1000 Players Simulate Civilization on Survival Islands

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in this video I've Shipwrecked 1,000 players onto five remote Islands in order to simulate the largest civilization that's ever been created in Minecraft the players are entirely free to set their own goals whether that's building a giant City establishing an Empire starting a religion or even just opening a restaurant there is only one rule if a player dies they are dead forever all the players work together to create thriving civilizations or will disagreements between the islands lead to a massive World War well to find out sit back relax and and pick a team to root for as I present to you the 1,000 players shipwreck civilization experiment on day one all 1,000 players spawned into the server and onto their shipwrecks but they couldn't stay there of course so they crafted boats and rode their way over to five unique islands for the first few hours all the players broke trees mined for AES and search for a place to settle however despite the very similar St it quickly became clear that each of the islands would develop veloping their civilizations in very different ways firstly on the largest island St Mar's the players had set up a democratic Council made up of five different guilds one of these guilds the distribution Guild which was in charge of making sure everyone got their fair share of resources had a mysterious problem all of the nation's Spruce Wood was going missing it turns out that a player named aoma had been building a huge wooden wall which everyone else on the island thought looked terrible so while Lao was offline everyone spent an hour tearing it down but then suddenly aoma came back online and he wasn't happy Hing me bro that was so much progress don't tell me you made the wall I I'm telling you that I made the wall I bu I was going to Build It Up the Sky limit bro why if you're an enemy player right and you come across this wall and you see like a wall up to the height limit you're going to be scared of that team's potential and it's all gone this is tragic having gotten the message that his W wasn't welcome in the middle of their civilization aoma retreated nor but he hadn't given up on building his wall instead he felt the opposite to get back at his teammate he was going to build the greatest wall the world had ever seen oh I'm dedicating days to this war you have no idea it's going to be very big very very big meanwhile on the far side of the world on St Agnes crime was everywhere it was a land of no laws where criminals were robbed innocent players unopposed some players had even started the sacrifice worshiping tribal Cod Marcus if you give me a stack of enchanted golden apples I will sacrifice a every single day oh my God the reason for why there was so much crime was actually kind of my fault you see I put the majority of the alarming applicants on the same island because I thought it would be funny to see how chaotic it would be and it certainly was chaotic so nnes soon became known across the world as the worst island to live on one of the few same players on the island Dynamite who had been unfortunate enough to end up on S Agnus had had enough of the chaos so he decided to abandon the mainland allog together and founded his own Nation on the small island to the east which he called the coton mouth Coalition kind of split off from the rest of St Agnus yeah this island is the property of the cotton mouth Coalition life on cotton mouth was a lot safer than on the main island due to Dynamite's no tolerance policy when it came to Crime this led to players feeling safe enough to open the Island's first businesses notably a player named bmh built a Taco Bell i' I've just been putting bread and fish together and saying fish taco over on bri the smallest of the five Islands a player named Mr Mel had just been elected the new leader of the Brier Republic and he has big plans we're going to build a big city here on Brier that's for sure we're also going to be connecting presco and us with a big bridge as well but uh Marcus don't tell anyone this but plan to assemble a secret network of spies you know just to keep an eye on all those treons people who didn't vote for me in the election over on melo's neighboring Island tresco two players perspective and murf have come up with a unique way of enforcing Law and Order on their Island they created an organization known as the tresco Police Department we want to help people we want to build a tresco police department perspective has even set up a police training course okay we're going to have a training course for the police officers and every single police officer is going to have to go through it and I'm going to time it and the judging by the time they get they're going to get a specific role you have maximum 1 minute to complete the course if you do not complete the course in 1 minute you will fail and gain the lowest ranking understood okay 3 2 1 go oh my God wait he's a SC oh missed Miss jump go [Music] again missed again come on come on done yes okay shooting range hit one hit two Miss oh hits okay stop okay stop 34 that's not bad that's not bad that's not bad lastly over on some Martins many small communities were starting to form but the most notable one L by playing in multi being a group focused on building a giant castle which they called The Citadel we're just you know making the C making the capital making the Citadel look nice going take a lot of time but we're working on it it was in the half built Citadel later that day that all the communities planned to hold an election to choose the first official governor of all of St Martin's and multi wanted to be that Governor but the problem for him was was that there were other players who had more support than he did so to get the extra votes he needed to become leader multi ventured over to another large community on the far side of the island called with area which is led by a very ambitious player named Tamer who saw M's visit as a good opportunity to further his goals and so Tamer agreed to make a deal with multi I can have as many of my people vote for you during the election tomorrow under one condition who do not need to necessarily follow your rule but we shall work together in a Alliance in a bond between two grand Nations on this island one being led by me and one being led by potentially you so do we have a well structured de agreement agement good let us take hands to celebrate this historical day party there was the gods have spoken the votes have been counted and today I am proud to announce our future leader Governor malti what an introduction what a speech with T is followers having voted for him multi was elected the first official governor of St Martin in return for the vote MTI gain Tamar half of the Martin's land and legitimized with area as its own Sovereign Nation unknown to everyone attending though Tamar has much larger Ambitions than controlling just half of St Martin he dreams of one day uniting the entire Island and the entire world under the rule of His withian Banner we'll have to wait and see how his plan folds on day two on the morning of day two I went over to Sam Mar to check in on the's wall building progress it needs to get bigger it can only get bigger my only motivation I've been I've been working hard to maintaining this and I've got far here up there you helping me it's a Twan Army now it's F here as well oh my God oh my God health and safety's not looking Good's wall isn't the only project seeing a lot of progress though the rest of some Mar's is thriving players have been busy building massive Farms businesses houses Railways castles as well as their crowning achievement the star Castle which they hope will function as their public Marketplace and Council headquarters the star Castle is also the home of the brand new St Mary's Trade Center run by Damian the distribution Guild leader who controls how all of the nation's resources are given out amongst the people here you go not everything is perfect though qus the leader of the sarus military informed me that rumors