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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QualityVote 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies


i put the minutes wrong lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MobErald 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

now you are in trouble dan

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MobErald 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys how's it going welcome to The Sims 4 yeah I know I know haven't played this for a very long time but something big happens The Sims 4 released a brand new expansion pack I was gonna say it's cool pets but it's not it's called cats and dogs it's pretty much the same thing but what is amazing about this pack is that you get to literally create any kind of pet you want including pugs pugs yeah that's right it's going to be epic so I thought this is the perfect game to stream I haven't played Sims 4 in so long so I thought we'd hop in crazy some cats crazy some dogs and you can get wacky with these things as well so I wanted to create like one pug and then we need to get to Trey or us from myself in here then I also wanted to get a cat as well just to see how they behave so let me just witch over to game mode there we go and here we are in The Sims 4 look how sad this dog looks he looks so upset oh that's he's so excited to play this cuz I haven't played it in so long I'm gonna go for I don't actually know I'm gonna go for a guest new game because if I load a game it will be I won't be able to create my own Sims and starve on be able to just stretch she's shouting I won't actually be able to create my own cats and dogs so let's quickly go in here and here it is look we've got our very own wait an occult sim I haven't played this in so long I don't even know what a cult sim is I can add an alien yo that's pretty cool I did not know you could do that that is actually mental alright let's go into this so we can create a mixed breed just a pure cat or a pure dog I'm gonna go for pure dog for now oh my goodness look at it look at it it's actually it's actually a dog in a jumper I mean Alma no puppet can you get well I'll tell you how a more powerful you can get I'm going for a pug you know what that super cute is wearing a jumper as well that's so close doing like it's stretching and stuff too we can make him super fat which you probably don't want to do we can make him super muscly which pugs definitely are nots right what else can we do body tails coat and color pattern so this is where it can get pretty crazy because you can literally paint whatever you want on it and I haven't even tried this yet but look if I switch you around I can literally do this draw TDM on the dog and it just I read how crazy is that alright I'm gonna undo that obviously but yeah you can let you create whatever you want you can make the whole dog pink I mean we could do a pink pug that is unreal the the creator sim tools for the creator pet are actually incredibly powerful it was a grabbed their body parts and do whatever you want meaning that you can just literally create if you have a picture of a dog like your dog your own family pet next to you you can spend a good amount of time actually making your exact dog which is crazy but for now it has made me a pink pug check it out pretty insane we can also add some it has a color wheel as well we can actually add whatever colors we want check this out we can go for like a turquoise headed pug that's a little bit freaky isn't it I mean geez look at that in the st. we can then make its tail like orange you can then add oh wait check this out so we can add yellow all my goodness yellow flowers look at this is insane this is actually crazy we can go for some green what else should we add this this just like weird random grassy bits that's a little bit weird isn't it our pug is now beautiful absolutely beautiful oh my goodness how do I start again I can make him sit and stuff too it's a really cute pug as well so basically what I want to do I think I'm gonna make one normal pug and then I'm also gonna make a crazy cat and what this stuff it could do our roll over you'll Punk there we go right I need to start this again how do I start this again I don't want this pug I'm sorry let's delete you let's start again and this is not the simply gonna be using by the way we import one I want to import one because I'm sure there's a tray or us on the gallery somewhere there must be because you guys make so many Sims and I think gem imported like someone that had made me in here so let's see if we can find doctor tray horas sorry I haven't played Simmons for so long yeah there we go we've got both of us we got the blue hair going on as well I think I'm just gonna do tray or us at the moment can I just add him to my households see if house what's in my library I just want to import him place households I don't know how to do this there we go done it right in my library doctor tray horas and okay I don't know I'm doing I'm not even gonna try could I yeah I'd seen from the gallery I knew you could do it so now we can add doctor tray horas so I'm gonna add tray orison here which one's the best one I think this is direct from my series household already saved I know but I want to adds him I want to add him in my library at join a merger the house what you're currently editing merge yeah there we go he's here I worked it out right now we could delete you I'm sorry get out of here and we're gonna give him some pets so let's start with let's start with a pug first oh my goodness that is not a pug as an interesting hairdo though look at its hair that's phenomenal right let's get ourselves a pug up in here ugh here we go right we need to just kind of go through all these options changes body type oh oh no because skinny that is oh that's bad I'm gonna go for this one that's actually really stocky maybe that one's best I think we can I think we can put click-and-drag oh yeah we can we can click and drag the certain stuff anyway that was horrific ly horrific ly skinny bug I feel like its neck is it has too much of a neck bugs don't really have neck so I'm gonna bring that in a little bit what else do we want we could change it we don't really need to change its color pattern unless we change it to a black pug oh it's so cute so cute what's why is it got pink it's its toes we could give it like quite a quite a light toe which is quite cool look at this this is cute I don't think I want solid black though oh that's kind of like it's brown so pugs this color don't actually exist by Hawaii so we're making a unique breed up in here let's go for I actually quite like the colors on that though it's like a kind of like a silvery Pug I like that or what kind of tails have we got we can do a little stubby tail pugs have curly tails but that's not quite oh my goodness you make it really fat well really thin it's not quite a pug tail I mean I'm not sure what I can do about it I can make it smaller but none of those other ones are pug tails as for patterns I think we're just gonna keep it as it is we can change furs as well Oh what did I do oh my gos look you can literally merge all these oh that's cute that's really cute so let's remember this one is like normal pug I want to make him a bit shorter as well look at all these options it's like a furry wolf pug that's great oh my goodness this is amazing I could spend ages of doing this that's actually pretty cute this Soviet oh my goodness look at the ears on that what happens what happens all right we're gonna go back to normal pug there was one that's a little bit fluffier but you can't really change it that much aside from just selecting the presets that's fine we could try out clothes as well we could put a sandwich on its head I mean we'll do this with the cat in a second just because I feel like cats might actually look a little bit funnier with this stuff on and give it a unicorn horn this is nuts you give it a dog outfits and I think you can change these any way you can you can change the colors and stuff - oh man oh it's so cute so can you can make it into a dinosaur as well oh my goodness a pink one look at this it's so good so goods right ok let's let's put this back we don't want that we don't want that we don't want that there we go walking oh you can add collars yah that's cute so cute yeah we're gonna have that can we change the color of it though do we want like a TDM blue I actually like the black the black is the best did I curse no I did not curse guys I must have said something kind of weird accent yeah I wouldn't do that you should know that by now that's cool I like that right let's go for paint modes I don't think we need that I'm actually happy with the way it looks I like it I like the color I like everything I might make his chest a bit I can't make it any smaller oh I can what about when he stands there we go that's better I'm trying to make him just a little bit stockier and a litte smaller just because he's not looking he's looking a bit tall can I not change the height we need to we've got the name pug we need some names I'm gonna call him I'm gonna call him dusty Dusty's a cool name just because he's like a light gray let's go for we need to set some trades because each of your dogs or pets your dog or cat's I shouldn't say pet who's gonna get dogs and cats each one of them each one of them has three three traits that you can choose we've got couch with natachu Perfect's I think that comes with the pug I'm not you can't even oh you can't change it okay we're kids we're gonna go cat couch potato we're gonna go they are hairy dogs you get hairs all over the place let's go for troublemakers quite goods glutton is good I'm gonna go for adventurous it can't be active because it conflicts with couch potato okay and loyal I'm gonna go for loyal as well so there's dusty a little pug it's so cute oh my goodness it's so cute there we go right let's go for another pet we're gonna go for a cat this time oh my goodness what's happened to his eyes