Cannoneer is Rock/Paper/Scissors

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it's a new season with the evolution Valkyrie and the caner troop don't buy this deal if you do buy it you can use code OJ but don't pay $70 for this terrible Tower at least it Maxes it out but dang I guess it's like early access to really get it [Music] but do they really have to throw that like oh man I missed the Days of Magic books when things were like $5 for the pass I bet it's going to be good on cycle decks we'll put it there so we can upgrade it and then I think it brings it to level 14 and I still have to use Elite wild cards ridiculous supercell ridiculous that does solve the issue that since I am fully maxed out in my previous video that I am getting kind of close to 40,000 335 and I did have a lot of cards in the previous pass it's crazy to me that these chests don't even bring that much Elite Wild Card value or for the fact that grand challenges don't give you anything 12 win Grand Challenge used to be actual progression in Clash Royale now 12 wins and Grand Challenge feels like you got like a magical chest in your cycle yay it's barely anything the worst thing I've heard on Reddit are the tower troop chests that don't even have a timer so you click it to see the info but it just instantly unlocks it's like all right that's kind of neat that it instantly unlocks but without warning that was I think that was a poor initial design but now that we're blasting through all these chests I should have enough Elite wild [Music] cards oh my God a champion from a golden chest that's 4,000 Elite wild cards that's insane all right we're going to get the diamond pass with Codi might as well claim all the legendaries and just like that we're finally at Max gold I've been hoarding all these chests because it doesn't matter to open it oh my freaking Banner box is all right we'll open all these banners too this is uh oh I like this vye theme Canon the worst it's not even exciting that's cool vye art though I really like this animation style or this artistic style it's like Powerpuff Girls not this one but the last one like the cell shading this is the one that I really want it looks like Adventure Time and it's the last one oh yeah I am shocked that banners are still so easy to acquire they haven't readjusted it yet and I'm all for it so all of those chest openings and I got 15,000 Elite wild cards for half the season's worth of cards and that's with me getting lucky with the champion card yay it's a level 15 caner which is going to be really bad outside of cycle decks because you have to defend everything including skeletons so I want to try this on top ladder now the only problem is I have to wake up the ghost that's terrible it attacks so slowly I warn you protect the air is it going to be enough I get the caners F or stronger it doesn't feel sure oh my God I can't even activate the musketeer I don't know if that's good or not does it onot the minions yes yes it does so I I basically still need to kite them cuz it attacks so slowly and this is worse cuz I have 3,700 health oh my jeez I'm only winning because of evolution mortar and they don't this should have more Health not less or it should Splash a little bit like a little proximity radius at least it one shots the evolution firecracker we're just going to go hard [Music] in cuz uh they just lightning so they're low they're really low they're panicking they threw they threw the Canon ear is not worth it worst $7 ever I'm going to put on the default skin just so that people really know I'm Renning the Canon ear I'm going to put in Tesla cuz I genuinely think a Tesla is way better because the Tesla attacks faster than the caner does we'll try this with bait H it's not going to connect no matter what caner is going to finish that off so good actually I want to see the interaction yeah yeah yep I'll take it okay three skeletons is going to destroy my Canon ear by the way that's terrible I wanted to slightly miss my log just to show how devastating it truly is oh God this is such a bad card I had to over defend that at least the Canon's locked on him I would rather the caner lock if you're facing a caner you want it to lock on the Swarm so that the Skeleton King doesn't get hit by it oh dude that Canon ear just melts the roll giant they're not getting through are they going to predict a princess they do okay those skeletons they're actually going to wreck my tower holy crap holy crap holy crap you actually need bomb Tower or Tesla yikes they keep predicting it it's like they know I'm a dirty bait player holy sheesh that's real bad that's real bad that's real bad knock that back doesn't matter Canon is insane Canon ear needs to pop off real good right now nice woo it okay okay okay in this case the caner kind of countered the RO giant what he needed to do was scar me and giant skeleton both lanes more aggressively and just not play World giant he just needed swarm I think cuz it's new and the reason why you need cycle is because you need cheap cards to defend three skeletons Tombstone will take out a Canon ear Tower you literally need to defend against skeletons but not ice [Music] beards um excuse me you know who I am woo that's actually kind of tanky I'll take