I JOINED TEAM ROCKET!! | Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu #4

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a lot of my good friends welcome back to another episode or video or stream depending on when you're watching this a Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee how're you guys doing for Hardee's in here quick clicking on that notification here's fast welcome buddy welcome back to Pokemon let's go I have been so excited to play this again and let's do a quick recap of what happened in the previous one while I hit straight back over to the gameplay we getting straight in today guys no messing around we're going for it let's do this last episode we went in this thing right here first off we got to lavender town which was absolutely beautiful and scary at the same time we become the spirits of Pokemon in the pokemon tower now the pokemon tower is full of ghosts as you can see on the thumbnail of this video stream and we need something well we got to the top of the tower but it won't let us go to the very very very very top because a massive goes blocking the way now it turns out we need to go to our left here take a hard left and go all the way to celadon City to get the Silph scope which allows us to it's basically a pair of binoculars that allows you to see ghosts so that's what we're going to be doing we're gonna be finding out who the big ghost Pokemon is and if everything goes correctly I need myself err I don't even sell gasoline I haven't got myself a gasser yet which is annoying so um we've got two ways to go we can go down or we can go to the left I'm gonna go down first now you guys have been saying there is a fire stone around somewhere and if I do find one of those I am gonna be evolving at my growlithe into my Arcanine as well let's have a look at the party real quick we've got dollar signs the gyrados which evolved in the previous episode growlithe which hopefully will evolve err today grassy boy peanut the Moo buzz and onyx as well now onyx I can currently ride but it's kind of big it's like absolutely um well let's find out shall we he's absolutely huge this is onyx there's a few rideable Pokemon in this and this is one of them it's absolutely insane Tigers koala I have enjoyed the game thanks for your super chat buddy so yeah this is uh this is Onix he's not the most graceful of riders because it kind of gives you a web view on the game and it's hard to avoid things but this is a thing it's a majestic thing and I think I do enjoy it it's very very cool anyway let's continue without Onix because otherwise he's gonna lead us straight into the ocean wait what is here this is like a route gate let me quickly fight is this the T guy there's a lookout area upstairs we've been not good as the view is magnificent as going to see that real quick I don't actually know what's down this way but I really want to find a fire stone and one of you guys said it's down here a forgetful old man lives on route 12 we're sorry here who is this man a pokemons ashes or your pokemons Ashlee's arresting in the pokemon tower you can add this TM I don't need anymore roost that's pretty good Bruce could we teach that to Mew let's see what mu has got so far we could teach this to Mew right now because you can learn any TM at all what could I replace it with though I really like we could replace stunned away we don't use that at all I think I'm gonna do that so what Bruce does is it heals your HP so I think I'm gonna teach it that just for now let's go to the TM case and let's grab ourselves Roose we have seismic toss as well completely forgot about that right let's roost it up shall we Pokemon ashes yeah that's real creepy actually when you think about it you borrow gaming I hope I said that correctly cloudy how's it going dude and a flawless glad you're enjoying the streams we're streaming every day at the minute it's insane I just love this game so much all right yeah let's forget this move we can reteach this at any point anyway because we've got the TM for it tada dirt potato glad you're enjoying this buddy Helen is this a new game yeah it came out about five days ago I think maybe four called onyx rock Tilda I do need to name my um my Pokemon a bit more but I'm not not fill in the names uh inspiration today let's see what the binoculars have to show it's the pokemon tower what you can't even see through them there's a man fishing well that was anticlimactic right now so what I also want to get is the fishing rods that we greatly appreciate it if someone could give me one of those fishing rod on a Firestone that'd be great whoa Onix you act you actually scared me then I'm gonna take you I'm gonna put you back in your pokeball we should have following it's a growl it follow for a little bit wait a second oh wait a second I missed that so we haven't tried out we haven't tried out Gyarados yet it said something about it just now so take our pokeball you can ride on dollar-sign if you use a secret technique see skim do we not have that yet I don't think we have that yet yeah we have to have the secret technique are that's so annoying that's unfortunate but hey you know what it's not too bad I wonder when we learn that it must be later down the line the reason I'm going back up here is to see if Gyarados follows me Gyarados doesn't follow you at all return to pokeball maybe you can only use it on the sea oh that's upsetting I wanted a massive Gyarados following me okay fine let's do let's do growlithe we haven't had growlithe hour before there is super cute let's go right so now we need to go down I'm gonna switch around my party a little bit let's put grass tea boy up first needs a little bit of training but all our main Pokemon at level 30 apart from Gyarados luckily Gyarados is really really good right now we've got pikachu with a afro last time as well completely forgot to show you guys that let me show you real quick just in case you didn't see it yet but this took me this took me 20 minutes 20 full minutes to do look at it though it's so good his little head of an insane and celadon oh I just remembered we can spend so much money we should be able to spend money right in the celadon marks I think so let's bite I mean let's not bite this battle Jakob emoji gotcha well back from yesterday buddy head to unicorn course group can we be friends of course we could be friends days gorillas how are you doing as well Ned's is gonna get beat down right now star you cool Pokemon tumbled arrows Kenneth Hetty and the flaming checkers how you guys doing I recognize some of your names from the previous stream so welcome back this star users okay it's 27 that's not too bad not too bad it's always hit me to confuse ray though this house my dog's my dogs doing good they're okay they're upstairs they're sleeping right now yes get through that confusion I'm gonna do another vine whip just in case they heal swift 10 damage not bad come on come on though in themselves vine within themselves it's not a good sign minimize oh that's like that's like double-team you can write chard you can [Music] know stop hitting yourself you need to snap out of it dudes come on grassy boy I'm tempted to name all my Pokemon something boy I'm not too sure why yes oh I miss glad come on minimize again I might have to switch to Mewtwo use swift the Swift never misses hey we didn't have to bring in the cavalry you didn't hurt my grassy boy though I'm pretty upset fisherman Ned gets beat thousand dollars and three pokeballs don't mind if I do sir thank you alright let me talk to me I keep forgetting to take to these hang on my line snagged yes sure sure boy right there's something over there but we can't get it until we can't get that until we have surf or whatever it's called in this game just do a quick potion on grassy boy real quick we've got a lot of things to sell and a lot of things to buy a lot of trainers to take down I think we might be going the wrong way right now but I kind of want to see if we can get a fishing rod I have a feeling it's like around this somewhere when you be in one of the one of the guys ship are you the one who gives me a fishing rods no we've got it buddy well knows hypnosis which is annoying we're not most annoying news in the game you can get chars island Dragonite enroute to really root two and they'll swear by that man grassy boy you're slow whip them big whips I think I might say that every time [Music] thanks for the gift card okay I need to do a quick PSA if you get a friend request from someone that says they're down to um giving out gift cards do not believe it it is not me it's some kind of scam that's going on at the moment so please it's not me the one that got away that's me I bet you wish you had a five hundred dollar Magikarp right gastly I need to catch it by need the Silph scope first we found a law that's nice I can't want to play through this with a shiny as well so what I'm gonna try and do is when we get the Gengar now let me get the ghastly and the Silph scope I want to try and get a shiny ghastly and then continue the let's play let me just check where I'm heading I feel like I'm heading the wrong way so we're heading down so yeah this is down to a million City all the way down this way I think I'm gonna turn back real quick and head to the path we need to go on cuz otherwise I'm not gonna get my ghost and it's gonna be upsetting for me I really want this ghost and now I'm gonna need to visit the pokémon center as well yeah I'll try to get Dragonite - dragon is out - yeah really hard Pokemon to get because it takes so many levels to get from dratini and routine he's not that good of a pokemon to try and level up to it currently how bout in battles too much right let's quickly quickly go to the Pokemon Center and then we'll head left we need to follow Team Rocket Team Rocket of kidnapped a Magikarp and I'm pretty sure they're gonna be at the game corner I'm also interested what they've done with the game corner because for like age ratings or something like that they took out all the gambling machines which I understand but it was kind of fun you could win poker coins and you could buy like a porygon and stuff some I kinda wish we could do that but let's see we haven't got there yet gotcha I do remember you you enjoy let's go Eevee nice I'm enjoying let's go Pikachu right now let's go it's try and find some new Pokemon get some battles on the go as well and get to sell it on city there is an official word in this game are you kidding me no no way that's upsetting okay I'm glad I made the choice to move then Finzi Bonnie guy gotcha I'll draw and sent on Twitter definitely I'd love to see it he go plays the plexi game a random tuber and Zayn thank you guys for all of your super chaps greatly appreciated Hettie the unicorn with a 48 that's madness right be like a fairy in our way I'm gonna switch out I'm gonna switch into buzz cuz buzz has a brick break which is really really powerful fighting move so we're gonna chop this Kothari square in the coil ovary we could get our own know what you're gonna come out with so metronome chooses any random move sludge gross don't poison me I knew it was gonna happen I knew it was gonna happen oh yes Pikachu likes me enough to do that now all that's kids so when you're good friends with your Pokemon in your Pokemon like you you know in the last episode they were kind of looking backwards like this wait that wasn't effective oh it's a fairy Pokemon oh it's using confusion rate as well no I messed up you can get a surfboard oh is that so you can do surf without without a Pokemon that's kind of nice you guys know a lot about this game already it's crazy yes as if he's out this would deal with a very pretty nice cool I keep again the crow fairy is not a not normal type in this game she's a fairy type the clues in the name of a fairy it's not cool perfectly normal could have used a Gyarados right now andrew named Gyarados wow wow boy white wow wow boy don't be so means Michael berry I'm so sorry you were in my way you challenged me sorry kind of I'm not sorry Sonic the Hedgehog he's not in this game I'm afraid I read the fairy of Oz when it's exposed to a moonstone I read that in a Pokemon journal it is definitely true all that we can go in here check out this by the way if you haven't seen it yet best animation in the game shop what we go ahead we are Raticate I thought I was a right shoe for a second got another trainer over there Firestone we've got a Firestone you guys are right shall we evolve growl it here because if we do we can ride the growling should we do it let me know guys I Nev got decent enough moves to teach it because obviously it's gonna learn them later if we evolve it now it's got heat wave 95 90 it's got flamethrower takedown I think we should evolve it right let me know let me know I'll do one more battle with this lady right here because it's a little bit delayed let me know if you want me to evolve into Ark 9 right now I think it'll be good I'll start gaming I'm not going to VidCon I'm afraid I've got a lot of things going on at the moment so unfortunate I can't make it I'm sorry I'm sorry yes wait longer yes yes yes he has got a good mood set right now that's kind of why I'm leaning towards doing it Brian is going to Gyarados we need to get Garros five more levels in yeah okay I'm gonna do after this I'll definitely evolve it cuz then we could ride around on an arcanine it's gonna be the best look how big he is wait flashes in the game weird they kind of replaced it with that other thing I thought right that's byte this dude needs a psybeam oof big damage I was a critical health or Oh take that straight back Cadabra get out of here yeah I'm gonna evolve it okay I love all Vince Arcanine I promise i'ma choke Oh what can i what's good again switch oh I think I'm gonna go I'm gonna go buzz I think I need a psychic move form you desperately I don't know when I'm gonna get a TM I guess why beat Sabrina I could do that by journal and Sabrina's gym is I think it's quite quite far down the line and this has another place to find psychic all right if in doubt zip he's out here he comes that wasn't as powerful as he thought was gonna be that was a crit submission I avoid ah he's so good he likes me so much that