are you okay buddy you okay you can actually make it cross-eyed why that's odd look this is a crazy-looking cat right I'm gonna press the randomize button and see can we randomize the whole thing we can okay let's see what kind of cats we can get nice sy amis I'm not too good with my cat breeds so I'm just kind of shuffling up a little bit and seeing what we can create I wanna create kind of a crazy one so I guess is this like a it's like a tiger that's quite I just want to take its its outfit off I want to go from kind of like a light color just so I can paint it I'm gonna make a super crazy one fluffy what's the fluffiest kind of cat you can get this is white that kind of looks like oh it's got different colors wait wait did you see that did you actually see that ha ha oh why would you do that cat why would you okay we're not choosing you just because you did that so rude so rude right I think we should make like a unicorn cat just these cats are disgusting oh my goodness these cats are so disgusting I've actually seen that you can make kind of like robots as well but I'm not sure where that would be or whether it's just dogs that you can do that with there's definitely a way you can do robot dogs oh my goodness they have different style you can make a shark head with angry eyes how can I even the sea how can I even see that's great though a little a little lion a toastie or a sandwich dinosaur this one doesn't have the unicorn horn though does it it has a shark instead that's unfortunate you can make cool hats too I think it's good it's got the onesie on there we go can that can that is here we have to make it red for that though what should we do I kind of like I want to do crazy but I also want to make it sushi oh this is too much fun we haven't actually made our cat properly yet let's take up all the outfits and we still need to choose I think this cat's fine I just want to kind of make it a little bit more more white just so I can paint let's go for a stubby tail just because they're super cute I mean why not we need a coat collar let's go Queen if we make it all white with a look weird I think that's too bad what did that change okay I like that adds a little bit of dynamics to the coat I mean go for a pick oh my goodness look at that that's awesome that's so awesome I'm gonna keep the pink cap I like that a lot and should we make you super fluffy as well what's the fluffiest cat we can get oh no it's a skin it's one of those cats that just skinned I've actually have you ever stroked one of those before it's so weird they're like really warm skinned animals right what's the fluffiest one I think this is the fluffiest no this is the fluffiest definitely right when you choose some clothes I think you can change the clothes afterwards I'm pretty sure we've got tacocat up in here we've got samurai cats dinosaur cats and sushi cats I mean what more could you want guys what more could you want it's not I kind of like this but I feel like it's a bit much the sandwich is definitely a bit much it can't see if it wears the shark could wear a bow tie the bow tie is cool go white red purple the white is nice or just pink yeah let's do that we can also put a hat on it it can wear jumpers as well oh look at that it's like a Christmas jumper but not gone sub me cat there we go look at it it's so nice got a hoodie as well oh my goodness this is great let me sit down sit down please I like the hoodie it makes it kind of like a little gangster cat our prisoner ha ha ha oh that's that's cool I think I like that one the best we've kind of made like Hamburglar into a cat I'm not sure how but I'm gonna keep that for now I think make you super skinny can make you super yeah let's make you super muscley this is the American long-hair cat but we're gonna call it something else we're gonna call it I think we should call it hamburger just because I mean why not I think it's beautiful I might be it gets but a little bit smaller just I feel like it's a bug I just tell smaller as well but so you can see look you can literally just click and drag any kind of parts but I want it to be super fluffy a little bit skinnier I like it I like you're right let's see what traits it's got its got fluffy they'll hack up hairballs more often is he gonna do it again that's so gross no take that off that's gross let's go for curious cuz kind of like cats are all curious well we could call it something else if you got any other names put them in the chat from you guys and then while I've picked this you could choose something else let's go Oh what else there's so many good ones playful and then one more ah clever they can even understand Simlish when spoken to that's pretty cool I think that's quite actually like the name hamburger though I really do and we can make the Pug a puppy somehow it's kind of like an adult at the moment I think I don't know you can change their their state so to speak I believe as is for now I think randomized the gallery no I think gonna leave as it is cuz we could adopt a puppy as well hammy fluffy fluffy scarlet or strawberry is a good name pinky sprinkles mittens Fluffy's Pink Panther poopy no I'm not poopy pants cotton candy we could just call it cotton let's call it cotton because it looks like cotton candy that's a better name you guys didn't like hamburger and then trace is chilling over here he is the he's full of knowledge he's also a genius is he clumsy as well is that what it is yeah clumsy and all he's already got genius oh it's nerd brain he wants to both be smart and handy that's cool dusty cotton and dr. Troy Horace I like them we're gonna send them off into the world oh wait did I not do I have to call it Drakken named it twice oh is this the breed name I think that's a breed name I'm gonna go dusty and then I guess it's last name is tre Horace what's Travis's last name yeah let's trace and then we're gonna go cotton Troy Horace hopefully this doesn't mess up but even if it does we can go in and fix it any way I like it it's so cute nuggets nice - I'm happy with these guys let's send them off look haha look how he's posing with that Pug its licking him it's so cute so cute let's randomize the portrait oh look he's super evil down the bottom as well this is cute my guy my little cat here is definitely some kind of I don't even know like a burglar a robber some kind of cat version of a gangster it's one of those things I want the first one there we go right we need a house though but I think they've added a new town into the world oh wait hold on a second my game is not properly stretched let me just fix that there we go much better so there's a new world it's called brindle tun Bay I'm gonna go there just because we don't have much money actually we have 24,000 that's not bad I don't really want to start again I can't afford this lot no sporting space can we only choose blank Lots we've got this house Bedlington boathouse it's right next to cavalier Cove Sables square so we want to have oh this is Christ where they've changed this I'm just gonna buy a premade house just we can start playing like straight away if it's unfurnished we get ten thousand if it's furnished we get four let's go furnished let's definitely go furnished because then I'll just save time I want to get into playing this and seeing what our cats and dogs do yeah this is this is gonna be fun really fun so the unique thing about this cats and dog expansion is you can't actually control you can't actually control your pets they just kind of do whatever they want so that's exactly what they're gonna do you can influence them to do stuff but apart from that they do whatever they whatever they please that's fine I'm not gonna cheat guys I'm just gonna play this normally also this is a pretty place to live I mean they've got a the giant house look over there got a swimming pool sweet roof but we're right next to the beach which is amazing for walking the dogs have a quick look at our house as well we've got ourselves we need to buy some means buy some pet stuff but a house is actually looking okay I don't mind it so much this open is once and stuff I haven't played this in so long by the way guys do for me a little bit rusty just give me a chance I haven't played it in forever good old bedroom upstairs little desk I like it I like it let's put the walls like this the wolves acting a little bit weird I don't know why I mean I guess we could extend to this at some point as well we have four thousands I think we should upgrade we haven't really got any things so let's buy some stuff shall we let's definitely buy some stuff because otherwise we're gonna be in big trouble with no TV no pet stuff can we sort by pet stuff I think we can packs and cats and dogs and by the way I keep saying pets but what I really mean is just cats and dogs I don't want rooms own items so these are all the new items which are pretty cool it's made this bigger we've got I need stuff that's just for them to play with and to live with let's go for comfort so apparently there's not that many dog beds at all we've got this one which is like different ones just a pet beds pet sleep station I mean they're not great but they're okay I don't even know where to put this so we come in the front door we've got our kitchen down here got a bathroom here and I feel like moving the bathroom along I think I want to move the bar from along let's get rid of all this stuff forgive me while I just fix this I don't to move that I want to move this wall I move this wall I want to actually do I just want to get rid of that wall because I want to just have the kitchen in with the living room and then just have a dining room around there with some pet stuff I just want to move dish I guess I could do that yeah there we go just put it into the corner a bit then we want loads of space if we just move this move the light as well perfect now I just need my dropper tool I just need to make this all the same and then we can fake itching in which is much better I don't really like these lights that much but I don't think I really have a