Asking Uber Drivers to Skydive on the Spot!!

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anyone know the song at 9:00?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CNHluong 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2018 🗫︎ replies
all right a few months ago end up challenging three strangers to go skydiving with me on the spot they end up being one of my favorite adventures that I've ever gone on with yes theory so a few days ago Matt and Thomas came to me and said what if you challenge an uber driver to go skydiving with you I said what about I challenge an entire uber pool to go skydiving with me do you realize how lucky have to be you're gonna get a driver and like a passenger to come with you you realize this is too much this is a guy working and somebody going somewhere and you're gonna take them two hours away to go schedule exactly it's the complexity of how everybody's days have to align for it to work out and for the passenger not to have commitments during that day so this can actually happen was annoying and awesome is that I know he's gonna do it it's the heavy be smile thank you buddy everybody always hi all right moment of truth there's so many layers of complexities that just make this yes super hard but I still have faith and I have grace get it all right first supers outside hello I'm Gary about your challenge today is to find an eager fool okay that would say yes to going skydiving on the spot I appreciate it all right fair enough thank you why I know how are you we're going around ubers asking drivers if they want to go skydiving today do you want to go skydiving today no does it scare you no all right thank you we are back at it again 10th number two we will be taking more over close to the ITA if any one say yes skydiving on the spot hello how are you do you want to go skydiving yeah I'm serious so me sewing sky yeah all right Gracie's here keep the spirits up hello yes I don't want to go skydiving nervous okay nervous are you yeah wow I'm glad someone who's hopeful three drivers and I team is on my bucket list but it's on the bottom of the bucket oh my god you just put me on this oh I'm not can these plans change for a spontaneous yes we're basically there I think it was just one more ride I would have definitely sold them on this will this happen today answer that question this is officially the longest it's ever taken me to get a yes I don't know if we're setting ourselves up for filler with it being a Monday but we'll still try and hopefully third time's the charm so my fingers crossed and hope we get a good driver would Larry say yes to skydiving this is the time where we have to make a new plan because this one is speedy not work every single driver will pattern uber has been over the age of 40 so right now we're just gonna switch to lift and hope that the demographic for the driver is a you to just drop in that this is not a sponsored episode by either of the companies they will happen today I said not the previous teutonic but they will have alright Steven let's see if Steven is cool this is the third time we got to do this and I am good vibes filming a challenger driver this is a good start at least there was a conversation there was some sort of engagement so we're off to a good start please someone who is a school esteem but not as scared as hello watch it further fights I just got my first role goes to like three years ago dude then this is the time you just say yes this guy David what am i hard to start about like 250 they need to have special instructors if you're over a certain weight so basically there's a cut-off weight limit the drop zone right now at 240 pounds and Anthony is a little over that so why did you say yes if it's an actual food I turned down a lot of opportunities only because I was just always questioned it and second-guessing things I think I just saw that movie yes man like the other day and I was just like that's a good example of I promise we'll make something happen to ever I got your number and we'll make happen down the line and we'll keep trying with the more lyft drivers good look at ya thank you dude anytime and Cheers if you have ideas for what we can do with Anthony just let us know in the comments this is like the peak frustration now we have going yes on both ends passengers and drivers it's just never aligned to all be in the same world do you think it likes you soon yes alexis is our yes just wait a lot of coke I have no doubt in my mind that I like searches are yes 100% there's no way she's saying no potentially our last try of the day because of timing is approaching right now it's either gonna be a yes committee or a bus and Gracie has this weird unsubstantiated conviction that alexis is our girl and she'll say yes all right it's gotta be she looks no hi do you have something after this okay I have a proposal for you we are in the middle of a challenge where we're trying to convince an uber or lyft driver drop what they're doing today and come skydiving with us on the spot come on you can be that you can be the one just defies the stereotype [Music] anything else our last drive today could be the day you do something you've never thought you could do no pressure of course I would much rather have it be with someone who said no and then like swish then they're mine into a yes because that actually shows like that process like that's why we're making the video or try and show people always be pushing against those fears that don't make any sense and prevent us from living amazing experiences do you see that today you will so well if justin is young and cool I'm down to invite him to can I pitch you what we just fished her and she said yesterday ok our challenge for today was to find an an uber or lyft driver and convince them to go skydiving on the spot with left stick yeah skydiving right now a little wholefoods first grab some food and then head out to the drop zone for free for free I am so last year's my 30th birthday was gonna do it but then one of those things would just never worked out been on the bucket list and then you guys have said something like how could I say no we got three first-timers every black kid that thinks that disguise enough or that they will see her like maybe maybe I'm wrong about that [Music] in there closer we are here she's roasting that right now haha easy peasy baby sorry that's pretty cool live live just a little larger than most you guys are doing it this is as real as it gets it's just the quiet before the storm so then I'm colorful yeah it's a very colorful swallow yeah we're gonna do a slow Malloy here for sure [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right everybody made it back to the ground and really random in like right what the greatest days ever thank you guys for saying yes yeah say yes okay you were the one who's not who wasn't too excited about this whole thing would you do it again no way oh yeah hey my brothers and sisters sake I gotcha I did [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,729,551
Rating: 4.9696183 out of 5
Keywords: uber, lyft, asking uber drivers, uber prank, lyft prank, taxi prank, yes theory, seek discomfort, uber driver, lyft driver, skydiving, uber skydiving, lyft skydiving, how to skydive, asking strangers, yes theory strangers, funny, kid friendly, skydive, skydiving with strangers, bucket list, bucket list skydive, surprising strangers, prank, adventure, crazy adventure, skydiving for the first time, skydiving surprise, lyft vs uber, Asking Strangers to go Skydiving on the Spot!!
Id: 2pJltFDLvPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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