Fixing A Boat With Instant Noodles!

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I got the tongs useful Thank You younger um yeah yeah bloody stop having that breakfast what flavor you are um Germany pork with shrimp or oh oh well that's account play stomach you already go Cheers come back for more yeah yeah are you going recently this craze has emerged where people are fixing all kinds of things with two-minute noodles and I thought this was absolutely insane like look at these idiots they just indiscriminately cramming noodles into whatever they can find then they kind of just cover it up and leave it for later they kind of remind me of squirrels hiding nuts before winter and there's no way this can work but then I saw this video and I did a complete 360 [Music] and I love the idea of an unsuspecting rich businessman kind of bringing in his expensive BMW to get fixed and then having his car repaired but he doesn't realize it's been repaired with noodles until two weeks later a raccoon in the college student kind of eat half his bumper and I want this bumper fixing craze to continue in the world to be filled with half-eaten bumpers so today I'm gonna perpetuate this craze by fixing a boat using only two-minute noodles now in all the videos I've seen people kind of just grab noodles and slamming into a hole when they cover them in superglue and file them down to their desired size and I couldn't find any two-minute noodle brands that came with superglue so just bought a bunch of chicken noodles to try them out and I went with chicken flavoring because I don't first perhaps never trust anything that has scissors for hands sorry Edward I reckon I'm gonna do a small test before I go all out and fix the boat and this small piece of wood here is gonna be the fall plane and I'm gonna drill a hole in it with my brand new drill press which I was able to purchase with patreon money and to say thanks I decided to name it after all of you using the first letter of each of your names I came up with this beautiful acronym bad man's bazoo good you called bugs yeah I really need some more vowels though so if your name starts with E please consider becoming a patreon but yeah thank you all so much I just want to show you that I actually buy useful stuff with the money you give me and not just a baths worth of instant noodles which by the way does not do wonders for your skin all right back to the test so to make this a proper comparison I'm going to test the noodles against some other edible building materials such as rice and wood shavings so I'm gonna cram the noodles in the hole like you see in the video and then put a bit of flavoring on the top and then pour the superglue all over it then I'm gonna rinse and repeat with the other foods and the reason I'm testing other materials is because I think the noodles superglue mixture gets its strength in a similar way to pykrete the noodles add flexibility and fold it all together and the super glue adds hardness and compression strength so combined you get a strong delicious material mixture and I'm using rice because I imagined that it might tessellate better and I thought the wood shavings would work well because they are essentially wooden noodles so now that they have dried I'm going to test the control noodles rice and wood shavings by placing a dinners worth of canned goods on top of them until they snap and I call this the official I did a thin can snap test and I couldn't really balanced enough cans on top of the wood so I'm going to use these three kilo weights and it snapped but I don't really know the weight threshold so let's compare it to the others all right the noodles seem to be holding the six kilos and the only thing I have that is heavier are these seven kilo weights and the noodles couldn't handle the pressure which was better than the rice which couldn't handle the weaker weights and the wood shavings also couldn't handle the weights so the two-minute noodles did seem the strongest but I have to say my test really wasn't as official as it seemed don't think this really tested anything because the food didn't seem to bond to the wood meaning the force of the weight wasn't transferred to the food at all yeah so after that test we learned that the superglue doesn't really soak down to the other layers so if I want this to work with the boat I'm going to have to apply the noodles in layers but besides that I was a bit of a stupid test it was more of an excuse to use my brand-new beautiful drill press I think my videos from now on I'm just gonna mean me unnecessarily drilling holes in everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so because I titled this video fixing a boat with noodles I'm gonna say that the noodles were the winner of this comparison and I'm going to move on to the full-scale boat test and this is the massive hole and I'm gonna be fixing up which was sadly created when I hit the boat with a hammer so I had something to fix in this video and in order to fix it properly I'm gonna put a piece of paper on this side and then shove the noodles in just like the video but before I do that I'm gonna remove the paint so it's got a better hold remember always use proper safety eat paint dust ain't good for your lungs so then I'm just gonna add the noodles the superglue and a little flavoring and then leave it to dry then I'm just going to take off the paper and as you can see there is light coming through which i think is probably a bad thing meaning it's not a very thick layer of noodles so then on this side I really want to create a watertight seal so I'm gonna use some mortar and pestle to crush up the noodles really fine so they fit in all the gaps so then I'm just gonna compact it in there and pour super glue all over the top and leave it to dry and this is looking pretty good pretty satisfied I can't see any holes and it feels waterproof don't know if that's a thing but it does so now I just sand it down and give it a paint job using some house paint because that is all I have and I'm only gonna paint the exterior as I think you'll look hilarious when you're in the boat you can look down and see a clump of noodles holding your whole boat together now that the paint's dry isn't pretty and I probably could have done a better job of fixing it but I'm pretty optimistic this will work so let's go try it out in my cold cold pool would I can't see any leaks but you can actually see white coming through that is not a good sign yeah you can see light shading through it can you see any water in the boat surfer please tirely get a bride [Applause] what are you doing can you not do cinematic shots please you just just feel me normally when I say so [Music] it seems to be working well so I'm going to put it through a more vigorous test [Applause] and it is beautiful I'm quite impressed that it worked I thought the noodles would be flaky and porous and would let water through and then kind of let water into the boat but I think the superglue fills in all the holes and adds a lot of strength so it didn't leak at all whenever all that was really easy I reckon I might try to sell this on eBay so there you have it you are gonna be seeing two-minute noodles being sold in hardware stores all across the world being used to fix everything from tables to boats you know if only Leonardo DiCaprio and James Cameron you about this two-minute noodle boat fixing trick thank you so much for watching if you liked that please subscribe and watch one of my other videos because I wasted so much time making them
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 277,077
Rating: 4.9281344 out of 5
Keywords: instant noodles, fixing things with ramen, fixing car with ramen, instant noodle life hack, viral, i did a thing, flex tape, ramen, noodle, hacks, fixing with ramen, fixing things with noodles, diy, do it yourself, william osman, ramen noodles, life hacks, 5-minute crafts, instant noodles boat fix
Id: kqgkOzrsKzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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