he wants to avoid moves and cure himself of poison I like this boy it's getting heated up in here Bray's out of here I do like my joke my jokes want a very nice Pokemon with the the belt and stuff too Machamp with his forearms to get out of here I'm not gonna buzz off I got myself a Pikachu cool buzz so I go nowhere you can get a Howard item of the game store there aren't any oh she gave me Ultra Ball is nice I also learned so I did a quick google after last stream of where you can get raspberries from turns out they're pretty rare like really rare okay power up pocket let's do this Firestone use this item here we go it's happening growlithe is evolving galaxies growing girly girl thank you so much for your 5 and gaming blog that I do remember you from yesterday thanks for joining for another stream hope you guys are excited iodine oh it looks so good [Music] yes look at them little toes as well so cute so now we can ride our canine like you were riding Persian in the previous episode now our client's gonna be powerful he's a big one as well as large right let's take a look what if falls with an ice stone in this game oh my goodness we just won the game we just won the game look at this this is insane look how big our canine is whoa that is so that is so cool right old man and you take you down how cool is that dude I'm a rambling gaming dude these guys used to be cool gamblers but I don't think they can call them gamblers anymore because of the age rating and stuff they don't to promote gambling he has a beard now he does I guess he does seeking okay this is a bad matchup for our first time using our can iron oh wait completely forgot grassy boys up this is the perfect time a rainy grassy boy to learn raisin leaf like a SAP wait he is a gambler that move is so inaccurate but when it hits it knocks him out straight away okay you're getting a Zippy's up you guys do be that straight to the face I'll dare you how dare you yeah you can write you can write a lot of things you can mine Kangaskhan Charizard you can also rides Haunter apparently you can also ride a comedy should just one hit code that was unreal it's a level 35 as well insane yeah you avoided that one I don't think you're gonna be doing that again I'm doing another Zippy's app even though you've got a little bit of health left that's a one-hit ko movie you kidding me yes Pikachu lavender town is creepy I kind of real I really thought it was gonna be more creepy for some reason I wanted it to be more creepy level 31 Simba is a good name I might change his name to Simba get out of here mr. big chance $4,200 I need to run back and heal my Pokemon right now you're a you're nuts whether it's a game or a Pokemon battle once you start you just can't stop I need to check all these bushes as well not sure I can check these bushes while I'm on the one I'm on the arcanine this is so cool though I'm so glad they added that as a feature rather than using a bike I don't think you can get a bike in this game actually it's just all Pokemon the bike store is here but you can't get the bike fire dragon garage thank you guys glad you're enjoying yourselves company if we just go hit by that insane the audio is distinct again there's nothing I can do about that I'm not sure what is happening it was fine yesterday but I'm not sure why it's happening Eevee is better yeah I know he is better but Pikachu's still pulling his weight you know he's not doing too bad there's another battle here hello sir you look good a pokemon but how is your chemistry terrible to be honest terrible I can't be doing chemistry super nerd Aidan because a lie pad Aidan sent out coughing fan what's good against coughing I don't even know I'm just checking that my streams in okay it's not too bad actually the audio is fine it just might be decent for some of you guys if it is distinct then I would suggest try need to switch out here don't I what's good against him fire maybe if it's decent try refreshing maybe I'm not too sure Panda wish I could afford a switch to get this game well I said this is the last day to get yourself in the giveaway I'm announcing it after the stream the winner so definitely check it out alright let's see how good you are heatwave this bad boy out of here we haven't seen this move yet okay that's epic Arcanine is the MVP now we were all crying we've got Gyarados we've got a team that's looking slightly different to everyone else's which is good as well yeah panda go in description below top top line there's a little giveaway there let's do flamethrower I take this guy down please how many were poisoned I started getting through the time in this game a random stuff you love watching the streams I'm glad you're enjoying them shark is enjoying them - thank you feel stupid chats and Rob as well thank you for your super chat - if you got any more Pokemon no he hasn't they always drop their iPads and smash their screens your friend said there was no battles in this game there's no battles with wild Pokemon they're still trainer battles and have to go back to the Pokemon Center again so we've got a poison boy up in here and I just wanted to run with arcanine a little bit more it's so fast you have two switches in both games nice one thing I haven't found out is whether you can battle people or not I might check in a second actually yeah let's do that now let me let me do a quick check and then we'll get on with a story because I wanna get myself to sell it on I got money to spend outfits to buy I think you can buy hair as well I'm still hoping for a um for some blue hair or you can play with others nice okay that's good to know I have to do that so at some point Howard on the cubone cutscene not yet that's what we're trying to work towards we need to get the Silph scope that's about where we're at right now it's so fluffy the so fluffy X speed okay we don't really use those though [Music] you find berries Arcanine don't think so right more trainers to take down what's through here underground path sell it onto lavender wait what's that way okay we've got a couple more trainers take down let's do that first let me grab this item actually big mushroom it's kind of weird with a Pokemon pops in and out it's really weird let's say this guy down at ninja jellyfish nostalgia has hit you hard yeah this game is filled with it but it's also great if you've never played the old ones it's such a good game so fun love Devo and your phone buzzes and you check it it says down here Emma stream in click the button here save one of your stones for Eevee I will okay I guess you can't get glacier in this game but I can't think what else revolves you've a nice stone can you guys let me know what's a Jolteon speaking of evolutions and dantdm jr son what are you doing here how you doing it's do a takedown thanks for your super chats guys all we do is superkick super kick double kick [Music] oh that wasn't that wasn't a big hair I haven't really got anything that's good against lightning types I guess peanut is let's get peanut in there there we go yeah I don't know what involves a nice stone I guess we'll find out you get a kario Yukon unfortunately ahead to unicorn thanks for the to appreciate it the stones give me a little bit of a problem right here let's do headbutt okay yeah peanut absorbs these hits peanuts so good ha what damage as well George Jones goods evolutions are just generally good right now no one knows no one knows about the ice stone I need to brush up on my memory it should be e it could be easy into Glaceon button but glacials not in this game so it can't be I'm trying to think what I spoke on their own alright let's play a game oh wait is it Zelda it might be Sheldor it could be yeah shell de someone has set it in the chat I just remembered I was trying to think what ice types they're on I think it's cloister by don't think there's many others I think Articuno is now as well they kind of like flip flop between types I think grass is good to get rich this way fine whip the two legends Luna pause when am i coming back to America I'm not sure actually oh no horn drill again that's a warrior ko again oh my goodness these guys are so lucky dude so upset you've done that twice right Gyarados get in here bop this guy for me get him can you get greninja you can't unfortunately olodum Vulpix haha you could get a load of nine tails do you Karen get the OL Olins in this game that's a good shout shoulder doesn't evolve with ice Tony who's short my knowledge where the stones aren't very good it must be yeah there must be something so otherwise it will give you a drag came up short yeah get BOTS give me your money these guys have given me like 10 grand on this route to go and spend in celadon Mart I'm so so pleased hello ladies I'm showing up our Pokemon do you want to try sure let's do it throw notes Fox can you shout out me and Suzie yes hello Suzie hello donut Fox how you guys doing some Pikachu I feel bad hittin Pikachu because he's so cute let's go I'm sorry Pikachu you're getting a flamethrower to the face how can I use faster than Pikachu oh oh iodine's our car ends up there we've up o most powerful pokémon get out of here Megan thanks for your 500 now I'm gonna defeat your friend unless she's too scared she likes meows odds are no but not me ow how'd you become a member you click the join button but I don't think it's on mobile right now which is annoying distinctive plays already at the elite for man you must be grinding this game I feel like I've been growing in this game but you put on the next level congratulations what's your team right yeah there's me out the mouth we expected maybe she's got three of them so powerful it looks so intimidating as well look at him it's got furry furry what's back your knees cold and not too sure our mega stones in this I don't think so I'm pretty sure they are but the the beauty of this game is that they could have it in the future I guess they could do like patch updates and stuff who knows Zapdos is in the game yeah all the three legendary birds are in the game new two is in the game new is in the game those are all the legendaries that you can get we have new because new comes with a poco plus that's the only way to get it Oh get outta here me out why do our three meows it would be interesting to do like a let's play with say six Pikachu haha very fun I think it'll be easy with lots of V's without evolving the me verb hey David Jamison thank you you got the silver badge as well thank you I appreciate dude right we've got one more person stick down here and then we're going in this house it's a house it looks like if school is fun too so a Pokemon and then we're going to sell it on Oh my wallet is ready so ready super nerd Leslie Magnemite all perfect this Magnemite is a steel type in this game here we go I'm not gonna do heatwave cuz it's only got 90 percent accuracy and this is gonna be way more than enough oh yeah a load and Sandshrew you're right that's in the game too sorry sorry oh he's proper crying actually feel kind of bad thanks for the pokeballs I David Jamison thanks for coming to member dues you ninja jellyfish it's a Charlie and Harold not well let's see what's this way I keep on going the wrong way I'm on guard duty oh he wants tea okay fine fine fine I'll go the other way so there's three guards that won t which is annoying Megas are in this game okay I haven't seen many I don't think many people have completed the game yet to be honest I hear there's a sleeping Pokemon causing trouble near celadon Snorlax you can ride Snorlax as well I completely forgot it's a shame you can't ride Arcanine down here yeah you can ride Snorlax and I've seen a clip of it and it's hilarious ex accuracy I missed an Abra I know it slipped out of my hands not very slippery Pokemon but it does no teleports that's a problem ex defense nice don't really use all the X items if you buy like all the X items you can get through the game pretty quickly do you go often oh you know what that means to cut the department store they sell all kinds of things very handy I am ready for my wallet and my money is to go down to zero can we get in though because of Snorlax underground path right there's more trainers there's been a lot of trainers so far yeah we made it ok I might take on these trainers real quick just to get some extra levels Abra Abra Abra no I hit something else I couldn't see because of the arcanine I can't still on this I need the Abra yeah give up I'm giddy I wake up yeah I should still be there yes I'm back for revenge buddy David you turn 18 today and say congratulations I mean happy birthday have a great day dude right I'm gonna use a great ball on this come on a bro I missed of course I did there we go you've evaded me once before come on oh my goodness you're joking you're actually joking guys upon this again I'm wasting great booze here I don't want to use raspberries because I was saying it kind of at the beginning yeah it's gone what is wrong with these guys they're always running away they're hard to catch Ryan I'll fight this lady instead I mean bats why shouldn't a fight it sounds like the humming gym badge so I have I have three I'm going for a fourth don't worry don't judge me yeah someone's weird I say fight it sounds like the humans are gonna fight in that she'll three Pokemon right you because she might be quite tough I like ride shoes curly is a little 20a okay this might be a problem let's try heatwave ride - is we faster light screen will be annoying [Music] oh my goodness light screens really annoying I might have to take down I'm gonna do it physical moon should be fine this might do a lot of damage though or I'm gonna take damage and take down - oh dear I think our kind is gonna die here my question was do I think we're going to take down by we definitely died yeah I'm dead bangs oh thanks for coming a member appreciate it yeah Avril is like that's kind of like a bridge teleport right you have like one chance to catch it and that's it peanut it's your time mmm get in there [Music] save avenge avenge arcanine with a headbutt yes but a tiny headbutt can really damage him which is cuter alone am right you are normal I think the normal one is cuter but they're both cute still Oh dragon tail that came out of nowhere this is