RANT: Why Demon Slayer Is Better Than Hunter X Hunter!!!

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Hunter x Hunter and Demon Slayer now to be honest I really see no point in going into depth on why I prefer one series over the other because let's be honest you guys are just going to go in the comments section and about how I was wrong about one series being better than the other and I would have put all that hard work in just for you guys to ignore it because you got off that I said your favorite series isn't as good as another Series so why go through all that trouble when I can just give you a brief summary on why I prefer one series over another now before I start this video I just want to make it very clear that I'm only talking about the 2011 Hunter x Hunter anime because I don't know what the [ __ ] happens post 2011 Hunter x Hunter anime I didn't read the Manga so all you [ __ ] Hunter x Hunter Taurus but not come in my comment section saying oh bro core Pika in the Dark Continent yeah I'm not talking about any of that [ __ ] all right plus I'm not going to read a manga that goes on Hiatus every three weeks so [ __ ] out of here all right as for Demon Slayer I'm only talking about the manga because the anime isn't unfinished yet so yeah it's going to be the Demon Slayer Manga versus the 2011 Hunter x Hunter anime now without further Ado let's start the video now when it comes to the characters I'm not even going to lie this [ __ ] is not even [ __ ] close demon slayer's characters are better than Hunter x Hunter characters now hold on just a second before you guys click off the video and leave a dislike and start talking [ __ ] to me in the comment section allow me to explain myself Hunter x Hunter characters have a lot of potential to be great characters they're already interesting as characters characters like chrolo hisoka kalua's brother alumni the Phantom truth those characters are already interesting the only issue we really don't know [ __ ] about them they don't have any depth hisoka he's pretty much a gay pedophile clown that likes to fight strong people crolo there really isn't much to his character other than he's mysterious the Phantom Troupe we really don't know [ __ ] about their characters individually other than they value each other like a family kalua's brother we don't know [ __ ] about him and to be honest we don't really know [ __ ] about kalua's family other than their assassins to be honest they should flesh them out a lot better opposed to giving us that bum ass Kalua rescue Arc because if they were to fleshed him out a lot better maybe kalua's Make A Wish Foundation that sister wouldn't feel like an ass pool hell even the main character gone he's pretty much stagnant throughout the whole series until the Khmer and Arc the only characters in Hunter x Hunter that had depth and well executed development were Kalua kuropika the royal ants Miriam and palm well Palm didn't really have that much depth but she did develop as a character but besides them the rest of the characters in Hunter x Hunter either have no depth they have these half-assed backstories that add nothing to their character or even explain what put them in this current situation in the story and they have these sudden changes in their character that come off forced and unnatural as [ __ ] kind of like how gone was with P2 like if tagashi wasn't taking so many [ __ ] hiatuses I would have no doubts in my mind that most of these characters in Hunter x Hunter will be fleshed out and they will have a lot more depth to them or hell maybe even characters like natural would have had their backstories handled a lot better but because he keeps going on hiatuses every [ __ ] week or so it kind of makes it hard for these characters to have any type of depth like characters like crolo hisoka the Phantom truth like these characters need depth I like mystery is just not enough all right I need more to their characters other than oh he looks cool and it is something unique about him and interesting no I need to know some [ __ ] about these characters and I'm not saying these characters need a whole Naruto flashback Arc and [ __ ] like that no you don't need to do nothing that obsessive to give these characters any depth just tell us the important information about their characters that made them who they are in the story or we'll put them in the current situation in the story like the one character you might be able to make a case for is hisoka but like I said we really don't know [ __ ] about his character nor do we know why he wants to fight the strongest people other than he won wants to fight strong people like it's a pretty shallow ass goal as a character and he's pretty much a gay pedal Goku clown and [ __ ] like that like he's Goku now when it comes to the characters in Demon Slayer most of them are fleshed out and well developed from the main characters tandros and nizu and the nosuke all the way down to the major characters like the hashras hell even all the way down to the [ __ ] minor characters like kaneo genya and rui like most of the characters in Demon Slayer have their moments where their backgrounds are fleshed out and they develop either because they came across a specific person that changed their perspective on things or either because they experience the near-depth situation or either because they experienced