I just kept UPGRADING in Learn to Fly 3

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welcome back to the scariest game if you're a penguin ever will once again be cheating 50 times obstacles 10 times gravity i saw how high i launched last time and now this time i go about wow that is okay it might take us a couple runs before we get anything going i'd say first off sell the crate though and throw on the glider as well as this rocket stage anything to help me fight the forces of gravity pulling me back down to earth the better does this actually manage to fight it no i'm just grounded again this doesn't even make sense what about if i add an auxiliary boost to it now is this enough force to fight gravity please nope let me go let me fly stop where did all these obstacles come from oh we are in for it now let's go ahead and buy this tilt cannon be a little more work on my end actually make sure i'm launching up properly but the initial force off the launcher is really what i'm going to be hoping on come on yes that puts me all the way up to 5.5 k 6k yes look at all these paper planes 500 it's enough to buy this pixel's body and this tata reactor is slightly better than my rocket so we'll take it all right is everything gonna go okay as planned what is this i'm an actual pixelated machine and i'm plummeting i will sell the tilt cannon and throw in a grenade let's see gravity beat the force of the world's best military aka a penguin and a helmet oh my gosh wait hang on i'm actually launching somewhat well all the way to 17k and i return to earth this tater reactor is doing nothing just take this off and upgrade my grenade twice there we go and then i guess i'll just throw two balloons on how far am i gonna fly now that it's been upgraded twice oh my gosh hang on wait am i gonna be able to break no i was so close to 30k let me go back let me go back get out of my way all you just random objects did i see flappy bird with 1700 i'm able to buy this bazooka with 2200 power also i can start affording sonic bursts any key to fire the bazooka do i just have to make sure i'm getting it right there yeah kind of well i'm a little offset but is this oh and the sonic bursts work can i use the other one quickly please yes oh i broke fifty thousand i thought it would take me much longer before i was able to actually do this thirty three hundred dollars i feel like we can immediately hop off the bazooka and go right into the nuclear reactor also let's get rid of the pixel's body and go onto the spearhead because it has a higher top speed of 25 as opposed to a week 15. all right go get him plutonium thank you and i just want straight up that's always handy how high am i about to go oh my gosh 66 000. i went up 16k just off like one upgrade can i upgrade my spirit some more then because if i can level up my sonic bursts too i feel like this should also be a big help lucky day 13. will i be able to see 70k the answer yes will i be able to see 100k how close am i no i got all the way to 98 000 very very soon i think i just need to upgrade my nuclear reactor again all right a hundred grand i expect you to appear oh no i'm getting hit off course slightly did i actually make it wait a second i made it to 135 000 this time watch out bird thank you do these obstacles actually do anything or are they just merely suggestions look at how many there are wait a second do i have access to it the thunderbird one access to two boost slots which i'll put dark matter in one and a money turbine in the other as well as this dubstep drive because i'm curious on if that's actually gonna take me up there or not and then i'll just upgrade my dark matter a bit and my money turbine once and now this should be amazing progress am i right maybe i made it all to 84 900 000 well there's 100k and the dubstep drive actually works sort of this is a very very very slow climb but it's a climb nonetheless i ended up getting 135k again and i think it's probably just because this thunderbird doesn't go as fast as it needs to let's fix that and i'm too impatient for the dubstep drive so i'm gonna throw in another sonic burst and at the end this ram jet i don't know if i've ever actually used that before so i'm mainly just curious to see how it works this is going well all the way up to 85 000 again off the first sonic the second sonic's taking me to 114 118 and then the ram jet is just oh well this isn't taking me anywhere i also somehow did worse this time which does not seem to actually make sense to me so let's sell this and upgrade my dark matter some more was that the issue was i too heavy game well i just launched up to about 96 thousand off one sonic burst this time so honestly that might have been the issue wait no got all the way to 130k i think that means i need to sell my thunderbird and go back to the spearhead and then just upgrade it four times if i break 135 000 here i'll know that i'm actually making good progress and you know what i'm gonna go ahead and say that i'm making good progress so 156 000 are you kidding me so what if there's 50 trillion entities in the sky this is working out great so on a fourth sonic burst i'm feeling so happy about this and can i get my dark matted or max no i'm one upgrade away that's fine one runs all it takes i'll even do it in five times speed i think the only issue with my spearhead is i can't really correct its course i just kind of go to where well wherever and 15 grand in the bank thank you all right with a weight of 23 and a level 3 nuclear reactor on day 20 it's like i'm destined to break 200 000. first sonic burst took me to 130k second sonic burst not as well third still going well too oh i just got knocked straight up yes wait distribute yes i passed 200 000. now the obstacles are getting a lot more annoying this is fine i think we just need to upgrade our sonic bursts one at a time if i can get max sonic burst with the spearhead and some good good luck then i think each sonic burst will take me up about like 70k as long as i'm aimed directly at the sky game please thank you i might need a new tactic after all because i almost hit 250 000 this time though but i don't know if i'm gonna be able to avoid everything up in the higher levels whatever for now we upgrade oh this is a very very bad launch oh god that's fine i think this is the last launch that i actually need wait i broke 300 000 this launch what are these upgrades working out that well i only have one max sonic burst but i think after this next run i should have all three max because oh my gosh the first one just launched me up to 200 000 on its own max max level and i still have enough to upgrade my nuclear reactor hell yeah i've reset everything but my nuclear reactor is level 8 now so i'm hoping this means i should not end up upside down again is it because of the obstacles that this is happening because i can't exactly move my ship if that's the case i think i know just what to do the reason you get knocked around is because you don't weigh enough but if you go to the omega shuttle well you just might find you end up weighing enough i actually don't know if i'm going to launch