Messed up MYSTERY RIDDLES to Test SURVIVAL Skills w/ AzzyLand

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she's not pregnant it's just wind well for me it's just food but okay you do you but at least I did it I didn't know you weren't supposed to go surfing during a hurricane riddles yeah I'm stealing as these riddles excited cheer so exciting they are excited I'm so excited for riddles oh he's excited for riddles to make me feel smart and stupid at the same time don't wait to see how excited let's do this for friends started a band you named me me me me me me me Frederick was the lead singer yeah Ronald was a guitarist yeah I mean ukulele you're so hardcore Marvin was a bass guitarist and Theodore was a drummer and a Z it was on the ukulele they gained popularity really fast oh there's so much one day they received a threat Oh will kill you music a do rock foo he had most so fighting the musicians hired a bodyguard but he could only protect one of them at a time oh no should he protect I feel like the people of guitars can just use the guitars as weapons so they're fine yeah they're good Theodore has drums he could just hide behind the drums so Friday wait is this code I think it is a code this is backwards no no I would have with the first letter of every word Marvin suppose Marvin Marvin you're so smart Marvin they're going after Marvin why would they tell why would they give a hint I don't know why they would but they did it and that we can save Marvin and that's all that matters Marvin and he's safe I guess he's safe we all never know you're at the bus stop a bus is going by at high speed the bus driver realizes the brakes have gone out and he can't stop the bus oh no this baby is getting higher and I so fast the passengers start to panic and scream this is escalating so much suddenly they notice a cliff right in front of the fuzz so you try to break the windows but fatal so Lauren I've done this already so what do you think is happening this Oh No and I'm not gonna tell you the answer but you can ask for him is it hard it's pretty hard I would also just know that you are not in any danger that's my hands is the cliff over water so you just fall into the water is some dangers that would still be dangerous yeah less dangerous though baby then like hitting the ground yeah let's say you're much less danger than the water weight but you're going uphill so would you just like roll backwards maybe maybe not I'm gonna say that it'll just roll backwards so it's fine okay I can't wait for you to see the answer you may be like what it's something at the beginning something I missed that they begin oh god no it went over the cliff what nothing you're safe everybody else is screwed oh my you never got on the bus Wow savage but at least I did it monster Wow they tricked me they tricked me look he's like well under which mom is more stupid oh the one who's feeding her child spicy stuff maybe more the ones on the phone I don't know I think the spicy stuff too hot for a baby I was just gonna say wait can babies not eat spicy food I didn't know that yeah is there something I should know well like unless your mother I guess [Music] it's fine which a mom is more stupid well I mean neither of them are very small one of the babies is literally burning its hands and the other one is in a tree I'm guessing the fire yeah they're both what what do you mean both of them who lets their baby climb a tree little kid in the ocean during a tornado why well there's really the huge waves going on and the mom can't even be bothered to look the girls like waving at her mom like hell I just gonna be the bug if it's the bug whoa wait a minute she's not going to drown with the armbands are you freakin an ocean liner was shipwrecked four people managed to reach a desert island the next day Harry was found dead on the shore the rest gathered to discuss what each of them was doing when the murder took place I was building this hot what Wow wait a minute that's impressive yeah one day pass any bill to hunt equipped with a window and a roof all right sure jack home boy over here jack of all trades am i right I was making a fire I climbed up a palm tree to pick some bananas I don't know but we know it's not Jack he be building a full house super busy palm trees Charlie Paul worked for a huge corporation one day he was found dead in his office the detective arrived at the office and noticed some numbers oh no written on the screen of Paul's computer looks like a date it must be a clue looks like a date of birth or something are there any employees with the same date of birth let's see three it's three three people how unlucky with the same exact birthday I mean May and Hannah look a little too happy are they trying to say that it's May because it's the fifth amaze oh oh my god you genius I think that's gotta be the only reasonable explanation I think you're right reasonable why wouldn't he just write it was made why could he do that it was made May is going to murder me maybe May would have deleted his notes he's smart but these people aren't who's more steno I mean the person who's falling asleep no because he's a copilot asleep I think the person's worse yeah because there's two pilots so at least like if he fell asleep but if she fell asleep she is on her own yeah yeah there you go he has a co-pilot but she does not for the ones that swim with alligators I don't know but she's also swimming during like really bad weather isn't that unsafe as well yeah look at the trees they're like oh wow and it's like super cloudy and I think it's like nighttime maybe even you should never go surfing at nighttime it's like trick question okay it was him there's even a sign yeah no swimming maybe that's what maybe that's why these is more stupid she didn't know yes she didn't know she was like I didn't know you weren't supposed to go surfing during a hurricane people need to tell me this the baby needs