of an underground Rebellion movement were growing our Rebels and traitors need to be hunted down as fast as possible and it turns out that these rumors are true a player named d Danny muger and his followers have become disillusioned with the samaris council especially with Damian the leader of the distribution Guild Danny claims that Damian is corrupt and that he is keeping materials that are supposed to go to the people all for himself however Damian had a different perspective we can't always give the people what they want sometimes because we don't have it or sometimes because someone else needs it more so we also have a lot of people that complain or get mad but it's uh it's not an easy job now it's not clear if Danny's claims about daman's corruption are true or not but one thing is certain Dany is going to take [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] action [Music] Daman the leader of the trade Guild was assassinated by Danny mster a crowd of shocked and Mar's players quickly gathered outside the distribution center and a grave was built to remember their fallen council member unfortunately for Dany there were plenty of witnesses who saw the murder take place and with qu's military conducting an islandwide Manhunt it wasn't long until he was captured he was then escorted to the underground St Mary's prison where he was put on trial for his crimes you have been charged with planning and murder of one of our great council members here on St Mary's Daman I like to plead guilty I did it to kill a leader of of a great Council in the name of Anarchy frankly frankly it's sickening he was quickly found guilty of both treason and first-degree murder by the panel of Judges resulting in a sentence of 4 days in prison after which time he will be publicly executed for his crimes meanwhile well over on S Agnes things are really beginning to unold under Dynamite's rule the nation of cot mouth is thriving players have constructed snake statues fountains houses and even a new fish and trip shop meanwhile bh's Taco Bell is seeing a record number of customers all in all because of Dynamite's no tolerance policy to Crime cot mouth is doing great however pass the water checkpoint separating cot mouth from the main island things aren't as good sacrificial Cults and bandits still rule the land in an attempt to establish order a player named Kira has set up a governing Council however unlike Dynamite she believes that killing criminals on the spot is too harsh and is in the process of implementing a criminal justice system to give the criminals Fair trials unfortunately despite her good intentions from what I can see it appears as though her approach isn't really working this crime is far higher on the mainland than it is on Dynamite cotell everything is all about to change though as the people of sagnes are about to hold an election there are two main candidates Kira and dynamite who isn't satisfied with bringing order to just his small bit of land he wants to win the election to bring about justice to all of St Agnes Dynamite went first everyone of uh s Agnus many of you know me I'm Dynamite I am the ruler leader of cotton mouth I would just like to clarify if you stole killed griefed at all in the past 2 days you will die make no mistake about it this is not a democracy where thieves and Griefers get to live and I would just like to say that cotton mouth will never ever kill anyone who is not deserving of it thank you and now it's Kira's turn where she voiced her concerns about Dynamite as well as a desire for a less harsh criminal justice system I am Kira well I know that we have a dictator we have someone thirsty for power I know there's some been some issue of griefing but I'm sure people are going to sort that out by themselves and I know that there's been talk of a Killers so I'd like to make sure there's some sort of criminal system [Music] suddenly there was chaos Dynamite immediately sprung to action and ordered his guards to hunt down and kill the player responsible yes he's dead he's dead we got him some players then alerted Dynamite that while he being away at the election cotton mouth had been robbed it was so bad that someone had even stolen the furnaces from the Taco Bell not cotton mouth has been robbed we just lost leader everyone listen up everyone listen up shut up shut up shut up all right as we can tell a lot of just went down I don't think that elections are needed a candidate has been killed my my Colony has been looted I'm not going to stand for this despite Dynamite saying an election wasn't necessary they held a vote anyway and unsurprisingly all the fearful people of St Agnes voted for Dynamite to stop the chaos let's go Dynamite congratulations now that he was the uncontested leader of all of St Agnes Dynamite got to work as my first decree as king of St Agnes I want the Griefers and thieves who have been making my life hell for the last 2 days killed on site everyone glory to St Agnes the king for the king back back he's here he's back he's back he's back where the B the B go here he the guys get him get one criminal in particular mythical strike who was a known Thief was captured and escorted to the castle where he was brought before Dynamite himself Dynamite I'm innocent I'm innocent for the past few days you have been caught stealing from multiple people on this island do anything anything you say anything you anything anything you said you'll do anything yes do one thing for say hi to Kira for me yeah how cold was that say hi to K for me that was was pretty damn cold good line kir was dead and dynamite was now the sole uncontested ruler of all of St Agnes on the morning of day three I was incredibly surprised to see just how much progress all of the islands have made especially St Martins which now looks incredible MTI the governor of St Martins has completed his goal of building the Citadel and is in the process of building an entire city around it as well as a huge Harbor and ships equipped with sales in the design of their new nation's flag another nation that has made tons of progress is melo's Republic of Bri which has been busy building a giant City surrounded by a tall defensive wall in the center of the city melo's people have constructed the Brier Supermarket which they use in a similar manner to the distribution center on St Mary's where they categorize and give out all of the nation's resources there's also a large Council building which is where Melo holds meetings with the rest of his government there's also several new restaurants there's a Subway this is amazing I really like it thank you I got I got can I get a sub oh yeah sure yeah sure on the house thank you very much and the people's favorite the Rainforest Cafe hi welcome to the Rainforest Cafe what can we get for you today well what's the menu look up the world oh all right baboon bread salmon slider whale water whale water why is it free don't worry about it anyway moving on melow told me that things weren't as peaceful as they seemed yes so there is currently I don't want to say like a civil war going on but a very small percentage of people broke off and uh kind of really I had heard of this to make Melo even more worried the rebels were leaving threatening signs around the island I mean or Kings of the island sh fall bro who's putting these down yeah I don't know that was just creepy then later that day Melo informed me that he had uncovered a plot to assassinate him here follow me for a second we were about to start a council meeting right to discuss some some future plans yeah and some dude runs into the room he says wait Melo don't sit down I go what he breaks my seat and there's like a 100 block with f like Signs and stuff luckily for Melo there was a winess who saw the player that made the for trap so the wouldbe Assassin was quickly identified as a player called unreal Zeus the owner of the local church having been caught unreal Zeus was quickly hunted down and executed by melo's Elite guards but two questions remain for Melo though why would Zeus do such a thing and did he act alone now what I'm about to show you is the core