a traumatic event in the story and these characters don't just have out of nowhere development like they don't just suddenly develop in the middle of the [ __ ] story like how gone did in the Khmer ant Arc they gradually develop as the story goes along a lot of people like to say houses development came out of nowhere when actually if you pay attention to the Demon Slayer manga or [ __ ] even the anime you'll see that as the series goes on zanesu develops and becomes a more confident and brave character compared to what we know him of in the first stages of Demon Slayer when he was all [ __ ] and whiny and even as the series went on he started to fight more with his eyes open and this is coming from a person who couldn't stand [ __ ] zanesu the nisu almost made me drop the Demon Slayer series because he was so [ __ ] annoying a lot of people like to point to this specific scene right here and say that this is where zanesu's development came out of nowhere when actually this is where he found out that his grandfather committed suicide because his rival turned into a demon it's one of the darker moments for zanesu's character and even leading up to this point you can kind of understand why he'll be so pissed off obviously because his grandfather died and his rival willingly turned himself into a demon but because initial grown so much throughout the series and his grandfather won't be able to see any of that progress now if I was to come pair both gone into nissu's character progression then I will lean more towards the nissu's progression because his progression feels a lot more natural and realistic compared to Gomes gong's character progression throughout the series of Hunter x Hunter is pretty weird because for the most part his character is pretty consistent in being the perfect character it's very little moments in Hunter x Hunter where he goes through any type of struggle that changes or develops his character this is why gong's character changed in the khmera ant Arc felt so off because there is really no build up to this character change I know a lot of people like to say oh throughout the series of Hunter x Hunter gold seen a lot of people get [ __ ] up and killed and he always had a stray face or a smiling face look just because you're able to endure graphic content doesn't mean that it makes you capable of doing graphic [ __ ] that's like me saying oh since I'm able to endure a graphic horror movie that makes me capable of doing [ __ ] up [ __ ] to people no it's one thing to be able to endure something and it's a whole nother thing to be be able to do that sad thing that you endured just look at core pika's character progression his character has literally been built up since the very first time we saw him so of course as the series goes on and core Pika develops into a more darker character we understand it because the series has done a good job in showing us how he feels about his family's eyes and how he feels about the Phantom troop it doesn't feel like a sudden change that came out of nowhere looking back at gon and Kai's relationship it's kind of hard for me to even call it a relationship because it doesn't really feel like they have a bond I mean Kai did come in and save gum's life and told going about his father and he told him about the hunter exam but what really kills his [ __ ] for me is when these [ __ ] meet back up and they don't even remember each other it literally tastes gone having to remember something specific that Kai said for him to be like oh [ __ ] kaito and then it tastes literally kite having to look at gong's face for him to be like oh [ __ ] you're a jing son like like how the [ __ ] do you forgive someone who saved your life told you about your father and told you about the hunter exam [ __ ] he's the only reason why you're on this journey to begin with and how the [ __ ] do you forgive someone who is literally your teacher's son like it's no wonder why I feel like Dawn was doing too much when he was yelling at P2 it's like okay I understand you're pissed off because Kai died but you kind of doing too much right now like it's not like you [ __ ] had that deep of a bond to begin with like the only reason you [ __ ] even remembered each other is because of the plot bottom line despite going being a likable character he kind of lacks depth and his character progression isn't really that good compared to characters like zanesu tundra or even Taquito or hell even if you want to talk about gong's own series gone doesn't have better character development he doesn't have more depth and he doesn't have better character progression than Kalua kuropika or even Miriam and that's the case with a lot of Hunter x Hunter or characters of course Hunter x Hunter has some cool interesting and likable characters but for the most part the majority of them are not really fleshed out and they don't have any depth like I said earlier in the video Hunter x Hunter is a series that focuses on his World building they really don't do a good job in focusing on their characters with the exception of a few of them and even with those few characters hell [ __ ] it let's just say that Hunter x Hunter at best has 5 to 10 well-written characters Demon Slayer still has more well-written characters than Hunter x Hunter Demon Slayer is a series that deliberately focuses on his characters the biggest highlight