I Let My Dogs Walk Me For A Day

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listen okay we just got back from Hong Kong a couple days ago please tell me by the way that this says I love Hong Kong and not like I love something really different we're still like incredibly jet lag like I don't know where I am well all I know is that my dogs are desperately in need of exercise permit stepped on PD yesterday he went to the vet like it's it's a lot right now and they really just want to get out this is how bad peach needs exercise I feel like I'm on the surface of the Moon because I don't know what day it is or where I am this was a trend on YouTube like 4 months ago when people were like I let my dog walk me for a day so I feel like I don't have a choice today do I Kermit maybe it's not gonna be a very exciting video but I think it's worth a try Rachel do you think so Kermit thinks it's very worthy endeavor so a lot of people like try their usual walks and then let their dog walk that way I say we take them somewhere that they've like rarely ever been and then just let them go it gets incredibly hot here during the day so we did wait a little bit into the afternoon not that I know what [ __ ] time it is anyway it says know where I am you're really not gonna do a lot of the walking here because you're not a walker you're just like a side tracker like doesn't know how to focus you're gonna be in the sling for the most of us you want to go for a walk Oh Kermit do you want to go for a ride first ah it's the best day ever oh so because it is still pretty hot out I'm bringing my got some water you can you step on a bee yesterday so we brought them somewhere that they've never been marbled you excited to sit and watch all right all right guys start walking O'Neil I'm interested to see if they like work together on where to go or if they're gonna start going in different directions it's like walking to dolphins you know they're also sight home so if anyone sees a squirrel we're going towards need training how many steps have you got in so far Bing dog hi my dog's gonna come to your house then okay all right guys decide hello I stand with my dogs granny she's like too insecure to pick people are choices baby girl are we going oh it's so funny because every walk we take they're always trying to go like 50 different direction yeah now we've given them to Liberty hello when did I ever teach her to just cross the street December the gates are wide open she going to get learn always want to go in well we would call it trick-or-treating cuz every house they would try and like go into the yard to perform well now we know why they came you being rude trouble which you can't see can't hurt you can't hurt him a very spontaneous person this is a very Aries activity for you we're going directly back to where we just came from we've literally made it less than a block stop to smell his own pee that's your pee finally crossing the street like that sees trick-or-treating that's what he does of trick-or-treating no feet wants to cross she was crossing a street she's looking around like a residential street girls open letter looks like we're just following peach and feed karma it's following page all right crossing the street peaches MJ walk each other call the cops it's so amazing like as a person you're like alright I'll walk around these couple blocks but as a dog I can't just like go back it's like across the street and back shitty walk this this isn't bad yeah that crosswalks it hurts the car trying to drive well we're trying to figure out which direction she was kind of going sorry I'm just letting my dog make their own choices please someone Drive into its know he really likes this house walking straight now yeah they do for jaywalking oh yes we don't see a strong independent woman you keep going up to gauge things that your house the street so many times yeah I think they're just following the smells which is why it makes absolutely no sense where we're going Beach I don't thanks to a good place in the world this is such a [ __ ] walk this is why you guys seen mommy and daddy to plan your walks cuz this one sucks some other dogs back there that they're not distracted by I was just gonna sit here in Barton yeah Wow they don't really want to meet the other dogs but they do want to look at them I'm so friendly what's your name it's been like a half an hour and we've circled around like a block you know we've we've served with around like two separate blocks but opposite waves like there's no guys now's your chance like this is what you always want you were screaming to go outside and go for a walk and no we're just standing here she wants a boss you don't try to slingback me water hello I guess we're just gonna stand here for a while we have roughly stopped why I don't know I guess if you let your dogs walk you there's just a lot of standing around we're doing back okay Jenna how's your walk going I guess that's just a misconception about our own dogs is that they enjoy walking they don't they talk just smelling other people's yards we're just heading back the same way it's like they just backtrack over and over and over maybe they're just dump used well does this look familiar because we've gone back up at the same place we just were still standing doing nothing maybe they like this perspective we're gonna let the champ have its own little moment the only time he ever turns on the Jets is when he like sees a bike or a dog or a person he doesn't like be ready bud return well we have found out that Kermit is beta as he just wants to follow whoever is leading oh it's a daring maneuvers he's got a plan already he's really on a mission right now this is why I say marbles too slow at walking because any time they're somewhere that he can pee on is where we stop followers he sees dogs he might pick up the pace here he knows where they are well he forgot imagine feeling like the most intense primal rage inside you and not knowing why that's whose life when Marvel chooses the walk it's just wherever those dogs are going so for the sake of that person enjoying their day we've dragged marble away from there oh that whole interaction just really took it right out I will say Marvel is doing a much better job than I had anticipated or than the Iggy he's just being assertive yeah he has no idea why he wants to go somewhere but he really knows he wants to go somewhere I feel kind of bad that I underestimated him they need their leader he's scared of nothing and everything