as high though because this thing weighs like three times as much and you know not only did i launch as high i launched higher and broke four hundred thousand four hundred and thirty four thousand if you wanna get exact wait if i want to weigh don't i wanna remove my dark matter and make my nuclear reactor max and also add money turbines just for better profits all right i think i honestly weigh twice as much now so i should just knock obstacles out of the way yeah you can see that they don't spawn in but i'm worried what i got flipped upside down that doesn't sound right how am i beating my previous oh because my speed is locked at 80 now i'm just flying through here that's why another 430 thousand meter run means a ton of money to spend and i will max out my money turbine oh man i almost weigh a hundred pounds all right upgrade the shuttle boosting my max speed one step at a time to send me higher and higher into the air wow i have one color scheme huh wait a second am i at 345 000 oh my gosh did the weight of the money turbines actually just start making a difference i mean i'm hitting everything in my way don't get me wrong but still 413k i can make 60 grand a run and if i buy the omega coil and upgrade it a ton we're on our way to 1 million wow wait does the omega coil last for that long because i just got sent no i'm so close to 500k let me through let me through i do not care no i'm so close crossing yes oh we're halfway there this is the hardest challenge i've ever done and i'm making 77 000 each time if i continue to upgrade my money turbines do they give me better money i've changed nothing else let's see if that works well i didn't exactly launch all the way to 500k and i earned oh well now that's interesting all right let's upgrade this one to max now time to do three runs solely so i can upgrade my money turbines for more profit this is probably the last run that i need i've yet to break 500 000 again i just got extremely lucky when i did it i think but i'm earning 93 grand now and i have the true max level money turbines now and enough to upgrade my omega shell also i guess i should start upgrading my sonic burst too shouldn't i huh with my ship upgrade and my sonic burst upgrade i wonder if i'll actually be able to break 500k now well the answer is yes but only by about 25 000 but i still get 113k the more max speed the higher i go the higher i go the more money i get the more money i get the more i can upgrade but the money that i'm getting i guess i should also start upgrading my omega coil too because i end up with a ton of money always left over i can bleed these upgrades down the line go fly wow i just broke 500 000 is that thanks to my just omega coil that i've been using because this thing is wow there i go 558 yes thousand well i might as well just get my omega shuttle to max and then start going on the coil what do i launch into oh i've just i've launched in sonic burst all the way up to 500 000. the only issue is i just can't seem to stay straight and there's a ton of stuff in my way up here too well i broke 638k but then got blocked by three trillion airplanes wait a second i think weight gets rid of stuff let me continue to upgrade my omega coil and do one more run real quick oh my gosh one more run where i get all the way up to 640 000. keep this lock keep the slug i don't think i'm doing it i'm not able to break it 664k 148 000 oh my gosh upgrade the omega coil to max there's a lot of max levels on my screen right now let me do another run and then i can actually start upgrading my sonic burst all the way to the true max level where am i right now timeout why am i so high i broke 700 000 before my first sonic burst even went off where does that make sense at wait a second is that just how good the omega coil is and then if items are blocking me wait a second if i get rid of one money turbine and throw on the omega brick i add 50 pounds to myself and then if i sell my sonic bursts because let's face it these don't really do that much anymore i can upgrade this a decent chunk to where i weigh over 300 and just buy the omega balloon and start working on maxing that out never mind it is maxed look at that is this gonna behave how i think it does just in case i'm gonna use an urnator with the weight that i have i should throw every obstacle in my way uh out of it and then the balloon is just there to help me out well okay so far this is this is working and yet we're going we're going we're going all the way up to 565 000 maybe let's bring you back down let's weigh 160 pounds and then just put all those upgrades into the coil i think this is it i think after abusing numerous omega items making myself weigh an absolute ton i can make it to 730 000 okay well maybe i do need a sonic burst and then let's weigh 200 pounds does this increase the speed oh yeah it does i can still upgrade my shuttle too hang on i might have actually just changed the entirety of this game 200 pounds sonic burst to give me a crazy amount of speed my weight is just so high as long as i look upwards please am i gonna make it no i'm so close 893 000 wait am i still going the omega balloons carrying me 900 000 yes fight i don't know how you're managing to do this look at how things just hit me and immediately bounce off what's gonna happen first i run out of this balloon or i go fifty thousand more meters come on please ten thousand eight seven six five four no giant ufo just hit me right at the end are you kidding me i was 2000 meters away no we were so close but i did just get 200 grand uh huh well the omega coil got upgraded three more times and i'm fairly certain that's enough to just throw me all the way right back down because i'm facing downwards stupid sonic burst wait a second let's just go omega coil upgrade brick upgrade omega coil upgrade brick upgrade omega coil upgrade brick upgrade now i weight like 80 more pounds and my omega coil is like twice as good i feel like i'm knocking obstacles yeah just completely out of my path who'd have thought the secret to going into outer space was actually using a ship that weighs more than what it needs to 50 times obstacles 10 times gravity approximately 3.14 times the amount of fun i'll take the penguin power booster pack please game which just gives me some sardines and bonus points enough sardines to buy this extended upgrades pack though up to level 100 yep oh but i have to spend my bp to get the levels up this is day 15 and i finished yeah i don't think getting bp is gonna be an issue
Channel: ImCade
Views: 400,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, learn to fly 3, learn to fly, learn to fly 2, learn to fly speedrun, learn to fly 3 best setup, learn to fly 3 secrets, flash game, flash games, learn to fly 3 speedrun, speedrun, omega, omega upgrades, learn to fly omega, learn to fly brick, learn to fly omega upgrades, learn to fly 3 game, penguin space game, learn to fly end, learn 2 fly, learn to fly best, cheat options, learn to fly 3 hacked, I just kept UPGRADING
Id: q-kn_2_66X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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