Making The Most Powerful Boss Yet Look Painfully Easy in Neon Abyss

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this is gonna be really hard to do i've already tried many times and failed all right what we need to do is fill up the violence meter so we can potentially get a violence token so we can make it to the new boss the problem with that is you need to take damage to fill up your violence meter and then to get the token you need to sacrifice hearts my first item this time is a matchbox if the egg touches stone touches doors or chest they both explode and disappear i kinda like that also this is how we start filling the valance meter now we're quarter of the way full we had to sacrifice half a heart i can blow up this with my egg and i understanding this correctly oh that's fun gonna miss my eggs very dearly whatever will i do without my eggs new gun but i've never really been a big fan of this one i think i like just this one better it's a lot more straightforward so now that my meter is started every time i take a hit my meter is gonna go slightly up every time i complete a room without taking damage it's gonna work against me and that's just a very fun balancing act i have to work with taking damage but not too much damage i can also use shop doors because if i spend the crystals i will work against myself again but there we go we're two thirds of the way full and i'm gonna buy a shield so we try this again challenge room uh what i'm gonna do is wait till the very last enemy then intentionally get hit this guy there we go meter is almost full we only had to take one hit in this room and we got dominantly damage to enemies who make contact with you mctucky it is boss number one shouldn't be too hard our gun is certainly nothing special it's a very basic gun but we'll be able to get through this i probably will intentionally get hit at the end but until then i'm gonna try to avoid being hit because i learned that if you take damage early on you might accidentally get hit anyways oh didn't realize okay i'm gonna stand up here then while you do that well there's my head anyway so next dungeon will be able to go to the aries room as far as first bosses go that was actually more difficult than i thought it would be and increasing weapon damage and rate of fire i was hoping for an extra heart but that's fine i have until level eight to find my token and until then i gotta play this balancing act there's my hip my meter is almost full i took a hit in this room so that means my door is open so let's hope it actually has what we want before it's gonna offer us our choices we need to permanently sacrifice a heart and none of those are exactly what i want of everything here i'm going with berserker blood the fewer hearts i have the more bullets i can shoot oh and i got the token oh right and we got it early on it's nice because i don't have to do this room four times and sacrifice four hearts well let's make choices again i always make good choices from this point forward i'm going to try not to take damage and fill my wisdom bar that way i can get helpful protective items because i assume aries is going to be a pretty tough boss i'm actually kind of nervous at this point now that i finally have the token it took me quite a few runs to be able to find this and coins for a present and the president is going to give us half a heart and one coin back anytime i can spend crystals that should boost my bar at least into the wisdom area at which point we can go and admire this stuff because i don't have the money for it anyway but at least we can boost my bar also i hope i find some lucky relics and get really overpowered again because i kinda like doing ridiculous damage is that a strawberry or a grenade i can't really tell strawberry candy the more pets you have the more bullets you fire and we have more potential pets the coin itself might count as one buzz number two is sam sam i've got bad news for you you're going to die my extra bullet and attack speed is melting i'm pretty quick so we're doing pretty well for just a second boss uh this part can be hard because it can be hard to avoid these so we'll just do this as quick as possible taking as little damage as possible and then we get earth bread at a heart container we got a little blue brick is that when they get three bullets now yup it sure does next on our list robocop you have a chance to drop extra shields and you get hurt i kind of like that because that can add up to a lot of shield and we're going to use this for meterage i accidentally just let my eggs touch one of the rocks up there so i might have access to those i did have to sacrifice a pet but you know what i don't miss them and we get an egg back anyways three chests in one room for me great four chests in one room and a big gold coin that's a good one 63. i just hatched a teletubbie so now i have four bullets which is great because the rooms aren't going to get any easier from this point forward and we unlocked the good room after uh clearing this without taking damage which means we get to choose between whatever this is and whatever that is onion helmet or monocle definitely the onion helmet you gain a protective shell per room ready of plushies freddy good news you're going to die whoops okay i think we're still doing okay my thing might have saved me there my bullets are going a nice distance i was worried i was gonna be too short range for this even with my bass gear right now i'm doing enough damage to carry me pretty far into the game more damage and health is always nice but i could probably work just with this i've also hatched a tiny mummy so now i get an extra bullet or i'm up to four i'm going to try and get through this because i want to open that chest to get my meter going again so i'm going to spend as many coins as i can until that happens i like money there we are good game and i still have 80 coins left over not gonna buy that because it's not very helpful but i will buy half a shield this room is thoughtful enough to come with a random item add a crested container you can get crystals after killing enemies another chest don't mind if i do that puts my meter almost three-quarters of the way full and i get like a sideways cat statue you can make an extra jump oh okay challenge room might be somewhat difficult that was probably actually the hardest wave on this one because the final wave is just a care bear uh blast he's dead what did we get for that upgrade your weapon increase your bullet velocity excellent and we're on to cult god of guns i happen to have a gun myself and it's probably gonna melt this guy fairly quick so yeah this one wasn't too bad at all and we get this dark module increases my weapon damage and bullet velocity again so now the bullets are bigger the enemies here are going to be stronger but with all my bullets and damage now whoops okay we're yep paying attention things