I Love You, Subscribers! (Guess The Elo #31)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo i've got a chess tournament coming up in two days so naturally the best way to spend my hours prior is not to prepare for the level of competition that i'm going up against but rather to study the games of people with 2 000 points or more lower than me on the rating scale now this episode has actually two of the highest quality games i have ever seen in covering guests the elo so i hope you enjoy those but before we get into that i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video with a little francisca zashita ew no sub of mine plays the exchange french cut that nonsense out you playing in the french you got three options number one two nights french from the e4 course number two ortho schnapp gambit which is just a gangster gambit ortho schnapp gambit is is is nasty you could you could murk people ortho schnapp you have my blessing to play that and the wing gambit which is my which is in my gambit's repertoire with the white pieces the wing gambit it's the fattest gambit you get this big boy center or girl whatever you want to do boy girl non-binary i'm cool gender fluid doesn't matter you get the fat center and boom done game over done so no sub of mine plays the exchange french and then puts the knight in front of the c pawn can you stop doing that can you stop doing that that's stupid stop doing it this happens all the time i don't know how many times i gotta say this i gotta say this don't know how oh my god i don't know every episode i'm like stop putting the knight in front of the sea pawn all right boom castles beautiful nice yes um i would take and then try to take this not everybody is as talented as handsome as i am good i commend you for not taking this horse because um you know because a lot of people are like well they took my horse so i gotta take their no no no no no don't do it ah yeah now your king's a little open but are you a genius king h1rg1 no you go the opposite direction and now you take just went from like plus three to minus four in one move the engine really likes this because you just win all the pawns instead you oh wow now it's back to winning okay now it's completely lost you know why it's lost is because black can shuffle the king so the first person to realize they can shuffle the king and just play rookie is just going to win this game okay you shuffle the king not the right way queen save is one of the worst moves i've ever seen i i mean that's like queen c8 is it i mean that's awful someone in chat said i'm gonna go back to gm dania stream look i don't know why you gotta throw in the gm it says it's as if you're ableist all right you're going to his stream because he's a gm i mean i'm offended all right ridiculous you're ableist you damn ableist all right anyway uh white's rook b1 rook like this great now this is totally justified um i love how that's a full rook blunder and yet queen h6 is still a draw i would be willing to bet white wins this game i think white wins this game 100 white is gonna win this great move by the way outstanding move so oh and there we go and now black is winning because black escapes queen e6 just straight the queen best move no i would not wander off with the rook your pieces are too scattered you're gonna you're gonna play here and blunt or something you're gonna yep and of course you don't block with the queen yup yup oh oh queen before that's it queen before queen b5 sorry not i'm sorry i'm high i forgot that this can just be taken i'm high why would you attack the knight well to be honest i just did it i just i just myself and okay and uh and uh and oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness you your pawns what happened to your pawns did you win on time what happened did you flag them what happened did you win 800 and that's generous 800 and that's generous oh wait i gotta slide this over hold on 800 i think 800. on the money 860 versus 834 read it and weep read it and reap and yeah you probably should weep because this was this was a good game this was a good game for guess the elo it was not a good game but it was a good game for guest elo i mean it was a topsy-turvy fight this game was uh you know two drunk uh anti-vaxxers uh fighting it out in a parking lot this was this was good this was good stuff all right here we go game number two and they both lost they knocked each other out they knocked each other out anyway anytime i say anything about vaccines you know people in the youtube comments uh they find each other so what ends up happening is uh one person will write something crazy i'll pin them but they attract all the other people that agree with them so then they're in the comments like agreeing with them and arguing it's really funny i i like i like watching it's like an ant colony you just watch it it's like pretty fascinating anyway um thank you for keeping the youtube comment section entertaining another night in front of a c pawn but this time it's about to sub so that kind of makes sense um i like this play by black great stuff yes great uh you can trade the bishop for the bishop not the worst thing in the world wow voluntarily damaging your center pawns wow okay give a check okay very tense opening battle here i like that i like that black doesn't just take the knight for no reason okay castle's a rook c8 or something move the knight of course attack the knight on c3 nice attack the knight on c3 nice uh okay at this point it's real oh well there's no way black sees this yeah that's beyond the pay grade that's yeah that's kind of brutal there's no chance i like f5 i really like f5 it's a smart move because you need to get your new knight into the game that's another smart move nice trying to oh trying to go knight five that's really smart that's actually very smart nice awesome now you double up great i love this black strikes me as a slightly lower rated player who's actually really figuring it out like black is not playing great but black and by the way now immediately there's knight b3 and you see that you see people attack things and don't think where they're gonna go what okay black needs to hold their nerves and not blunder something good you can also take the queen intake with check and then take the rook that's that's this is this is the robbery of the bank take everything but um okay now we need to win this how are we