good the target is knocked away and a different Pokemon is dragged out you want that I don't think we're gonna use tackle anymore I'm gonna do it I forget that Gyarados is a Dragon type in this game could you play the old games without Dragon type it didn't exist [Music] the trio I am going to switch to Gyarados in 60 plays your team is Charizard gravel a ride to victory bell Blastoise and Eevee nice good team good luck on your elite 4 journey Chrissie Chrissie cookie and Tarzan pokemon trainer thanks for joining in guys thanks to the super chats by the score this I like the UM Oh No I like the little um the logo for the dragon moves really cool all this doctorate this woman is very difficult Oh light screen I completely forgot it should be easier now come on come on yes yeah Gyarados was a grind like a big grind to get because we bought the Magikarp and had to raise it ten levels without it being in battle it did knock out one Pokemon we also used a um what do we use Oh basketball is fainted what what did that happen we also used a rare candy as well did she are way they're a little bit we still got one left it's okay we're good a biggie nosiness we love you hearing God's brought yours from shelter Eevee and Layla Evo Layla thanks for watching the stream hope you're enjoying ourselves big zebras out coming in for seal and the bugs the brother think you're super chat - yeah she had some powerful Pokemon though if you have something other than a seal then we have been in trouble you can get Mewtwo you can only get Mewtwo off you've done the story spider-man spider-man's tomorrow guys you're stronger than I thought you're so much underestimates me didn't you and you gave me five ultra balls thank you well we do have one more battle to do here actually our kind is knocked out isn't he oh we can still do this okay cool we do have one more trainer to fight it's the elite one so I'm gonna go in to sell it on real quick heal up there's a Team Rocket member here let's do this there should be another gym here as well I think there's a gym in celadon if not we'll go shop in we're going to stop in regardless Fatima dose Benjamin Rush mama-mama monkey thank you you're the best - appreciate your kind words all healed ready to go let's do this hello sir the Polka flute awakens asleep in Pokemon it does so with a sound only day you can hear nice that's what we need I think if I had a Pokemon I'll go to rate Pokemon Road - I'm not even sure what that is she's got a bruh hey I am Madam's celadon I'm the one who can look into your future and see the encounters are to come so I foresee the nature of those fateful allies that you have yet to meet ten thousands have a hundred and ten thousand dollars that's insane no if fate leads you back healers meet again I wonder what that does ten thousands a lot of money I come here to collect a lot of can Tony in the Sandshrew you have a sound you please trade it yes okay this should be where we get in a lowland one he's trading woman in this twenty-seven trade are those Chinese yeah there are Chinese right so we're trading this so it looks like you're trading a sign she was surrounded you are but it's actually a low level here we go there goes our normal sound true pink guns are blue one yes it's very cute so this would have all with a nice stoned right or no so cute thanks Nicholas yeah ice I think ice is actually a pretty good type you know the women over there with a hammer at the corner rumor has it she's an amazing fortune teller I kind of want to spend it oh it seems like you've been having quite a marvelous adventure lollipop man's back it means I should increase the moves I could teach your Pokemon so Johnny's teaching marvelous move to Pikachu what is this floaty for buzz wants to learn the move floaty Falls should have moved be forgotten and placed when they do flying-type move the use of floats in the air and then dies at a steep angle to attack the target this may also make the target flinch do we want to learn this ah what would you get rid of though I think we get rid of thunder wave floats you fool I didn't expect this a flying-type move power 90 I think I'm gonna do it I'm gonna get rid of thunder wave because we just don't use it and we got thunder wave on someone else we've got as a TM if you want to relearn it okay another powerful move Frank it's a lollipop man appreciate it dude see you later well I was good I didn't expect that I'm not gonna evolve it yet guys I want to save it just for now what are you doing what do you think you're doing running around here with Team Rocket don't you know I'm just gonna take growlithe out of actually I'm gonna stay to growlithe his name's arcanine but we're good for this the mall no this is the game corner check this out it's got a porygon up there ah lost again in the game corner I guess the people who are so LG's so good at the games must be putting in more effort than I do nope they're just putting in more money what a push that we can let's just cut through this real quick where does this go I might get off Arcanine just in this town so I feel like he's massive I want to run into anything we have not supposed to hello shouldn't be able to reach the gym from here I don't know there's a lot to get through in this town so let's do it maybe it's a good job we've got our can iron let's start from the top Brock hey I didn't expect to run into you here what's good dude I'm on my way back from visiting the celadon City Gym keeping in touch with other gym leaders is part of our duties is this them all the girls at the gym all turned me away for some reason nah Brock no actually have some pewter crunchies I bought them as a gift thanks dude it's the fortnight Bush oh and you're probably gonna want some tea after eating them pewter crunchies can make you thirsty yeah I got a cup of tea I need to share that cup of tea with three guards though Bronk giving out the tea though I appreciate that even more umm even more my favorite right now I don't have enough left to give to that thirsty guard now I can do it don't worry anyway it looks like you've been visiting the gyms and other cities wish you the best so there is a gym here so we can get our fourth badge which is good news what's this so long condominiums it's apartments right here's the department store let's go shopping this town is massive right let's shop let's see what we can buy hello welcome to the celadon department store please check the board at the back for the store directory right what can we buy here it's not like I need anything I just came to meet up with friends nice what we got what we got floor one services where we are now trainers market video game shop why is man gifts accessory market and the roof is a relaxation space okay we've got a lot to get through but it's such a hassle to go all the way to the fifth floor you sure you don't wanna go home already will you buy me small Pokemon accessories please thank goodness is department store has benches you'll know exactly what I mean when you get older I like that that's funny here we go money is about to go from a hundred thousand to zero what have we got here this is the trainer store so here we can buy still can't buy ultra balls which is interesting combined laws which is nice that's fine that's fine don't need anything else we have stuff to sell as well well we go by TMS dragon tell you turn I intel waterfall try attack all my goodness - 100 grand Shadow Ball is a good one it's a ghost type move this would be good form you try attack is a good move as well Iron Tail is expensive waterfall would be really good for Gyarados can Gyarados yo and learn waterfall already though man we could get some I need to see how much I'm gonna spend otherwise I until is still type move it'll make short work a fairy rock and ice type Pokemon that's good to know try attackers move that comes with a bonus oh yeah I can do burn paralyze and I think that's a actually burn and paralyze they sell power flabby teams here what a swanky shop we do have enough money to buy them so let me know if I should where we up to now look at these cute little boys with their switches this kid says he would trade me a kanga scarf for my Haunter nice come to me new Haunter absolutely love them I collect them once you've robbed into different Pokemon certainly did buddy whoa look at this what we buy here you can tell which Pokemon you got from the other people because their IDs are different this is like a um this is called sitting Tendo switch this is very cool I need to get her to use the restroom but here comes another guest the new guy who's supposed to take over my shift is running late here take this thing if I have to skedaddle maybe you can inspire you to cover for me a helping hand okay that's not very good just boost allies power it is like a wasted floor though it's cool but it's also a wasted floor you can't buy anything that's a shame buy shadow ball you want me to buy shadow ball I'm gonna get a ghost actually so that would make sense it's very expensive though there are Pokemon I've often used an eeveelution stone on them girl I'll show your Pikachu wants to stick with you just the way it is oh yeah because it's a lightning stone one I'm getting a present for my girlfriend give her a water stone but who knows it might cause her to evolve can you buy stones here they don't sell them here but I've heard they're amazing stones called mega stones out there somewhere so there are Megas in the game nice fire okay we can buy all of them nice that's good we found our fire stone though that's good to know that we can use them without having to worry that's good shout out all over who's ten Sara Fox there you go there are certainly accessories you can give your Pokemon sweat this is where I need to be they're all so cute I rather keep something for myself look all these bows and stuff okay we will bow as we've got glasses and a true gentleman make sure his fashion is also outfitted in the finest fashion weight Pokemon I said it wrong wear these these diglettz hats are something else but if anyone could pull them up I can just you watch there's a crown there's a crown hold the phone we've got glasses we try them on one sec what am I looking for little boys fancy bows bandanas oh my goodness can we see what they look like would we have to guess there's so much we can buy Bose flowers all dudes right we need to think about this what's pikachu gonna look best in your glasses and sunglasses as well I'm eyeing up these hats but to wear a hat Diglett cap okay I'm just gonna get this 50 dollars that's a bargain it's a clothing trunk choosing outfit for buzz let's see who this is for Diglett cap ha ha ha ha that's Cupid gets rid of his afro man I don't want to do now can we not do for me oh we can't do the Diglett cap that's upsetting I don't know which one to do I don't know which one's for which I mean get a crown though straw hat sweet hat elegant hat I'm guessing the elegant hat is always like crown whoa oh my goodness a million hold up that's pimp that's pimping though I like that a million for a crown dude how are you even supposed to get that do you just sell the candies maybe that's something we can do okay this is the rooftop peak at what seems to be curious about the vending machine to run by a drink yeah let's buy buy water first purchase seems happy they've got fresh water okay I'm gonna put the Diglett hat on Pikachu right now just because I can we tried his outfit Alf is a afro out for a bit so let's do the Diggler hat so cute do they work in the overworld is oh it does Pikachu let's get a close-up of you shall we there it is he's dozing off lazy Punk oh my goodness too tickly so cute so cute Sanna who's getting the switch I will draw after this after this video wanting to hike all the way to the top even of a department store that's the destiny of a true hiker my sister's a trainer believe it or not she's so salvaged it drives me nuts Wow impressive I'm thirsty I want something to drink from the vending machine okay I'm out I can't give you that begging toe you get in two days nice are you excited I'm a monkey space lion a monkey again dance upper trends sir master koala and Harrison thank you all for your super chats so we need should we get some glasses or look close anyone's hold up a sec glasses I think the thick glasses I think you want to get those let's get those I've been hyping this up for ages and we've got no clothes for us right so we need this this should be funny I should buzz oh my goodness let's go and so annoyed that I can't get a different cat I'm gonna change to this actually look up Pikachu right now he is rocking it he's looking fantastic Oh Pikachu you like a psycho this is perfect what's an outfit he looks it looks great did she sell anything else you've already bought everything coming in soon okay um I don't think I want anything else cuz I can't wear it myself these are all for Pokemon and well upset but Pikachu is looking absolutely amazing right now so I can't really complain the one thing I do need to question myself on is buying a TM if I gotta buy waterfall let me quickly look up where the Gyarados gets waterfall I'm gonna do it I don't know if they're gonna have this information yet or they do Wow moves so he can learn he can learn waterfall he actually learns waterfall at 31 so we don't need waterfall I think let me look up I need to look up Gengar as well just to see if any shadow ball otherwise we're gonna waste it and I don't know waste the money cuz that's a lot of money yeah he'll own a shadow ball at 30 so we don't need any of those teams right now like none of them a hyper beam is expensive it's a to move move so I don't really want to do that it's a no other way to get um so no other way to get trainer outfits I'm not gonna get either of them hopefully I'll explain myself well right shopping done sweet pronate nation nice did you enjoy it it was good to see you buddy all right coughing my company is the best partner ever squeeze out poison gas when he gets angry but it usually pretty sweet I promise okay bit dangerous handmade Pokemon accessories go take a look on the fifth floor that's so good I wonder if they change actually that'd be interesting all right now we gotta explore this city take