When Evolving A Slime turns it into a GOD

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so I'm going to take this lovable little slime and cause genocide and earn a bunch of upgrades along the way more attack speed more attack speed means more murder More Death more Mayhem fun for the whole family 20 attack speed increase yes this is good I'm throwing my little water droplets you don't know how much hate I put into these things though that's why they're dead like oh gold cards increase attack yes please that gives me all that gives me 50 more I do 277 now you got them poor idiots oh I just I one shot these guys yep he's alive still get water balloon double jump in midair like this I'm doing what no slime has ever done before and now murder what are these cops oh a little chicken was in it and I killed him and ate him that didn't mean to do that guys my bad oh they've leveled up their level four now I can't one shot him but just throw my oh I took damage wait Archer oh I see garage here have water balloon in your face another gold I can increase my attack to get like a hundred more or I can make it where I shoot two little bullets this is the obvious Choice you'll all be dying now thank you oh who was right here enjoy my water balloons of death you stupid level seven and five jerks no one likes you anyways however I will be taking 20 more Health just so I don't end up accidentally dying one wave nine out of ten it's probably something scary approaching a brave Kingdom but the Frog Witch level 25 how much health does she have go away keep getting shot get these frogs out of here they're scary no back double jump away double jump and dash away to Victory throw stuff throw random objects oh the frogs hurt just kill her oh I did look at oh that's a lot of money that's a lot of loot I can use swords let's upgrade myself new skill create a spirit to Auto kill stuff yes please do I have to open this chest to get that skill is that what's going on here game you forced my hand oh I just got a little sword it's his tongue out fuse these swords together since I have so many and level this puppy on up I can also use the gold I get from murdering people who have families to level my slime up just makes them a little bit better New World hello oh chess alright dwarves I'm here to uh you know I'll just be honest I'm here to kill you yeah it's a shame I can't go any further because these guys look menacing so I'll just go over here and kill that guy fires a coin-guided missile yes are you kidding me that thing sounds sweet look at it go look at it Fly 65 damage wow it's a 365 damage every kill I get great damage upon Collision yes does anyone want to hug hello minor dwarf oh maybe I shouldn't hug a minor you know what I'm gonna move on just get murdered oh and here's the legendaries two more goopies yes please I've got flying coins and I've got murderous water balls coincidentally murderous water balls was my nickname in high school but I probably shouldn't get into that I'm starting to feel borderline a little bad because these guys didn't do anything what is this what is this creepy little select the one I want okay give me more attack speed why did he pop up and do that I've been doing that I didn't need help with throttle you know what I'm not gonna question it hug this guy everything is looking good I can get more attack or I can add an attack to my butt oh yes guys don't ask me where that water ball is coming from just know you probably don't want to get hit by it enjoy your coins while I enjoy my upgrades we have eight out of ten I'm feeling pretty confident with my guided missiles probably beat the hero pretty easily increase unguided missile damage yes my guided missiles gross the bore Riders oh he's dead that's fine just murder everyone grab as many coins as humanly possible there's too many enemies over here oh my poor little baby slime Health hang in there me is oh it's boss time bearded range at the Viking dwarf is he riding a griffin first off where do I get one don't don't throw axes at me that hurts yeah get shot you think I can't get up there idiot jumped to stash away Dash away poop on him poop on him go it's so cool I just tackled him yeah I had everything under control the entire time give me my key please because now I can open up the advanced chest what is five slime puzzle pieces oh why is this tongue green oh it's what I can use to promote myself sure I didn't realize I was my own boss but wanted to level two look at how shiny the game is also letting me unlock gold mines and this little steel works is that a goblin isn't there an anime like this all right level up my armor and put it on my body and then level up my sword and then level me up of course I almost have a thousand HP yes and are there certain masteries I can get by spending 100 gold it's just gonna give me a random one like Swift give me another one I should probably just unlock all of these or upgrade the attack one yeah that works one more time something fun game something cool ideally defense I'll take it Boulder mine too really they didn't have enough already that's fine give me these things so I'm gonna take this time to open up three Advanced chests what am I what's happening here I don't what is this a new character and then a new weapon and then is this a the legendary drop what is that I am now a vampire slime so time to go do fun vampire things like Chinese these villagers is my attack different I shoot a little slow ball that does a lot of damage that's yeah that's really strong all right she ate a meteor at one random position yes does it hurt me too a daily that doesn't happen but you know if it does what am I doing okay there it was that's fine almost killed myself create one spirit that attacks enemies yes give me all my fun little magical things here