it was it I think one conclusion make him draw is that every dog likes jaywalking let's say we've gotten farther with letting marbles leave then with the eyewear with the AG's he wants to stand out am I gonna seem a little creepy here anytime we want to keep him moving he starts to use like peeing one drop on a bush as like an excuse to rest yeah that is the most sure yeah unsure themself animal at least he like doesn't trick-or-treat like he's not constantly trying to go into people's homes yeah he respects proud of his he's not a trespasser I generally don't know where we are such an unlikely hero I agree mama you could have taken in like he stalked that man from behind and then he ran away in south [Music] cool even though now we're letting marbles leave we've found ourselves back at this intersection this is where you put him down right yeah they like carrier pigeons like you know he's finding their way back marvels uses the art of rage to find his way back home he doesn't like slow down they're very aloof like their people meet them they're that kind of dog that's just like sort of looks around and you're like hello acknowledge me I'm meeting you like I'm sorry they're just weird marbles is not he meets you and has a very strong first impression of you yes he's a decision maker all right I guess we're gonna have another one of those stands has decided that we're making a start about things if I knew that that's what they wanted was to walk in one direction and they'll just promptly turn around and walk the other we walked them more like that right yeah we just go up and down the same block five times it's what they like apparently they hiccup unlike the Aggies who are very concerned about where marble is he doesn't get talked about he is that dog I don't know if you've ever found like a stray dog or cat in your backyard like this is why he's like really excited good place to go fin right now he's fixated on finding holes to go he just read that sign and thought that that was a dog you think that's a dog the smartest dumbest thing he's ever done oh we're gonna get out of this person's property he's like trying to find a way in well stop casing the house Pedro come drink some water drink just done this whole thing with him there's an awful lot of fees in this particular area Marvel doesn't really seem to care even though we just went to the vet literally yesterday because Kermit stepped on a beat on it Herman you're not getting somebody to do the way dog see bees and flies like a fly is just a flying raisin and then a bee is the spicy flying raisin and it's been two hours I mean it's been a lot of standing I don't feel like I went on it - I feel like I was outside for two hours I also haven't checked my phone so I literally have no idea how close we are to the car running circles in the blocks around our car we haven't traveled far per se but we've done a lot of leaves so dumb that's like a dumbest [ __ ] ever you spent two hours and somehow walked around two miles around the same four blocks sick this is why we don't let you dumbasses pick a walk he's just going to every house now trying to get in those people skills people school I'll help you now we're just looking for couches I will say though it's been really nice to just walk them because I don't I feel gelatin out of my mind it is really interesting to see just how stupid they are back to the car it took four minutes to get here like that's how far away we were you guys made use of like three blocks for the past two hours so you guys know that there's like a whole world that you could walk around well habla got scared of it beware of dogs sign cuz he thought the sign was a dog go back home is trying to find the couch desperately but he refuses to sit down outside like none of them are that dog that will ever be comfortable enough to sit outside they only wait till we get home happy this is the best part of making a video like this to me is that they're just like so happy like usually Wednesday's aren't very fun for them because we're filming and then I sit and edit and it's like kind of a boring day for them and they had like a really fine Wednesday with daddy come you're like really happy huh that's an excessive though Kermit that's a lot of swimming yeah you got a beast thing yesterday I had a bad day but today was a good day huh well the things that we learned is that they have about a two-hour tolerance level for being on a walk and then it's couch time we also learned that the eggies are [ __ ] at deciding where to go peach was the the brains behind the beginning of the walk I'd say she's like the more assertive of the eggy's in terms of like where to go Carmen is just like a chilled out guy but marbles is the unlikely hero of the day come here bud you did so well except for like when you charged at a person and chased a couple dogs multiple dogs I mean other than some of that stuff you're a really good boy oh okay I think that what we learned here today is that if you let your dogs walk you you gonna have a stupid ass walk it's gonna make no sense it's gonna be a waste of time it's gonna be stupid as hell I don't know maybe feel like a German Shepherd or something it'd be like a cool walk they've never been on not these one I was also surprised that they found like farm animals they like the smell but then like weren't interested in the animals whatsoever like marbles barked at a duck that was about it they didn't care I guess this is what we're gonna do now are you happy do you even like me Kermit don't let your dog walk you it's a dumb idea yeah make sure you subscribe to my channel I put out a video every Wednesday slash Thursday you guys is stupid that's a wee light I feel terrible that I like underestimated it you know I was like he's not gonna want to do this no who did don't make fun of him he's a good boy did you say good bye call me I was sitting there all right see it sexy bye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 6,815,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, i let, my, dogs, walk, me, for, a day, kermit, peach, mr. marbles, chihuahua, italian, greyhound, mini, small, walking, loop, block, neighborhood, boyfriend, julien, solomita, funny, vlog, puppy, bark, growl, chase, duck, run, running, street, crossing, leash, train, cermet, cermets, best, awesome, cute, cutest, sign, looking, tired, angry, sling, training, adventure
Id: ew1JYegKF7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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