I Built A SECRET Base Under A Strangers Home | Home Invaders E11

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welcome to minecraft home invaders where my brothers and I turn off our name tags and see how long we can secretly live inside of someone's base without getting caught today we're gonna try to create a minecart hopper system that will automatically go under their chests steal everything from their home and bring it back to us but if we make too much noise and get caught it's all over step 1 go ahead and chop yourself down a tree but if you're caught on this guys in real life remember it doesn't little bit different than in the video game you won't go to jail probably but remember it's worth it oh what a perfect entrance event look at this sometimes the blocks speak to you this block looked at me and this block said little spot to be company give me hey there big boy he won't dig in me I was weird yeah great block what is your advice for us to break into this hole don't kill him that was the ancient wisdom block carry with us and place it later we need wisdom I haven't alright great block we call play I have the wisdom block you can't talk to another block you have the wisdom I'll follow the torches oh I just found wood guys what's oh no way we already found it wow we're closer than I thought it's right there but the nether portals loud I don't know less populous then bring the block of wisdom over hurry put it up there everyone bow oh oh great block of wisdom what should we do next you should my mana home seal her Thank You block of wisdom sounds like we should probably start mining oh that seems like a pretty solid way in who were base then we don't even need to make one oh let's just say our base right here thank you expand look what I just found what the block of love wait what there is a block of love look at why why why look at it wow look at its mouth its whispering to me saying Isaac Isaac what Samantha oh my gosh in this town oh my gosh I hear a - Zach can we tell Isaac can never know what I just heard super break inside of her house you don't want to think let's keep this one small guys small and under control we need a Phase one entrance Ben me and you Isaac keep mining we gotta go in going in wait wait wait wait wait go back up take it back up is she close to us I don't know okay going in oh we're good we're good we're good we're gonna choose a gate here to lock us in little does she know we have thumbs oh boy she is close then block her wisdom no great block of wisdom what shall we do next he's dead I don't know okay I'm going in stay here and watch her name and just tell anyone to retreat alright go please rocks please powder another wart pufferfish glass bottles where is she well she's coming back no you're fine I'm good no back back back back back now it was just like random gear we're gonna have to get deeper into her house this will say another room so we know we're getting into we're moving to our next location to try to find a better entrance in oh she's called she heard she may have heard us but she still doesn't know where we are okay now she's a really close to us alright I'm gonna take it a little dig here a little diggy diggy nope nope nope nope pause it big solid I wanna fall it back TP to ruby bass c4 events but but maybe how to do accept it trust me she WA she looks like she's standing still I'm gonna get a little mining in that seems really risky it is but I'm my middle name is risk this is probably the door look that means we got to keep going forward oh man this is great let's get started on this thing alright I'm gonna take it this way a little farther this is a riskiest mine of the day so far lovely Maddy lover fella is coming for you mmm you like that oh jeez Reuben moving target moving she's getting suspicious I don't see anything in chat dams plan did not work I'll be your eyes oh jeez that gravels the ultimate home invaders house I'm out balance game Saturday sighs it go I'm getting on top of it oh good idea let's go let's go let's go this is the first time in your checkol that's just a break it all dude weary please okay okay alright okay Elsa Marv has it be rise we rise this is a room I don't take you're a tickle have to go Coco beats we don't need other comps we don't need not too much not too much another a cat one secon almost yes you know there's new tools I just need tools there go back go go go go cover our traffic close the gate close it up close it up well done thieves what a well-executed invasion right this will be our edible farm right so we need water oh I got a bucket of water oh I'm look at how nice this looks now let's go baby this we need wood you do need to get wood I think I saw someone too and I didn't snag it it's the time boys I'm going in oh I just going in that scares me solo op solo off I think I'm watching Maddie going up you're good you're good you're good this is double date Kapoor chop you're good double date the pork chop do you come in you're good at double date or John hello you're good you're good you're good emergency emergency you're good you're good but ASMR you're good where'd you get buddy there's no what in there's that wide I did lie I just wanted to like believe it was there and I hope that it would come together really pick nothing because I heard her moving nothing what are we gonna do my other words what are they useful for in host you know I think you just don't you uptake if we could actually craft invisibility potions that would change our game by then big mission me and you Isaac look out how does it keep your eyes peeled wishes go fight or torture room with the ground I'm scoping it out I'm trying to get a view this is so absurd when I get some kills yeah I'm farming I'm farming her spiders guys oh she's moving no one I sit back can't get back am I good yeah you're good wait what's this oh my gosh we're gonna hold up don't come in don't come in there's an underground secret room a beacon you're gonna super beacon with all that's genius I can't believe for me coming back coming back looking for voice Bruce a no-quit does nothing she hasn't nothing should I go up all right I'm going up I think she TP it away I'm going up I'm gonna get a quick lay the land we got pigs we got chickens Oh a lot of cooked chicken that's good food for us smack oh gosh man oh it's the beacon room I saw that I have life our tree is going so fast right now redstone we can do redstone build I don't want to take too much and it's so hard not to because I just take off your fresh eggs oh my gosh she's got a spawner room for everything you could ever oh there's more chests up here I don't know if I feel comfortable oh wait an enchanter gonna look for wood for jungle planks I mean that's really nothing why does she not have worried at all at her base ten wheat seeds we can now get weeds oh my gosh she's so on or Hena it's how we're supposed to invade you need to organize your crap for us oh you think the bedroom chest would have the best stuff it has got nothing I'm gonna take this animal this is mine now all right Zach follow me there's another building this is her stew let's go Oh a turtle aquarium she's a visco girl I've asked oh here we go folks more definitely found it what is it get some carrots get some