trial of a player named musy who is the co-founder of Zeus's church and it is due to these close ties with Zeus that melo's Council suspects he was in on the assassination plot moosey you stand with several accusations against you yesterday there was an attempt on meelo's life reason to believe that you musy may possibly be involved in it do you have any affiliations with a man called unreal Zeus I do he's my partner that's quite suspicious let's start with moosey please make your defense case I would never think my partner who I started a great church with a great Temple would try and assassinate our great leader I it just doesn't make sense he had a bit of bitterness after we got the visit from Melo and his his uh but because he was getting quite heated Henry West the moderator of the trial called for a vote if you think that musy is in innocent go towards the chair if you think he's guilty go towards the door moosey is deemed Innocent by overwhelming vote let's continue with our daily activities Moy was found not guilty of conspiring to kill mellow and was allowed to walk away as a free man to all who saw the trial it seemed to be a fair result however what if I were to tell you that musy was in fact guilty and that he had not only helped Zeus plan the Trap but is also an act member of a wider Rebellion against melo's government Moy hello they found you innocent yeah but you were know you actually actively took part in that assassination attempt and you actually just got away with it as a man of peace and Tranquility people just fool for it like that this this nation is far from perfect is riddled with hierarchy and inequality Trust Me A revolution is brewing and they don't know it only only the Smart Ones are aware of what's going on for doing such such a great job moderating moy's trial Melo appointed Henry West as the judicial leader of Brian giving him great power in the government but it turns out that Henry West is actually the leader of the prior rebellion and during the trial had been pulling the strings to make sure that his ally musy was found innocent there are so many layers to this Rebellion I can completely understand why Melo is so [Music] paranoid while Melo was dealing with his Rebellion on bri over on his neighboring and tresco perspective the founder of the tresco police department has been doing a lot in his pursuit of Law and Order earlier in the day he held a Police Academy graduation ceremony for the officers that completed the police training course on day one where he assigned them a rank in the department due to the your outstanding performance during our training course you will be assigned a role of police officer and achieve the greater good for the people of the Southern tresco yes sir and presented them with turtle shells to act as their Official Police badges this is your badge withon my friend unfortunately some of the police officers were a little too enthusiastic when it came to stopping crime do you know why I pulled you over because I was bored yo wait hey yo yo he got a weapon he got a weapon hey stop resisting stop resisting what are you doing trouble with prospective Police Department wasn't limited to just the occasional excessive use of force though there were reports that some officers were abusing their newly found power to threaten local communities in order to Rob them of food and materials but their own personal game because of some of these incidents public opinion on tresco was quickly turning against the police department it seems there is a bit of discontent towards the police do you guys share the view the police coming straight from the underground now a support for the police department is about to be put to the test as the people of tresco are about to hold an election and prospective who wants to get his police officially elected into Power intends the campaign and luckily for perspective he doesn't really have any competition firstly there's this guy how does building houses make us win this game think about it think about the houses if we have houses we have shelter if we have shelter they can't kill us if it can't kill us we can't die if we can't die we win because we won't lose can you all stop booing and then there's this guy who generates to this speech using chbt uh the power of Hope in the face of adversity we must remain resilient optimistic and determined much of your speech was made by Chad GPT all of it ah what does Society come to and now it's perspectives to all of these candidates they've came up today on stand they gave you all these promises and all these things they believe they want to do they believe they want to achieve but if we look at them and if we look at people standing here have they yet to achieve anything we want to represent the people who will be there to die for you for your beliefs for your builds for everything that you want to make we will die for you we will fight for you there is one player who might potentially challenge perspective though my name is diamond and the last few days I've been going around the Islands helping each individual Community to farm mine build and gather resources unlike my opposition the PD who have been running around terrorizing local communities intimidating locals like tid storm and stealing resources from local villages on the first day the first thing they do is establish a military why do they do this clearly there are some unknown motives that they have we cannot trust them they are dangerous and we must do something to stop them if I'm elected as leader I'll do what I can to abolish the PD and keep this nation safe vote for me if you want tresco to finally be United and come out Victorious thank you and so with the speeches given the people will March together across the island towards the northern castle where they held a vote and very narrowly Diamond won the election so thank you so so much all you guys I really appreciate everything I will do my best to become the best leader possible perspective is outraged he feels that diamond slandered his Police Department during a speech and so perspective gathered together some of his most trusted officers to conspire against their new leader you know what you know what really really messes with me though the fact that the guy who is right now leader in his speech openly said I think the PD is terrifying and I'm going to deal with it he views you guys as a threat we are going to be either evicted or killed and I'm scared of that we are not separating from tresco we're separating from Diamond well said everyone let's go to Diamond and declare our intentions let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go you call the PD scary you call the PD terrifying you called us a threat you promised to deal with us several people have heard you say you want to seize power by any means necessary and then the first thing we see you guys do is establish a giant army I mean it does look a bit suspicious you got to admit all I want is to unite tresco and yet you do the exact opposite suddenly someone cried out that there was a fall trap beneath diamond and the confrontation broke down into chaos eventually some of Diamond's followers proposed that they should split tresco and two are we not breaking up of course we are no it sounds like we are yeah it sounds like we are breaking up cuz we're not allowing you guys just take power forcefully okay and so tresco is now split into two Nations the South which is controlled by perspective's police department and the north which is controlled by Diamond to symbolize the divide a crude stone wall is being constructed between the two sides and a fragile truce has been put in place in hopes of preventing a civil war it is now the end of day three and internal conflicts have descended upon most of the world whether that's Henry's Rebellion against Melo Umbria Dynamite crushing crime onon Agnes or perspective's police force dividing tresco some players are beginning to believe that the fact that there are so many conflicts occurring at the same time is almost too much of a coincidence well it turns out that it's no coincidence that's [Music] all it was a respectful competition it felt like everyone was targeting us and we still almost won and I want to know what is up with you you didn't just split up because the because multi one right no no no no no I think you misunderstand the only reason motive one was because 20 of my people voted for him I gave him the position and he shall keep to position to the time is ready perspective I have not told you exactly what the initial idea was of this Imperial idea remember Tamer the leader of the community called with areia over on St Martins well he has a lot more ambition than anyone previously realized Tamer believes that the only way to eliminate crime put a stop to war and ensure the potential of a great civilization is met is to have all of the civilizations unite under the control of one strong and unchallenged leader so behind the scenes he's been carefully coordinating with Henry over on Brier perspective over on tresco and dynamite over on St Agnes to help them take control of their Islands in order to realize his dream of what he calls the withan Empire a multi- island Empire that would rule over 80% of the entire global population that's 800 people but how will this withan Empire actually work well Tamer plans to appoint a supervisor to govern over each individual Island in his name whilst he as the emperor will oversee them all okay every single Island tresco St Agnes Martin till now and potentially Bri will be under one common Banner of the Empire every single Island will have something like a supervisor a leader taking care of the land the geographical land of the people right so you would be taking care of tresco dynamite would be taking care of Agnes and multi the person I have in charge in Martin right now would be taking care of Martin itself now Bri is going to be the next thing we need to focus on which is with muy and Henry and melow when we have that fixed and we have the Imperial Outpost there as well we look at Maris Maris the last Hideout of potential Rebels but why would these leaders want to join the withan empire in the first place what's in it for them but the answer is security timma promises them that if they face a rebellion he will combine the armies of all the other islands and go over to the rebelling Island to restore order thus keeping the supervisor imp power permanently all right I can definitely agree to this Alliance this partnership just bottom line is I will control my Island exactly Emperor don't like the emperor part what does the emperor part mean we need one head of the state one absolutely not that not happening ever imagine this and I said this before imagine this you manag to get control you manage to take control tresco is fine what happens when dynamite and I just come together and say perspective could be a problem let's talk with Brian and Maris and get him out no we came to you all right yeah I agree I'll let I'll let the police officers know and uh we'll try to do our best so we need to proceed carefully with with all our troops combined we could be the largest Force we could really do something great for now the with Aran Empire is small Dynamite is the only supervisor who actually rules his Island perspective and Henry will need to work closely with Tamer to seize control of their Islands so that in the coming days the full potential of the weran Empire can be realized on the morning of day four I went over to St Mary's to see how things were going and I was very surprised to see a massive dirt pyramid PA informed me that it was a place of worship for their new religion which centered around praising some kind of magic slug now this all confused me quite a lot so to explain the religion more clearly they introduced me to their head priest old man Isaac hey did I ever tell you about the war no you didn't well it was back in World War I down in the trenches I'd just been shot in my in my in my right foot I thought oh I'm done for this is it but then out of nowhere from the sky the the big slug came down it was truly magnificent even healed my foot I I worshiped the slug with all with all my heart what's your name again next I sto by the brand new C Mary's explorers Guild headquarters where the leader of the Explorers Guild Aus kindly took me on a tour there's a large storage room a bar and even a grand meeting room fit with a map but there was one room in particular that really caught my attention my personal favorite we got Therapy Room you guys keep your own prisoners in here we don't like to call them prison how they are I'm getting better what what therapy method is having the skull in the cell I mean it's a previous client oh it was after the tour I found out that Danny muger the rebel leader who is still in prison following his assassination of Damian on day one has a new neighbor named stomp who doesn't seem to be coping very well in his small cell some of this he's writing on the walls now a stomp like Danny was formerly part of the Rebellion against the St Mary's Council and is in prison because he was responsible for the death of ais's second in command a player named letharia he apparently pushed off a ledge they murdered one of our people in Cold Blood however unlike Danny stomp genuinely regrets his actions I am a reformed man contemplated I have reformed myself I'm no longer the same person I was before and I would like to help the state in any way that I can it is because of this that quo spared Stomp the death penalty and is taking a personal interest in ensuring stomp will be rehabilitated and safely reintegrated back into society once his short one-day prison sentence ends and stomp's Rehabilitation seems to be going great which is why it was a total shock to qus when this [Music] [Music] happened stor just escaped prison while two guards were on duty the island is now on high alert Aus and the rest of samares are freaked out that a convicted murderer is on the Run he's escaped due to the incompetence of the military guards I'm fing honestly qua on the other hand is incredibly confused as to why stomp would want to escape in the first place it simply didn't make any sense he only had one day left in prison we only gave him one more day in jail so for him to go out and Escape for malicious intent makes absolutely no sense there must be an explanation for why he escaped and it turns out there is well you see I was going to like stay out my sentence cuz I only had one more day but then they started mistreating me in the prison and torturing me so I had to I had to go I had to get out apparently stomp only broke out of prison because the guards that were on duty were mistreating him I just spoke with Stomp and stomp has said to that the guard that was on duty with me was very egotistical so I had to put him in their place a bit especially despite stomp's Escape being quite funny qu was outraged that guards under his authority have been allowed to mistreat a prisoner like that don't blame him for breaking out like that's ridiculous and so he fired the guards responsible on the spot I'm going to take the two guards that were on duty and you're both not allowed on duty again hearing that the guards who had mistreated him had been fired stomp willingly turned himself in follow me Stomp and was escorted back to the prison where CS offered him the choice to pick whichever cell he wanted to stay out the remaining day of his sentence yeah I like this cell meanwhile over on a still very divided tresco they are having prisoner problems of their own a player named fcap who's from diamonds North tresco has been locked up in the tresco police force underground bunker the reason for this imprisonment is that he dug underneath the dividing stone wall and robbed the police department's secret vault however a presco police officer caught FCAT in the ACT perspective hearing that his vault had been robbed we got robbed apparently our vault get heisted and that the truths between the North and South had been broken by one of diamond citizens marched over to Diamond's castle and demanded that fat be handed over immediately we are 100% sure that your person was digging under our land