on the gym I think we're ready I want to get my fourth um fourth gym badge right now hello being surrounded by my beloved Pokemon while enjoying some rest and a nice cup of tea moments like these mean the most that sounds good to me your teas green though which is freaking me out a little bit fire extinguisher just in case such a good detail [Music] right these apartments are fully open I mean that's fine if that's the way you want to live I have a meeting with important client you wanna join in sure oh boy must be nice working at a company where you don't have to wear a suit yeah I'm a Pokemon master no outfit for a broker or master apart from this [Music] how many more of these are there and how much does it costs to live here welcome pokemon trainer you probably won't know what I'm talking about but come back once you have earned a title ok it that must be when you win your book Pokemon champion right I'm a graphic artist I've no one who designed you oh this is Game Freak right yeah I think this is where you get the shiny charm too I'm a programmer nice nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm the game director I'm very happy that you're playing this game good luck filling up your pokedex if you collect all the Pokemon let me know so he gives you the shiny charm and look at these look in the corner guys it's got the original artwork for pokemon red and green as it was in Japan which is red and blue over here red and blue is over here oh my goodness look on the left I think you still see that yeah that's so retro I wrote the story don't you think Erica is cute I like misty law too and Sabrina basically like will the women nice classy weird touch Pokemon weird touch why do I was drink tea can stay Ste tasty I need my energy from somewhere three health candies that's interesting how do we get to the other place the one on the left there must be a way maybe even get through the back actually I love how a Pikachu looks really stupid yeah you can't get through the back of the door assuming at the back now I'm not too sure [Music] it's like right up there okay my dad's do that later this my trusted power Poliwrath it evolved from a party when I use a water stone on it good to know thanks for the info do I need to go in here what am i doing I don't think I need to go in here nope definitely not be gone we're making our way making our way downtown let's go to the game center right now I think this is the play this is where you get prizes from hello everyone if you I take a little break can you take breaks from playing video games and very true I'm not doing that right now though I broke my high score it's funny every day were like this the game in which Pokemon fly in the sky is great isn't it if we could fly in real life that would be much cooler than the game though wait a second Jessie and James are over there playing video games where sweet Staryu likes to watch people playing video games nice games are great for improving your reflexes oh wait I remember what happens now and guarding this post to go away or else I think there's a switch by in this poster I'm pretty sure Team Rocket grunts I still want a rocket outfit space lion John shoe what time do I normally go live either six or seven that's a lie seven or eight GMT there's nothing to go live ham it's okay I'm gonna get out one two later let's switch out these Pokemon again high levels I think we might struggle with the Jim but I can't remember what Connor what type it is finding my wings thank you so much for popping by again don't worry I will post this afterwards you can catch up but thank you for stopping by anyway it's big big damage Brick Break master koala you can have a shout-out there it is gotcha you almost done Astrid thank you for the 10 appreciate it grats Kate just got bought by my freaky Pikachu pronate nation and dr. stinky diaper onion rings yummy appreciate it buddy our first kid you watch the horror map video glad you liked it arc lines up to level 25 not very good are you team rocket grunt golden back burst kids and pronate nation yeah I'm sorry about it there's so many people that it's hard to meet everyone what are you doing move aside at this rate the location of the Team Rocket hideout is gonna be discovered I better tell the boss hey there's a switch you had a loud sound echo from somewhere on this floor yes and this is where the secret there it is the secret base is want to play some games first though I sometimes see suspicious-looking people in the game corner I wonder what they're up to look at these plushies we've run out of game coins please don't touch the walls in the game cord without permission wait what we can't play I found a Nana berry can I'll play these I can't wear pokemon stuff on a surfboard oh they haven't done it no come on almost got it so close come on Jessie why don't we head to the hideout now we've already handed over the cubone to another Team Rocket member what's the harm in taking a little break how are we supposed to open the hidden entrance of the hideout anyway we just need to check the poster with a vehicle when it remember it supposed to be the vehicle that's the best way to represent us subtle subtle I can't believe they didn't let the games be that's not good it's kind of upsetting I guess that makes sense though otherwise their rating would go up I'm gonna couldn't use a super potion so I can't bomb it's go wait on buzz so I can't want to go back to the Pokemon Center I'm gonna put and we're gonna do I'm gonna put Gyarados first put you up here let's go when you save this cube Oh I mean to get the Silph scope as well Lilly Connell you certainly can thank you for the $10 look an S if I beat this do I get the outfit I really want the outfit so bad Team Rocket hideout you snuck into Team Rocket's operation what nerve [Music] Team Rocket grunt well you gonna have golbat that might be bad I don't know I don't know if Gyarados is gonna be good enough to take on these pokemons they all have like similar Pokemon don't they let's try dragon tail okay that's good that's not so good what about goal I don't think bytes can be very - only thing any of these gonna be very good actually I'm gonna put it in anyway Team Rocket time that's right that's right I know that wasn't good at all yeah we might not be able to lead with Gyarados we're gonna be able to do the golbat hey is that poison oh no it's fine there we go Pro man Nate nation are you on the top on the right hope you can still see well buddy ooh gotcha I still find it funny how Pokemon trainers give you money afterwards you're not gonna get away with this brat oh I am oh I am try and find some items around here sure Team Rocket I've got enough money for decent items yes they have five ultra balls don't mind if I do thank you I'm gonna hack your computers as well so let's try to explore every little piece what are you doing Shh I'm a beautiful spy on an undercover mission what's a child like you doing here I'm here to beat Team Rocket you attitude I like that oh wait yes oh I'm so pleased no way just wear that set and you'll feel as if you're a Team Rocket grunt yourself although you're too short they figured you out you'd be in disguise immediately let's do this this is what I wanted I didn't need to buy it I'm so pleased did we both get them yes part of the game so far yes it just it looks so weird that's a great at the same time are we got a Team Rocket hat grabbed got a Team Rocket top got that - Team Rocket shorts I'll take it Team Rocket shoes this is the best a Team Rocket bag - ah yes look at this I'm gonna take a quick close-up Pikachu Oh Pikachu so dumb but so great it looks like an old stuffed toy he certainly does finally with hard team rocket we blend him perfectly look at us amazing now they might not fight us okay they gotta fight us is fine it's fine how'd I get here you don't need to know that I walked in the door blockbuster man Lilly Connell I do remember you thanks for popping back in hope you enjoy in the continuation of our adventure Finzi gaming saving for a switch oh nice how close to use good job and saving though that's really smart pronation plays as well kids write coffee are you gonna take a dragon tale to the face small that's poison I knew it every time hyper beam from peanut I don't think I'm gonna do that oh wait he's got a rad guitar do I do damage and then switch them out is that what happened I think it was hyper Fang Oh such a good mood yes Maxum person and sends them out that's quite good annoying that I'm poison though gonna have to switch out no one Gyarados tonight not yet who's gonna be the best to take these guys on I think I'm gonna go for a little buzz is that my go to crazy man burst kids oh thank you I think I might do a stream when we get to the end of the game where I try and play No get rekt you wrecked yourself you played yourself buddy but more than wasn't gonna say I was gonna say I might do a stream afters by trying to like battle you guys I think that'd be cool I've got to the Pokemon Center after this pronate Nation you have to go to school have a great day at school oh you're an Australia aren't you you try and get another stream don't worry about a thank you for the super chats catch-up on this one when you get home let's try floaty for this who happens [Music] astray Leah's in the morning right now oh my goodness it's fortnight but sick what to move kit beer thank you so much your superjet too how cool is that Rattata I'm doing that again that was a cool looking move [Music] this is so weird it looks exactly like those balloons you get in fortnight sorry for hitting the Micha didn't mean to don't cry Pikachu you got this one HP yes get slammed such powerful moves in 40 a nice he's up to level 32 buzz is getting strong 894 cps give me a thousand soon you got beat bad you did but you did put up a fight with your exploding coughing I didn't enjoy that let me go to the weight that's going here first he's go to the Pokemon Center though three mighty carnies we kind of need to start using candies don't we it's one of these I think I got secret buttons and stuff ah man is so worth it getting the Team Rocket outfit I literally said that like two episodes ago that if we can buy a team rocket out fear then I'd be ready this would be best game ever and it's pulled through we've done it I am upset that there's not a game corner though I don't I'm upset about that but I know why they haven't got one it's fine I forgive you Nintendo it's okay it's okay I'll keep beer there you go there's a second shower buddy I having fun at school name [Music] and look how small Ivysaur looks and Pikachu as well there looks so small there we go right back in action let's put someone else up front let's go for we could try Arcanine actually how can I needs to get up to about 30 because the others are kind of taking it away a little bit and we can catch pokemon to level them up that's kind of the best way to do it I love this burst kids teal Gavin cavern sorry and Finzi yeah I showered you have saving a switch stop doing the super chats and save for a switch instead I wanna joke and I appreciate a dude hope you save up enough soon right we can go down again I think we need to find a switch to open that door gonna be as many Team Rocket members on the way how do you can see ghosts with the Silph scope that must be where we get this from first kids my friends on roblox are so full right now have like a million and a half requests hypno this might be annoying he's got a beastly nose it's like a beak 29 HP let's go for the heatwave such a cool move did not do that much damage though oh no okay that's not bad we can just keep using heat way and hopefully we hits it again you've got this Arcanine there we go nah why'd you have to do that got the pendulum in I've got awakening out you I might you there just I don't want to go back to the Pokemon Center yeah I do add to gotcha hypno looks really yellow like abnormally yellow man they are hurting me choose heatwave again God don't miss hey Jessie and James are still there yeah they still play in the game which we can't play upsetting kit beer lots of random letters is currently playing on Pokemon Omega Ruby nice that's a good game yeah you surrender go and tell all your friends to surrender as well as you don't like the money take that money off of me my monkey thank you a mystic destroyer golden Omar and dantdm edits her name is Renae I don't watch you for 4 years that's crazy thank you for watching them so long Team Rocket hideout house for underground floors think you can reach the boss 100% oh my goodness look at this oh oh oh oh I've messed up I've messed up stop let's try to get all these items I thought you just went past one but turns out you just get knocked around nugget okay I think we've got three of those now that's like that's 15,000 poker dollars I think all right why don't you go next okay let's get this item awakening nice replace the awakening we just used not bad okay we go this way then up this way that'll get us this item rest that's kind of like roost but you come unit you go to sleep which is a not ideal right where else can we go I found the way out but I kind of want to go this way against the more items there we go this way [Music] it's item better be goods it better be worth it and getting real dizzy over here raptor named onyx dough balls that's a cool name i haven't in a many of my pokemon in a while PP up that was not worth it and kit beer again again there you go how do we get out of here now they've got all the way around the other way mmm yeah we have to go this way i think that's all the items in this little maze there's only two more floors left which is pretty nice let's get out of here let's skedaddle there's another set of rooms there so i think that's what we can do this is the third floor team rocket number there another one of these puzzles an item and stairs must be down revive sweet right it's going to take on this run i like the look of this base though it's looking pretty snazzy we're - team rocket get all their money from no one would ever know look who finally showed up huh we got word from upstairs they were coming did you someone snitched on me feedback I have not gotten IDI yet I probably should get one complete