I Just Kept Getting Damage Upgrades in Hades

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so you're saying we need to escape the underworld i kind of like it here but luckily for us we're already starting with a few upgrades particularly to our damage but in fact we can do better if i find five of these keys i can expand to get more skills so i'm gonna do that before we even get started okay so this was just supposed to be a screwing around gathering resources run but i've wound up with a really powerful build just before the boss so we actually have a pretty good chance at this i'm doing up to 300 damage so let's see how this goes a lot of the damage just come from my attack of thrust whoops we're gonna stay away from her like that but she's already down to three-quarters health and i just gotta stop walking into that and i think i'll actually have a really good chance of doing this the regular enemies at least here are really easy to take out for once because all i have to do is hit them once and then they explode a second later thanks to doom yep i think she's actually dead the ones i'm not trying on i do better on and now i get to drink blood and interestingly we have a chance to not only buy upgrades but sell some of the ones we have but i'm not gonna sell any because as you can see we've got two epics and the dash strike and that's where my damage is coming from doom i think there's 130 base damage now and a 70 bonus on top of that the only thing i'm gonna buy here hydrolyte restore 10 health when you enter a chamber for three chambers working our way up all right well all my damage goes like that i just lunge attack them they get the doom they blow up oh they have homing missiles now that's not fair but it's also maybe not fair for them that i can uh lunge attack and doom them all at once enemies here are a lot stronger than the previous dungeon though this is an easy choice a key to unlock something later or nectar to give to a gods for a better upgrade stop walking in the lava gonna do that a lot now these small islands are very stressful to lunge around attacking on because i'm gonna lunge into the lava at some point i know it it's also pretty stressful when i run into enemies that i've never seen before because they can do a lot of damage in this game that actually wasn't that bad and now i get a gift from this guy i think i'm gonna take quick recovery after taking damage quickly dash to recover some of your health you just lost that's good because i'm dashing everywhere i came to the shop in search of healing i can't afford any of the upgrades this would be good because the straight-up upgrades one of the powers i already have we'll take a key and be on our way this is going to be some kind of mini boss fight as soon as you want to show up i'm ready to go oh here we go it's going to be multiple idiots well i'm just going to keep dashing around and hope for the best really we're doing enough damage if this isn't too bad yet i think this little pink guy is actually the boss correction he was the boss what's oh we got more we're not done yet whoa stay with me explosives yeah so far so good this isn't too bad at all all right ladies and gentlemen that's why damage goes a long way we're also going to give zeus a gift to upgrade his power have some nectar big guy thanks to that upgrade we get a rare epic epic i'm gonna take this one your cast is burst lightning that bounces between enemies for 81 damage i don't use that a lot but it definitely will come in handy that way i don't have to get super close to things sometimes this is unnerving but that's gonna look something like that these guys are really annoying just because it takes them so long to land like i want to be able to kill things on my time definitely another one of those games where you're going to benefit from not taking damage because if you can just afford the power-ups and don't need healing you're that much further ahead our tube notice 151 base damage so more damage than ever before this also might be a boss fight just a hunch well can we just go ahead and uh hit it then and then back away does the doom get it let it hit it for 257 and i get to come back to life once by the way in case you're wondering what that was this thing has a lot of life and it can shoot stuff at me that's not fair i think if i just hit and run i can actually have a pretty reasonable chance of doing this this part's a little bit stressful when it fires stuff at me i'm not really sure how to dodge that and it has some weird uh area of effect attacks that i don't know how to gather the way of either oh that's new so i gotta deal with you guys first while also dealing with this crap not so bad so far i exploded the right one pretty bad now it's just the other two this is not gonna be a very easy boss fight just a hunch i really like that whole doom thing i have going on though all i gotta do is touch something a few seconds later it's pretty much dead and if it's not dead it's almost dead gotta be careful because i don't have a ton of health left avoid the purple things we're gonna steer them into that and good oh i can attack big idiot again all right i think if i just do it carefully i can actually win this okay he's stepping up the attack thanks for the warning basically i'm just gonna wait for him to attack then hide oh it curves around they knew that was gonna do that all right he attacked then i die right well that was the warm-up anyway to get our power-ups which