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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a brand new video probably going to be a video that a lot of you guys have been requesting and I know I say that a lot I know I truly do however you may or may not recall a few days ago I did a live stream on my channel and I always read chat and I always you know want to see what you guys have to say and you know it's always a good time and not once not twice not three times not even four but like over 10 times I had multiple people telling me in chat that I needed to try and call Harrow brine with other characters out there such as Baldy and I forget some of the other ones but I don't think we've ever tried to get in touch with Harrell brine so I look back in the chat of the live stream and a lot of you guys posted phone numbers of Harrow brine a lot of them were also different they weren't usually the same so I had to do a little bit of research and googling myself to see if we can actually find some sort of phone number if there even was one for hair Oprah because obviously we all know Harold bride as the guy that's in the game but it's really a phone number for hair or Brian so I went on Google and I searched up hair O'Brien's phone number and I came across a few different ones here so I'm gonna actually call the first one I'm not gonna show the phone number simply because this could be a complete stranger and by the way if you're watching this video and I accidentally college and I'm so sorry please okay forgive me but on the other end of this if this is actually Harold Brian this could get really really really crazy so ladies and gents as you guys can see I set up a little campfire here I have my little staircase here with some signs on it so we can kind of relax while we try to attempt to do this but before we get in today's video guys as always as promised ladies and gentlemen you guys see this little shark emoji right here yeah that one okay now it's gone guys that shark emojis gonna be hiding at a random time stamp throughout today's video it could be two minutes in it could be five minutes in and couldn't be even ten minutes in but whatever you see that shark emoji make sure you comment down below the timestamp it's at like I said it could be at two minutes or five minutes make sure you comment down the timestamp and you will receive a shout out in tomorrow's video just like oh the right here Oh look at that thank you very much for getting the shark in the last video and now they're gone but ladies and gentlemen without further ado let's get into today's video so as mentioned prior I have done a lot of googling trying to figure out exactly what hair O'Brien's number could possibly be in the first number I'm actually I'm gonna call the first number of the I see here who's the one that I saw multiple times on certain websites and I also saw a lot of you guys put it in the live stream chat here oh my gosh okay if this does not deserve a like I don't know what does so please please please I need you guys to leave a like on this okay now bear with me my speakers are really really bad but I'm gonna put it in my phone as close as I can to my speaker here okay I believe it's ringing I need to take off the headphones to hear this actually you guys should be able to hear the phone perfectly right now hello and the what okay that could have been a there could have been something wrong with cellular reception I did hear those beeping noises that we've heard in the past from calling other entities I know for a fact that we heard that exact same sound I mean you guys literally just heard it a second ago I'm gonna try and call again here because that could have just been some sort of frequency issue maybe the phone number is like super far away from me I don't know I'm gonna try and call again and see if I could actually hear someone on the other line to confirm if this is really Harrell Brian or if it's some random dude okay we're calling it again here I'm gonna set my phone up right here there we go my main goal is to just try and talk to whoever's on the other side of this okay it's ringing right now I'm gonna step away you guys can see my phone perfectly right there I'm not touching anything I'm actually really scared not gonna lie this is really sketchy no okay it is ringing hello minecraft hello hello it hung up like can't okay um hold up that creeping me out guys you can see this right I I'm gonna answer this with you live right here I'm not even kidding okay here we go hello okay the one thing that is extremely uncertain about all of this is the fact that I heard minecraft noises coming from my fault I'm at a loss of words I have a goosebumps going on my arms right now now I don't know if somebody's playing some sort of troll maybe on the other side people are like you know they're baiting you to call the number and they try and scare you but I'm actually freaked out right now I'm gonna see if I can call the phone number again simply because again I'm gonna just I mean I'm gonna say it again okay it could have been a glitch I am not fulfilled until I actually hear something on the other line because sound effects don't do justice or when I want to hear something I'm calling again as you okay you can see right here I'm calling a gun guys I'm not even kidding oh my gosh hi this is not how I thought today's video was gonna go oh my gosh okay I thought it was breaking up at first I don't know if it is now hello hello hello hello is anyone there if you are there I would like to speak with somebody to what this just doesn't make any sense to you I just I literally don't get this how I don't understand what's going on right now I there's no way that that number actually connects the hair O'Brien oh my gosh I am actually really really really really sketched out right now okay I'm calling the number again if I don't hear anything I honestly I kind of want to FaceTime this number if that's even possible do you guys think I should FaceTime this number I want you guys to please leave a like down below right now because I am genuinely very freaked out right now this is seriously sketching me out so much I've goose bumps going all my arm I don't even know if it's ringing yet I can't even tell okay it is ringing it is hopefully the fifth time calling maybe look she say something to me you're still ringing here no one's answering on the other line please check the number and dial again okay I'm getting creeped wait how did it just change today wait what is going on wait what actually what is going on right now okay no the one thing I know about phones is usually what it says that the call cannot be completed right now it usually means that that phone number does not exist anymore and I know something is going on here because we just called that phone at least four times throughout this video and we have gotten an answer I have no idea what the heck is going on right now this is literally sketching me out so much guys I have no I'm gonna try and call one more time and if I don't get through I don't get through however like I did mention guys if you guys do you want me to FaceTime this number if that is possible then let me know in the comments down below guys okay I'm gonna call again as promised I did this because you guys mentioned on the livestream so if there is any other crazy stuff let me know okay it's ringing for the final two hello hello is anyone there I am getting way too creeped out for this I I just okay thank you guys for watching today's video obviously let me know down in the comments if you guys want me if I can try and FaceTime this number I don't know if this is legitimate proof that we could say that this is actually herobrine's phone number but if you guys believe that this is please let me know down in the comments below guys because I don't know I'm a little bit skeptical of this right now but I definitely think we need to do a little bit more of investigations and if you guys do know anything about this situation please comment it down below in the comment section and ladies and gentlemen that's gonna be it for me today thank you guys all so much watching and I'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music]
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,861,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 09sharkboy, roleplay, calling herobrine in minecraft, challenge, modded, minecraft mods, herobrine in minecraft, gaming, herobrine phone number, minecraft, custom, map, calling herobrine mcpe, herobrine minecraft, o9sharkboy, crazy, showcase, game, herobrine, herobrine found in minecraft, 09sharkboy minecraft, calling herobrine, o9sharkboy minecraft, spotlight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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