the complete the jello cake I'm cold that arc and I and this would be a bad matchup for you buddy are you weak no you're not wise people see how much damage is done that's a lot of damage I like it oh that was a quick hit though why you gotta hit me with that confuse ray and monkey this game is awesome thanks for playing it no worry thanks for watching it guys I appreciate you guys hanging out we have exactly the same amount of people watched yesterday and you're sitting today's a week a day I really appreciate it don't hate yourself don't yourself yes because purity to what she sees three mill always not watching your videos thank you glad you guys are enjoying it I like how in every battle as well they've got the background of where you are even in the underground place you lost you certainly did we're we're one of a would both the same what wasn't trying to say but both the same people dark posts that's good let me check that but if we're in the same outfit that's why I was trying to say for the nonsense today start Paul's 80 or hundreds is this gonna be good for peanut oh this would be good in the dark gym I mean the ghost gym there is a ghost gym might even get rid of roost Swift is good headbutt his goods headbutt 70 hmm I'm gonna save it for now but I think we should teach that to it I'm not sure what to get rid of though please Pokemon in here we need to save them I've got another puzzle in our hands it's an item down there let's go this way [Music] perfect rare candy nice don't mind if I do where else can we go now we can only go you can only go up and round the outside so we got one more floor to go we need to find the boss I think it's Giovanni I think that's his name little punk burst kids of course you can have a shout oh I think about a few shout outs buddy but as long as you're super chair and you can get some Thank You team tacos Alex the Maverick KITT beer again every time alright where we're gonna go now so this will lead us yeah we want to do this I'm gonna go down to get the item oh it's gone underneath oh yeah except those stairs I completely missed that else leti hey gangs got let's go Evie and you're right there in the forest and I found out if you go on your pokedex you can find with a Pokemon and Evie is at 17 you can but only if you've seen the Pokemon I think as long as the pokemons in your pokedex you can see where it is which is good thank you for attending preciate it late have fun with your game late said 8:00 and Shiloh have a great day at school so weird that it's like trying to go to sleep over here soon and then in Australia it's time to go to school so weird that you sucker-punch are really sad boom get out of here kit beer Lilly Connell awesome say hi to your friends and family for me Voltorb I'm gonna stay in you bet not explode though I'm a monkey no problem thanks for the 10 and reached gee I do remember you you let the Team Rocket shirt now they've got one in real life that'd be pretty awesome oh no he's using screech though I think we're good just don't explode please don't explode oh he might explode I don't know what to do I think he's gonna explode we're gonna try it anyway don't do it Swift keep surviving yes arcanine eat in those hills get out of here volt all goodbye Alenia you're ten today happy birthday his rat starts in the top percentile that's true who even said oof big oof the man's a roblox fan looking for cube owner I just saw one of our grunts come by with one it's got to be around here somewhere I need to save this cube own I'm gonna quickly spray come on arcanine you need to be on um you've been on your best health or at least close to it because we need to level you up well I play the eb version no I probably won't because they're basically the same apart from a couple Pokemon differences but I can just trade to get those people you up a hyper potion nice there's more down there am I missing somewhere although there is he's got blue hair there's the cubone and there's Giovanni he's looking cool I like it he looks very much like the original version what's good dude what's that you say the elevator doesn't work course not I've been keeping the lift key safe the whole time I haven't even seen a lift my blinds I think I am come on then Team Rocket grunt show me what you got Lima easy should be fired matthieu ricard kit beer again my goodness right eat this heatwave Noah can you shout gamers CT NW certainly can and that did this Sharma greetings from Belgium I'm glad you enjoying them buddy that do damage to dibs man I'm running out of them I think I'm gonna do flamethrower quickly here yes I think you can get a load on grinder in this game and then you get a load of muck which is like the rainbow one no yes buddy yes we got you [Music] got how am I supposed to keep you from taking the lift key get so after use my own kind of struggle hey what are you putting that what are you doing I hope my bosses don't hear about this you put it up there Jessie and James are back as well I wonder if I have to fight them too few without that key there's no well you make it to the boss if you think you can get it back from up there I'd sure like to see you try what a punk can I move the chair and get it no I get the lift key now not unless you know some way to walk on top of the walls or something the Pokemon are yours looks pretty nimble I got to say oh the vent system hello there if they're a step stool or something maybe it'll be possible to reach the top oh I can literally just move look around and see you can find something you can climb on this yes let's do it Wow let's never in a Pokemon game before this is cool up you go can we control Pikachu please come on no he's just gonna go and grab it this Pikachu what's good now that I'm your partner to cry to in crime to shine get the key the Team Rocket grunt through we can control Pikachu what else can we find oh this is great we can actually control Pikachu okay this is the wrong way I just came this way to see if there are any other things we could do well maybe I can't get through here now walk over this there he goes it looks so good good job Pikachu got the left key easy mode did you hear something just now I did there was definitely a noise could it be an intruder he yeah never mind it must have been me I was hungry Tommy don't get me all worried over nothing perfect that was cool I like that I like they added a little bit of other stuff other like objectives in the game that's never really been in a Pokemon game before I feel like I might miss something though they might been an item to the right but I'm not too sure I'm not I don't know where the lift was though I might have been I might be being stupid here oh is it done no time there is it I remember seeing one I might quickly pop to the Pokemon Center though just to make sure we've got all the moves that we need and stuff so I think we might have to battle Giovanni here which is bad news yeah and we go back to the Pokemon Center real quick champion Reds hey you're watching are you checking to see if I'm doing well the lift might be down on the right let's go back to the Pokemon Center real quick cannon tone 11 tomorrow happy birthday for tomorrow have a good day aren't they gone I still can't play the games upsetting easily you can't find a way to get clothes for your Eevee you get some you get some straight away actually and then you kind of get them unlocked as you go and if you get to here which is celadon City you get yourself a nice outfits you can buy them from the mall I think that's the only place you can buy them so far now cool though they're really cool a ramiro thank you a monkey yes I will I have been playing that off-camera but yeah when I finish this I'll definitely seemed that more a Jaafar Johnny yarn burst kid Dan TM edits oh that was ages ago two years ago I remember that that was cool thanks for still watching thanks for being here yeah and the legend Jaden DB Oliver how you guys doing thank you for your super chats appreciate it guys hope you're enjoying trying to take over the Team Rocket underground base I think we're doing all right oh look at this I've just realized the vehicle it's like blasting off at the speed of light that's so cool don't teach me dark pulse a new Special Attack is lower than its main okay thank you that's really good in virtually I always thought me was a special attack of some reason wait how do I get down there oh no I've missed something you're dressing you're dissing Team Rocket aren't you no I'm not dissing them don't worry how do I get through there Oh what I am confused there's a way to get in there as well hmm the lift is behind a door there must be a way to get past the door unless I've missed something I need a keycard maybe yo Pikachu what's going on here so anyone know how to get past the lift let me go down and see if there's anything here that punk took the key oh wait is up there let me have a look seems weird that that would be a thing I think it might be this it's been some big puzzle action going on today no it's not that okay weird anyone know how to get past this I need to go go all the way round now do I need to find a switch maybe yeah I think it might be pasta I think I've just missed something then we need to go this way let's go go upstairs and downstairs there's more sales down here right the lift is behind the door there's different stairs okay give me a second while I work this out puzzles are my strong point you should know that by now there they are [Music] I've gone the wrong way [Music] at the auntie's go this way [Music] and then we can go this way perfect Anissa says I went out over they not [Music] so you carry get down there [Music] oh this isn't the way go back up to the other stairs through the second-floor puzzle okay I'll do that thanks guys and must have just missed it and I thought I'd done everything don't worry I'm not very good at puzzles as you can tell so this is the second floor oh you go down there okay I thought that was just another room for some reason I did not mean to go this way actually I did right let's go this way and then I was this way I think yeah this is the way I need to go okay guys I got it there's a way you can get down there and it's here see this is the one pad that I missed got it we made it we can't go up here quick I just want to get another item I think there might be some more trainers just get a little bit more leveling going on before we take on the boss and get that cubone back five great balls and they might have new Pokemon as well at you should we do the boss first they might leave though let me see hi potions are too hyper potions nice [Music] intruder alert I walk straight past your face you didn't know is yawn farting ninja mr. burger Ashlin i'll be picking it after i go offline which is sometime today matthieu ricard thank you yeah ninja jellyfish minecraft princess did you get the bendy extras to work i didn't they never worked thunder speed surf as leti where do you need to get a cut I need to know before my Pikachu here potato by himself where'd you get cut um just play through the story and you'll find it eventually buddy it's kind of a very logical art Carlos the watcher thank you and girly games 1 1 3 appreciate you guys for watching thank you for the 20 because evil eyes always paralyzed me that's not good I think I've got something to get rid of that slam can paralyze 2 [Music] goodbye Atkins see you later was that your idea Pokemon Gyarados 1127 he's almost at 30 which is good fitness level 32 though five levels ahead oh boy yeah let's switch just try and keep as many people alive right now trying to make sure that people stay alive I think I'll fly and move me good here Seth Green can you make another minecraft pocket edition series ah probably not to be honest it's still very much the same just with a few new blocks auerbach looks nice I wonder if Jessie and James have an R book yet slam I think that's a shout-out to I think that's a shout-out to flying Pikachu you know the the Pokemon card he's kind of featured in a few games but it has the balloons and he flies around in those flying-type moves I think the poconos fly as well very cool hey Travis I see you there we did it Onix level 24 onyx is kind of one that we want to replace of Gengar but I need to get the Silph scope first it's taken so long we're doing good though I think we're almost there looking for a cubone I don't know what you're talking about sure short surahs or or I'm going to quickly switch Pikachu to the front just so I can get this next battle over very quickly that was not what I was place to do Oh sir what did I want to achieve I'm saving this cubone I'm gonna run away with it just like you did emoji I'm connecting to Pokemon goes let's go even nice and glimmer fangirl we should be able to UM connect our pokin we'll go soon I hope so let's go yeah I want to connect our Pokemon go so we can import some Pokemon oh this was not a good poker one for it great spine though I like the noise of swift it's kind of cool our Pikachu is licking the derpiest it kids and I'm enjoying it the best looks so far and we've got our rocket outfit we've got everything all kinds level 26 now as well nice this won't do our kind in gyrados are pulling their weight even though they're 5 levels lower you want to find the boss take the elevator oh I'm going don't worry I'm just gonna quickly use a paralyze hill I think yeah this one just so I can use my our Konami let's go buzz is leading the way [Music] let's get out of here now we've got the left key we can use this and go down I think this is where we need to be yeah there they are I see a Jessie and James is feet I wonder if I have to fight them first white and we got elixir don't need that right now all right then Jessie James how are you oh and me out you're that twerp from that moon just how long are you gonna follow us around I know I'm beautiful but what do you want I want to join Team Rocket really you certainly do show potential though you're not nearly as beautiful as me wait a minute you're trying to trick me it doesn't matter there's no way we're letting you get me through to the boss it's payback time for those fossils from Mount moon you brat I don't take you down punch ha even though I do want