I Left MINECRAFT Open For 12 HOURS And Saw THIS!

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last time that i left minecraft open overnight a lot of scary things started happening i myself didn't get to witness those scary things happening because i was literally sleeping half the time but i watched the video back and i read through all of your comments and guys i almost don't even believe what we saw today i came online on minecraft and i tried logging back into the haunted world and it is completely gone right when i click single player it just makes me create a new world i literally it is completely gone today ladies and gentlemen we're gonna be spending 12 hours in a haunted world to see just exactly what happens of course be sure to leave a like on today's video and if you're new subscribe to my youtube channel right now and i'll give you this cookie okay go ahead take take the cookie okay there you go see you just got a cookie and you subscribe to my channel okay first things first haunted world literally never join it literally never join okay that's an easy enough and then if i'm not mistaken the seed for this world was haunted with no space okay i think that's it let's generate the world now guys and we're gonna get started with this oh my gosh okay thankfully i'm actually pretty tired so i feel like i'm gonna knock out like a train tonight i can't wait to have a nice little dab to be honest with you let's do this okay we have found ourselves in a world ladies and gents similar to last time i'm just gonna go ahead and get the very very bone basics so i can build a little bit of house i think this how this time around i'm gonna do it very simple i just need to be able to surround myself in a little tower where i won't get shot by skeletons or killed by spiders or zombies other than that i don't think i really need anything too complicated a basic house is all i'm going to need for this the last time we did this video guys you guys were literally detectives so hey i oh it's a detective shark army over here guys you guys killed it be sure to be on the lookout for anything you guys see on today's video and if you do see anything whatsoever go ahead and shoot me a dm on either instagram or tweet me at zeronightsharkfoot on twitter i would love to see what you guys happen to find or maybe we find nothing but if we found nothing this video won't be live so if this video is live then we clearly found something in it okay there we go that should be enough wood i'm gonna go ahead and just get the bare basics and we're gonna start building a house grab a pickaxe i don't even think i'm gonna go mining i don't think i really need it this time around we're just gonna get a sword we have a pickaxe and that's about it okay i might grab some food as well just to be on the safe side uh yeah a little piggy come here thank you thank you dude i already get the creeps just walking around this world i mean like i just get such eerie vibes i feel like it's just the haunted seat that gives me these vibes like i'm just so like i don't know like i'm just uncomfortable in this world here's a sheep thank you there we go uh if i can get any more food that would be incredible i'm trying to find a spot that we could do this at as well i'm pretty much i'm literally just gonna tower up oh my geez dude that is one massive hole wow okay i feel like this is a good spot right here uh let's uh let's build up base right here guys shall we we're gonna build up just a little bit i'm gonna show my my bridging skywars abilities okay very basic house i need to be able to surround myself so no mo so no mobs get to me this time around i'm not even gonna bother making any glass we're just gonna have a hole in the window because last time all my glass got destroyed for some reason oh gosh i'm gonna need more wood okay okay quick journey for more wood i saw a lot of you guys talking about saying that you guys were gonna try this out for yourself be warning if you try this out i cannot guarantee to you that what you may go what you might see in your world could be completely different from mine so please be careful where did my stair go bruh already already this is happening okay i just got goosebumps all down my arm right now so i'm just gonna finish this off i just feel like i'm being watched right now i really don't like that feeling okay there we go we have a house very basic and i will leave some windows right here and i completely lost the wood i just need i just need enough wood to make a door and i'm happy that's all i need okay crafting table there's some birch wood let's make a door okay there we go all right guys we have a door now we have one window we'll put one more window right here all right it is time it is currently 12. it is currently 12 midnight right now so i'm gonna set my alarm for about an hour and a half to two hours i should be back at around two in the morning or so i'm gonna go grab my camera and document everything but i'm gonna leave minecraft open right here here we go guys be sure to leave a like on today's video let's do this alrighty guys i am now i'm currently posted up on the couch here i'm gonna go ahead and turn off all of the lights in my room so i can go to sleep i'm only gonna have i'm only gonna go to sleep for like an hour and a half