about Demon Slayer is how much they focus on your characters in their backgrounds characters like Kahlua kuripika natural and Miriam are not [ __ ] with characters like kokoshibo akaza Tundra toquito Genia Doma and hell I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says I will 1000 take moves on over Miriam any day of the week yeah Miriam has moves on beat out on a character development side of things or his character development was executed way better than muzons but other than that muzon literally beats him out in everything else muzon has more of a personality he does more [ __ ] in his series he unpacks his story in other characters more he even develops has more depth like while muzon is in the background [ __ ] [ __ ] up getting hashras killed and trying to find a cure for his disease while also killing three hashras at the same time with also a [ __ ] ton of other demon Slayers while also killing Tundra's parents like while muzon is doing all this [ __ ] up [ __ ] in his series Miriam is spending the entirety of the khmera and are trying to [ __ ] on a blind 16 year old girl because he got his ass kicked in bootleg Checkers and even worse because Miriam kept getting his ass kicked in bootleg Checkers the [ __ ] wanted to become Malcolm X and Martin Luther King he wanted world peace and equality and [ __ ] like that he wanted ants and humans to coexist and he's doing all this [ __ ] because he kept getting his ass kicked in bootleg Checkers like how the [ __ ] do you want to [ __ ] a girl so bad that it makes you want to save a whole human race and make them coexist with ants like even nettero was looking at this [ __ ] Miriam like he was a dumbass he was like yep let me hurry up and finish this [ __ ] off like at least muzon had a good reason for doing the [ __ ] he was doing he was sick his whole entire life and he was always on the verge of death so all he wanted to do was just find a cure for his disease so he can live a long happy and normal life without no worries and the [ __ ] up part about all of this is that muzon is not even the best demon in his own series yet I would take him over Miriam hell Miriam is not even the best aunt in his own [ __ ] Arc the royal ants are way more entertaining and way more interesting than Miriam but with all that being said I'ma close the character portion of this video out by saying that I think Demon Slayer has better characters than Hunter x Hunter and that's not really saying much because like I said earlier in the video Demon Slayer is a series that focuses on his characters so of course when it comes to who has better characters imma pick this series that focuses more on his characters opposed to the series that only focuses on World building like it's common sense right like of course I'm not going to have a section in this video where I'm saying hey guys which Series has better World building Hunter x Hunter or Demon Slayer because let's be honest we already know which Series has better World building now when it comes to the arcs I think Demon Slayer has better arcs than Hunter x Hunter and I'm going to go into extensive detail as to why I believe Demon Slayer has better arcs than Hunter x Hunter no instead I'm gonna show you guys a chart of me grading each Arc from each series and with the results I came back with it showed that Demon Slayer have way more interest in arcs than Hunter x Hunter most of Hunter X Hunter's arcs are training arcs that really don't mean [ __ ] in the grand scheme of things because when [ __ ] really hits the fan a person can just create a contract out of thin air that would grant them a large amount of power to pretty much be whoever the [ __ ] they want add to the fact that this Series has way too much dialogue to the point where it's like okay shut the [ __ ] up like I don't have an issue with the series having dialogue or Exposition because in most cases it's needed but it does get to a point where it's like okay doc like can you just shut the [ __ ] up like we get it dog you don't have to explain every little thing like there's this one Arc in particular the Camaro at ARC where these [ __ ] had a narrator narrating every little thing that was done in that Arc and it was like hey yo shut the [ __ ] up all right like I know what the [ __ ] is going on you don't have to tell me every little thing but the narration in this series is so bad that they would narrate the feeling of different characters like gone could go take a piss in the narrator would come out and be like gone had to go take a piss and it was a quite meaningful piss or it'll be some [ __ ] like hisoka embarrassing going and knocking him the [ __ ] out here comes the narrator going was embarrassed and he felt humiliated he did not know what to do he looked for Kahlua and Leorio and it's like bro what the [ __ ] do you take me for do you think I'm slow like I don't watch One Piece or Dragon Ball super you bottom line Hunter x Hunter doesn't really have that many good arcs at best they have two and that's York New City and that's the Camaro and Arc the rest of them are just mid to [ __ ] tier I'm not even gonna lie like they literally had an art called the Kahlua rescue Arc where the majority of the Ark was gone getting his ass kicked and them trying to open the gate and they did all that [ __ ] just for kalua's Dad to be like hey son you want to go outside with