digging right where the our valuables are located I sinc apologize apologize that's not enough that's not enough we are the police you know what we do with criminals right and Diamond wanting to avoid a civil war gave bcat a perspectives police force on the condition that they only hold him in jail for one day we need two guards make sure Pas doesn't get out which brings us to right now perspective himself is guarding FKA in the underground bunker to ensure that he doesn't try to escape what like every now and yeah every now and then I have to yeah one of diamond citizens infiltrated the police forces bunker in an attempt to assassinate perspective and free fastcast perspective angered by the attempt on his life once re revenge and so he ordered the execution of FCAT let me do it let me do it please with FCAT dead the gods made a shocking Discovery 12 blocks of diamonds 12 blocks of diamonds wait wait it turns out that there are 12 blocks of diamonds on Fat's body which means he not only stole from perspective South tresco V but also from diamonds North tresco because of this Revelation fetch the Executioner went round all of tresco giving the diamond back to the people y who was diamond armor baby you going you this act really did a lot to bring both sides together have a collective party both sides or something both north and south are reestablished communication continued working together on the tresco Bri bridge and open trade between both sides resumed relations improved so much that both Nations agreed to hold a peace Summit later that day suddenly hopes are now very high that the war dividing the Island will be torn down now the only thing in the way of total reunification is perspective end diment officially agreeing on it so with the population of tresco eagerly gathered around the peace Summit began it it was actually me who called for this meeting Nimbus hi we could have made so much progress now but we can't because we're not working together I feel as though if we absolve py if we absolve north south neutrals every group and just become one tresco we can actually work together anyone in the crowd are you aware of what I'm holding in my hand right now do you guys know what this item is and what it represents this item is a Police Department badge of the tresco islands a police department that me and my good old friend over here murf have created and abolishing us is completely removing all of our history that we have created throughout the server you're just telling us to give up our badges all of our ranks everything with me and my and my I call them friends me and my my friends went through just because of what because of this unbelievable idea you have that everyone is going to unify what do the people want they're screaming peace they want Unity you're the only person declining it why do you want to continue chaos why don't you give us a solution what can we do to make you trust us all you do is say words I've yet to see one action this is the action us being I have given you an action I made peace with three damn Islands three islands I made peace single three islands you made with us no I can't talk with them beging for Unity can you not hear them wait kill him kill him him get him kill him dead he's dead he's dead do you see I jumped action right there is that not trust no that's not trust your guy just jumped me all right PD Retreat perspective was absolutely outraged there not only one but two North Tesco players under Diamond have been allowed to enact assassination attempts on him it was at that moment that snapped prospective ordered his most trusted officers to gather in the police department's secret bunker for a meeting where he explained to them his plan for a hostile takeover of tresco if any of you do support the idea of unity and peace I would recommend you drop your badge on the table right now and leave the room so you all with me right we are with you oh yeah during this meeting perspective reached out to Tamer on Sam Martin to make him aware of what he was about to do and Tamer was incredibly pleased with the news since to have mean the expansion of his withian Empire and so he strongly urged perspective to carry out the Takeover emboldened by the support of Tamer perspective ordered his officers to March north towards Diamond's Castle 3 2 1 go we talk to Diamond first we tell him the ultimatum we are here to talk one more Arrow we attack if you guys enter the castle we won't hesitate to going Diamond you can control the people did you not see how I immediately went to kill them no diamond I'm asking you you guys either leave to the spawn Island and if you show your face at tresco Island again you'll get killed or you right here right now fight if you don't agree that is your only option boys Arrow shots go arrow shot arrow shot arrow shot we go oh my God arrow shot nope go let's go go up go up go up guys Bridge up Bridge up do not walk up do not walk up any ladders you could settle this piece to be spe but you choose not to Noe you could and your person shot me just like I said I'm controllable grab grab everyone to the top of the tower top of the tower top top top people at the PT you can leave this you can leave this vessle peacefully leave your tyrannical leader tyranical leader they're trying to get through the walls of the tower e if you fight with us you we'll offer you safety in the future we offer you protection protection from what you have yet to make any alliance with anyone only Bri I don't want to die those of who don't want to fight just put your weapons down we won't hurt we already talked about this buddy I'm chasing everyone on the top of the tower right now TD every single person on the top he's here yeah yes all right boys up the tower everyone up the tower right now Diamond the elected leader of tresco is dead those that did not surrender to the police department were executed on the spot and those that did surrender you can surrender AO guys don't kill AO a do you surrender yes or no we're stripped of their armor and escorted under armed guard to the police department's prison to be jailed as prisoners of War perspective now has total control over all of tresco we did it boys the wall was taken down but not for the reason that everyone had [Music] hoped it's now day five of the event and it's about time we checked in on Dynamite the king of s Agnes Here Comes The King near the side here comes the king here comes the King near the side near and it turns out he's made a lot of changes firstly I noticed he's building a brand new Blackstone Courthouse you're building a court now that is a big step up from the chaos yesterday it looks like you're actually doing Law and Order um no this is mainly just that we don't have to do all the executions in front of the throne oh wait so you're making the executions more efficient this is essentially just a really nice execution room oh once the more efficient execution building was finished there was actually a legitimate court case in it the owner of the Taco Bell bmh is getting sued by the owner of the local McDonald's who alleges that bmh completely destroyed his restaurant over a fear of competition for the records K C9 is suing bmh for for destruction of property to bring about Justice for this crime the prosecution demands that the Tacko Bell must be shut down however despite overwhelming evidence that he did indeed destroy the McDonald the jury who are all very fond of bh's tacos declared him innocent aquell stays open he ask you have lost the case does that mean I execute chaos okay no Dynamite has also implemented a tax system where he travels around his island with his executioner demanding taxes from his citizens today is a good day for profits are we taxing people we already tax sure why not okay it's time for tax season my friend it's a mandation from your king thanks a little bit more than that that was only one come on you get two you can get at least two in there there we go I'm expecting more next time SWAT in my opinion it looks more like state sponsored mugging than taxing the taxes wait for no man players aren't the only ones getting