choice because we don't have much money can I afford to bring this wall out a little bit $12 of course I have enough money for that now we need to buy a kitchen though should we just go for pet stuff I guess we can't we can only afford certain things I think we should go big on the the oven because that's going to affect our mood quite a bit let's go further White's just because it looks alright let's go for the fridge is quite a decent choice an important choice even its 1,400 I think we should go big on the kitchen is there a better color scheme for that not really that's the lightest it goes okay what else do we need you just need a few counters we don't need to go big on these we just need like a simple gray that's pretty nice I like it I like it I guess we just need a sink as well but part from that I don't think we need much else let's get a little bog standard sink there we go what else do we need apart from that guys I guess we could add somewhere where we can sit by just I'm where you're spending too much money right now we got 2333 we need to buy a TV as well TV and television so we can buy a penguin TV we can't really afford that much I don't really want this could I sell this it's a fireplace it's 480 that's fine TV stands we can afford a better one now I kind of want to put it on the wall why can't I put this on the wall you can only put certain ones on the wall okay this one's 2600 we do not want to spend that much we just need like a little table coffee table down and say well we go coffee table this is buy something nice and simple it's called the mega coffee table but you know what it's not that mega is it I just want to change the the color of it actually I like this one better yeah I like that one a lot better now we can get a TV we go for this one you seem to spin this round there we go beautiful actually that is really expensive as a TV let's go for that one goes on the wall this one's 1,000 okay let's go for this one instead there we go TV done I'm gonna buy a better couch just because I can afford it right now wasn't going to put the lamp in the corner and trying to use as quick as possible so we can play with the pets so far and he's doing real simple that looks beautiful try us it's gonna be amazing for you buddy what else do we need I think that's pretty much it we've got toilet we got shower we've got some money to spare we just need some pet stuff let's filter that by cats and dogs I just want to see everything really gradually let's go for weird dog beds what color do we want when he's throwing lights this is a terrible bed though I'm just gonna keep it like that whatever better ones do we have that one's not so bad that one's not so bad that one's got a cool pattern on it let's go for that one pets so we also have litter trees which we definitely need this is a kitty litter laser box which allows the poop to be zapped by lasers which is pretty cool so we're gonna do that I don't know what else we needs I guess a feeder would help let's go for actually like this style I'm gonna put all the pet stuff in the same place let's go for anyone with a dog bone on it there we go I don't know if they're gonna be good eating together or not but we're about to find out and I think that saw how it's done we've done the improvements I guess we need some toys got little balls it's a bird let's do the bird ball let's put that down here we've got hoops we got the cat Dazzler I mean what could go wrong with a cat Dazzler let's get a green ball as well unless just hop in and play I mean what could go wrong let's try and interact with these suckers I'm excited right get to know let's get to know our little look he looks so evil so evil I don't even know what gender my cat is that's really bad can you play your cap least rarest need to be nice to both of them okay look a little little pug as well look at real skinny and a little bit sad why are you looking so bad for you getting snow your cat trailer so you just kind of you just kind of staring at it that's fine we can seems to Graham oh I'm so ready let's take a picture there we go boom so we can make our cat famous as well doctors got the photography skill and cotton has gained 21 Sims to Graham Fuller's amazing absolutely amazing what else can we do offer friendship I guess we want to do that because it is our pets play of laser pointer I'll get to the Pug in a seconds and then praise and then we can get to the pot right lads offer friendship let's pet as well and let's all we can train them to trained commands it can do he'll go and walk us go potty change outfit leash and pickup that's pretty cool Dusty's a lower dog they like to stay close to their owner okay that's fine I don't offer friendship this is you play and see what happens look at this just try to get it funny just play with a laser pointer that's so cool I like that so and then they gonna become friends so cue guys I like it they've been missing pets for a long time from this game it's good like what is that on the end of fish it's a mouse it's like a mouse laser pen that's cool I like that I like Travis's outfit by the way whoever made this tray or US made a good in a real Gooden okay you can stop playing that laser pointer now come on buddy show some show summers appreciation for your pug okay he's just like just chillin by himself so cute I think it to him anyway I don't actually know how although he became friends with cotton as well I don't know if you can see that it's behind my FaceCam but we did just become friends and now I think we're getting to know our very own little pug cotton is a curious cat try asking them what's that I'm watching him investigate around the house I just saw them bowl off Cotton's gonna be the first one in the house look at him go haha what are you doing you look like you're up to something it's gonna chill on the counter I mean that's fine you can do that if you wish looks so awesome I love the eye colour as well we should have chosen a different eye color maybe what are you guys doing you need to play with your dog why are you not doing why are you not doing that wanna see what happens it's a little question mark Hey what who are you sue what's your name Supriya dongho what are you doing here I'm trying to entertain my dog let's see if we can welcome to the neighborhood thank you thank you for something asked to go potty so obviously an incredibly incredibly important lesson is to teach them to poop outside I mean there's no other way to put it is there can you do it dusty yeah dusty that's what I'm talking about you did good can I praise them now good job dusty thanks for walking through my legs come praise Him praise them well what's this welcome to the neighborhood people are coming to visit get to know you maybe and bring you a fruit cake no pressure just let them get to know the people enjoy the company okay it's pretty cool well I'm gonna focus on mostly the pet stuff just because that is what we we're kind of doing in this stream slash video where is our cat gone that is a that's a sneaky looking cat guys if I ever saw one look it's prowling around and stuff too alright I need to figure out how we actually feed for this I'm going to fill all the pet bowls I'm sure dusty will come in at some point I just don't want them to go hungry of course and of course we need to get us a job but I'll need to really give him money he doesn't really need anything else oh we got a picture got a picture of dust no we got a picture of cotton let's have a look at that real quick there we go looking good looking good cotton so when we seems to gram our pets we can actually put them on the wall which is very nice yeah okay dusty why store another dog ass or another dog quit is this someone's dog or is this just a stray that's a cool dog it's blue hey blue how you doing where you're going huh is it a stray or is it this person's dog because you can get strays in this game so what you can do is you can actually per friend strays and I'm pretty sure you can put them into your household you just go in see you later blue see you later buddy it's a bit stinky as well oh look it's playing with the ball I knew we should have got this does here's a couch potato they really just like running and prefer to be lazy chuckling go yes cotton it matches you perfectly that how cute is that it's so cute it kind of makes what the ball just went do you see that the ball just went inside Cotton's neck that was a little bit random right tres I forgot that I need to buy you a inspire your bookcase or bookshelf I think there's a really cheap one that's a kid's one I just want the cheapest one hundred seventy five yeah this one looks okay just so we can actually learn things I want to read no I don't need to read any of those I want you to study cooking how do I do that Oh purchase books that probably helps oh look he's holding the cat's came of groans that's actually hilarious skill baking Volume one cooking there we go $75 for a book though that's so expensive so expensive objects purchase can be found in the bookshelf thank you just so that rurus when he does need to cook doesn't set everything on fire I don't think we have that's a good point actually we don't have a fire alarm can you get one of those you can so no they took out burglar alarms I'm pretty sure they did anyway well they took out burglars completely Oh you okay there dusty oh my goodness look at its teeth dusty is so cute I saw open his mouth a minute ago so dusty really is a couch potato just like chilling out and do noting things having a really nice dream as well so cute right Russ I might need to get you a job as well just because you don't have a career right now which is a little bit worrying but apart from that I think we're pretty much set I just need him to quickly research his or what's this laser silliness he got he got an achievement from that that's nice choice we didn't read long enough you need to read buddy come on you need to get yourself a cooking skill otherwise are gonna be in big trouble on you here's a bookworm so we should be able to