I Spent a Day with Giants (World's Strongest Men)

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“What is that”

“This is a lime”

I died

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AghastTheEmperor 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

The water drop sound when Eric dove into the ocean. 💀

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CBonafide 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I gotta admit as someone who struggles with a decline in physical health, I was really worried for them doing some of these stunts. Like it’s not the smartest to try doing the same excerises as men that have trained for this for a long time and have completely different body builds. Not healthy for an untrained person to just lift a 100kg marble. :P

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/redditor2redditor 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bad ass video! Special love to Autisim awareness!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NeutralGrounded 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
a portion of this video is sponsored by nordictrack we are about to spend 24 hours living with the two strongest men in the world [Music] [Applause] in viking mythology giants inhabited earth even before the gods arrived and the gods eventually overtook them many of these giants were believed to have gotten buried under mountains and indicate their presence through volcanic fires and earthquakes in our written history however giants and tests of strength have existed for thousands of years in iceland in the scandinavian countries of northern europe and most notably in the northernmost part of great britain the scotland highlands the first written reference to strength competitions in this part of the world dates back over a thousand years but even prior to that various clans used what they called manhood stones for centuries as tests of strength this tradition eventually lived on as a competition in scotland called the highland games gathering with its smell of heather taster scotch and men who really are men having existed for hundreds of years the highland games was the world's first strongman competition today the sport of strongmen has gotten more and more popular with the rise of internationally recognized strongmen such as thor and eddie hall the rebirth of giants is here and the sport is bigger than ever and a few weeks ago we got a peculiar comment on our second channel seek discomfort come hang out with us we currently are the world's strongest man in europe's strongest man as i have myself been struggling with injuries since the age of 18 and having been forced away from the amount of strength training as i would have liked being able to witness strength of this caliber felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity naturally we said yes and with the incredibly serendipitous timing that we sometimes are blessed with they invited us to meet them at a strongman competition they were competing in that weekend in glasgow scotland just a few hours away from their home we're going inside of the event to meet our friendly giants for the first time [Music] oh as fate would have it the brothers ended up finishing first and second in the competition so the next day we drove with them three hours north to their home in inverness to join them and trying to live a full day in their lives and understand how they became the giants they are today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this reminds me of living at mob's house for a day waking up this early to go freezing water i'm not ready for wim hof experience i'm not either [Music] as a part of a morning ritual jumping in ice cold water for sunrise it's so cold we got the weakest man we could think of on this yeah i know there's towels and warm jackets up here we'll walk up are there towels no actually there's no towels here we go [Music] this is the glorious start of our day getting positive by cold waves [Music] it was amazing best way to wake up 10 out of 10. thank you for coming on introduce them to the strongman way of life and it is yeah their lives are super easy [Laughter] i'm just buzzing really dead smiley at the moment which is nice yeah i'm hungry i need to get some breakfast excited to get into some training with you guys hopefully you guys can show us how it's done exactly yeah breakfast time [Music] what is this this is lime [Music] no what these this is one oh are portion for thomas that's how many eggs i eat in a week some smoked salmon sausages i'll go for pancakes you like mushrooms strawberries blueberries cookies donuts you're out of your mind wait you have this much sweets yeah just to get the kind of sugars going so this will all be gone in one setting this morning so this will be done we'll go and train an hour after and we'll eat more food after training how many times a day do you eat sucks six times yeah how many calories a day do you eat so it's about ten thousand calories ten thousand calories a day tom's like 185 kilos which is 400 plus pounds i guess [Laughter] okay eating like the world's strongest man in europe's strongest man i guess 2 000 calories a day diet so enjoy [Music] so what's the hardest part about being a strong man this the food the food really you have to eat and eat what do you love about the gym yeah for me it's just a place where i can just go and let all my expressions out and enjoy you know how much do you guys like feel like being together helps you become as good as you both are do you feel like that's a big part of it or yeah man i mean like for me i get to train with the world's strongest man every day i get to be around him and see how thomas and tom's won that title that that's where we aspire to be that's like the olympics that's a world cup that's the super bowl that's like the pinnacle of strength our time to work out i guess yeah next step is that the next step yeah gym gym thing we are toys to play with guys yes but first the next portion of this video is sponsored by nordictrack while i was enjoying myself up there in scotland and trying to keep up with those 10 000 calories a day our team back at the yes house was also able to experience the scottish highlands vicariously while getting a workout thanks to the brand new incline trainer that nordictrack just sent us you see i find that the two most important habits that directly contribute to my happiness are exercise and meditation yet i often find myself letting small hurdles talk me out of an exercise routine but newly equipped with the nordictrack x32i incline trainer along with an ifit membership bringing an entire diverse group of fitness trainers environments and guided workouts and making it more convenient than ever is going to change the game for me on top of that since our team couldn't join us in scotland for this episode luckily for them ifit has a highlands hiking series hosted by the one and only graeme mctavish allowing you to walk along with him to virtually explore the beautiful highlands all while learning a few things about scotland's history as well and one of my favorite parts is that the speed and the incline of your exercise syncs up to the actual terrain of the environment you're exercising in or exploring making it an incredibly immersive experience the workouts are encouraging but can also be funny and then alongside the ifit community competing on the ifit leaderboard and working towards ifit challenges within the community training our bodies helps our minds and so whether it is as an investment into your own health or as a gift to a loved one click the link in the description below and use my code to get 75 off your very own nordictrack that portion of the video was sponsored by nordictrack and now back to lifting some rocks all right this is your daily routine or what how often do you train how many times a week we do monday to