Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Ping Pong Machine Gun!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 3,704,714
Rating: 4.9303579 out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, adam savage, mythbusters, brain candy, one day builds, ping pong gun, ping pong cannon, ping pong machine gun, adam savage one day build, tested one day builds, one day build, adam savage one day builds, tested adam savage one day build, ping pong, tested adam savage, adam savage tested, adam savage ping pong, adam savage ping pong ball gun, adam savage's one day builds, one day build adam savage, brain candy live, ping pong gun diy
Id: -HfaLqmRO1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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The coolest part about this video is watching the problem solving. Create a basic plan, and roll with the punches. This is my first time seeing one of these one day build videos. It's incredible enjoyable watching those 'huzzah' moments, especially when he puts out the, "oh, I think that was important."
I lost my shit at 14:55
Anyone know what kind of organizers he has? I like the shelf of organizers.
The antithesis to "and here's one I prepared earlier". Love it.
This is what debugging feels like, except less fun and way more "WTF that shouldnt have happened, why did it happen... where are the comments? who wrote this garbage ... OH I DID... AH HA!" then repeat every couple weeks.
Is there a subreddit for cool things being built like this? I've seen a couple of these kinds of videos on the front page and I absolutely love it but I want to know if there is a whole sub dedicated to cool builds
Adam seems to have adopted a little bit of VSauce's mannerisms.
This man is a wonder and a continuous inspiration.
I feel like a vacuum fed magazine may have worked better.