shoot that guy get him get get him you gotta hit him there we go that's meteor all right that is crazy basic attacks penetrate enemies yes that works for me because my attacks go in a straight line and there's the meteor again wow my third upgrade is that I get the electric Cloud huh all right well I'm an arch wizard vampire thing the world is coming through lightning streaks I don't even need to do anything eventually these guys just die who is this guy again give me my more attack speed I guess which actually I can attack pretty fast now wow oh look from basic attack two yes please who are these guys totemus a healing totem get rid of that no one wants one of those enjoy my just purple balls in your face stop placing the dang healing totem lightning strike it thank you is everyone doing so far basic attack speed increase again thanks I can shoot these relatively quickly now so I'm feeling pretty confident about my ability to murder um everyone I think create two evil spirits yes oh we have to watch an ad to do it game you can have a piece of my soul I guess give me my evil spirit now I look menacing that was a meteor but it's a flying Griffin writers good thing I got my auto Killers with me being as lazy as possible and still murdering everyone that's what having fun is all about look at how effective it is I wish I could shoot like one more ball of death create a mini slime that'll work what is this spin the roulette wheel thanks for the free money all right what are the odds I can get one of these mini slime snails that's the meteor oh I got one it's eating them excuse me buddy I want my chicken dinner thanks it has gotten to the point where I just go for a gentle stroll and all of Manhattan dies around me is there any more waves of this do they even have enough people for three more waves they're kind of getting you know Mega murdered here not to toot my own horn or anything but heesh poor souls have no idea what hit them oh I can get a rear attack now or I can instantly kill things that are under 20 sure that one seems fun that's it I'm sorry what is what is the Grim Reaper doing right there is that the instant kill guy he just pops up and literally takes their soul from their body oh that's crazy what a good upgrade that was wait 14 out of 15. how many people we got oh I gotta kill 15 friends that's fine I have the literal god of death on my side if you missed that game I think I can murder that tiny amount of human so we go oh it's boss time now too engineer dwarf level 29 am I gonna be able to hold up to that here shoot him well he's actually like half dead already almost um okay what is this what is this where are these bullets coming from jump over shoot him again thanks yeah I've got automatic killers on so everybody didn't stay the chance [Laughter] oh poor idiot oh new skills and is this another new slime shurikens but I'm a cool vampire well uh I don't know how I got here but now I'm fighting a mega boss and I guess I can do the most amount of damage as long as I time it properly okay yeah make them drop me everything make them feel bad murder his face off kill his family if you have to I don't know when will this guy die and he oh he keeps attacking me that's not good it's fine I can probably kill at least like one more I guess it's not that I'm killing a boss it's just that I'm farming chest off this guy no I was oh wait I did get the 10. yes my original slime you stuck in there for me buddy thank you it's all right feel free to die now or you're still alive keep going you can get it you can beat them by yourself so many goodies and there's a whole nother new slime there's guided electricity what hang on I need to see this feel free to level them up thank you yeah I just I came into a lot of cash so no issues here and promote welcome to the team buddy I just want to level my artifacts up a little bit get some more Mastery which is starting to cost 900 gold each so I got another unlock though all right it's guided electricity what is that I just straight up zap him that can't be fair like hey man how are you doing you're dead and it chains to enemies adds push effect to basic attack sure what's that dude keep enemies away from me thanks this is this is busted this can be fair reader basic attack yeah that'll work now I'm shooting lightning from both sides oh man and the reaper slime upgrades back again he just pops up so willing and ready to murder everyone get these nurses out of here going in a wave nine and I just got my electrical Cloud ability everything I do causes shocking amounts of pain this new slime is just so busted I mean just look at this so many people dead for what look at them all just don't stand a chance and Magic Eye oh hello again Satan thank you now I've learned I can just hold this button down I don't even need to click it well these things are about to get a lot easier rear basic attack count two I mean I shoot two lighting bolts now uh yeah I think I'm now officially a monstrosity to this world on my way to becoming a Demon Lord or a slime just has too big of an ego one of them oh boss time already wait that's just an old dog there's nothing scary about an old dog oh he's throwing stuff never mind how am I supposed to approach this guy normally just oh I guess I don't have to I guess lighting's happening huh yeah that's uh sorry old man you've been put down don't worry though you did a great job man dying idiot think I might be the strongest slime that's ever existed and I welcome it with open arms
Channel: ImCade
Views: 118,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, slime quest, imcade slime, evolving a slime, evolving my slime, upgrading a slime, imcade upgrade, imcade evolve
Id: WXM2bHd8e9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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