to be side besides it's like when they put it on like coffee cups to tell you that it's hot yeah yeah yeah some people do that because people sue America America I have a land of suing over stupid things oh that's more stupid I guess the guy on the left because at least he could help I don't think the girl on the right could really do much no she can't do much like you're not supposed to go into a house brain down that's why they have firemen yeah and they got a covered look in the back he's got this so the guy in the left is like upset and like in danger yes guys just enjoying there was an electric car exhibition in the city John and Dave came there together oh I did cute but lost each other in the crowd Oh No suddenly John saw his friend out of a car why do people just keep dying the police arrived soon wait he looks really happy in the car I hope you can see this but he's smiling yes he does he looks peaceful they interviewed the suspects I was looking for Dave everywhere but couldn't find him oh no then I saw lots of people in Dave's body in the car oh so great a tactic I just never grabbed me okay I went out for a smoke when I returned this man was dead I was preparing the cars for a test-drive and checked the engines and putting gas oh I was checking the engines putting gas where is my Grammy I don't know who did it did we miss something in the beginning like some bit of information I feel like we're missing something oh oh I figured it out oh it's an electric car they were at an electric car exhibition so why was this guy putting gas in the car you know why you know why Lauren laia got him Mike came for the job interview he impressed the manager with his skills and experience but the last question was the trickiest one come up with 30 words without letter a you have 30 seconds I'm so annoying as a girl miss might easily solve the riddle what words did he say what 30 words with what I didn't remember what I said come up with 30 words without letter a I'm just seeing what the answer is to this yes it's got to be something like tricky or they just if they just list 30 words I'm done counted he counted tourney he's a genius he deserves a job he should be doing riddles with us yes get them all right which mom is more stupid I wanted to say the one irony but it's not plugged in oh you got it you're too smart for these I'm on a roll a baby yep that's the more stupid one oh my god okay well once as vitamins vital but it's still not good for you yeah I'm gonna take more than one vitamin a day I was just saying I'm also sure that that's not good for you yeah I'd like liver failure how love like liver family also like toilet cleaner probably ain't good for you either she's like but mommy I saw youtubers doing this things better live a challenge flashbacks of last year let's never do that again not us but the commute yes oh my gosh there's just so many oh I think it's the last one okay okay what on the left is pregnant the right pregnant too I guess a she's not pregnant it's just wind ha ha ha well for me it's just food but okay you do you she's about to fall the stage for the baby who said she was pregnant though you guys think this 7 second rule is didn't give us that information she could just be yeah she could have just had a food baby going on right literally you never ask someone if they're pregnant well that's you sure yeah that's a good bit of advice for everybody which doctor is a maniac maniac oh I shouldn't I don't want you to get copyrighted sorry I'm assuming it's B because he's got some ears in a jar back there oh I never noticed that human ears it's concerning me that a has something on the end of the things she's about yeah it's like it's like red trying to make that advertiser friendly yeah trying to be really good about it 70 girls is like nah a lot of them ruin it thank you right okay okay why did she have an axe yeah I think they wanted us to think it was a because of the tea anything though the reddest stuff at the dentist right yeah I get myself messy all the time when I'm a dentist boy whatever I'm a dentist I hope nothing oh it can relate so relatable he's handcuffed to the chair what doctor oh we don't need no question about it who is in bigger danger oh no why would you blow dryer head I'm guessing her why does hit wait wait hers is flicked in but his Chargers or the his plug it's like in the bathtub already and he's falling asleep so I'm guessing him because he's gonna fall asleep it it's gonna fall in yeah but I if it's not plugged in is it a dangerous oh yeah I don't know either way don't do this at home don't use your phone in the bath you're okay oh that's true as long it's not plugged in you better know that it's not gonna tell us it's not gonna tell us you guys are gonna tell us in the comments you guys have to tell us now cuz I don't know I never think about a girl yeah it's a girl baby let us know in the comments all right well thank you as e for giving me your big IQ and brain to help figure out these riddles thank you for having me on the channel anytime and if you guys want to see us do more riddles we did one over on her channel so make sure to check it out it's in the description below as always make sure to subscribe if you're new to my channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,705,523
Rating: 4.8885689 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, funny, 2019, collab, react, react to, azzyland, laurenzside azzyland, azzy, reaction, 7 second riddles, what would you do, would you rather, riddles, brain teasers, visual puzzles, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, test your brain, puzzles, tricky riddles, puzzles with answers, test your attention, tricky riddle with answer, mystery riddle, brain games, riddles and brain teasers with answers, test survival skills
Id: WuR_YWvvtnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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