your friends well go outside with your friends okay Dad and it was like yo the [ __ ] but then again [ __ ] might just be like yo that's actually a good Arc what's wrong with that you know they might call that [ __ ] good because you know subverting expectations and [ __ ] like that you know it never happened to any other Shonen so that must make it good right then we go to Heaven's Arena Arc which is pretty much a nin Exposition dump Arc that literally tells you everything about nin one of the most broken Power Systems out there and then we got Greed Island which is pretty much duelist Kingdom from Yu-Gi-Oh like it's a bootleg Yu-Gi-Oh arc and it's a low Kia training art because most of it is going in Kahlua training with biskey one of the most annoying characters in Hunter x Hunter and then we got the most pointless [ __ ] Arc the election Arc where it's about [ __ ] bitching about who's gonna be the next chairman for the hunter Association pretty much all that [ __ ] was forgettable as [ __ ] the main thing that made me remember that Arc was kalua's broken ass sister's ability that pretty much can wish anything back as long as you meet her request from that point on I'm like okay 100 x Hunter has no consequences I already felt that way with the whole [ __ ] gone pulling the contract out of his ass to be P2 I already felt some type of way about that now the [ __ ] getting wished back to life I bet but this is why I think demon Slayers Arce or Hell demon slayer's story is better than Hunter x Hunter like Hunter x Hunter be killing [ __ ] with the World building the nin system is hella creative but like bro the nin system is not good for the series because it takes a lot of tension out of the fights like corrupika literally has in the ability that allows him to pretty much beat any [ __ ] spider he comes across like how the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] interesting you literally have gone beating one of the most interesting most overpowered characters in the [ __ ] Series in P2 I'm not saying P2 is like this super powerful [ __ ] but in that state he should have killed [ __ ] gone like gone had no business beating him as for demon slayer's power system it's not as creative as men but it's really consistent within the story right it's demons they're stronger than humans and as humans that's weaker than demons guess what that leads to a consistent fight where the majority of the fights are strategic not only that but Demon Slayer isn't afraid to kill off his key characters characters die exactly where they're supposed to die and it's good for the story because it builds up tension and it builds up a specific moment for when two characters meet back up with each other it also puts more emphasis on how serious the situation is in the story because now that the audience sees that the Arthur isn't afraid to kill off his key characters it puts the readers and the viewers more on edge and it keeps them more engaged in the series it also makes the readers and viewers put more respect on the said character that died in that specific moment because they've seen that that character died while putting in all their effort especially when you don't bring them back on some cheap Revival [ __ ] because of popularity pose like characters dying in the series is so [ __ ] underrated nowadays and it shouldn't be this underrated it's the reason why people prefer staining over Shonen Jump so [ __ ] much like people like to downplay tension and consequences and say that it's not that important when it comes to storytelling well they're full of [ __ ] all right because not that long ago [ __ ] were getting hyped up because bakugou died they were eager as hell to read the next chapter of my hero Academia and then the second bakugouge brought back to life on some [ __ ] now everybody want to rage on YouTube and Twitter and call my hero Academia trash Oh My Hero Academia is Disney Academia oh horror Koshi [ __ ] sucks hey Black Clover you're a Disney Clover because the lucifero fight in the power of friendship you didn't kill off any characters hey Disney peace what the [ __ ] is Joy boy like you [ __ ] can't sit here and say that attention and consequences isn't that important when it comes to storytelling when most of your communities are at their worst when you're serious don't apply attention and consequences for characters actions now the final reason why I prefer Demon Slayer over Hunter x Hunter is because of the pacing Hunter X Hunter's pacing is very long-winded and dragged out a lot of the episodes are either characters not doing [ __ ] or talking for the entirety of the episode you even have arcs like the heavens Arena Arc where they do nothing but talking train most of the time like in the middle of the Camaro and Arc they literally disrupted the whole flow of that Arc just to have golden Kahlua train with biscuit knuckling shoe and then we have to wait two to three episodes just for going to get his nin back from Knuckles nin ability and it's like come the [ __ ] own dog like with Demon Slayer they just get straight to the point they focus on the [ __ ] that's important and they move the [ __ ] story they focus on the characters they need to focus on and move the [ __ ] story they focus on the abilities that they need to focus on and move the [ __ ] story and I know a lot of people are going to bring up the