get some decent skills I just need you to go up and up and up and then we can check on our cats and dogs it takes ages to go up oh my goodness no wonder he's getting boards Wow dusty ah Dusty's awake should we take dusty for a walk guys I think we should here we go let's do go on an adventure together and that's cool from an adventurous dog yeah let's do that try us and dusty into the world by themselves that's so cool the seasoned adventurous dog watch out there might be they might return from a night out on the town of more than they had before so they can make disappear is that that's a little bit worrying isn't it they can just disappear and adventure oh where you going her she disappeared Adventure is out there is time for an adventure dusty sniffs the air picking up three distinct paths distracted by sense in all directions dusty need some help deciding which way should doctor take them should we go to the town square the lighthouse or whisker man's Wharf I'm pretty sure whisker means Wharf is just behind us I think oh so a lighthouse on doctor's okay dusty takes off the path looks like it's going to be the old brittle tube a lighthouse there are rumors around town of a malicious looking ghost dog that haunts the bay old lady Crabtree says he can be found late at night howling from the top of the tower I'm sure it's just superstition doctor thinks oh that's creepy let's go onwards so annoyingly we can't actually see them on the adventure because that's just how Sims fool works the two entered the brindle tonight information center and gift shop where an elderly white-haired man is selling postcards he sees them and bright up the top of the lighthouse is always open for the best views of the bay but I'm about to go on a break next time I'll take you through and teach you some interesting history with that he shoes them out swear doctor looks up at the lighthouse once more before heading home what a great adventure what a terrible adventure I mean we didn't even grab anything from that we didn't do anything or what's this don't only the businesses oh yeah guess you can be a vet I completely forgot that's one of the biggest things in this in this game and I completely forgot so looks like Cotton's ad using the the cat bed which is good I don't know if they can share it but that'll be quite cute too right I want to go ahead and train them let's train them at you roll over see we can do that well let's get a bit dark the stairs a little bit weird pet training skill so we gain skill as well as the dog you can do it you can do it dusty I believe in you oh oh just do it just do it straightaway you got this gone dusty roll straight over or don't I mean you can if you want to I saw you just do it here we go yeah oh that's cute I like that a lot do it again do it again do it again do it again why are you opening your mouth like that you barking at me now go on try us convince it to do a roll over the cat bed actually has a use I know I think cats and dogs can pretty much just sleep anywhere which is good but they're actually oh I said they were making you to the cat bed but you know Cotton's just playing with that ball good job we bought that ball because this is loving it absolutely loving it and now dusty knows how to roll over perfect let's give it a treat a five-dollar treat I don't know there's no like progress bar so I guess they just learn it maybe and you can't check on the dog because oh no any means do that give treat you I want to give tree stop because no progress box when you click on the pet it doesn't give you the stats on them which is weird but hey I guess that's you don't have control over your own pets in real life so I guess that's why they've done that to be honest all right give her a treat here at a treat it is a big treat no wonder it costs five dollars my goodness yeah why have we got hatred already why did Justin and Supriya not like us because we didn't actually say hi sorry I had myself some pets I'm so sorry but it's do some more kind of bonding things go and walk yes we gotta walk let's do that let's go for a jog me and dusty go in onwards what game is this this is the Sims for cats and dogs look how happy what does this mean leash Oh so we can just automatically leash them up here we go dusty and Trey are us out for their first little walk the lead is going through the stairs and the house but that's absolutely fine oh my goodness dusty went through the dusty read through as well oh no I didn't mean to do that Troy vs. Troy is benefiting from this walk as well are you just gonna go backwards and fourths is that what we can do you're dragging dusty through bushes it's not very nice yeah this is cute though it kind of gives like a really cool atmosphere to the game just having oh my goodness having just extra animals and stuff around just because because they are because they work by themselves as well where did you go they just kind of do their own thing oh hey this is a bit buggy isn't it there's a dog in the floor I think what is this guy doing hello hello sir are you okay I want to see what he's walking and when when it's gonna appear it looks like he's just walking the sand aisle there you are okay that he does have a dog attached to that lead that's that's good to know look how cool this is a lot some good relationships going on tourist needs to go to the toilet but trust this isn't about you today this is about the cats and dogs so they just kind of run infinitely oh this is a lot that we could have bought as well so we're just running on other people's I'm just running on other people's lands that's fine I guess that's a cute dog as well there's some treasure down there let's remember that let's head home go home with your dog tree or us don't leave your dog out there though please don't it's a really nice place to live there's loads of people around it's right by the sea there's dogs around there's cotton what you're doing where you're going cotton you okay just going to explore I like that I'm glad we gave them that trachs it just means that they're just gonna just gonna chill that's pretty that's a pretty cool picture if I do say so myself cotton you're a natural an absolute natural let's go home now how do we can we unleash so that they can just do its own thing I guess all right I was wondering white roses spinning around in a tornado but he's just kind of doing doing a little change right let's use this Rose is gonna have to cook for himself as well he's gonna have to get a job I'm gonna have to get my job now on I join a career can we join the vet career without actually having to run the vets ourself I'm not too sure but I guess we're about to find out what job should we give him this have a look is that mods no this is like an official expansion pack no mods required to be a detective a doctor and a scientist and these the ones we have to play through yeah so we need sir well we don't have to we don't have to go with them a tional athlete business criminal critic culinary and sane a painter politician see Granger's social media tech guru or writer what do I want to do I guess he should be a scientist but I don't want to go to work with him every time can I make them go to work by themselves of these careers I don't think I can what could I I'm gonna make you me an astronaut Space Ranger yeah actually I've done I don't know I'm a tional before she make him a criminal definitely criminal active entered the criminal career doctor is now a tough guy at Mob Wives he starts Monday at 5 p.m. what day is it today I'm just gonna find out right now I'm clicking the wrong thing he's got working 23 hours that's not so bad you forgot to go to the toilet trailers come on now buddy come on now it looks like it looks like Cotton's having an absolutely great time just chilling I think they can go on top of the fridges and stuff too which is quite cool why you uncomfortable just go to the toilet terrace oh there's no door no wonder that's hilarious we actually took the door out let's just grab some daughter Sally we're talking we have Fords I just one like a normal door that's hilarious I was trying to make him go to toilet when he didn't even have a door we go gray there we go try us now you're free to pee to your heart's content there you go I guess we should make him get his own food as well what should he cook let's try grilled cheese and I guess should we adopt as well because when you adopt what happens is they bring over three and then you choose between them you can choose between nine bring three over and then you can choose from there so I'm gonna do that too I think when you do the phone for that move our households buy a vet clinic I don't want to do that take a selfie take photos of how do we adopt there is a way to do it open up a change phone cover collar hire a service I guess let's do that after he's Kurtz we once small pet no cost no puppies or kittens in your household oh that's so pet I do not want to do that adopt a care adopt a dog it's I would have enough money we have to go to work today I'll do that first gene stress you spent too much money on your beautiful kitchen don't mess this up don't mess it up you've got this oh look at these two just conversing over a grilled cheese sandwich beautiful don't burn yourself though call and that would be bad when they're you okay dudes you okay you can't really tell them what to do I'm not sure what this means cool over just go over and chill so I don't like him chilling out side by himself or herself I don't know what gender that that the dog is did you do it don't put that when you put in the Guinness troche you're a mess eat the grilled cheese sandwich actually think I did okay with no cooking skill or one cooking skill yeah she did all right yeah she did okay dusty how you doing buddy you doing good ah Sookie I like the white little paws we've done as well I think you can sniff the food can you see that it's like properly sniffing and licking the lips that's that's detail right there well let's speed this up its getting to 850 he's not actually that tired