going to win it clean so clean ah a little scary i'll take with the queen oh wait no no i wouldn't idiot great rook f7 okay take it yes oh mate wow you got to them before they got to you you have a lot of mates here you have queen h2 you have this you have this you have this you have it's not made in one but it's going to be made oh i think my acai bowl is here so i'm going to have some tasty thing to eat while i record some top tier content um black actually played a great game i played really well trying to see if black like so black did a couple of weird things like okay one move of bishop b4 uh some weird like shuffling over here but to be honest like this whole plan of putting the knight on f5 is pretty exquisite um white did not play well i think black is a lot higher rated than white and if not if not like 11 1200 because white played terribly so either black is a lot higher rated than white or based on white's play it's like a 12 11 1200 game let's take a look 1100 i called it black was 11 44 and white was 10.92 wow let's keep it moving we're on a good roll two for two two for two all right gotham sub in this game we have a king's indian defense vintage beautiful stuff you love to see it um wait i made a small mistake oh no i didn't copy paste the game wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i need to copy paste one more game okay i'm good now i think i should be good everything's fine i uh the last game of the entire episode i didn't actually like put the url so we might get logged out or we're not getting logged out okay cool wonderful everything's fine crisis averted okay here we go knight c6 e5 beautiful this is vintage king's indian we're gonna get a bishop to e3 nice b4 yo this is uh this is cutting edge theory these these people are playing like actual theory this is crazy yes yes this is all you guys like 2 000 what is this okay knight f6 is no good there's i mean i don't know much about it but i don't think you're not i don't think you're supposed to play this or maybe this is the yeah h6 is too slow okay now the opening knowledge is kind of decreasing yeah knight b5 doesn't make any sense why are you playing that you're 1500 and you play this that's why you're 1500 if you play the legitimate openings and not the king's indian defense you could be 2 000. you guys are ridiculous for playing this like look white has no idea what they're doing why is the knight leading the attack on the queen side this is why i don't understand about you folks there's supposed to be a bishop on f2 it's not there it cannot attack the queen side with the what's this knight even doing okay now just a6 or g4 yeah like where is the attack what is that what is that the bishop doesn't see through the pawn okay that that kind of makes sense okay yeah like black's attack is much cleaner king's indian is legit but you guys have no idea how to play it look why do what is white doing white is absent-mindedly pushing on the queen side because that's what you're supposed to do in the king's indian and is dead lost yes yes perfect h4 beautiful black is playing like a grandmaster black's attack is so much easier [Music] wow that is a little bit bold is this just winning anyway what the [ __ ] what what is this hello so what if it's a check you just block oh my god oh my god okay 92 is immediately losing again for white um yeah okay yep wow wow i there's no way black actually moves the queen right i mean you got to take the rook no way what a murder what a murder okay black played like gm level i mean black played actually black probably played 99 like i okay i don't know knight f6 was not accurate i don't think you go knight f6 here unless it's theory is it theory h6 is also too slow you do not play h6 no way you play h6 uh you have to play g5 because you're gonna go here anyway so black made a couple of inaccuracies like you're gonna play h5 anyway so you might as well just play g5 um i mean black just did what you're supposed to do and white played like they have never played this variation ever before uh i'm gonna say wow black played like a 2500 black played nearly a perfect game but the way white played this assuming they're close in rating and this isn't a rating mismatch i would say 16 1700. if white is anywhere above that i'm gonna be really mad so let's see wow black was 1770 and white was 1800 not that far off white is 1800 playing a mainline king's indian defense and doesn't know what they're doing at all and this is why see this is what i mean by the way listen no disrespect to matt matt you might be a really nice guy but here's what here's what i mean i don't make content a lot of content for 1800s i don't i don't make a lot of content for eighteen hundreds um eighteen hundred nineteen hundred and two thousands hate on me on reddit because i'm not that you know i don't make a lot of instructive content for them they like naredinsky i'm more theatrical blah blah blah then those 1800s buy the chessable courses and review the really high level content like the king's indian defense they play the main line which gotham doesn't recommend because gotham's not a serious trainer and then they play [ __ ] like this they have no idea how to play the main line they get a dead lost position they get absolutely slaughtered like black played a beautiful game and then they still go and hate bro look at what you just did you played a main line and you had no idea how to play it it wasn't even close this is why the king's indian is so powerful by the way a lot of variations in my g6 course look like this minus the bayonet attack coming your way anyway that gentleman who was played against there could be the nicest person in the world i'm not attempting to use that person as a that's what i'm saying though passionate rant over let's go to the next game but that's what i'm talking about you got the 2000s who are like i don't really like gotham because he doesn't recommend main lines he's not serious yeah well there's your attempt at playing a main line like that's what so shout out to my sub for stamping down the seal of approval gotham gives you the full blessing all right rosen sub you got to play knight f3 so they don't play the stafford queen's gambit declined what is that i've nev i have played i have played probably like 300 games in my life in this position i've never seen queen c7 i think g3 is probably the best move so you can play like