Harassed by Angry Neighbor Demanding Tree Removal

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going to have something that you would be responsible if you want to come but you're not if you think that's a hazard then take it down that's that's not how it's going to work though that is how it works [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you're playing the game of trees [Applause] [Music] okay what we got here norway maple okay just for the record this is 100 over the property line it's not completely failed it's technically this guy's responsibility but these guys are taking care of it and he's claiming if we don't take down this other side that we're responsible for it but it's clearly 100 history he's responsible for it all it's grace that these guys are taking care of this part so i'm just putting this on the record just in case there's an issue so these two trees are separate entities this tree is not doing anything to support it hi we're gonna be taking this off today okay so you're not taking this we we aren't i mean this is 100 your tree sure so i just want to make you aware that the other the other three arborists or whatever you guys call yourself right um have said that they don't know what would happen to this if it'll die if it will have too much weight with the counter balance of this one this tree has nothing to do with this side they're they're already separate entities sure you know so so that this is here or this isn't here doesn't change the status of this one sure no i get what you're you know what i'm saying but i'm just saying that before that you start i need to type something up that if something does happen to this side that you guys will be responsible for we're not responsible for it this is 100 your tree why aren't you taking care of this i took down another tree already i know it's not your problem i i know i know but but this is the issue that's the hazard we're we're being hired to take away the hazard from this property i'm just saying what we're doing here has nothing to do with your site okay i'm not making it more hazardous by taking this off i'm just saying that i am gonna have something that you would be responsible if you wanna come but you're not if you think that's a hazard then take it down that's that's not how it's going to work though that is how it works if you want to come on my property take it down i'm not coming on your property to take it down we're going to be over here sure but my property does go over there how's the lot line go um it's almost up to the garage okay you know so i'm not trying to be different i'm just saying that that's the other guy that was here agreed the same thing he couldn't show up until saturday i know but this this isn't their responsibility to take this down it is the same thing the tree that was here it wasn't it wasn't all my responsibility to take that down when it was almost touching their house you can well you know whatever this is going to stand here probably for a long time you know whatever if you think you got a case to come after me if this falls sometime in the future i'll tell you what your insurance company if you know this is a hat or you think this is a hazard and you leave it it's on you do something i have nothing to do with that part even though it's two it's one together no it's it's separate it's separate that tree is that part is not helping or hurting that part right well that's i get what you're saying you know i mean just saying that i'm not going to i'll tell you what okay i'm a board-certified master arborist i've been in court as an expert witness what you're saying there's you got nothing so you got nothing based on what the other guys said too if if you cut it wrong anywhere even just trimming it it could kill the whole tree no that these are these are two separate sprouts you know it was probably an old stump that got cut off and then they were just left to grow so there are three of them growing sure ultimately at the beginning well no i'm just telling that i'm going to hold them responsible if something happens you're you have nothing to hold trying to tell me you have nothing to hold yeah i should pay to cut it down or whatever the case may be but that's just how it that that's that's how it's going to be well you're speaking off a hypothetical but this our our what we're being hired to do is you know i'm being hired to take down this side so the whole tree is your responsibility okay i've got to interject here why am i kind of aggressive in this video well there's some history uh one i have history with the client this was a a woman who tragically lost her son to a drug overdose and you know several years ago and in her grief and in her desire to to leave a legacy for her son's life she purchased what was an old crack house imagine having that for a neighbor and she created it into a a sober living home a faith-based sober living home and she's doing a wonderful work in a lot of men's lives and giving them second chances she runs a tight ship they all have jobs it's it's a legitimate non-profit organization that's doing great work and and you can find it below this video and if if you want to give i've contributed in the past i've i've kind of taught some finance things with the guys and and i pledged to give some more this year so it's a noble cause it's doing some great things and secondly there's a little history with this property line i wasn't involved but there was apparently another tree that grew over the line and it was a nuisance tree to to the non-profit and this guy had to remove it because it was his tree and apparently he's got a little chip on that shoulder but that's the nature of owning trees that grow over property lines sometimes you're responsible for their behavior and now the property line goes to the sky well yes and no put that to the test one time by cutting a bunch of branches off of somebody's street if what you do kills your neighbor's tree you could very well be liable for that tree and so you have to be very careful uh if uh even if you dig in the ground and and damage roots that end up killing your neighbor's tree you're going to be liable for that tree and how expensive is that well the most expensive tree is the one you weren't supposed to kill that's for sure and it's probably going to be worth more after you kill it than when it was before you killed it that's just how it works and now in this case we are not arbitrarily pruning this tree this is an active god that came along a storm fractured this tree and it did everything but drop it on the garage it's still standing but it's an imminent hazard and so technically it's this guy's responsibility it's still standing if a tree falls you know and falls on your property from another property it becomes your tree you know it's not their insurance company that's going to cover your garage if it falls in your garage if that you know once it separates and falls to the ground it's your tree but once if it's standing it's kind of the neighbor's tree it originates there it's his hazard to protect you from that damage but in this case he he kind of doesn't want to take responsibility and and the the cops kind of favor oh no it goes to the line and you know property line goes to the sky that's that's their trait so without the court of law you know the the police officer isn't the court of law so he he thinks he's got an argument that now we're arbitrarily pruning a tree if it damages the other side you know he's going to get his removed you know it's going to be my responsibility somehow and that was because some arborists said oh no they should both come down no these are separate stems uh you know if you look at the base i'm pretty positive that i'm right on this that it was probably an old stump and several shoots grew out and three of them and one's been cut off already and these two stems remain and a lot of times when this occurs they graft together and they become kind of one but in this case there is no graft there's a absolute visual separation physiologically there's nothing i do to this tree over here is going to do anything to the tree that's remaining and so you know they're just it's apples and oranges and and so you know i'm not an attorney but according to a reasonable degree of probability within my field of expertise i'm not going to be responsible for that tree so with all that context i hope you enjoy the rest of the video thanks for watching responsibility i've been in the court so so where do you want you want me to cut this off right here then i mean we'll take we're going to take it down to here just because that's what should be done but you know the property line you can't if if if if we were going to prune a tree on a property line we can't we can't prune it to damage the tree just because that property line doesn't go all the way up it's not because they're separate entities so it so we're going to take this side off you know if you want to hold me responsible go ahead bring the case then we'll well we're going to take it right to here so our friendly neighbor told us that this neighbor called him and said she can see on camera that our outriggers are on her property which indeed they likely are but you know we're in process here so we're probably not going to change but i'll tell you if she calls in and actually complains because we don't know that she actually called we just know that that guy said so if somebody actually asked me to move my lift i could i could set up in the driveway here but the power line is a little more obstructive in the driveway i've got a i'm working against it here too i'm underneath it but [Music] at any rate i tell you drama it's like life is too short to to have this kind of conflict i mean whatever [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah sometimes in the game of trees there's you know tempers and property lines and different things and we got to work around them and we got to do what we do and uh so i hope you liked the video like and subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] summer heat and [Music] when you're playing the game of trees [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Game of Trees
Views: 2,599,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harassed by angry neighbor, karen, karens, tree removal, game of trees, Hamms Arborcare, tree bloopers, Angry people, dealing with people, tree jobs, tree vlog, dangerous jobs, tree care, storm damage tree
Id: lTNHP3zofOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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