considering you went out for a run earlier and these two are definitely conspiring against us definitely I can like because of the outfits the because the outfit that cotton has I can definitely take my pet to work I would take my pet to work day that'll be great right clean that up buddy you don't need to read what we what can we teach we not teach cats anything lecture about jumping on counters or not you mind that too much I don't think we can actually teach the cats anything Pam put on the couch let's see what that does wanna see all the interactions let's see what happens I'm just gonna chill together oh look how cute yep she said exactly the same thing ah oh there we go how cute is that guys I love that we got a pink cat as well imagine if you get those in real life without having to dye your cat's cuz that's that's probably not that's not legal definitely not so cute right I think I was gonna say we could probably give I can probably give dusty a shower but I think you need a bath to be able to do that Dusty's not really doing anything by herself he's just kind of chilling just kind of stands doing nothing I guess that's a little bit weird oh we can brush them - that's cool brush I just want to keep the I want to keep the love separated snow what's it cords I'm gonna deal it out equally not separate it I'm sure I should probably go to bed soon there we go brush in the little puggy it's sticking its tongue out nice what else can we do get to know I guess we can converse with our dog we can also take them to the vets as well also I'm wondering what happens if you don't encourage them to go to the toilet whether they just do that I don't know just randomly are you okay to us why can't you do that I kinda want to take them to the vets but it's kind of late you know what let's go upstairs and I think cherish would call it a night what times is work 5:05 p.m. okay that's not so bad that's actually not so bad at all we're just gonna chill on the sofa with cotton until it gets to bedtime look how small our TV is you can't actually make things bigger but I can't remember the shortcut for it it's like : plus I can't make it bigger there was a way to do it shifts control I'm trying to figure out I did it in one of my videos but I can't remember how there is a way to do it though pair up sessions like most pets conquer get and explicitly obsessed about things around the house keep it on their furry companions to discover their unique interests white chairs why are you sleeping on the couch you have a bed upstairs go to sleep buddy it's fine right what we're gonna do now is we're gonna get two hours to sleep hopefully go to the next day and then I'd square brackets okay thanks for the help guys I just wanna make this a bit bigger when my square brackets there we go who needs to spend loads on a TV when you can make it absolutely massive that's what I'm talking about definitely can you make it even bigger than that y'all biggest TV in the world we don't need to spend money on a TV when we've got one this big I'm gonna put this I move it that's gonna move up here need to take way more pictures of our cats and dogs and when we earn enough money we're definitely gonna adopt one just because it gives you like the random ones look wait wait wait ah sleep it down here why are you getting up why are you getting up go back to sleep it's 4:00 a.m. it's not even 4:00 a.m. come on you don't wake up cuz you're stinky oh is it because the dog was barking is that why and I want to make sure that I want to make sure that Rose gets sleep cuz he's gonna work till late have a sim do nothing social for 24 hours whoops sorry Trey horas I was way too busy way too busy playing with pets and stuff look at cotton cotton is chilling out my goodness I love the hoodie so much should we get um should we get dusty an outfit - I need a mirror I think I can do it here change yeah yeah I'm gonna do that I'm gonna get dusty an outfit just because I feel like the sillier the better and look at the size of the TV it looks so funny it's glorious he's feeling fine now maybe the dog had to pee maybe but I feel like they can kind of operate the doors and stuff themselves oh look at the dreaming Dusty's dreaming amazing that's so like natural-looking considering they're like in The Sims 2 pets they weren't I don't think they're though this natural looking they just kind of have really good movement and stuff and really nice natural behavior apart from dusty you kind of just sleeps and does nothing but I guess that's from his traits right just a couch potato well I want to get dusty and says he loves the ball give dusting outfit I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna go and then when we come back from work we should have enough money to be able to adopt just cuz I wanna see what other cats and dogs are out there right let's change your outfit duster Unni I saw how you can tell their gender yeah you can so cotton is a female and Dusty's a male I think we knew that already just because oh this is what you change the puppy as well I guess we can do that later on we can adopt a puppy instead right I need to give you an outfit sir now that I know you're a sir we need why can we give you these items I don't here we go I just want all of them we give you a bow which isn't that manly but fine I like the unicorn horn I also like you know what the dinosaur outfit pretty much clinches it we've got pink already real oh look it's so cute okay we're keeping that that's amazing we've got like a rainbow dinosaur pug there's not many games where you can do that guys there's not many at all I don't wear anything that looks pretty nice though what are you eating yogurt okay nice and healthy starts in the day he wants to buy it other pet toy box we don't really have enough money buddy play fetch okay we can do that I think dusty is sleeping hello just he's awake there he comes haha where's your outfit though don't see your outfit I want to see your outfit is that only for walking maybe right are you okay buddy I think you might be telling us he wants to go outside friendly get to know on McGinnis I need to get used to this guy's pet care ask to go potty I don't have to do it inside though I don't know why dusty hasn't changed outfits don't do it inside don't do it inside are you going outside those really clever if fonio is that easy to train a dog that'd be incredible wouldn't it oh wait corns going near where the food should be is you're actually gonna do it you're walking really slow there we go I never thought I'd be so happy to see a dog the peas in a game but you did good dusty you did good let's praise them what else could we do we don't electro out barking because or do winged let's see what happens we'll have well trained pets guys we can only take them on a walk before we go to work and I don't know why I outfit hasn't changed did I not save it properly I was learning let's see weapons when we walk okay go on a walk go for a medium walk I just wanna see if it changes outfit dusty hasn't got the dinosaur why why have you not got the dinosaur hey this guy's got more than one dog this is the guy that was walking the boccie now that's definitely a dog he's fine travel to the gym now you don't need a gym try us you've got yourself a puppy well a puppy and a cat it's a really nice place to walk we can go over near this that the beach as well let's go over here encourage encourage dusty to do business I mean she's done it already we don't really need to do that I'm taking dusty to the beach look how excited he is so excited we cool to have them just off lead just chillin oh wait we can get them to chase the birds I know we can come on to chase Birds cotton why can't I get Dusty's doing cuz I'm gonna walk is that why I want to watch cotton come bolting down here and chase away the birds are you gonna do it it's actually coming down super speedy cat here we go bushes right pasture than other cats and it's gonna chase off the birds here we go are you ready are you ready the seagulls are literally your size be careful oh my goodness good job buddy good job I knew you were some kind of some kind of Terror well wait guys important news there's a stinky magician looking cat up in here what's your name mayor whiskers it's a stray it's kind of cute though really cute that fence is annoying why is this stinky though so you definitely have to barf your animals otherwise they will get stinky which is a little bit worrying what can we play of dusty how do we play fetch are you friendly fetch fetch fetch is not here relax and unwind be nice to pet care Oh change outfit here we go boom get in your dinosaur outfit buddy unleash yes a wild rainbow pug never seen that before guys I want to play fetch [Music] requires having a boarding the imagery our one seconds we definitely got one at home so if I put this one in choices inventory now we should be able to play fetch even though he's just doing just doing press ups in front of dusty I keep going to see Darcy but it's not Darcy at all all right you ready play fetch guys don't put a leash on him are you're brushing him but he's wearing a costume you can't quite do that can you all right here we go let's try and fit as many pet interactions as we can before he needs to go to work goes to work at 5:00 until midnight that's so unsociable throw the ball throw the ball yeah dusty you got to come get it buddy only thing he's gonna get it you're all right buddy we need to teach him to fetch it's just we just threw the ball he's not doing it yeah he's like you know what no no I'm not going to get your ball how dare you keep trying though he will like are we doing it and there's another random dog here why are you barking at me hello oh it's Kelly the stray you have beautiful eyes look at you it's got like an afro going on as well that's really cute why are you feeling tense from training oh no because he's not doing the is not doing fetch properly yeah there we go God bring it back dusty ah no dusty just ain't bothered ain't bothered so they will do it Kahn dusty I