i think we're gonna get damage is clearly gonna be key i spent my five keys to unlock more of these 10 is the next upgrade i'm not really happy with any of the results i was hoping for more damage but for now i'm gonna add a little bit of health per room and probably give myself more of these things because these are just handy to toss around all right well i can only afford so many of different things so we're maxed out and we can select different boons for different gods we're gonna keep our aries boone because he tends to give us lots of damage so as long as we're finding him we're good if we clear 47 more encounters we get a higher chance of legendary items hopefully we get lucky with our upgrades again this one is interesting the world splitter attack becomes a big chop to deal with 90 base damage that's actually a lot of damage so the strategy in this round is basically probably going to go for base damage because i do so much any upgrades to that is going to mean big damage this room should be an aries upgrade once it's uh clear of crystals there's something just very satisfying about this big chop just the way it hacks and slashes enemies apart hopefully he has some epic damage upgrade for me he does have an epic cast rift damage per hit is 24. this one can be pretty good i think i'm gonna get it mostly because that means i can go like this and like that and send a lot of damage out but this guy's gonna help me out with some money because he's just a nice guy all right for these two let's try this hit him with two of those and that's actually grinding his health down a lot maybe not as much as my big chop but the fact that i don't be actively chopping makes a big difference yeah i think i'm gonna like these things because it is a very you know hands-off way to do damage not necessarily the goddess i wanted but maybe she'll have something good never mind it's exactly what i want your attack to deal more damage and inflicts weak 91 damage increase we're gonna be doing so much damage with our big chop this is gonna be fun all right let's give this a try big chop 172 damage that's one shot in those things probably one-shotting most things really oh i love when damage can carry me through a very hard game that room was stupidly easy and we got nectar for a better upgrade next time let's try that again just because it's so satisfying avoid the lasers but also chop them at my convenience don't get hit but once you get close enough to chop these guys it's game over oh more want to come and die chop chop chop chop i've also somehow accumulated 300 so we either go to upgrade something here which i'm going to or the shop i'll find a shop later i need these upgrades when i can get them which means i am gonna have to fight my way through a room that looks like this but as long as i have my little spinners out in front it should take care of most of the skulls for me goals are done i took a little bit of damage but let's okay we can upgrade to 111 base damage and this is gonna hit hard crystals are always a good test 190 for that one 190 for that one the yellow means they are armored so i will do less damage at first and i need to stop stepping on the traps i have no idea what this is but i'm not really gonna sacrifice 23 hearts right now to go down there i need that too badly this one shaping up too good to sacrifice things probably was something amazing but that's okay we've got amazing stuff going on right up here if i hit these guys from behind i wonder how much damage i do i'm gonna need to borrow one of you for a little test it's 190 up front it should be i think 50 more from the back but we won't find out here because i'm stupid oh maybe we will ready 235 and whoever this is give me some healing this isn't great but you gain life when you pick up a nectar i receive one nectar now that gives me two nectars look at lots of good upgrades now we're gonna go to the shop because 350 dollars no healing but two separate gods are here these aren't particularly amazing but we'll take ocean's bounty any of these currencies i get 50 more hermes stuff isn't great but i can do extra dashes in a row and i like doing the dashes they get me in and out of trouble oh we're here already the dashing is gonna help here a lot just gonna have to be careful about approaching her because she's very quick and hard to dodge i need to get a few big hits and move but again my damage seems fairly ow adequate because she's already down to that much health really got to avoid those traps and also everything else she does because she hurts really hard 235 i'll take it then we'll hit her with some of these i'm over here thank you at least all the little guys are easy to kill again i just have to touch them with this big sword they get big chopped real quick can i hit her well she's oh okay never mind let's not get close to her while she's doing that it was a good theory though right you go over there we're gonna send some of those your way you enjoy those there's so many things to dodge i don't know what to do anymore we're just getting a big chopper hopefully almost uh death there's so many things to dodge hey can we just get back to big chopping like we used to that's what we're good at i'm dead but i'm coming back but look at her health she's dead oh yeah there was something pretty annoyed i died there at all but that was pretty close a fountain's gonna give me 19 health so that's something then i'm going to buy life essence restore up to 31 health yes