to be part of you I'm still gonna take you down I love the James as the roads always a double battle whoops completely forgot about this no no I don't want dollar fighting here this is a bad choice Oh God zoom Dow is is it so weird come on peanut let's do this buddy [Music] wait I switched the rug Bachman out I want to fight with you I want to do a zippy zap I'm gonna do wheezing he might explode I'm a little bit worried about that I'm gonna switch out Gyarados for peanut don't enter exploit that we bad it's like Team Rocket vs. team rocky right here but I have the better outfit nowhere can I shout out gave the CT NW I think I've started them out already boom there you go there's your shout out again love diva do the old levels I haven't yet no oh my good goodness wheezing ate that when it is oh my goodness no [Music] Oh hahaha oh we're in trouble massive trouble I'm gonna have to use a hyper potion that was gnarly wait am i high because there it is that was insane um we're in trouble guys I don't know what we're gonna do at home at least we have roost that was so powerful he's level 32 as well what happened why was that so strong oh that's so strong just mean I can't switch oh no its paralysis not again sludge okay that wasn't as strong this time it would poison teaching my psychic move I don't have any unfortunately I'm gonna see if he's at our book instead I'm gonna try and get a big old I need to just get these guys out of here that's so powerful Jessie and James who knew Zippy's app needs to do a lot of damage [Music] okay that's good that's good crunch is not good you know what peanut really does take those hits and so does wheezing apparently maybe I should have ganged up on the wheezing instead I might need to give Buzz another HP hmm what's gonna be good against wheezing is fighting good against wheezing oh grassy boys resistant okay yeah let's do that good shout to switch to grassy boy and we're gonna take out our walk it's cold we can roost as well this is the this most difficult battle so far [Music] okay he's not resistant to poison type moves you know it's paralyzed everything has just got worse my goodness I think when you use a hyper potion another one on buzz we're gonna have to go back to the the Pokemon Center at this rate these get rid of arbok oh come on get him outta here he's so fast as well oh he held on yes IV saw my Pokemon loved me yes he held on with 1 HP what a legend [Music] wheezing you sludge a grassy boy I'm sorry so close yow I am playing on a Nintendo switch the CEO neom platform this game is on where we could get some more XP here might go for arcanine just to get him some more experience so you can be more powerful he's already powerful but when he gets up to level 30 this this dude's gonna be one flamey boy to see wave all that hits both of them I should have done that whoops this is ruthless I don't know if that heals [Music] oh I should have used two attacks [Music] who are canned I wasn't would have been much better actually he would his own status condition as well I'm used to take down wheezing is out of here well I was a close one that was way too close rainbow emoji gotcha he doesn't oh that's nuts thanks for watching miss so long flaming Spitfire again I'm playing on the switch I'll say hi to dad from you gotcha kit beer and the watcher thank you sorry to hear that buddy I'm glad my videos can help such a dreadful twerp but I was so confident look at Ramos he's one of my favorite characters in the anime $3,000 man that was a man that was a bit intense how infuriating don't let it get to your head just because your Pokemon a teeny bit stronger exactly and even if you did defeat us in battle we're still stronger and stronger than you we'll just use brute force - OH - Pikachu calm down don't intimidate them eat looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again I need to go to the Pokemon Center desperately what do you want Pikachu what's good looks exasperated I'm not surprised how can you tell when you can't even see his eyes all right we're gonna quickly go back to the Pokemon Center so we're ready for this I don't know if there's a battle so um just in case I'm gonna do this no this is not good I think we have to go here afterwards you have to go out the other way I react to your videos burst kids I can't unfortunately thank you for your chats though I really do appreciate it we have to do this puzzle again well that shouldn't be too bad we know how to do it now but my Pokemon are looking a bit grumpy right now we can't be doing it with buzz poisons that's bad [Music] he has a Persian of Rhyhorn I'll dude those should be alright actually right on we can use Gyarados actually we should be we should be really ok with that Persians easy depends which one they send out first I guess alright let's heal up I'm glad it's getting tougher though it's definitely getting tougher as a as little T yeah I can use potions but I kind of used to I used two or three of my hyper potions already I need to buy some I'm gonna buy some so I don't have to keep coming back why I'm a chronic Pokemon Center user I use it all the time because it's free I guess it only takes a little bit more time and then it's free it's much better I love this song the music is so great [Music] should use onyx the last battle I've been neglecting onyx but the reason I've been neglecting him is because I'm not I'm planning to replace him as soon as we get these ghosts I'm gonna be replacing him so that's why c3 this puzzle again real quick we know how to do it now though beat the rock out right hall and I certainly will is buzzing our first spot he is so hopefully Persian comes out first this week and then this way this way and then this way sweet okay I remembered it yeah good nice clean music right it's like a remix not remix but a remake good night Dan TDM edits yes I will be uploading this after don't worry so you can catch up Thank You banging out though right let's do this it's time Jackie Rox thank you Chucky thank you bet say hello to Blake a Blake thanks for watching dude and Jaden shouted Jaden eater is that you here we go I'm do a quick save just in case things got real bad than 10 hours already of this game back up to 115,000 as well who's this blue dude I haven't seen this character before just one look at the Silph scope and it's plain to see sylco definitely has the technology and skilled Team Rocket will need to make our wishes come true hmm a machine that lets you see what otherwise cannot be seen is nothing but a useless toy still this could do carry on Archer with your plans to take over sylco for Team Rocket Archer new character alert yes sir look at him he's looking quite cool I can I can respect a man with blue hair what's a child doing here you listen in on a conversation without saying a word I don't care much for that I'm Archer an admin of Team Rocket now I do not go easy even on children let's do this I'm a little bit um I'm a little bit intimidated though lady Finster I think I recognize you from gem screams right Jackson says hi we're loving the series glad you're enjoying it guys and Tony try and thank your super chat too wheezing you give me such a problem all the time I need to look up what wheezing weak again so I don't know and it's bothering me oh that's why he's only week to psych here that's why he's been a problem for me I'm gonna zip his app I should use thunder anyway it's not very accurate and the problem with wheezing is he poisons me oh my gosh that's half damage that's why it's so powerful I'm trying to thunder you missed good job I think it's doing hot 21 ladies so much carnage [Laughter] on X is try it buddy it's not good Archer is strong as well wheezing gives me problems every pokemon let's play I do it gives me issues okay that's better I know what attacks this dude has dig I think rock throw has always got dark pulse oh man we're in trouble big trouble I'm gonna have to heal again after this I might just use items though I think I'll just use items in stock up afterwards yeah I don't have any psychic moves what at all yeah Musa psychic type he has no psychic moves that's the problem don't get a burn yes burnt imperfect that's gonna do way less damage now perfect dude wheezing I don't like you at all [Music] she's dragon tail actually that's gonna switch him out no I didn't mean to do that oh he's critical hear me as well give me a break give me a break that does it peanuts coming in actually let's throw arcanine in there I can I need some good damage last time yeah I can do oh yeah I could have gotten dig I completely forgot because there's no abilities whoops heatwave it is don't miss okay we good David Jamison shout out to Maddie and Portia hey guys thanks for watching the stream how much damage that do how is he doing so much damage to me Oh Jaden thank you for your super chat as well buddy yeah get out of here the burn killed him sweet man that was stressful hey the psychic move as soon as possible Oh buzz has leveled up and I think he's dead as well oh no oh no wait he's on one HP is name yes crazy boy wants to learn Razor Leaf this is a great day [Music] let's get rid of vine whip it's not even that powerful is do it [Music] we've got vine we're blunt razor leaf I thought raisin leaf was more powerful we need something else it's better golbat [Music] buzz is gonna be best here but it's not got much HP so I think I'm just gonna do a zippy zap and hopefully that takes my time one it should do it Chucky's gaming that's awesome and glad you inspired to make content panels and Tony appreciate your kind words guys kill em in 101 HP sorry dude sorry Manny on one HP do not use a full restore I will cry I mean even arcanine the experience come on flaming spit fire welcome dude thanks for your super chair do not use a healing item ouch this has been a hard fight [Music] p-nut it is peanuts the only one who piece of bio an attack from this s slash she's gonna knock out grassy boy with the clothes than losing stress is high Scholl do you have one tiny bit of HP get out of here please oh thank goodness he's gone wow what a fight what's a fight we still got one more to do as well it's a good job I went in healed otherwise I'd be in big trouble but forgive me Giovanni for me to be defeated by a simple child well there's a SIL scope cucm y'all don't bat me now I'm going to a Pokemon Center I'm out I need help I need help I have to go guys I'm sorry I need to do this otherwise I'm gonna be big trouble I've only got one pokémon left I'm not underleveled at the same level they're just very powerful wheezing gives me issues it's because I don't have any psychic news yet yeah Archer was tough Giovanni will be way easier because our Pikachu should be able to take him out just in one but just in case I do need to go heal I'd only be whiting out here because that means that my money would disappear I don't want that here we go just run away from the boss yeah I'm out this year later I'm sorry if there's a delay guys I don't know what happened is either YouTube or my streaming software I'm not too sure it's something I've tried to fix but Khan I don't know what it is I don't know what the problem is [Music] it looks okay to Mon my ends it might just be a YouTube thing actually oh it's not too bad it's not too bad it's fine you're always panicky when you say that guys right here we go I'm not running away again I'm taking out this boss I'm taking you down well I lied a little pixel art on this on the side of the wall that's cute all right knees go down another level then do that puzzle one more time I'm sorry to put you through the puzzle again this is live so I can't cut it out like I normally would so let's go this way and then we need to go all the way down down the lift and then Giovanni is there I didn't want to go there just in case Giovanni soon as the chance you don't fight Giovanni just yet but I'm pretty sure you do I didn't want to chance it would have been in big trouble otherwise right this is the final time I'm doing this stupid puzzle okay here we go down the lift it's cute our Pikachu's on my shoulder yeah it's even cuter how he has the Diglett hat and the silly glasses right here we go quick save just in case let's get this Silph scope shall we forgive me he will not forgive you give me this cubone back you punk so you defeated Archer why is he hiding his face I just saw it I must say I'm impressed you got here Team Rocket captures Pokemon from around the worlds their important tools for keeping our criminal enterprise going I am the leader of this enterprise Giovanni can I have your blazer I like your blazer Oh No cubone I'm gonna save you buddy you want me to release the cubone ha ha you came barging to our hideout just for that what's an amusing child but for your insolence you will feel a world of pain yeah he does bow you ok it's good that we went and healed would have been in big trouble otherwise keep here Anderson thank you for your super Chad you came at the perfect time get send me your luck guys Persians out first mama thank you so much your dream has been achieved and kick there again try this Brick Break Persian it's level 35 oh that's big I've been so used to um Pikachu just taking everyone out yes he moves yes Pikachu yes buzz get out of here Persian and I think Rhyhorn is it right horn a right dog future is so epic I know my stones are in the game I got one uh yeah right on let's switch I'm gonna try Gyarados you might get knocked out she will be underleveled I need to do some leveling up desperately [Music] there we go [Music] 35 yeah we're really on the level let's try and scold with faster a little powerful take that yeah I'm so pleased so pleased destroyed him get out of here Archie was way more strong than you give me your $5,000 yes to defeated by a child's do as you wish with that cue boy give me it back and take this as my apology for mocking you as a child give me that Silph scope that's mine now I can see you raise Pokemon with utmost care you would never understand what you hope to achieve I shall step aside this time this time huh but I hope we will meet and battle again no no hey see you later keep you real headed back to the lavender town it's a long walk maybe the Silph scope you'll be able to find out the