believe in you there's so many stray dogs there's Wallace there's miss male whiskers who's a cat there's a stray over here there's a stray over here called Zoe why are so many people giving up their dogs that's a little bit that's upsetting dude so I've said we've got like a beach full of dogs outside our house you're cute as well look at him what's your name again what's your name show me your name Wallace really cute I think we just missed him dusty just did it do it one more time go and dusty you've got this vegetable there we go is he gonna bring it back no we missed the only time we did it come on dusty doctor is a genius genius seems more focus for mental pursuits yeah but this is not your pursuit buddy this is Dusty's pursuit I don't think that used to be wandering birds around either in the sim so that's quite a nice addition it just feels like the world is just a little bit more alive can dusty bring it back oh yes yes dusty oh I guess I need to get a shot of that look at this can I see mr. graham that I need to do it but I want to I want to take a picture now look how cute with the birds in the background in the beach that's a beautiful shots want to Simpson grab my pets holding the ball in its mouth like that I don't think it's gonna let me know it's not gonna let me now I have been amazing though this is gonna be a perfect picture for Simms - Graham this doesn't get it doesn't get followers then I don't know what does look at that pub on the beach beautiful can we change I swear you can change filters and stuff as well small photo I think actually depends on or we can get this scary dog in the background I think it depends how good the photo is depending on their um photography skill as well well that's moody I like this actually like in normal that's a good shot yeah let's do that I'm gonna take five just because you're more likely to get the one you want that's cute I like that ah you gained ten followers nice right we should leash you up buddy because we need to take you home I'm still trying to figure out where it is can we just click the leash button hug ah cute oh no maybe not can we hug and then take them home I want to see oh man that is so cute isn't it look at yours his face that's so funny right you need to go home buddy not real quick cuz you're hungry and you're feeling a little bit tense for some reason you're gonna have to quickly grab yourself you got y'all get still it won't actually let you eat have dinner you just want a quick meal though you just want like some cereal or something well let's say we can find the best photo from this and put it up somewhere sure we put it up just here let's have a look see how is that picture looking it's actually looking pretty good I like that that's it that's a pretty cool picture considering he hasn't got that much photography skill at all I'm impressed really impressed well I think choices got he's got no time for a meal and the humor and hijinks fester was in town click on any of the dynamic signs around time to find out more okay maybe later look at this size this TV AIDS massive absolutely massive right choice you need to go to work I don't know where the car is or do you just walk there's a car over here I don't know where we catch the car to work guys unless we do just literally walk I just want him to eat a little bit and now you can go to work work we need some money so we can adopt another cat or dog depending on which ones turn up he's off to work right let's wait for him to get home from work we can probably check up on what cotton is doing just sleeping on the bench okay kind of like a straight that's fine oh geez holding the second one is going on here what happens did you make a bed out in the wild can they not open the door if no I hope I haven't left them out there while I've been at work that's a bit worrying isn't it there we go what are you doing like dusty doesn't really do much $63 we can afford a cat guys but we probably won't be able to afford to eat I'm gonna do it anyway let's get you let's get you in the house for starters let's quickly have dinner let's have a mac and cheese just so you're not hungry before you go to bed and then let's go to bed Oh although no there's just no quick quick quick quick go here go here go here you're on fire trousers no no chairs pat yourself out oh my goodness extinguish self this is bad this is bad this is bad no oh no what happened please don't say trash died what are you okay buddy are you okay I think he's okay but my goodness that was scary ha ha ha I thought our only sim was gonna die and then it's a straight-up game over I'm glad none of the pets are in the house but man we need to replace theirs all he was trying to do was make some mac and cheese oh dear oh dear oh that's me that scared me guys that actually scared me how much is it to just replace this cuz I got a thousand that it's not good I'm gonna have to keep my counter as well I can't even sell it for anything oh my goodness that was a bit scary I'm gonna have to go for this and I think actually that works out better because we got some insurance money which means we're actually better off which is goods I'm glad none of the dogs in that were in the house though I think I think he wants to become a stray he's just kind of living in the bush sends pet to explore requires pet training school level 3 what are our skills I didn't realize we could get a pet training skill we want both cat like cats and dogs to come home cuz you're acting like strays right now you've got a perfectly fine house right here I mean I say perfectly fine but really I set fire in my house which is bad the pets coming inside I thought they would just automatically stay inside and wander but it seems like they just kind of do whatever they want right let's change this food on to empty that ball on to empty that bowl actually want to refill it so you don't on the eating nasty stuff I need to be a good pet owner here we go here we go here we go I can't believe we had a fire it's rare that I have a fire in the Sims but my goodness what time is it my my 242 that is not good and trace still hasn't had anything to eat I'm just gonna send you to bed buddy because today is not your day let's just go to sleep let's forget about what happens oh my goodness I actually set a fire a legitimate fire it's not good oh look maybe I should move the pet beds upstairs I do that at least one of them because I think I bought - I didn't buy - I am gonna move the pet bed upstairs though just because it seems like they like to sleep up here actually to save money I can just get rid of that and then oh I didn't mean to do that no no no no no where's the pet beds I didn't mean to delete it let's delete this first can we just get some money back and then we should be able to fill it up here there we go much better and we got $751 right when she wakes up I need to see if he has work he does that's fine I need to adopt a cat I just need two hours to wake up first oh no oh no you're stinky did you wet yourself you're sleeping your own pee oh no right I need a bath as well this is stressful looking after pets is stressful I'm gonna have to mop that up trice you're gonna have to wake up buddy things are getting real stinky up in here Kwan's doing okay though I guess you have to help your dogs more than I thought you needed to it's kind of weird because you have to continue can't control them but you kind of have to you through your sim so it's actually quite high-maintenance to try and keep them I don't know what's this where did that come from what is that is that just dog sick that's gross - why did that just appear a dog will not do it - well here are we I mean I don't know where the dogs stick came on but you need to wake up it's not going well all right clean up these things just mop over your Pug that's fine clean up this can we give them take it we can't give them a shower because it just doesn't work like that we need a bath we're gonna have to buy a bath can we buy a bath / shower I'm pretty sure you can let's get rid of that get out of here let's just have a quick look and it's goodbye room I choose to do it this way we need a bath a bath the works as a shower though do any of them do that my secrets part up we can afford both actually if we just make this room a little bit wider considering we don't actually use this other space that's not gonna be too bad and he's gonna cost us not too much because then we can fit a tub in just here cuz I want to wash my bow we probably should do that right now let me see if it works give dusty a bath yeah buddy it works I know trust Traer us to Starfire I mean what's wrong with him we're gonna give dusty a bath guys cuz you stink look at him he's all stinky this is gonna be super cute I don't know if they're gonna like it but I don't think they have a choice you just look in real your flies around you all that bad stuff I wonder what happens if you give a cat a bath just because cats no tourists so you do not like water and they can't actually swim in this expansion pack either are we giving them in a bath in that outfit that's a little bit oh wait wait a second do you see that there's something on Dusty's mouth I think I think there's nothing wrong with him I think we might need to take them to the vets should we do that we haven't done that yet but he's got like dribble coming from his mouth if that doesn't disappear now I'm gonna be a little bit worried dusty I think you've got fleas buddy that's what happens when you sleep on the beach he's got something wrong with him no how do i oh look what's wrong I can actually find out what's wrong let's see what happens I think he's got fleas all up in his coat and stuff he's got something wrong with his mouth as well is everything okay nope he's not feeling kids just ear sick and probably should see the vets geez how do we go and visit the vet cuz I'm confused by a vet clean out I don't want to do that alright rubble here we go on a travel of dusty and I will go to the vets this is bad news guys my dog's sick shouldn't have let him