please we're back up to full health and our first island is going to be the upgrade all right let me remember how to kill these guys right we hit him with the big chop or with my rolling discs of doom that also kills him very quickly i already forgot about the big idiots that come from the sky luckily we can take care of them very fast now we get our upgrade so now we'll take up to 125 damage i really really want one of the gods to come back so i can double nectar and get a real good reward i'm sure it's only a matter of time never seen this before what are you you're new have some of those that didn't even kill them okay whatever this thing is is pretty strong so he's dead there's so much to dodge in this game it's hard to keep track of it all luckily my damage once again is carrying me through a lot more than it should where even is this guy hello i didn't know there's an island over here right well we're gonna chop you and chop you back at the shop i can only barely afford an upgrade for health but i can afford it there we go almost back to full health we'll pretend the last rooms didn't happen and we'll double upgrade this god because this should be another mini boss fight so you can have those that didn't even hurt this boss that much whatever this thing is so i'm gonna big chop it okay no i'm not that hurt losing way more health than i wanted to be but i think i'm just down to the ceiling guy so if i can big chop him a few times yeah this'll work since it doesn't want to show me what god we're going to have next we're going to juice this guy up so here have a nectar in fact have two oh we can only give them one at a time don't you want extra nectar i'll give you all the nectar you want all right our dash causes hangover i'm not sure what that does special inflicts hangover whoops i didn't mean to click that well i guess we have that now we have hermes next hopefully the nectar goes a little further with hermes so far it's just a big stone idiot could that be the whole room that would be so much easier this sounds really stupid but i keep forgetting to watch where the shadow is hanging from the roof i take so much damage from those idiots yeah i think this is the last guy yep there we go hermes i brought you some nectar just for you no other gods get this i will take this your attack speed is faster so we're doing all that damage 20 faster might not look like much but that's a ton of damage we're putting out so let's give it a try on this poor guy whoop he hits back yeah i can live with this these guys are pretty annoying they do like a swiping motion so you gotta hit them in between their swipes but he can sit over there for now and we hit him perfect this room is pretty hard i'm gonna try and be patient here because i do only have 50 health and there's a boss fight coming up and i've been whoops a little cavalier in my attitude so far approaching boss fights at least i do stop the damage to make it count when i do finally hit something i can avoid things for a while and then when i finally hit them it takes off most of their health i was really hoping for some healing at the store otherwise i would have gone the other way we'll take these and be on our way well remember that super hard boss we're trying to beat we found him again okay you just take those for now i wonder if i could just do that the whole time can i lose back actually i could just poke out every once in a while and do that do those block yeah i think we're okay as soon as he launches out he's getting stabbed in the face again i've had boulder strategies before but i've got to make sure i'm maintaining my health three four we can hit him four times like that let me give him a bit of room because he's gonna lunge for his aoe no he didn't do it that time oh he tried to trick me two three four right this is where he does the other thing where he's gonna bring these other guys out so i need to pay extra attention to lots of things i'm gonna have to start lunging around a lot more again the damage is really gonna help me through this part i'm so scared to go near anything i don't know what everything does yet and you're dead okay we're gonna work very hard to avoid everything all right he learned one two three four five get out of the way cause some of those don't actually i'm glad they have the extra lunch things now okay i got him to summon his second round of idiots uh this isn't maybe good cause look how many of them there are wow this is gonna be a really really hard boss fight i don't even know how to uh avoid all this so i'm just gonna scoot around as best i can and pretend i know what i'm doing you know i think i can move over to this side for a sec it seems a little quiet over here we got that one dead that one dead and then we're gonna fire some of these that way to hopefully avoid some of the damage that he's throwing at me non-stop you are going to die now uh-oh 17 health left i can do this as long as it doesn't introduce anything too new i think i'll be okay i just needed to come out and do its aoe attack oh he does it multiple times see that's something new we don't do that anymore i was gonna say i have literally one health if i avoided that i could have beat him that was it is enough help to survive that would have been easy but at least we can always always unlock more upgrades
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 221,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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