beasts Isaac load up on those spinach you work I think it's time to head back wait wait wait wait wait a burst sapling guys this is the entrance we need to get some freakin trees we'll start our own tree farm downstairs let's get back in I don't know when she's coming back we've been off for too long let's go freedom okay why would you place the chest that's so annoying Wow wait how did you kill that what the heck watch this boys come here ready what iron helmet pop it down projectile three boom I'm kind of underwhelmed when you live in someone's base you got to take everything you get all right let's get this thing code ASAP is that what does I do what's it do it's good for you folks he's out embed me and you own the base now okay hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it I got a vision I got a vision it's gonna look artistic we need three more know how this nice little makes a little smelting corner you know I'm saying free room we need floors redone we need wood on the floor we need a higher ceiling we need this thing looking juicy so then you stole some sticky pistons how do you make a repeater Isaac yeah he knows Isaac you work on repeaters we're gonna get redstone stuff banned let's work on a tree room right in here fill that sucker in with dirt we're gonna see if with these trees grow now cuz I stole a billion bone meal no negatory feels good okay let's try another yeah yeah we did it it's 5x5 harvest that sucker up Ben let's dig her deeper no one's really looked up in a while she could be right above oh you're right no we were so focused on this mine I'm selling another words for 250k we'll just see if someone happens to buy it if they do this is all the Amish did it back in the day you know that did I feed the chicken and Jacob clown fool yup jebediah feed the chicken and Jacob plow Marcus dug the tunnel and Bobby planted trees second tree oh okay good if the trees there you take damage that's a great two something I love that thank you really do well that alone let's give this farm started I don't like to we have a hold right in front of our tress here it's so no money ah yes the Jack O'Lantern floor how can I forget what do you think of that furnace is on the roof like that's the next level thing roofer the roofer got a little roof roof or back there Isaac this is way too small we need like 20 trees planted what the heck you can't even get out without taking Tim hitch is the worst design point if you want wood you have to sacrifice we are literally living with almost no gear jeez it's too late Jack didn't even hurt me oh I hurt me oh oh there you are oh wow that's terrible okay we've got pistons and some redstone I say we make a piston door into her building see I like that view but I have a better idea yeah we make a railroad cart that goes in a circle what if we go and search what if we put hoppers under her chest with a rail cart that goes in collects it comes back and we empty it okay you guys work on the crafting back she's back in focus rail carts poppers get them made do whatever it takes I'm gonna start digging under the chests Portola blocks for gold locks are 1,400 I'll buy got it okay so here's her another word for a minecart going 24/7 if I know make powered rails no we think I am a nerd first chest located how do you make a hopper Alexa hotties I'm just kidding Alexis is grab deliver Falco how does she get that Alexa you two stop and shut your mouth right now because I'm recording a video and I have sick of you crap trying to tell me what you know Alexa no silence oh did that I think I found the pattern a hopper chess oh oh yes yes Obed really you're gonna plug me in like that I got 27 hoppers 27 hoppers okay hoppers yes yes yes that's perfect they're gonna plug straight down careful careful we don't know when she's gonna get us any moment you can come down she's right above us right now you know any sleep before the hyenas come this point we could have just walked in there and stole it off no but this is for long-term stealing she'll never here no one's ever done this before words charting on territory new waters here okay we need to get this to come up easily I got it I got it I got a plan right here there is no oh my goodness we made this me why it's like this all right this is gonna have to park orders to get up oh he does it with the engineering degree okay here we go first test yes here we go here we go it's just not super why do we have three hundred loaves you use levers instead of torches okay did it work I don't know are these the hoppers oh they are setting up wait till we see it now oh here she comes here she clears wings it work huh they worked I put new hoppers down I think you think or you know well I don't know what you do does not matter of thinking Isaac that's really well it's it's not you know it's definitely not gonna win a NASCAR word here but mm-hmm it's just poop right by there and it gets a little something-something let's take a look two macro blocks it's it's man I feel like we need a way to a way to pause it underneath the chest pick up the load and then let's put it on a full loop and see what the loop cycle does works go leaver click go this game sucks go if there goes quick hurry Isaac oh my god Isaac hurt hello no Isaac let's go okay okay here comes here comes here comes here comes we'll check it keep going oh it got ahold of my cart oh here comes back let's give another round and see what we can't hear just like fashion you just did that throw out your bobber throw it out and just chill just get glowstone dust have a celebratory melon Thank You boys I think it's hard work but it's also honest work oh it's real it's not working what if they make it a hopper right I'm gonna try that Oh a hopper cart that drops down to a rail cart below it I'm gonna send this one down boys and then the waters replicate this yeah if we have to or just replicated all right let's see what this thing doe I think here we go here we go oh it stopped it stopped did a load up oh did it did it load it up the hopper work low not now what it's gonna drop into a chest below it going to click the exact same speed so it can drop down through it that's the perfect we just gotta grab it as it comes up to fitting oh my gosh leave this one it stole a freaking amo hey guys thank you so much for watching today's episode let me know what you want to see us do next time to this base for some stealing if you enjoyed watching home invaders don't forget to click here to watch more click here to subscribe lick your screen and I'll see you all tomorrow peace [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,840,486
Rating: 4.912631 out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, spread the love, let's play, open world, open world games, building games, lover fellow, home invaders, minecraft challenge, minecraft loverfeller, minecraft loverfella, min craft, mine craft, minecraft servers, funny videos, funny minecraft videos, funny let's play, gameplay, minecraft funny let's play, minecraft, minecrft, minecraft invasion, miecraft hiding in attick, minecraft hiding in basement, minecraft hiding spots, minecraft where to hide
Id: wp6nY2Yv330
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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