sleep out on the sleep out of the beach dusty will see you there great alright so you can actually in the Simmons cats and dogs what you can do is you can either own Evette or you can visit the vet which is quite cool I like that a lot where is the vet though there we go bring Dalton post pour spittle it's quite awkward to say quick get to the vet that's gonna cost me money he's sick we're gonna give him pills shots and all that good stuff but this is a good this is a good thing to find out what it's like if you're interested in getting this pack and you haven't got it yet you can see what the the vets is like cherish you're hungry but your dog is sick look at him look him square in the face he's sick he's got something on his mouth can you see it it's so weird right I think you have to go here sign in dusty for curing sickness that's we want to do here we go oh look there's a stinky cat down here as well actually that's not stinky he's like all iced up that's weird but let's have an experience with the vets guys the vest isn't too busy which is good a vet will be with you soon to examine and treat your sick pet please be patient perfect right dusty dusty need to come in buddy I know you don't like the vets but you're gonna have to you're gonna have to grin and bear it for today oh wait the vets over there the vets found dusty before we can I reckon he's got multiple things wrong with him who's our vet for today Jimmy Bustos sought my dog out please he's a little bit sick this cat's got a red nose look can you see it that's crazy that's gonna be a sickness there's loads of like unique choice where you going choice you need to go it's going with dusty can't leave dusty by themselves in the vet that's so unfortunate okay it's poor Mouse oh no we're a bad way bad Peto and his guys really bad / owners we just stood on him as well it's not good right let's see what is wrong with Duster Rooney I love these by the way they should actually have these in vets watch it it just goes up super cool right what's wrong with dusty you're okay buddy he's definitely got fleas I don't know oh oh he's just been I don't know what that was oh yeah is actually firing snot that's disgusting really disgusting and he's gonna have to clean it up I'm so sorry what's your name bark oh I'm so sorry what are you doing are you actually examining my pet hello what's your name again Jimmy are you actually examining my pet you just walking around where you go in sir what are you doing he just kind of run off okay that's that's perfect can you help my dog though please please can you help my dog unless this is like you notice getting him tissues are you oh we've changed I think we stole his table accident okay we go try where are you going this is so wait it's like super glitchy your sim doesn't actually stay in the room with the dog that's a little bit weird right what's the bangs what's the beddings what's wrong with dusty he's definitely got fleas but what else he's feeling tense cos and because of the fire what is going on he just keeps being sick and then they just keep changing tables what is going on you've just left my pet hello sir you didn't even diagnose my pet uh are you gonna help me I'm seriously confused by this vet scenario he's not being nice I mean he's being nice now but I just need you to heal my dog please don't laugh at my dog what's wrong with you this game this game is thinking about babies as well this guy just keeps coming in and meaning what's wrong with my dog but he's just he's just ignored me sign in dusty for curing sickness dude I'm not gonna pay for this service if you're just doing this he just completely gave up it's good to see this gaming big good working order I guess you have to start again Jimmy's not the best vet in the world okay come on let's do this properly now shall we tell me what is wrong with my papa he's definitely got oh here we go pet exam looks like dusty has projectile repugnant as' which treatment would you prefer we've got the basic treatment to cure your pet with effective but somewhat uncomfortable treatment methods or the expensive treatment which we can't actually afford spare no expense and kill your pet with the best medicine available um we're gonna have to go with basic just because I don't actually have enough money I'm sorry dusty it will cure him though you sure he hasn't got fleas as well buddy oh no dusty I'm so sorry look at him he's so upset he's still executing his dinosaur outfit though please kill my animal I'm not I'm not 100% I'm gonna leave a bad review for this vet a really bad review I'm sorry dude I'm so sorry you have to clear it up all my pets mess it's pretty gross did he kill my pet my pet's still kind of stinks okay I'm so confused why is my pet still sick Jimmy Jimmy I'm I'm not I'm not happy with you he just left my pet again did I pay for it I literally paid for it as well and my pet is not cured I haven't got anything in my inventory to give him continued French training freak for a ball do I have to give it to him myself bro he took my money and my pet is still sick I know all my pet to die what is going on this is not my fault this hey Jimmy Jimmy has taken my money and not cured me I don't know what to do I literally don't know what to do do I buy it here Travis is just playing on the computer dusty is hungry yeah but I need to cure him of his sickness first guys this vet has ripped me off he's properly ripped me off let's feed him real quick because this is not good I'm gonna miss work as well but I really don't care if my dog is sick why is this game so broken it only came out yesterday okay right let's see if we can book him in again sign dusty in that's what I'm trying to do Jimmy has whipped me off for some medication that didn't even work see this person's angry too this person is not happy with the vet treatment look she's stomping she's stomping don't go to work Travis juris keeps walking in and out of the surgery as well which is really odd he's properly scan me fight Jimmy I mean I might do I'm have to roll up my sleeves that are already rolled up and just teach this guy a lesson dusty don't leave dusty you can't leave I can hug him let's make him feel a little bit nicer if you don't put you outside what a good dog what a really good dog I think he is as well is he gonna do it I am going to pet care ask to go potty but this woman's angry too this vet surgery just makes everyone mad looks like you're doing your job but Jimmy Jimmy's just Jimmy Jimmy I don't like you I'm waiting for a vet and you're just chillin there he's learn to be outside dusty you're only something good came from this Dusty's learn to pee outside I mean he's still potentially on the brink of death but it's okay stay near podium oh he's lucky it did a little poop as well that's cute is it cute I don't really know I need to clean this I don't even know what's going on I don't even know what's going on it just it sent me home why did it send me home guys this game is broken I sent money I sent my I sent my dog to the vet twice and now it sent me home and my big deals going down at the back of the club I mean I'm not even at work so I don't know what's going on doctor's job is to start distracting and keep attention off the bosses unfortunately the jerk balancer isn't letting him in should he wear a disguise and sneak in I'll start a fight in the street what why would why would I start a fight I'm gonna sneak back in what's happening I'm so confused where are you now trace where is your dog your dog says you can't see this I'm gonna move my FaceCam watch this it says cotton is running no where's the notification Cotton's running away guys the pets missing my litter econ I literally can't this game has stressed me out so much I said I spent all day at the vets I miss my job my pet is not cured and now my cats has run away I'm so stressed out this game is really broken it caused my own cats to run away missing my furry friend was it something doctor says right you can skip work though guys if you skip work it doesn't really matter and now my dogs just being sick outside look the poor guy I'm so angry at the vet Jimmy Jimmy is an absolute punk my day is not going well to have I've been promoted how I missed almost all of my job part from the last 10 minutes I need to get this guy to a vet oh my goodness how can I go looking for my pet I mean I'm so confused guys I'm so confused I can't even go looking for him calling cotton has run away and cannot be called right now that I feel so bad I need to take him to the vet clinic I need to get dusty healed come on don't moan you're tired but geez your dog is sick take him to the vets geez man I've never been so stressed out in a game in my life and I've played five nights at phrase extensively I'm actually shocked and appalled at the treatment I was given at the vets shocked and appalled guys let's hope we get him look for your cat I mean what I could do is laugh guys all I could do is laugh that's all I can do like I've got money now so I can give him the expensive treatment which is goods it can't be anything to do with it can't be anything to do with giving him the cheap treatment because it says it was gonna cure him it just might make him feel a bit like poopie but it's Jimmy here it's Jimmy here there's not even any vets here hello are you the vet all thank goodness Jimmy's gone please let these bets be better we've got Lily Fang and we've got Leonard's I will give you $100 if you cure my dog please we've waited for the vet it has been successful who is treating our dog it's gonna be you it's gonna be Leonard's Leonard's please do a better job than Jimmy is Jimmy in our contacts he's not in our contacts if I Jamie was in our contacts I would have hunted him down and destroyed him my dog has been sick for so long I spent so long at the vets that my cat ran away I mean this has been an interesting what is so gross yeah it's gross dude but please fix my dog I'm so upset and we can at least because we've now been like here we go we can afford the expensive treatment receive