two hours tops so we can check back on everything there's all the lights they're off the only thing that's left on my shark led okay i'm gonna set my alarm right now it is currently at 1205 am and i'm gonna be getting back up at 1 30 to 2 a.m okay alarm is set ringer's on let's go to sleep [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god hi [Music] [Applause] it is 1 45 in the morning at the moment i turn on all the lights oh god let's pray okay it is time it's time to go over to the computer and see just exactly what's going on right now only at zero nine sharkboy.com if you spend over forty dollars on our storefront you will get a signed postcard directly from me grab a plushie and a t-shirt you'll get a signed postcard grab a shark hoodie you'll get a signed postcard perfect in time for christmas bro what happened what happened bro what there's a bunch of blocks missing there's one literally right below me and my door is completely gone too you see at first guys in the first video i thought maybe there was a chance somebody was messing with me but this is happening literally again bro what why is this happening waves like why do you my i think my biggest question is why do you take doors and blocks away that's just the biggest confusing thing for me is anything else changed in the world it doesn't seem like it it seems like everything's quiet now whatever's going on in this world is seriously so terrifying i'm gonna put another door down just so we can have a freaking door uh i i don't remember what i had in my inventory before but i'm gonna keep everything nice and organized just like that i'm gonna go lay down for another hour and a half for two hours or so then it should be about 3 45 almost 4 a.m in the morning all right we're going to see just exactly what's going on so far we've been recording on obs for the last two hours wow my file sizes in my computer hate me okay i'll see you guys on the big camera okay guys we're back oh see doing these videos is seriously a lot because i'm constantly waking up and then going back to bed and then waking up and then going back to bed please leave a like on this video if you haven't already oh god okay lights are off again i'm gonna set my alarm for another two hours and uh we'll catch you guys when i wake up again [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay it is currently uh it's 3 45 in the morning it's i'll consider it 4 a.m oh god what happened this time okay all right let's go guys what was that literally just stepped back at the computer and there was a creeper walking right up the thing bro what how did i even get up here i thought i built off the tree so we couldn't even get here wait what bro wait what just happened my whole base is destroyed i mean i guess i guess at this point nothing can even get to me now there's actually something really messed up in this world i i would go down there and explore but i don't have another way back up i don't have any blocks bro what okay guys uh it's currently 4 a.m i'm only gonna go to sleep for one more hour 5 a.m is usually the time i try and get up every day so we're gonna see just exactly what happens in one hour from now thankfully no mobs can get here if that was just a random spawn creeper okay fine whatever but that is that is sketch okay we're gonna we're gonna call it right here you know one more hour's sleep all right guys this is the last segment of me going to sleep that creeper thing is kind of sketch and sus it's a little bit sus for sure but that could have been a random spawn there's a million and one things that could have happened for that creeper to be there i'm gonna be getting up in exactly one hour and four minutes from now uh which that's going to make it 5 a.m and then i will start the day okay we'll catch you guys then [Music] [Music] so [Music] too [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] 5 am on the dot right now and we're going to go back to the world to see what's going on okay let's see whoa what where are we wait what is what is this well i'm literally in the middle of nowhere what what happened when i was gone my door leads to a freaking ravine system well i'm underwater i i literally have no words to say to this what is going on i can't even i need to get to the top i need to get to the top i need to get to the top go go go go go come on come on come on we're literally at the bottom of the ocean right now what now what is happening no no no no no no no this is it this is it okay i i am officially leaving this world guys please comment down below the timestamps of things that you saw go on during this video because i have to watch this back oh my god this is so sketch i can't even get out of here i can't even get out of here where are we i really hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to watch some more from me you see the end card that is right there all you got to do is click that or the playlist and you can watch a bunch more videos from me go ahead click i'm sure you'll enjoy they're really good videos actually okay we'll see you there
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,458,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe
Id: s2iGXKvPreg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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