this yep top engine move of course you have to play this way it's probably not going to get played yeah bishop g2 is more yeah now black is going to play a bit well now why just ah let's go yes yes oh this is my style sakupan yes now that knight is really delicate d5 on the way d5 on the way yes yes open it up open open open open open open open open let's go let's go let's go yes yeah beautiful game oh my god i love this sack the rook sack the damn rook on c4 no don't actually sack it take it take it i don't know and that's crazy about this move yeah white's position is unbelievable look at this position this is amazing black meanwhile is shoving their own shoes in their mouth white is slowly improving the position and creating weaknesses and capturing them black is just shoving their own sneakers into their own mouth i don't know what they're doing what do you mean bishop h6 feels great what do you mean bishop h6 feel great what why does this feel great what is my rule for attacking the king two more pieces attacking than they have defending you don't have that what do you mean it feels great they just go here they guard everything stop sacrificing for no reason oh my god this is murder i'm i i couldn't be more proud of my sub are you kidding me okay first of all gotham sub are you cheating cause this is disgusting what you're doing this game i mean like come on man what what even is this what dude i would have played all these moves literally from start to finish i would have played these moves wow really dude white just played like an absolutely gorgeous game of chess like sacked the pawn created weaknesses like every the whole thing was creating weaknesses this creates the weakness of the knight this creates the weakness of b5 this targets the weakness of c5 and now a5 like a whole game of just attacking everything weak in the position um okay if their levels are similar then again like like like 1700 probably 16 1700 and if black is any higher rated than that then black probably it's like time to like take up another game and if white is higher rated than probably like 23 2400. it's a very similar game to last time actually yep white is 1600 and black is 16.50 yeah 16-7 i said 17 1800 but you're even nice nice nice nice nice good games this is what we're talking about yes yes yes yes yes oh my god yes you should watch it on speaker with your parents in the room what are you watching over there by the way that's what your dad sounds like too that's your dad's nagging voice ah excuse me sorry i don't know why your dad sounds like he has a permanent helium overdose e4 c5 b3 i love it already the b3 sicilian we haven't seen this in a long time we haven't seen this in a long time i haven't seen this in a long time uh bishop to b5 check how well does white remember their theory okay so the person who submitted this game is named diana diana uh diana um i don't know if your name is actually diana or it's dedicated to someone named diana so here's what i'm gonna say diana i need you to review my e4 course once again that is not the move we recommended that is not a good move that is not a good move unless you want to play this in gambit style and sack this f3 pawn i don't know but okay now we're actually playing fantastic we just decided to play f3 f3 is a problem because yeah cause now black plays d4 e5 and is just winning because black just has too much space no f3 please unless you're playing a fantasy karo khan all right yeah okay all right actually white could still get a good position if you play like this wrong side of the board okay i don't hate it i don't hate it okay diana i will never doubt you again fantastic move excellent move all planned part of the plan okay i really want a pawn break here this pawn break would really make things easier for us but knight g3 to go to f5 i don't hate it good move by black castle time to castle diana plays a modern chess no castling yo what is that like obviously white wants to play h5 folks when they play h4 play h5 h4h5 that's what you got to do blade for each drive all right because you shouldn't oh my god what i mean black is just not paying attention black's just not paying attention no but no but what is this no but what is this no it what a crazy game oh my goodness black is like better because white just can't move anything you got to move the knight and play g3 if white can get this moving uh-huh uh i would take that i would take that and now white can yeah trade your problem bishop trade and peasant okay the fact that this move was not blitzed out i mean i mean my but yo oh you're going to suffocate to death does white play knight g3 knight f5 no obviously not that would have been oh no oh no now you gotta dance around with the king again shoot a castle should have listened to old gotham should have listened to old gotham only peace oh my goodness by the way yes i do speak russian in case i always oh black hangs the queen 100 oh i was ready to jump out of my seat oh my goodness oh well this is an insane game this is absolutely insane i don't even oh discovered check i had two rooks hanging at the same time oh no oh wow what's a game what a game what a game what a game what a game what a game or a game what a game what a game what a game okay the opening disaster total disaster by by white listen no disrespect but not a good opening you gotta we gotta learn how to play this opening a little bit better d5 you gotta play bishop b5 take it get the night out f3 okay opening catastrophe however then solid play good fork find love it love to see it now your complete unwillingness to move your king out of the center of the board kind of makes me want to throw up a little bit not gonna lie and then the king was the problem because the king was like i'm gonna dance around in his [ __ ] i don't need to castle i don't care and black not playing on poisson is also some telling thing okay um what the hell was this game 900 but but was it really not 8 900 800 to 900 so confusing so confusing though too much control for 800 too little control for 1100 900 gotta be 900 900 final answer 1281 versus 1702 1281 versus 1702 get the hell out of here cut the feed episode's done
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 827,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: i__ZXVjCl_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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