treatment this is the bit that was skipped last time we didn't actually receive any treatment whatsoever oh no he's doing it he shot my dog with a shot that's fine is he cured dusty dusty he's cured yeah look at the way he's looking at me buddy I'm gonna give you some kind of hug right now I'm gonna praise you because you're absolutely amazing thank goodness for that thank goodness for that he's cured oh my goodness right let's do something nice can we just pick him up I just want to hug my dog I don't know how to go and find my cat I mean perfect we love you dusty and we love you cotton but first some reason Cotton's ran away and I don't know how to find them this has been the most how long have I been playing this for I've been playing this for an hour and 26 minutes this has been the most event for a tower in 26 minutes I've ever had in the Sims for like ever I'm so happy leave a like for Dusty's health guys leave a like does this say oh man but how do I go and find my own I don't even find my cat I'm a little bit worried that my cat is just not here why can't you move dusty dusty you can move come on come with you can move dusty I'm calling him back see like this game is just broken guys it won't even let dusty move now is it because of these puddles mop no don't eat it geez okay now it's working is because you didn't want to go over all of his mess I mean that makes sense it's now 2:00 in the morning as well he's really sad geez guys how do I find my own cat it says my cat is somewhere over here is that actually the place where he is though good turn you're okay buddy I'm a little bit worried about you there's like a busy road here as well I literally don't even know what to do try let's go to bed go to bed dudes I need to speed this up cry it out I need to find my cat's I'm so upset it's dusty dusty can't even sleep on the bed there must be a way to find your like cats and stuff but you can't even like lure them back because pet missing there's no interactions it says I can't cool them oh I can't really do anything else either was it something doctor said use a computer or phone to post an alert okay post alert about missing pet stop eating you need do this right now right now I wonder if anyone's gonna find it posting a lot on the phone that should have dogs has let up everyone on the lookout for cotton right now you can eat have breakfast scrambled eggs or bacon standards I look I knew moving the bed there would be goods look how cute he is Dusty's amazing what what just happens did he just faint or die did he did you hear that noise are you okay I think he's okay yeah wake up okay wake up's an option that scared me guys there was some really like bad noise and then he just kind of fainted I was worried there my goodness so we've caused a fire we've been ripped off by a vet for a lot of money we've also lost our cats things are not going well at all we just need I need a message I need a message from someone call the sadness hotline you know you could do that alright we need to pay attention to our pets they'll see you okay I think he's doing fine it looked like he kind of passed that woods a little bit weird I think we're gonna take dusty for a walk after this his fun is at an all-time low oh look Dusty's coming over though alright let's go or we get a comforting hug that should be goods that's why you have pets guy is their perfect cuddlers didn't even eat all his ah look how queue is that I thought he died too right that was crazy the ad she made my heart like drop out of my out of my chest it felt horrible all right let's take dusty for a walk and see if we can find our cats we're going for a long walk oh wait if you found my cat nope that's a different cat you cook what is that oh it's a dog I was gonna say can you walk your cat on a lead that'll be phenomenal everyone help find cotton cotton somewhere will I get a phone call I didn't even know that could happen guys I really didn't I'm just waiting for a phone call it keeps but like sending me over here blame it on Jimmy I could blame it on Jimmy I do blame it on Jimmy he's a he's a absolute but for hopefully we can find find cotton I want to find cotton before I end this because I'm not satisfied just cotton being out and about by themselves okay that's not cotton we just need to look at all the cats and see which ones caught on at least cons really easy to find because cons are pink cat wearing a stripy jumper there's no one gonna call me about my cat I'm really upset look he's heartbroken absolutely heartbroken well this encourage actually I don't need to encourage them to do toilets anymore do I because she learnt it he learned to even yeah I don't even need to do it come on I just want to find my I just want to find my cat are you up here this is a really long walk this is cool actually doctor just became good friends with dusty that's good but where's your cat buddy we can get them to dig this as well nice let's do that yeah where is this suit gone actually I want you to change change outfit change outfit oh my goodness this is so bad you can't even you can't actually distract him oh no he's gonna pee himself he said she's not that desperate for the toilet you can actually make the dogs go and discover things are you gonna do it and trying to get him to go over to dig that pile dusty do it dusty do it I told you guys this game is so broken he won't go and do it they're just standing here Oh guys you can't see a pecans back got in his back bro what is in your mouth what is in your mouth hello oh what's that how do those what's that there we go forget these let's go straight back and see what to see what he's been doing come on quick go back to cotton was called going them up I think they've gone and gave us a gift so maybe running away isn't necessarily bad I mean we're about to find out cotton what have you bought us a tiny little gifts why is that this was like weird noises weird sad noises happening all the time what happens what is it trace just oh my goodness trust stop moaning what is it open this his interactions aren't working like they're not working at all why I'm so confused guys charas isn't doing anything I asked him to at least at least um at least Cotton's back though but he's looking a little bit dirty it's definitely gonna need a bath which is fine but Travis isn't doing anything I'm so confused guys this game within an hour and a half is broken can you see on the left it won't do anything I want to see what's in this present I can't look after my pets I can't look after Troy ORS ah that's all I could do or like I said all I can do is laugh but now all I can do is scream found by a faithful pet companion but what could be inside put in inventory you know what I can't even put it in my inventory this game's gonna make me cry it's actually gonna make me cry what is wrong with you I got dust he's upset he's not in his dinosaur outfit at least you know what Cotton's back I don't know how to reset a sim there's a command to do it but I don't actually know what it is it's not working cuz he needs the loo but look I can't even send him to the toilet though right no look I can't even send him to the toilet he's not doing anything it's completely just is just gonna wet himself you know I'm gonna save it I'm gonna quit and come back I really want to find out what this present is let's exit the main menu that's so annoying so annoying since fixing game all right let's load a game let's go back to here let's see if this works if this doesn't work I did try to get game to go to the bathroom but I couldn't I literally couldn't do it I want to resume playing Troy Horace let me play come on I wanna see what's in the present what I I want to know where he's been it's probably gonna show us where he's been control shift okay I'll remember that next time right I think it was a glitch to do with the leaves maybe let's see what happens open come on come on show us just do it unleash the dog and put the present in your inventory what are you doing okay it's working yes I found a mysterious box okay now you can go to the toilet quick quick quick quick quick before you pee yourself go go go go bladder failure Oh things have got real bad he's peed himself underneath the bridge I mean that's fine look how dirty he's got such a bad fail but we found this is what we found guys we found ourselves some turquoise I'm gonna put it in my house try us I'm I just don't want to think about you buddy you you did this to yourself you did it to yourself I'm going home I'm gonna put this here this is what cotton found look at this how amazing is that that's the moral to the story I mean that's the that's the good thing that happened I don't even know what to say guys my mind is actually blown as to what's happened today huh and he's gonna sleep on the bench because he literally just feels like he is homeless right now you can go home you know and our dogs just my brain my brain is broken tre horas is broken but hey at least we found ourselves a really cool blue gem well I say us it was all cotton good job cotton guys this has been a next-level stream I don't know what happened today if I hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated if you're brand new to this channel and once hanging out with me more every single day then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today the greatest team on YouTube I've been dantdm this has being at the craziness that has been the Sims for cats and dogs check it out if you want to but bear in mind it is a little bit crazy thank you guys so much for watching you have them best see you next time gay why because we've happened so nuts so nuts
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,734,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, sims 4, sims 4 cats and dogs, sims 4 dantdm, dantdm sims 4, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: EwnIZ6aLO6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 43sec (5923 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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