that keep them alive oh yeah oh [Music] yeah excuse me don't you know who I am all right Canon here actually it's doing a lot of work right now this this is [Music] great yep no we got to we got to win this and then they're going to try and hog rider we blocked that completely maybe it's not that bad and you just need to play completely different I think as a must you do need a building we need 2500 season tokens that's going to bring us to 4,000 cuz we need this Valkyrie OTE so we're going to boost to 6,000 and we're number four in the world right now we need to be number one again so we're going to farm for the VY OTE oh look at that we fully mastered the Ice Spirit I don't know why they they're gatekeeping the third Banner or the third masteries I'm pretty sure you want the Swarm variation so I'm going to do skeleton dragons instead of baby dragon oh you don't even want a tank I bet I if I just go straight in they're not going to have anything yeah you had to poison that's ridiculous and it's still getting hits because the caner is not hitting it fast enough that's amazing all right here's what we're going to do I'm just going to poison thaty and then I'm just going to use a tombstone in the other lane and it's not going to defend it unless they had archers oh shoot oh shoot oh crap oh goodness gracious that's kind of deadly oh that's very deadly they're poisoning again cuz Poison's the only thing you can do to counter this wait so I should do skeleton dragons as the graveyard tanks for it oh shoot I used my poison I hate that I have to use every spell Under the Sun for this if everyone's running Canon ear everyone's going to run graveyard then I don't know why he's not poisoning that's why he's not poisoning that's dumb is this is this what it is by the way I'm matching against 9,000 trophy people as well wait do I not have Evolution Valkyrie no I do it's just not in caner launch I'm going to do graveyard naked just so I can cycle to my Tombstone is that worth it I lost my tower I lost my tower woo I did not lose my tower on the plus side it does wreck bats in one shot on the negative side it it takes a lot of attack speed to do so oh mother witch to counter graveyard that's big brain I get it I get it we're keeping those archers alive no matter what even if it means feeding a mother witch crap crap crap crap crap [Music] crap mother Witch is a big brain play this feels like a wild dream this feels like a super troop mode like a oneoff not a ladder balanced Tower like I'm having a lot of fun because I have to craft these specific decks for these wacky modes this is literally what it feels like because everyone's going to run swarm so you have to run mother witch and you don't need Knight to tank for a graveyard this feels like a goofy super snowball Mega hog rider jump challenge not a real Tower troop that's supposed to be meta feel like I need a tower now or like a tombstone I didn't have a tombstone rotation did I all right that's fine let's go offensive tombstone yeah no that goes hard offensive tombstone's insane they had to graveyard an offensive Tombstone that's how threatening this is that's that's how stupid this card is holy crap no that's [Music] insane all right we melted that I think I need Goblin gang not [Music] archers ah so close feel like I need more swarm I I don't know wait for it I think it dies in one shot so splitting archers is actually really bad oh why did I poison that that would have been free piglets wait it still is it still is unless they have log okay they got the log that's fine why did I engage the AR queen that side it's fine she just died let's bring all of them over there we don't want no stupid Shenanigans theen I love that they struggle so much all right well your left side is doomed now cuz you have nothing also they just fed me all these skeletons into Tombstone this deck is so stupid this feels like a Goofy Challenge there's no way this is the craziest April Fool's prank ever they just used the log that's still a connection and that was a th000 damage over there even with the log she just died for nothing and those four skeletons are going to destroy the bats they're not enough they're not enough I still need to tornado them though cuz my caner can't handle five bats offensive graveyard let's go offensive graveyard is working no no no no no no no wait a minute that's a poisoning it's just rush scar me and there's nothing you can do about this this is so dumb I'm only winning because I specifically made a deck that the the towers can't handle so if we collect this reward now we're only less than 800 away I don't think Musketeers enough alone wait the tombstone on the right side did 1,200 damage Super Cell fix your game holy crap I'm having so much fun don't fix your game if I were a pro player I'd be pissed but as a casual play I'm having the time of my life right now how much the bats do you ignored problem oh my God oh my [Music] God he knows that I specifically counter caner just bring skeletons and swarm and mother witch and graveyard counters and just like that number one emotes in the world again h
Channel: Orange Juice Gaming
Views: 740,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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