friday so it's not just the training it's the diet the eating side takes so long then we do a recovery of three to four hours off physio chiropractic acupuncture work a week as well so wow so this is a full-time job yeah it is and that's what we've got like you know our gyms just down here congratulations thank you man yeah it's cool it's just i'm proud of you guys thank you about it seriously like i can tell like you guys freaking earn this again you just have to have that kind of consistency in what you're doing you guys know how it is it's not easy it's not just like click your fingers and then boom you can do everything let's get these juices perfect for the whole this should just be a tire place this used to be all overgrown just used to have tires everywhere and i built a gym right now we are about to give you also let's at the stone is a world record at the sun's 286 kilograms who has the record of carrying i've got it for lifting it so wait do you have the record for hold yes you have to lift it over this maybe views might take the world record today probably totally i can lift 286 kilos i'm 70 kilos that's cute [Laughter] we're just checking out their public gym but we're going to go to their warehouse where the magic happens the big boys come up and [Music] play is something out of rocky yeah it's pretty uh rough and ready we share the warehouse with guys that are holding a bull engine or something you work out here yeah that's the manliest thing i've ever seen about you just work out where they build boats we'll probably do some throwing first as we are doing something called the wait for heights we have to throw a sandbag over a six meter bar yes we're going to let these yes for you guys have a shot at it so basically what they do is give you a boost just gives you a big whiff wait for it oh yes all right i'm ready holy 200k hey eric's looking confident we brought the weakest man who could think about this [Applause] come on [Applause] how are you guys doing so this is 80 kilograms of hands [Music] [Music] i believe in them i hate this so much i want to do a drug test after this he's going to talk about this for the rest of his life god damn it never judge a book by its cover guys there we go [Music] all right so now to finish off the training i think we're doing stones we're going to try doing the famous stones that he holds the record in don't bend your arms straight arms up then onto your lap and then from your lap like the throwback yeah you then use your hips to get up now [Music] come on this looks pathetic you're just yelling at a stone on the floor right now that is heavy ah is it that bad it's all right this is the one this is the end of the workout you must achieve this [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Applause] so close i'm pretty nervous seeing you guys do this to be honest come on yes come on come on come on i get why you do this congratulations thank you [Music] that felt amazing i'm so happy for you guys like for the first time ever lifting stones it's on a different level i can't i'm speechless tonight this is my seatbelt i've never done this this is the most scottish safety precaution i've ever seen in my life [Applause] oh my god throughout our day with the stolten brothers they told us off camera about some of the challenges they'd face throughout their lives to get to where they are today including tom the current world's strongest man who was born with autism so we sat down to hear more about his and their shared immensely inspiring journey were you always like a strong kid growing up or did that come later in your life um like i always wanted to be that strong guy and then joined the local gym and just got those buzz from lifting weights i was a twig tall glasses i was never ever interested in gym obviously with autism and stuff i wasn't good with kind of people i wasn't was uncomfortable in my class i felt i had that kind of duty to fulfill and trying to help tom because i saw what the gym did for me the confidence the training being in the gym lifting weights making progress did for me so i thought this was something really important for his his growth as a human remember the first time he went to the gym his head was down the whole time wouldn't speak to anyone very shy very anxious girls were looking at me so uncomfortable the most uncomfortable i've ever been in my life a year later he's starting to make friends another year he's competing so i thought strongman was just a thing you turn up lift weights and go home i was totally wrong you know like the first interviews head down luke took the lead tom would generally give like yes or no answers are you okay tom yes and then he'd wave and go off and now you know i can't get a word done at all now with thomas i just proud that i was able to like you know sum of autism beating these kind of 24 other normal guys and i've got a disability and i was able to like you know conquer the world it's it's a cool feeling you're going to be a lot of kids here hopefully yeah oh i'm a real super hero you know yeah it's good that's what i want to do you know sure so after a day of unfortunate embarrassment we decided to compete with the stockton brothers in a series of games that we thought we stood a chance in are you ready to start the fun war challenge oh i'm ready cause you're going down my thumbs are way bigger than yours [Music] alright so now we're doing the shoulder press challenge first they're gonna try and shoulder press us and then we're gonna try and shoulder press them [Music] you ready to bench press yeah you ready yeah you got it what is this feather oh i just farted race versus giants [Music] yeah i wanted something today three two one all right now this is giant hide and seek they've already hidden now all we have to do is find them where do you think they are maybe back there that's a little too small [Music] i swear i don't how i mean they've only hidden where can they hide they're so big i don't know how i don't see them [Music] hello hello welcome to twister with giants [Music] okay we still have to find tom check over here in the window tom would be impossible to hide in this room let's get out here left foot red [Applause] well i'm almost 37 years old inviting these guys into our family home i really enjoyed it it was good fun that's what happens when you invite eric on a trip salah convinces you that it's a good idea to do this dumbest you've ever done it's great very nice meeting these two giants just a few days ago we left genuinely feeling like we'd found two new friends in the northern wilderness of scotland with very unique lifestyles but if there's one thing we took away from this trip it's that even with odds stacked against you at birth in this case for those struggling with autism that with loved ones around you you can still completely turn your life around and one day even transform into a real life superhero and if you ever think of messing with us in the future i think twice because we now definitely know who we'd call and finally thank you once again to nordictrack for sponsoring this video you can check out their products with a link in the description then we hope you're ready because the month of november is about to be the biggest month of uploads we've had in years [Music] three two one go what
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 5,940,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, yes theory strangers, yes theory travel, yes theory subscribers, getting out of your comfort zone, Amazon FBA, nordictrack treadmill, nordictrack incline trainer, x32i, nordictrack x32i, commercial nordictrack treadmill, commercial x32i, nordictrack commercial incline trainer, best nordictrack treadmill, iFit, iFit personal trainer, iFit membership, iFit training
Id: RXWyuO3v4vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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