are gonna be easy though i just gotta stop getting hit like that because like many games that i play you can only take one bad room to really screw things up for me i unlocked my secret room now we'll go over there next it will take either the towel or hardman's definitely gonna take the towel because that means i only take half a heart of damage when i get hit now that's probably one of the more overpowered items in the game paper windmills excel as you pull the trigger to give your bullets more oomph increase your rate of fire and weapon damage bigger faster bullets already and that gives me more confidence considering we're soon to fight a new boss i already have plenty of health damage reduction and lots of damage plus my token so most rooms basically go like this everything dies oh we got a wrench time for another good old-fashioned challenge room if it's full of weak enemies like this they die quickly it's the ones that move quick and teleport that have the potential to hurt me not so much these guys anymore we're done double horn let's increase your weapon damage i was just thinking how i needed bigger bullets we're on to argus already argus can do a lot of damage to me if i'm not paying attention i think our damage should carry us through this though now let's just whoops avoid the spears and everything else while shooting him with everything i have almost got him beat never mind we do got him beat what does this give me greatly increase your weapon damage excellent let's travel off to the ares room uh i'm going to mock him by sacrificing a heart being overconfident because he usually gives us good stuff we're just simply gonna take the upgrade weapon and damage so more than ever before our weapon is currently level four my bullets are too big to fit in the hole i am upset i do hate these rooms with the laser guys because i need to be constantly moving otherwise they're going to hit me and that's an extra thing to pay attention to and i already struggle paying attention as it is i'm also waiting for idiot stick to open so i can yup kill him and i took damage anyway our next item is a space helmet increase your jump height well i can almost fly now i would have been okay with not finding this but we'll play its game i guess with my extra jump fight it makes this a little easier and what did we get okay there's a chance i'll fire a heat-seeking rocket i was worried it was gonna have some weird effect on my gun because i really don't want to change my gun because i really like it currently challenge room i don't think so two items in one room pretty sure this one increase your rate of fire and weapon damage i really like that and this add shields upgrade your weapon two very good items to find well all right let's melt bitter coin i haven't really learned bitter coins attacks yet because it's been dying like that a lot and what does this do increase your rate of fire even faster and here i was thinking that ares is probably gonna be a challenge yeah enemies now basically get one-shotted if they don't there's a lot of follow-up bullets that also kill them lots of health lots of shields and my item for the floor if you don't have a heart you'll immediately drop a shield well that's nice of you and that's really all that is that's not that useful but it is kind of nice i think if i can clear this one room without getting hurt i'll unlock another special room for myself i can i screwed up the shop but i also found popcorn all your bullets will explode on impact oh extra dangerous golden apple upgrade your weapon increase your movement speed slightly weapon is up to level six now we're at howl already okay i need to start paying attention because hell can hurt me but apparently my well let's stop his lasers uh uh-huh oh where am i right now i'm jumping too high that was chaotic but only because i didn't realize i was jumping up two layers when i jumped i lost track of myself reduce your rate of fire but greatly increase your weapon damage oh that's much less fun but i bet that's a lot of damage alright somewhere here my aries token should get used up where is my aries token it can't die can it now i'm concerned that i lost it alright i looked it up i think we're still okay i need to beat zeus before we're gonna get our option power diamond upgrade your weapon increase damage on both sides against level seven i don't think i've ever had a level seven gun before at least i don't currently have any stupid followers to block shots right on my face or maybe it's just actually my exploding bullets i forgot that the bullets themselves explode so i can't shoot anything near me since i've got all these coins and found the shop i'm gonna build the shields and maybe whatever this thing is i didn't actually see it on the item list so i'm not gonna buy it i don't know what it is we are going to take the present though one grenade and a chest with one shield that's worth 10 coins i kind of miss all my bullets but i'm sure eventually i'll get them back our next item is demon wings does this let me fly right one heart container for the ability to fly i'll take it i think this is gonna be beneficial and we're at zeus just gonna keep my distance whoops and just hit him with everything i have oh not quite as much damage as last time but still more than enough to kill him where's my portal there it is that had me worried now we go on to find ares in an entire new dungeon i don't know what to expect probably gonna be stronger enemies though i'm doing enough damage at i think it's kind of a moot point but this is definitely gonna give me an opportunity to be stronger than ever because i got extra dungeons extra items i'm gonna pick this up some attacks will deal no damage to you plus it had shield so i think i'm maxed out on those i did expect this dungeon to be a little harder or have some new stuff in it so far she has the same enemies they might be a little stronger themselves but i can't notice the difference what should be one final challenge room as long as nothing's too close to me i won't be able to get hurt ow like that wade tech upgrade your weapon increase your rate of fire so deadlier than ever what do you suppose this does you have a chance of work having half a heart each time we kill an enemy that's actually super strong depending on how high that chance is god of violence we'll see about that oh hello oh i'm not allowed to fly in here can i have my wings back i earned those oh super violent scary i hardly had a chance to see him i don't think he hit me another one bites the dust who do we have next uh athena goddess of illusion i assume it's gonna be a similar process to make it to her and that's gonna be really hard
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 481,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UZc8QIVVnko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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