Testing Scary Minecraft Stories To See If They're Real

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today we're testing Minecraft's most scariest stories to see if they're actually real beginning with the tainted Herobrine seed over the weekend I've been doing a lot of scary lore searches in hopes to prepare a video for you and well I came across something that absolutely startled me it wouldn't be as scary until I showed you what the seed looks like I found this on a forum and this is the Minecraft world seed in fact I don't even know what this translates to somebody said this is a cursed world and to caution yourself before joining so what are we gonna do we're gonna join it and if you're excited be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel right now and leave a comment down below if you want me to keep doing scary Minecraft videos and now the anticipation builds As We join the first scary Minecraft world oh wait wait wait what just happened wait what my whole PC just blue screen what okay so we're back now and here it is right here at the top we're gonna try and rejoin this and I'm hoping I don't blue screen to death again come on come on oh okay we've made it into the world okay we have not blue screened and we've managed to make it in the world now this is this is great you know I'm gonna be honest with you everything seems completely normal there's a sheep there's a bee oh wait hold up hold up hold up this is a much larger forest fire than what normally is I mean is there even a lava pool nearby wait what hello wait there's Redstone right there wait a second guys I think we might actually be in the tainted Herobrine World wait a second hold up what is this oh my dude it's a massive Trail and there's just Redstone everywhere this world is completely new to me in fact I only found this world because of one of your comments after doing some research there's a few wikis on this place and let's just say I think we might have actually have just replicated this world okay bro I am actually getting creeped out thank goodness it is not night time right now I would actually lose it there is confirmed no Lava pool around us here something in this world is actually haunted I don't think it's a bad idea if we set up a base somewhere we need to make sure we're prepared for what's to come painted Herobrine is not something you ever want to mess with in fact from reports he seems to be a more aggressive version of Herobrine something scarier more evil and even more defensive however a stupid forest fire and some Redstone isn't proof that tainted Herobrine is real we have to go find a haunted mansion and look for one of the Sacred items trapped away inside of it as nighttime Came Upon me this would officially Mark day one inside of the haunted Minecraft world little did I realize there was a lot more coming my way and I never would have expected this I've got some torches I got all my glass melted we just said wait wait right there wait wait Dad wait hold up hold up hold up was that tainted Hairway hold a second wait wait bro I think that was actually changing there he ran in the forest it was right over here uh tainted Herobrine I I know you're out there somewhere why do I have a sudden suspicion I'm being watched something doesn't feel right with this I'm gonna find you okay the fire in the forest is getting way more narrow going down this way can we talk about this curse fire what in the world is even happening like but I have a firehouse okay I'm sorry sorry ADHD focus focus focus focus okay um wait a second it's leading me somewhere that way what is that is that a lava pool of some sort or is that oh this is definitely where tainted Herobrine must live wait wait there he is he's right there okay hold up hold up hold up bro this is not okay bro okay this is actually sketch what is this place this is absolutely 100 Herobrine's home or should I say tainted Herobrine sorry I've never seen a cave like this before this is actually terrifying follow the Redstone shark follow the Redstone nothing out of the ordinary here totally not now what exactly am I looking for is the question wait there he is he's right there wait I don't know if he knows I'm here or not is he gone where'd he go uh tainted Herobrine I only have coal and dirt I only have coal and dirt and some glass please don't hurt me doesn't seem like he's interested in my extended car warranty I've never seen a cave like this in my life okay okay wait a second is that netherracking magma wait is the nether like merged into this cave what is this and this is actually way anyway is somebody living here what is this it can't be that bad there's literally an axolotl right here axolotls must hate Herobrine right we have barrels and stuff and enchantment tables okay okay okay yeah no big deal there's barrels everywhere you're telling me tainted arrowbrines playing Survival Minecraft I find that hard to believe nothing in any of these chests dude what's the point of this anyways this doesn't even make any sense what is this there's a door over there okay wait a second hello [Music] wait a fish tank a fish tank really we've officially dropped the coolest shark merch only available on our website from hoodies plushies t-shirts beanies and even stickers we've got everything you can even order a personalized message directly from me go to www.09sharkboy.com right now really okay the meeting no somebody's gonna be trolling me turn off the cameras hello okay no no no that was weird that was weird that was weird wait okay those trap doors here wait a second wait there's a button wait there's Pistons that activated hold up where does that lead to um hello totally totally normal right wait a second what about that other chapter on the other side does that open that up no wait a second I must go somewhere that it has to oh oh no okay okay okay you know what we have to do it we have to do it oh my okay okay we're going down we're going down and what is this uh wait a second is this Herobrine Shrine you're telling me Herobrine actually resides here this is literally hair okay I'm not touching that at all wait what is inside of this chest wait there's a map wait a second there's just a map just chilling in here casually like no big deal wait oh my God wait a second this has to be where the Mansion is look those are like creepy devilish spikes coming out of the Mansion bro Something's Gonna Be off with that's gotta be the place we have to go to absolutely I somehow have to find where this is though I mean this is gonna be impossible Mike hello oh wait it's The no no no no no no I'm out I'm out about no no no go go go go go go go go go go oh my