taxed though he also taxes or the local businesses let's go uh let's go tax a Taco Bell I refuse to pay taxes sorry oh you refused to pay taxes huh did you forget that the Executioner is also the tax collector I will pay taxes never mind I'm paying taxes one adal thing he's done is that he's built a very nice graveyard to remember Kira his opponent who was tragically assassinated in the sagnes election that isn't the only renovation he's made though he also tore down the Border checkpoint that separated cotal from the main island to symbolize the entire Island finally unifying under his control it seems as though he may be going a little too far with his quest to R an agus of crime though a player named TOS has been overheard talking negatively about supreme leader dynamite and in Dynamite's eyes anyone criticizing him is therefore a criminal and has to be dealt with so in response he ordered his Elite guards to hunt down TS and forcefully bring him to the courthouse he was last seene at the railway system all right then we go to the railway system right yo I see him I see him right there to courau you sha all right so toss my buddy my friend bro I wanted to help you you've been found guilty of uh assaulting the high Crown not only that you've been found guilty of treason I have uh I have uncovered secret messages you've been uh you've been exchanging saying that you uh overthrow me you think I'm a dictator toss think I'm a dictator you think I'm a dictator it hurts my soul to do this it really does but due to this undeniable evidence I think we all know it needs to be done it's clear Dynamite's once positive intentions of bringing Justice to St Agnes have been Twisted into something darker he seems to believe that he is the only way to bring about order thus anyone who goes against him is an enemy of the island that must be purged even some of his own guards are starting to grow fearful of him he thought I was a dictator you all don't think I'm a dictator do you I don't think I would love to thank everyone for showing up for this [Music] execution meanwhile a lot is going on on some Aries a player named LOL lime has finished building his very own theme park which is called lineland however while line wasn't watching someone played a joke on him aoma has been hard at work constructing his wall ever since I last spoke to him and it's beginning to look absolutely colossal it now stretches across the entire Island day five is also of the day that Stomp The rehabilitated prisoner is being released and the first thing he did is join qu's military to serve under the player who spared in the death penalty things aren't as that beat for Danny though the player who assassinated Daman the count council member on day two as today is the day he is scheduled to be executed for his crimes D before before we go you of course uh requested a certain item as your last meal yes yeah thank you this feels nice no problem Danny yes are you ready to be transported I am guard's Wills found me stay close there [Music] you D are you ready to make the walk I am follow [Music] me Danny stand right here everyone find a seat around the area [Music] please just precaution that me feel worry yeah everyone you join us here today as we witness the first execution of St Mary's we do not execute people lightly here we are a just civilization we believe in law and honor amongst all but when someone betrays our civilization in the way that Danny has today by murdering such a valiant and honorable leader as Daman was punishment must also be Justice Dany has been sent sentenced to death under Murder of our great leader dami and for that reason he will die on this day Danny you may have 1 minute to speak I will take my mask off now so that you all will be able to see my face hello citizens friends fellows and enemies many of you have come today to see me executed for the death of Damian I have no remorse for my actions the death of a leader hoarding resources While others die is a good cause I tell you masses rise up let my death be a symbol let my legacy continue in this life and I will see you in the next what Danny claims and speaks is an understatement of the truth Danny had full intent on killing Damian and only Damian that is why Danny sits here today on the execution block my child you've done wrong in this world you've killed you need to repent and what you have done with your life death to the slug thank you all for attending this execution and just so you all know this was just an honorable a today go back to what is important build this island up to be something brilliant that we are all proud of Lor to St [Music] Mary's on the morning of day six perspective who after the death of diamond Now controls all of tresco took me on a tour of what his police force have been constructed look tell me this is not fire look follow me we made this big road that goes through every single like almost every build on the island the road is fire it's insane I mean haven't you just built a more convenient way for the enemies to invade your Island well we're going to make a big wall it's going to be fine don't worry about it there was one new build in particular that he was especially happy to show me and also Marcus look at that beauty do you see it in the distance it's not as a hell of a donut that big donut is real Marcus G it's real made the police can finally die a happy death now that the big donut is complete look look at people praying look seen Donuts look at them praying the road goes all the way around and it's like a it's like a full circle so pretty much you can go all around it's a circle like a donut like oh my God like a donut in the thing in the middle he also showed me some improvements he's been making to Diamond's old castle Yeah Yeah Yeah we made the walls made it look all pretty a little entrance over here yeah and then and then if you come over what the is that well it looks like one of Diamond's loyalist but a huge wall despite [Music] perspective now we haven't visited Samaras in a while the reason for that is that it's been incredibly peaceful both multi people to the west and Tam's withian to the East are thriving Tam's has made a lot of progress building his withan Capital whil Mor's people have been working hard on a huge trench that cuts through the ocean to a nearby Island all in all things seem to be going well however under the surface there is a lot more going on Tamer has never lost sight of his Grand Vision for a worldwide Empire now that both of his withan supervisors dynamite and perspective have complete control of their islands that were there in Empire now rules over exactly half of the world making Tamer the single most powerful player in the server he doesn't plan to stop there though his gaze now rest upon the Western half of St Martin's which is currently ruled by mty the player that Tamar made the deal with on day one but Tamar is a practical guy he doesn't want war is that would mean wasting valuable with their own lives instead he plans to try a more diplomatic approach so later that day he invited multi to a secret meeting over with area all right MTI do you want to take a seat where he offered multi the position of withian supervisor of St Martins in return for absorbing mti's territory into his Empire multi has no intention of accepting Tam's offer though he wants to keep his people free from Tam's Rule and to maintain his position as the governor of St Martin's and so multi and his Council have decided to take action they're going to pretend to accept the offer but is secretly planning to assassinate Tamer as soon as they get the chance and the whole thing we want to do is do not dip them off that we're going to kill him we can't be under his rule we have built up our own spot too much we've worked too hard on our own islands for now although multi has a different problem to worry about his Builders led by headb Builder treebar a run strike because apparently according to treebar hups in mul's government have been overworking and threatening her Builders so they are holding a protest inside the Citadel this is incredibly bad timing for