fact that the Arthur even said herself that the pacing was too fast and Demon Slayer hey look if she thinks the pacing is too fast and age then she thinks that me personally I read Demon Slayer in one sentence so it really wasn't that fast to me it just felt like the Arthur was just getting straight to the point I don't know maybe people are just used to the normal way that Shonen Jump manga's work where they go over 500 plus chapters and they unnecessarily drag out their series for profit like for all we know maybe her ending Demon Slayer early was a blessing in disguise maybe she wanted to go to Naruto in one piece route and go over 500 to a thousand plus chapters in unnecessarily milk her series for profit like me personally I think the story is fine of course there are some things that could have been fleshed out a little bit better but then again what series out there is perfect like it doesn't matter how Arthur wants to write his or her story because when it's all said and done someone is going to have an issue with it like there's no such thing as a perfect story you can come close to a perfect story but because of how subjective storytelling can be someone is always going to have an issue with your story no matter how objectively correct you try to write it nonetheless for a series with a pretty basic concept it's a solid story and I think the focus on the characters the pacing and the consequences have a lot to do with that so to wrap up this Demon Slayer versus Hunter x Hunter video the reason why I end up preferring Demon Slayer over Hunter x Hunter is because I believe Demon Slayer does a better job in fleshing out their characters developing them and giving them depth just overall focusing on their characters and making their character progression feel natural demon slayer's pacing is also better I feel like demon slayer's power system is less broken a more balanced than Hunter X Hunter's power system like I do believe ninja is more creative and more interesting than breathing Styles but when it comes to what fits best for a story I'm picking breathing Styles over nin because breathing styles are more balanced and it leads to more strategic fights in the series and that's not to say that Hunter x Hunter doesn't have any strategic fights obviously they do it's just that in the majority of the fights it leads to one person being completely dominated by the other person and what usually leads to that one character dominating the other characters their broken ass nin ability with breathing Styles I just feel like scenarios like those are less likely to happen speaking of fights Demon Slayer has better Feist than Hunter x Hunter Demon Slayer has more consequences in their series and last but not least Demon Slayer is just more entertaining and more engaging than Hunter x Hunter like 100 x Hunter is kind of [ __ ] boring I'm not even gonna lie the majority of the series is [ __ ] talking [ __ ] training and [ __ ] being completely overpowered by fighting in abilities oh yeah wait you can't forget about that bum ass narrator either the only thing that Hunter x Hunter has over Demon Slayer is the World building and the creativity of men other than that I really can't think of [ __ ] else you want to compare both the main characters gone and Tundra because let me tell you Tundra will clean gone's ass up Tundra has better development it's a lot more realistic natural and just overall better and then he impacts his story more and influences more characters in the series than gone and despite Tundra and gone being three years apart Tundra's way of thinking is way more complex than Gomes Tundra has literally had multiple ideal battles with multiple characters and Demon Slayer gone not so much and this whole argument that Hunter x Hunter is a series that sets itself apart from other Shonen Jump series because it tackles mature themes and topics it's so [ __ ] stupid because most if not all Shonen Jump series tackle mature thing teams and topics one piece in Black Clover tackles genocide racism and political corruption Demon Slayer tackles sex trafficking and prostitution as well as suicide and idolatry like Hunter x Hunter is not the only [ __ ] Shonen Jump series to cover mature themes and topics all anime do this [ __ ] so why the [ __ ] is Hunter x Hunter getting praised for it like these Hunter x Hunter dick riders be trying to make Hunter x Hunter seem like this revolutionary ass series when 90 of it is [ __ ] talking training and getting overpowered by nin abilities they think this [ __ ] is way deeper than what it is because they had one Arc where this big ass mosquito went into value humans because he kept getting his ass kicked in Connect Four from a blind [ __ ] but that about wraps everything up this is why I prefer Demon Slayer over Hunter x Hunter now if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe I very much appreciate it it's your boy trigger Senpai and I'm out man peace
Channel: Triggered Senpai
Views: 16,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunter X Hunter, Demon Slayer, Demon Slayer vs Hunter X Hunter, Hunter X Hunter vs Demon Slayer, Hunter X Hunter Manga Return, Hunter X Hunter Overrated, Demon Slayer Overrated, Demon Slayer Trash, Hunter X Hunter Trash
Id: FPj_uqCXG7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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