God no I do not want to do this right now I just got the map to wait wait if I screenshot this there we go I will never lose that map again even if he kills me I will still know where to go oh he's gone that was easy right oh no no no no no no no go go oh my God oh my God please no please don't get me out of here get me out of here bro it's been way too long since I've done this stuff and I remember why I stopped okay okay okay are we good nope we're not good we're not good we're not good go go go go go go go go oh please just let me get out of this cave in one piece alive okay he's gone he's gone I did it okay okay I did it I think we could oh wait no no lightning equals Herobrine Herobrine equals Death I don't want death right now oh no no I just need to get back to base all I have to do is get back to base and I can find where this Mansion is oh God he's no no he's still right there he's still right there uh blocks please yes yes yes yes yes just get me out oh yes we're out okay out of the Birch Forest where do I go this way this way back to base thankfully for me I managed to get back to base we were able to analyze the map just a little bit closer I think it might be a smart idea if I bring in some backup there's no way I'm gonna be tackling this alone I need to call the one and only person I know that would be good for this Mission Kevin and calling on Discord come on up pick up pick up yo yo Kev Kev yo yo what's up what's up dude I'm opening a land in my world right now I need you to join okay right now please okay okay calm down calm down it's not that big of a deal what's going on okay Kev I need you to get to me right now what you are about to see you are literally never gonna believe this at all okay okay I'm right here I'm right here where are you at where are you at okay right here oh okay okay okay listen uh we're in a really terrifying world right now and uh it's it's it's it's it's it's haunted by herobrine look at this map dude what dude you know you know ghosts aren't real right I'm not talking about ghosts I'm talking about Herobrine Kev okay okay yeah yeah dude I hear you okay like okay dude I don't understand what's been happening it looks like a normal world just like a normal world look at all the fire over there Kevin yeah I know you get happy with your flint and still sometimes but are you scared of the dark no no okay listen I have a funny suspicion we need to head somewhere up that way we might come across this listen I'm gonna show you that this is not an Ordinary World in fact this is something way worse than that trust me okay okay I'm trusting you dude okay I'm gonna follow you you just show me where to go okay let's go up this way and maybe if we're lucky we might find something Kevin and I searched for hours looking for the supposed Mansion we were so close to giving up until finally we managed to find something dude we've been walking for hours I can see the map okay I see my player icon on there we're getting close to it we can't be that far wait a second we've been doing this for hours Kevin Kevin what look in front of you do you not see that what is that uh I think this could be the Mansion Kevin this is it wait wait Herobrine's mansion I I think so this I don't know if it's Herobrine's mansion or tainted Herobrine's mansion but either way this is what we've been looking for the entire time oh my God Kevin this is it the map leads right here look at this for a second look okay okay okay okay um it leads oh that's what I'm saying it's right here we need to find a way to get inside okay it's starting to feel a little bit real okay I told you I wasn't lying to you dude I don't know we just still seems it seems kind of funny still don't you think Herobrine yeah okay it does sound funny Kevin but look you're experiencing this right here right now with me okay this is no joke oh I'm confused are we going inside or something see I told you I told you it's not even raining Kevin it's not even raining dude it could just be lightning it happens sometimes it just so supposedly just happens yes as we find this place yeah really okay you know what fine let's go inside of this oh my that's a lava yeah no you know why because Herobrine's dead and you know what lava does to you it burns you it kills you Kevin it kills you I don't know we'll be honest with you homie this thing just feels like a glorified Pillager Pillager base you know what it is but it was taken over by herobrine I mean this is nothing it's nothing like a Pillager dude look at this all right what do you mean right dude sorry I don't know dude it just to me it just feels like you're trying to prank me again that's all it feels like cranky you Kevin I'm serious look this is like the heart and Bones of of the entire Place dude don't go up there why why Kevin just get back from there what I'm not seeing anything up here Kevin get down from there hey I'm going I'm going waiting why did you even go up there you could have died oh my god dude it looked cool up there maybe beside me like a puppy okay we need to do this together okay hold up wait there's Redstone leading this way Kevin this is the first red so I've seen entire time wait a second hold up wait oh what is it look there's Redstone inside of this room do you see this let's go inside open it open it mind it dude let's go in yo wait oh look Sarah Wright's face that's the Herobrine this must be this spot oh wait oh no no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait there's a barrel it's a barrel what's inside of it oh wait teddy bear that's probably Herobrine's teddy bear oh it's oh it's oh it's herobright you're telling me a dead scary person has a teddy bear shark are you hearing yourself right now back up Kevin back up Kevin what are you talking about yeah you're lucky you're lucky you didn't die just there looking at all this it doesn't make any sense wait wait Kevin oh wait Kevin no stay here stay here Kevin Kevin okay what's happening I don't know I don't know I don't know okay listen get out of there whatever you do video I promise you'll love it I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Shark
Views: 620,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, Testing Scary Minecraft Stories To See If They're Real, Scary Minecraft, Testing Minecraft Myths, Testing Minecraft Copypasta, Minecraft Herobrine, Minecraft Tainted Herobrine, Minecraft Scary Stories, Minecraft Scary Map, Minecraft Scary World, Testing scary, Testing scary Minecraft, Minecraft scary, Minecraft scary stories, Testing Minecraft scary story
Id: Ql3M4uiBbKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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