multi as the builders make up a big portion of his army that he will desperately need if he's going to assassinate tamama tomorrow unless it's get resolved somehow before the end of the day there's a big chance that yeah something will probably go wrong for tomorrow so in hopes of calming down the protesters M left his underground bunker and began rowing his way over to the Citadel what are you going to do because of the misc communication that you have done like I said I have been doing stuff leader stuff talking to other members trying to try to see it for alliances so yes I have not been there today what about your nation the ones that need your help the most where have you been okay so have I not been helping around talking to everyone the last three days you have been but you haven't been focusing on the nation that needs you you've been focusing making sure War doesn't break out war is going to happen no matter what happens okay so tell you're telling me that focusing on not getting war is not doing something good for the nation that's what you're telling me right now there's no communication there's no nothing people have been threatened with death all you've said is oh yeah they'll say sorry and we've done we've resigned one person that is not enough what are your what are your question what do you want them what do you want you to step down the whole thing is a trap Tam's spies had informed him of mti's plot to assassinate him so he' gotten in contact with treebook and convinced her to hold the protest against multi in order to simultaneously turn the people against M and lure him to his death M are you not going to step forward and speak to your people I have openly had people tell me that you want to kill me why would I come to you guys and let you guys kill me why do the people want your head you've openly plotted on going against me even though I we're we're going to talk about this now okay fine let's talk about this you basically told us Join or Die I never said that that is a lie but earlier today you said you said everyone who would not become part of of the Empire is is CL as a rebellion and will be dealt with so if we don't join you what are we then a rebellion so we die I've given you the chance to join de was each how can we expect from someone who's too afraid to stand in front of their own people how can we expect you to lead us through war with other nations we can't true we really can't see you're kidding me right now right now he all playing you guys he's all playing you could all the people of mar come to the city though all the non cowards first of all addressing the miners and the builders who have been mistreated till now we will not give them any death threats we will not overwork them they shall be free to build what is good for the common people I will also be paying a few of the builders for all the hard work they will put in I as the leader of Marts will take over to create this order this new Empire which will lead under order and security for all thank you Tam now has total control over all of St Martin's this means that Tam withian Empire now Reigns over exactly 60% of the entire world's population it's now day seven and both qus the leader of the samaris military and Melo the leader of Bri are starting to get worried Having learned about the existence of the withan Empire they are understandably concerned that t might try to seize control of their Islands next so fearing that they might lose the civilizations that theyve worked so hard to create qus reached out to Melo and together they formed a military Coalition in hopes of opposing Tam's Empire and they were right to be alarmed because it was there on St agus on day seven that Tamer dynamite and Henry rallied their combined Imperial forces readying them to attack Melo Republic of Brian we need to do this now and we need to do it quickly all of you not interested this is your chance put down your armor put down your swords and take out the floody hoe and go farming otherwise gentlemen I will ask of you one question gentlemen what makes the grass grow that's what I hope to hear go forward invade and take out the traitors now you might have noticed that perspective isn't at the rally the the reason for this is that Tam has given perspective a special task to complete Tam wants perspective to L Melo over to tresco to assassinate him so that when Tam's forces invade Brian the people of Brian will be lost and confused without their leader allowing Tamer to conquer the island with ease and so perspective put Tam's plan into action perspective reached out to Melo regarding a grand bridge opening between their two islands we're going to open the bridge it's going to be fire and awesome and Melo seemed very enthusiastic to take part so later that perspective gathered together a delegation of his highest ranking officials and set out on this mission to assassinate Melo however when he got there he was met by something unexpected Melo was nowhere to be seen and instead Bri's military and Deputy leader trinfinity were in his place and strangely trinfinity was acting very cautiously High perspective yo can we like sit down somewhere this is pretty un civilized sorry but this is necessary for our safety we are not going onto trusco well no no me and Melo we just had a plan that we we we buildt a massive bridge and stuff and we wanted to like have a meeting at the bridge and do like a bridge opening ceremony but we didn't mean any harm we were tipped off about a certain plan that was going to hatch once we cross yes what somehow Trinity knows that with there an Empire's plan to kill Melo sorry that it had to be this way certainly some of perspectives officers alert him that tresco is under attack some Marys and Bri are invading tresco but hold on a minute how do they know about Tam's plan to assassinate Melo well the answer is absolutely shocking Tam never forgot about one perspective questioning his position as Emperor Emperor don't like the emperor part what does the emperor part mean we need one head of the state one absolutely not that not happening ever and so now believing that perspective isn't a trustworthy Ally in the biggest betrayal I've ever seen T anonymously leaked the Assassin ation plan to Melo knowing that Melo would call on qus to help him kill perspective thus pitting all three of his enemies against each other so if Tam never intended to help perspective take over Bri then where is the withan [Music] [Applause] army [Music] all right boys off we go good luck everybody knowing that qus would send his best troops to Bri to help mow Tam knew some Marys would be largely undefended and thus launched an allout invasion of the island flter them do you see fit show them no mercy they certainly won't show you any and now the great with a in war begins burn it down the whole city burn it down and everything inside swe Revenge through your song and it goes through the night hear the cries for miles and miles see the smoke they're kind of pushing us back to the wall they're falling back they're falling back they're scared they're scared to [Applause] long oh sweet now it down the city it down everything hi they're on the rooftops I'm with you I'm with you get them come on you buggers let's have at you come on you buggers you and me come on come on Henry West the lead of the Bri Rebellion is dead and all the players that were loyal to him are playing the battle Dynamite seeing that the Empire is losing numbers got in his boat and retreated back to St Agnes betrayed and vastly outnumbered perspective the leader of tresco bell Bassel and the rest of his police force were completely wiped out and just like that the Battle Is Over kis a melo's coalition had repelled the withan Army but not without heavy cost hundreds of players on both sides fell in battle leaving only around 150 people alive throughout the entire world that means around 2/3 of everyone who fought in the battle died among the high number of casualties was trinfinity malow's Deputy who died defending his Island and considering he was so well liked in the community it was a heavy loss for the