybe it's got magical powers all linked up with a path which we can follow to our pale lake which has got some squids in it at the moment our palm trees and a bit of life around here we got some flowers and other stuff like that to make it look a little more green although these things are very pale I'm not entirely sure why a pretty cool by him though Oh a final biome today is ldshadowlady 'z pink paradise of course I had to do a pink cutesy area for Lizzie if I had the biomes of Plenty Maud you'd probably see rabbits and goats jumping all over the place in this biome but I decided to add a few unique features to this one of them being a glowing pink heart-shaped Lake I actually added in a few more little Hart lakes around you'll see in a second but my favorite part by far this biome is the magical tree which took me about an hour and thirty minutes just to build this alone it was a pretty big tree okay because I decided to go for this really unique leaf design which I'd seen from like a painting on Google where the Leafs sort of like fall down and saw of like hang off the tree which I tried to recreate in Minecraft and I think I've got managed to get a pretty good effect out of it it just makes the tree look really old and like with but magical at the same time and I was really pleased of how this thing turned out now although this took so long to build I actually enjoyed this quite a lot in comparison to placing in all the other little trees which are just saplings later on as they just were taking so long to add in as this biome was quite big under the tree however I added in some pink glowing water I also added some hanging glowstone and Bo milled the ground a bit as well here in this tree time-lapse which takes about 10 20 seconds that's actually about 40 minutes of work yeah for the castle in the top right I actually added in a castle I built before in my pink castles video which world ended too did wrong so that all the colors were wrong but I think it works really well in the spine then I added a load of pink flowers around it plus some more pink cherry trees to finish off the effect and I can reveal the fifth and final biome which has so many trees on this section here is just flowers if I had a Plains bit in as well because I was just sick of placing trees but the main piece of this build being the magic tree here which I am so incredibly pleased with I think this thing is really pretty you can just imagine fairies just dancing underneath it and stuff can't you follow the path around there's not really much on this by him over then and the lakes which he got some pink Hart lakes here one massive pink heart lake as well and then of course the main castle building which sits upon a hill they have it five youtuber biomes we've got magical trees we got a rainbow mountain we've got a swampy swamp and we've got a Loch Ness Lauren as well as a Fox Mountain let me know which is your favorite biome out of all five I honestly can't choose which one is my favorite although I believe the tree is my favorite thing I built this entire episode so that's going to be it for this video guys I hope you did enjoy these five biomes let me know which is your favorite in the comments and in the poll in the top right and I'll shall see you another time for in our video make sure to hit that like button as this took me about 10 hours to make thank you so much goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,546,965
Rating: 4.9500198 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, custom, biomes, making, my, own, biome
Id: EvzQxxZwua8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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