identity of that ghost cubone seems have gone home why don't you get out of here and try this oscilloscope yeah that's why I'm going yes absolutely reps guys I think there's one more battle at you on the way out it's going through the first floor I think there's a door in our way I don't know how we get to the door but stick around guys we're gonna reveal oh he's gone there was a guy there he's gone now - scared - scared because I defeated Giovanni in such an amazing style that one hit car was a beast the clutch from Gyarados there see what I mean though our Conan Gyarados when they're leveled up they're gonna be absolutely Savage we might even be able to fit in a gym battle today because there is a gym battle oh wait who are you Oh curious aren't you you're curious about me in this machine do you want to know the details of course he wasn't here before if you insist this machine is a great vehicle that allows you to fly in the sky it's a marvelous invention if I do say so myself it's not an exaggeration to say that this is a secret technique even though I work really hard on this no one wants to try it you seem to be courageous I'll tell you how to ride this machine is this fly this is flying that Pikachu wants to fly my invention instead of you it matches my inspiration perfectly let's get right to it do this and that hold this handle and pull then that will be like that and with those balloons you're in the air [Music] yes we got fly I'm so pleased that means we can go to any town now you can have this machine so be sure to enjoy many trips through the sky let's do it let's do it right now how do I do this though do I need to go to pikachu first I said I could do it right how do I do it how do I do it how do I do it I want to fly maybe town map I want to go to lavender town because that's a far walk yeah here we go oh look at that that's sweet Pikachu can fly now with this amazing machine perfect right let's heal up because we do take a little bit of damage there and then we're going to see this ghost let's see what happens I really want to catch myself a ghastly we haven't caught we've got no Pokemon today we tried to catch nabber and we fail that's literally it it's been all story today that's madness see you again laters let's do it oh wait a second so that Q bones mum that's right Team Rocket keeps on going after marowak so it can sell those scholars say we're to profit I think Q bone is still looking for his mother even though she's gone I just can't forgive that Team Rocket me neither I saw Cuba and heading into the tower a little while ago - I'll go look for it and I'll keep an eye out for mr. Fuji the one who's been missing thank you and be careful what are you up to Gary let's go together I really don't like ghosts but I've got to do this let's help nice timing you caught most of that right what do you say you want to come with me sure let's do this thanks pal it'll be a big relief to have you I'll just let you lead the way okay Punk you can let me do all the work that's what he's gonna do so we need to we've defeated all the traders in here we've already pre-done that so hopefully we sort this out can we see where are the ghosts where the ghosts gone the ghosts have completely fled so we just need to go all the way to the top I wonder myself a ghastly desperately oh yes oh do you think they're really ghosts in here huh dantdm what's that look look at my little glasses my binoculars the Silph scope revealed the ghost true form garcy gussie ghastly and a Haunter as well let's go hon sir is massive they're actually Pokemon wait they disappeared well there it is there it is yeah let's catch up Pokemon I've been waiting for this for three hours haha it's a level 30 nice where I'm using raspberry hmm I might use my first ultra ball actually but 28 of them isn't bad this should be easy but it's not in the center there we go even though that's not in the ring that should catch it raspberry and ultra ball okay maybe not and while I was weak I can't be wasting the older ones like this not are we moved oh my goodness I can give him a yeah Nana need to use it while he's right in front of me though it's gonna be worth it I need to wait for him to be right in front he's a 509 CP that's actually really good he's stopped moving now but he's right just to the side I'm gonna move closer I won't have problems with wheezing z' anymore after this i move a little closer on nose right there Olli it slows down the UM the circle as well missed it this isn't gonna work No [Music] it's gonna be so worth it it's really hard to go sideways [Music] don't move he's so fast stop moving why they go go off center like that huh [Music] yes haha gotcha now we can replace onyx my goodness and he starts level 30 as well so he fits in nicely oh thank goodness for that oh that was rough let's put him in the team I want to try and get a shiny one though so where does he evolved into launcher I'm not too sure sorry ah Dex see you later buddy we've actually got our decent team coming up now a really nice team let's find out this ghost it's here right no it's next next floor next floor false alarm oh we can heal here as well nice I don't think we need to though another ghastly they're fast guys so I kind of need to get up there excuse me thank you there's so many of them okay this is where the ghost is let's see what happens here it is here it is here it is begone no no be guard intruders he evolved at level 25 so we can evolve now nice oh my goodness gah this one's even bigger than the last one use the thing the thing you use last time look at him he's like here we go whoa what is it [Music] it is marowak ah this is so cute oh no I cried oh my goodness that was so cute oh oh the true form of the ghost was the restless Sparrow of Cubans mother the mother the spirit was cond returning to its kind and gentle nature it departed to the afterlife and disappeared Oh cubone you you just came here because you wanted to see your mom again ha you keep him keep him so I'm thinking your mom was scary cubone I don't want to leave cubone alone like this I'm gonna take it home oh if there's someone named Fuji upstairs do you think you could see him home - yeah got this are you not scared at all man you're the confidence pal you definitely seem dependable you rescued cubone from Team Rocket when did you go get that strong don't fight me guess I'll leave this up to you come on cubone I hope he keeps him in his party that would be kind of cute right I thought the mother was going to come back to we won't click mated another rare candy nice [Music] buh-buh-buh-buh-buh right what's gonna happen up here there is Fuji himself oh I remember now stop right there we'll be going first with that Specter out the way we can finally get to the top you're the old geezer they call mr. Fuji right you're gonna be repeating you're pokin research for the glory of Team Rocket's ignore us all you like we're used to it we don't take no for an answer you'll help the boss whether you want to or not what is happening here what is going on Gramps here thinks he can resist so we're setting him straight you better disappear it's worth I'd be prepared on again I struggled with you so badly last time no ace fancier was good buddy sarvesh yeah you can level up by catching pokémon I've let you call one poke one today it's been a lot of story oh no they were level 32 before the 34 already my goodness right we need to get rid of let's get rid of arbok first and then we'll deal with wheezing after [Music] oh my goodness again okay how's that oh [Music] ouch [Music] I was weak [Music] why they poison every time does it poison every time that's insane right daughter sirens gonna die I'm gonna zip he's a power buck to get him out of here and then when you try and take down wheezing I'm gonna try and burn it but I think our book goes before Gyarados oh that doesn't matter we just knocked him out sweep well that was easier now we're prepared peanuts level 33 as well he didn't even battle so I wave yes this is the perfect time to learn this oh my goodness I forgot about this the attack varies I don't even care which we get rid of I think headbutt might have to go actually we can get rid of skulls we get rid of skull watch we get rid of I don't know what to get rid of head but Swift I kind of like having Bruce because it takes damage so well just swift 60 headbutt 70 though [Music] I'm going over to headbutt I'm done it I've done it it's gone it's gone goodbye psywave [Music] all right let's get mu in here to destroy wheezing right now are we behind him as well as amazingly perfect get bug right now we can going to peanut this is the perfect time to learn it I'm so good so glad okay zippy zap it's gonna happen and a sideway brand new side wave you just went from good to all-powerful right now get out of here wheezing right new knock it out show what you're made of okay that wasn't quite what I wanted I thought it was good is that not a psychic move yeah he's out of here goodbye get beer Lilly Connor on my favorite animal probably dogs I think dogs my favorite or giraffes Chucky gaming Lily Colonel Grayson name Arcanine spike I do need to nickname my Pokemon I haven't chosen like a I haven't chosen my team yet I guess I said what someone can switch out I'll regret this that was much easier thank goodness for that seriously again looks like operation stealthily kidnapped Fuji is a bust don't you think I know that I'll be fine we'll just have to help out with the takeover self care and saffron looks like team rocket's blasted up again hello bald head and who might you be you came to save me from Team Rocket thanks I didn't even notice they were here we had a whole battle behind you buddy I was too busy trying to calm the spirit of marowak I think Marik's spirit has finally left us I must thank you for your kind concern follow me to my home it's the Pokemon house at the foot of this tower wait what so dantdm your pokedex quest is one that requires strong dedication without deep love for Pokemon it will be hard to complete such a task I'm not sure if this will help you but I'd like you to have it hey this is good upon hearing the polka flute sleeping Pokemon spring awake try using it if you ever find a sleeping Pokemon so remember at the beginning I think that's where the Snorlax is has it helped me not yet so we've given us the Polka flute that's kids so what am I gonna do now I need to go to the Pokemon Center we just got a Haunter as well I could use a rare candies Gellhorn turn now I'm gonna do that actually I'm do that right now I'll see how much experience is left MLG watermelon yeah I remember you buddy thanks for coming back hope you're enjoying the stream again I really want to go I'm gonna fly back to sell it on and try the gym I think I might be okay for it I'm gonna check what moves ghastly hazards oh I haven't checked party alright here we go what do you got you have Sucker Punch toxic Shadow Ball and dark pulse that is an amazing move set that's really good right that's rare candy I think that means we'll get a horn to straight away where the Candy's out we've got three so you might as well here we go you should evolve here we go it's happening it's our second evolution of the the session and we can ride Haunter as well so let's check that out [Music] PC HP gamer welcome back dudes there it is Haunter I never realized water was so big I was massive is it a good nature as well I don't really know much about nature so I should look that up there he is by licking it saps the victims life it causes shaking that won't stop until the victims demise oh my goodness I don't enjoy that that scares me no I don't mean to do that I used a very candy bar accident no I didn't mean to press that button whoopsie well that's save real quick let's try to take on the gym and then we're gonna take Horn tribe it's poke when we should be able to ride it there we go we should be able to glide on it let's see what happens I've been waiting for this for ages oh my goodness is huge it's kind of weird it's really weird I'm just hanging on the back of a ghost what's so peculiar right let's go to celadon we didn't finish I'm exploring celadon so let's do that real quick that's a million that's lavender I should know let's go let's get out of here how is that steel cavern thank you I recognized you from yesterday to Very's lucky lion and the vlog on my Pikachu's Harry Potter he certainly is and PC HP welcome back well this I think this is quicker than running I'm not a hundred percent sure but I think it is what else can we explore here I think there's a gym there's a guy that we can't quite get to right now but we didn't even go down to the bottom half so much happened celadon City takes pride is efforts to keep it clean and beautiful the area around the game corner is a different story though it's a bit rough hello friends grandma I'm hungry alright let's go to the restaurant as a restaurant it's a restaurant oh here it is my Pokemon a week so I often buy medicines at the department store mmm you know what I heard there's several floors hidden below game corner been there done that buddy yeesh I played so much to the game corner at my hands are twitching games are way too much fun these days I agree with you nom nom nom I ate all the curry they can carry can you guys see this guy a new face well face welcome this place is always packed for regulars well that's it see ya later do you do ramen to do it some ramen right now all ramen would be really good that's one of my favorite foods I saw the ramen poster on the wall the game where the Pokemon fly through the sky is a huge hit we're positive raking in the cash now I feel like I'm on cloud nine you must own it then huh this dude owns that games like flappy bird all over again I can't get out that way is there a gym here I can't find one there must be maybe there isn't then what is this ha Pokemon oh no this is a hotel for people we're full up unfortunately ok I'm here on vacation with my brother and my boyfriend just the three of us isn't the celadon a beautiful city I guess why why did she bring our brother along - oh my goodness yeah our vacation my sister brought me along she's the best Oh No how awkward so awkward oh no I need to try and find this uh