people of Bri St Mary suffered greatly too losing their religious leader old man Isaac also amongst the dead was bmh the owner of the St Agnes tacer Bell another casualty during the battle was the St Mary's Distribution Center the main storage area of the nation's resources had nearly been completely destroyed by Imperial players leaving the surviving Coalition players short on food and without the means to replenish their armor there was some real courage on display during the battle though Stomp The reformed ex- prisoner defended St Mary's side by side with his old Warden qus and in an act of pure bravery stomp LED enemy players away from quo to give his former Warden enough time to get away don't don't help me don't help me don't help me I'm them away in the process sacrificing himself it's been F boys good try good try [Music] St I think it's really cool that qu spared stomp's life during his trial instead believing he could be rehabilitated and in return stomp gave his life to save the person that saved him with both perspective and Henry dead Tam's withian chain of command has all but collapsed meaning his dreams of an Empire are at an [Music] end it was on the somber morning of day eight while the remaining players were still recovering from the war that they noticed something Barrels have been washing up on the shore containing notes messages that warn of an impending threat to civilization these notes tell stories from survivors survivors from distant civilizations that have been pillaged and completely destroyed by a huge pirate Army and unfortunately for our players the notes say that those same Pirates are on their way here very soon panicked by these for voting messages the remaining leaders held emergency meetings to warn their people of the incoming danger hopes are not at their highest I will admit but do not fret I will make sure that we do not get killed we will make it out alive I promise you T how many people do you have these are the last people who would not try to kill me if it comes to a good number four to five oh God Mel what are you going to do are you going to stay and defend Bri uh we're going to St Mar to help them in the final fight everyone head over to the city hall now everyone head over to the City Hall the bigger enemy and the Great War will happen soon bag is turning up here with over 70 Pirates take us all out to end the civilizations that we created from the start of this event we are not about to back down from this and I know guys that some of you here are not pvpers I know that some of you were Builders some of you were farmers some of you were explorers but now we all have to stand here and fight on this last day we may lose some people and if you die know you died serving for us all making sure that we survive despite his encouraging words Crow's knows deep down that there is almost no chance he'll be able to withstand the Pirate Invasion with the number of players he currently has he's going to need a lot more but the only other players that are left are what remains of the scatter with their in army that he' just been at war with however knowing that they are his only hope of saving civilization he chose to forgive his former enemies and he broadcasted a message out to the former Imperial Islands in an attempt to plead the players he just fought against to join his Coalition on St Mary's but sadly there was no response CRS and Melo are on their own it's now the morning of day n and nearly everywhere is still it's so quiet cities castles and businesses that were once full of players are now empty on some Marys what remains of quow and melo's Coalition are nervously awaiting the coming Invasion they've done everything they can to prepare but it isn't clear if it will be enough meanwhile onon Agnes and onon Martins Tamer and dynamite are wandering through the shells of their fulminations waiting for the impending apocalypse to [Music] arrive I used to the world Seas had rise when I gave the word now in the morning I sleep alone sweep the streets I used to [Music] own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes listen as the crowd would sing now the O king is dead along with the king one minute I held the key next the walls were closed on me and I discovered that my castle stand upon pillars of Sal and pillars of sound i k Jerusalem bells to ringing Roman Cal chir are singing be my mirror my sword and shield my missionary in a farm field for some reason I can't explain once you done there was never never L this world that was when I ruled the [Music] [Music] world it was the Wicked wild wind blew down the doors to let me in shattered windows in the sound of drums people couldn't believe what I've beening revolutionary way for my head on a silver plate just to pop it on a l stram or who would ever want to be I he Jerusalem BS Are Ringing Roman Cal requirs are singing be more miror my sword and Shi my missionaries in a farm field for some reason I can't explain I know St Peter won't call my name never r on this word but that was when I ruled the [Music] world she cherish the bells to ringing Roman Cal requires to sing singing be my on my sword and shield my missionaries in a foreign field for some reason I can't explain I know St Peter won't call my name never on this word but that was when I ruled the [Music] world [Music] St Martins St Agnes tresco and briah are all now empty and the huge pirate Army is on its way to St Mary's to wipe out the Last Hope for [Music] [Applause] [Music] civilization [Music] wait there are sagus players standing with them all the players are standing together against the Pirates I can't believe it I don't know what to [Music] [Applause] say [Applause] you oh my well Pirates are dropping left right and [Applause] Center the Pirates have been defeated and civilization has been saved by players from both the Coalition and the withan Empire the two Waring sides were able to forgive one another for their past conflicts because they realized that they were never really enemies in the first place and that they were only fighting at all because of the Ambitions of a few power hungry dictators who would have thought after everything that went down we would be able to have at least one person from every island stand together as one we don't like each other you know that but still we stood here to and fought as one against the Pirates to all those who died today rest in peace of course you will be remembered to everyone else who fought here today and is still standing congratulations to us all we've managed to defeat these Pirates which means we can now live in peace thank you all for joining us and glory to the Islanders thank you over the following days players moved back to their islands and efforts to rebuild and even expand their old homes began on St Martins what remained with area was demolished The Citadel was repaired and a memorial for multi was constructed on St Agnes tabell was reopened Under New Management on tresco what was left of diamond supporters who' been living underground the entire time finally retook their Island and the tresco police force was officially abolished on bri the subway and the Rainforest Cafe continue to thrive and Melo finally had a chance to officially open the tresco Bri Bridge he also rebuilt his Council chair out of obsidian just in case and on some mares the council cleaned up the wreckage that all the battles had left behind and finally completed the star Castle qu also officially gave aoma the position of distribution Guild leader so that he can get all the Spruce Wood he wants and speaking of aoma there's still one thing left for him to [Music] do thank you so much for watching please leave a like on the video If you enjoyed have a great day bye-bye
Channel: MARCUSK
Views: 4,085,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft civilization, marcusk, 1000 players, 100 players, 100 days, simulate, marcusk minecraft, ish, magicgum, sword4000
Id: YUlHh8VC-no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 53sec (4373 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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