this here Jim oh is it where that cut bushes Oh horns are so cool I bet he's really powerful as well let's put him up front he doesn't have much HP but he's got some powerful attacks shop it Pikachu do it there we go it's the gym this way it might be yeah there it is sweet there is a gym okay cool let's do that now my Jigglypuff has an adamant nature it's easy to raise it's a tax tap but not so easy to raise a special attack double slap is a real slap in the face this trip is great it's full of strong trainers what pokemon is it I'm trying to read the sign once her no hon I'm trying to read the sign Erica nature-loving princess you okay this is arcanine gym let's do it here it is how many trainers are in here oh you want to challenge Erica all only I'll have you know we only let trainings with cute bug went into the gym do you have one and you it's cute super cute can I pet it please it feels so good I just want to bury my face in its belly that's weird smells good too I love it fine I guess I'll let you into celadon gym but seeing as you bought a cute pokémon is all and all right let's do this gym then I'm free I'm ready for another battle and then we're good there she is she's right there can we just hop the fence and be fantastic ah you know when you saw earlier show me your cue Pokemon no I'm showing your horns are either ghost berries MLG melon my favorite sports oh geez probably eSports is that a cheating answer Dominic yeah of course I remember you dude Dominic sorry I don't want sad a minute oddish yeah our crane is gonna have an absolute field day here but hunters coming in we're gonna test them out first and see what happens here we go Shadow Ball I like the little ghost icon as well [Music] ah yes mega drain mode [Music] it's not very effective not bad should you sucker-punch ready how's dark pulse good job we didn't use the TM for dark pulse because we got it on a Haunter anyway and I wonder what level because apparently you don't need to trade for Gengar you can just level up I don't know how true that is but I guess you're about to find out - ruff am I don't think so see you later how do these work no I want to go up here I want to face all the trainers first I think I actually want to start with Arcanine because he's a little bit under leveled right now he's even lower than our Haunter haunters almost up there I used a rare candy by accident well this is like a maze gotcha Oh welcome I was getting bored you are in the wrong place for people to just run across you though I'm here it's my aren't you from yu-gi-oh I think this gym is gonna be easy just cuz we have arcanine who's so powerful mind you she could surprise us is a flame thrower gonna be enough for this 29 he's 2 level is higher maybe I should use heatwave no we're good it's going to easy Jim [Music] dollar signs 11:28 as well his time will come give me a break you only just we only just made you work come on now I can't get past her grass-type pokémon are we against water they have an edge on rock and ground type it's true ah you know I hate mazes guys plenty of trainers though but this should be easy why are you peaking in here because I want to face the chimney that you you guys are all like really accusing Tina [Music] alright let's fly this dribble I'm gonna try flame for our again just to get a gauge of how powerful this is gonna be because heatwave does have a 10% chance of missing yeah I'll come on is gonna destroy this oh my word really destroy this which is good oh you're looking at Erica you weren't looking at me nah sorry see my Pokemon I like the grass type I like how they're easy to raise I guess so I want to see if there's items in this gym to flame gamer I am having a good day your name is very appropriate right now we're using flames to destroy this gym then we'll be halfway through the gyms and we've done a lot of the story right now as well flame for I'm sorry audition I feel bad getting an oddish like this [Music] it's not that easy do not think so with Charizard you faced it as well let's see what happens no I don't search Pokemon I didn't see what spoke when it was weepinbell okay I might have to do math you heatwave on this there we go easy rose oh my goodness just one shots all over the place don't mind if I do no yes they're so sassy when they lose [Music] right I think left is to the gym leader so let's chop this one down there's even gonna be a train or an item down here oh nothing whoops is this the only way we can go oh this is the way back I messed up I think we should be able to take the gym leader on straight away I think it's up here and then to the left it depends if there's any maze the other side we good chop it chop it Pikachu [Music] oh this is cute there she is I'm coming to burn burn you inside is so aggressive I'm sorry man there's so many trainers in this what's your hobby let's battle luckily this is my hobby come on Lori bloom this can take a flamethrower right I don't know what Pokemon Erika's gonna have she should have I'm guessing she can have a victory bell maybe or at least a week in Bell oof I think so man I come on this is perfect whew leveling up buddy who's next who wants to get burnt next if only I could farm these four berries oh this is an ace trainer this might be a bit more difficult now moonstone doesn't work on Gengar other things so anyway let me check let me check if you can't evolve it I'm gonna look it up Mary who have you got two Pokemon one's a weepinbell it's crazy that there's already websites that can tell you everything you need to know about all of these Pokemon that's madness oh you do have to trade it that's so annoying I mean I could trade it with gem when the time's right [Music] I thought you could just level it up that's a shame we actually got really strong we've got really strong ghastly as well it creams born between 28 and 32 and we got 30 and it's already at 32 so we did all right tangler our should definitely Matt Anne growth oh look at that it's so cool I love the color of tangle oh man we're gonna burn through this Jim look at that Oh vileplume that's it Jurassic Wolf is it random it certainly is I'm gonna draw it I'm today good job grassy boy everyone's leveling up $3,200 that was an ace trainer is when we absolutely smashed it oh oh I didn't expect this yes we can Ivysaur into a venusaur oh dude this is our first stage - I'm excited [Music] look at that beauty warts and all grassy boy involved in the venusaur yes time graph is shown before oh yeah that's true whoops look at that absolute beauty I didn't realize you could flip them we can learn petal dogs is that a good move oh it's a good move the user attacks our target by sketching petals with two to three turns okay we need to learn this move I think I might get rid of takedown because the other two are kids I don't use petal dance all the time so we're gonna do that being a saw looks like it's got a little crown as well and it's tree we should get it to UM follow us because it's gonna be massive I'll test it afterwards how fitting that I evolved in the grass gym as well how cool is that there shouldn't be that many trainers left haseen you can't get a shout out there it is buddy we don't like bug or fire type Pokemon in here well that's a shame big shame big shame come on Lina Bella spray well she got three Pokemon [Music] am i just trying to save the heatwaves for now flame first you take out the spells for are easy yeah get out of here get a little weedy feet it's got a weird that was far again she got three Belle sprouts isn't she I can't complain [Music] it's another flamethrower don't hit the poor lady though it looks like you got a bit too far sometimes get out of here Bellsprout I must feel bad to be in a gym and just like completely destroy the trainer they're employed to be very very good and they're just not well the person busts out and are kind of like they should just have like a Bellsprout Bellsprout and then a Blastoise or something then as soon as you see a fire poker when you can run we can run and hide [Music] get out of here [Music] our cranes catching up now which is good he should be able to beat this gym leader and get a lot of experience hopefully gets level 30 as well then he's caught up with everyone else she might be quiet but she's famous around here which route those two we can go this way oh geez why there's so many ways we're beating so many trainers today like an insane amount of trainers including all of Team Rocket we became Team Rocket my goodness okay we don't wanna go down there so though he's gonna have to go all the way back round wait could be an ass off all of us come on oh no I didn't work I don't have you even ride Venusaur I hate mazes I need you sassy girls when they lose yeah I know okay Eric is up there and just check him for one more trainer nope we're good okay let's take it on let's do it I think we're ready I think arcanine is ready as long as she just has grass pokemon we're done yeah buzzes got a new outfit we got glasses Diglett hat and a Team Rocket uniform as well here she is I love how they look like they do in the anime so good lovely weather isn't it it's so pleasant oh yeah I must have dozed off what's wrong with you welcome my name is Erica I'm the gym leader I'm a student of the art of flower arranging my Pokemon all of the grass type yes did you perhaps wish to challenge me very well I should not lose we'll see about that Erica yeah they look exactly like they do in the anime it's great because before they were just like little pixel people they didn't look like it at all right who's she got Tanglers up first of course let's have a look level 33 just don't miss your heat waves and you've got this buddy don't miss I know you can miss get out of here oh my goodness minecraft princess you should still be able to enter through that that doesn't matter weepinbell I said you have a weeping bevel what will that last Pokemon be you should go out to fry weepinbell 33 again little bit under level don't worry but it's because we've got these Pokemon later in the game oh my goodness it's a massacre it's an absolute massacre get out of here vileplume yes I love it a little eyes I liked seeing all the Pokemon like they look so good in this game will look so good oh it survived oh it burn though that's good we should be fine that's a lot of damage for a not very effective move oh geez I think we've got this so as long as we don't miss four attacks in the gym leader was down come on don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss yeah we missed our of all the times to miss you our t32 milk bottom Ryan thank you so much feel super chats guys a nice gone out to green is the burn bring her down yes of all the times to miss get out of here yeah we did it think of how many experience points peanuts at level 34 as well climbing the ranks you can see defeats you're remarkably strong yeah $5,400 as well got a lots of money to spend guys I must confer on you a rainbow badge haha his face you've got a rainbow Magica i rea provide raise the level pokemon willing to listen to you flow 50 we're way off that right now and if you like please always take this with you make a drain I'm putting that on Venus or half the damage it inflicts as drains its target wouldn't you agree that's a wonderful move I might actually replace yeah I'm gonna replace that now actually just say hi to Pikachu that's our fourth gym badge we got this it's exhausted but it can still go on you didn't even do anything buddy it'll even focus cheeks well I'm gonna put that TM on Venus or real quick [Music] there it is mega drain I'm not sure what I'm gonna get rid of for it though I think I might just get rid of rays leave cuz rays leave just isn't that goods rays leaf is 55 mega drain is 75 a hundred percent getting rid of Razor Leaf and then we got petal dance which is a 120 Power Move Venusaur got a mad upgrade today it volved for starters and now it's even better let's get out of here dude man we made some amazing progress today flame gamer flame or echo there's a good names I haven't nickname any of them today though Fraser can I do the floss I might start oh look a penis or whoa hold on it hops like a frog that's so weird I didn't imagine venusaur to walk like that in other games when it walks it doesn't walk like that I'm not sure I'm a fan of that it's weird oh it's so freaky it's kind of cool at the same time but very freaky all right let's quickly go to the Pokemon oh you've seen something what you got a pretty wing we can sell loads of those now yeah we made loads of progress today that's four out of eight gym badges that we have now we defeated Team Rocket we became Team Rocket venusaur just got stuck a little bit embarrassing [Music] very embarrassing actually yes I would like to rest up okay [Music] look at our team when we evolve horn so we have got a very very good team see you again right you know what guys I think I'm gonna be able to save it here we got horns ah we got so much today so much we've got venusaur I'm gonna save it just we can see what our gym badges there they are we've done 11 hours and a half so far we've got 143 thousand dollars which is insane only quartz you Pokemon but that's fine actually only got one didn't we regardless we had a good time guys if you enjoyed hanging out with me today please leave a like just before you go subscribe if you are brand new as well thank you so much for hanging out with me today there's been a lot of you here today and it's a it's a weekday so I greatly greatly appreciate it thank you so much for watching I will be back tomorrow live streaming but it's gonna be spider-man tomorrow I'm afraid and then I'll be back the day after with Pokemon and I want to try and catch a shiny in that time too so thank you so much for watching you are the best have an amazing day and I will see you guys in the next one good bye have a good one guys see you later [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,589,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm pokemon, pokemon lets go, lets go pikachu, lets go eevee, team rocket
Id: 92KgX_1Osps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 25sec (9145 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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