5 Things Jujutsu Kaisen Does BETTER Than Other Shonen!

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jiujitsu kaisen has tremendously improved the Shonen formula and if I ask you what's so good about it you'd probably start with Gojo but given the infinity between him and everything else we should exclude this fabulous exception and talk about five normal things jjk does better than other Shonen hello kamarad my name is mAh come get yourself a beverage and sit down with me we got near Perfection to admire this video was sponsored by absolutely no one but you can support the channel through patreon where you can find full episode reactions and rants to our favorite shows for a price of just one hot beverage or you can join our Discord to catch these streams live for absolutely free links are down in the description the very first thing that caught my eyes in this show or graced my ears if you want to be specific is how smart everyone is well not exactly smart and not really everyone but they are not stupid in a broad sense of this word take totto his IQ is only halfway to Triple digits yet he's still capable of advanced thought within his area of expertise he can even be pretty Wise from time to time like during the meeting after the villains crashed the party he sounded almost philosophical and it was not of character at all he's a simple man just with a lot of experience on account of surviving many life or death situations then there is Gojo who understands how the world works and that he can't fix everything himself fond whose deductive reasoning seems to rival that of light Lulu and other else and last but not least the villains who have actually studied tactics and may strategically sound decisions seriously if ghetto was part of the Jedi Council he'd be called a masterbator for how he drew attention away from MTO with one simple deception man I wish I saw more antagonists use their brain he over braw another type of intelligence that is often overlooked in many shins is emotional intelligence I highly commend this little in action between Yuji and fushiguro where the ladder knew that something had happened and just kept asking SL looking at DMC expectedly until he got a proper answer for the dialogue between kugisaki and itadori where she took charge of the conversation and helped her friend to feel better by explaining her position and sharing responsibility for what they have done speaking of different positions the second topic of this discussion is related to something megumi said earlier in the show everyone has unique circumstances ah [ __ ] here we go again a bunch of quirky snowflakes with their own little gimmicks and life situations that's fine we like creative backgrounds and interesting personality traits however it's very rare that the character is good enough on their own to stay relevant during the story remember the original four genning teams who comes to mind first outside the MC Sasuke Nei Lee maybe Shikamaru that's because those guys had the most most connections with the other members of the lineup making them far more interesting than tenen for example who had nothing to do with the main cast up until shipo then hell even Shino has something going on with him being pissed off that he missed out on a death fake out opportunity yes these characters did get a degree of development later on some close to zero some a decent amount but I'm talking about the setup here and this is where zuu does something ingenious they immediately connect everyone to the protagonist by forcing the entire cast to either kill or defend our boy this way you as a viewer can get an instant insight into these people Toto gives no [ __ ] miva doesn't want to kill Yuji while norori is all about it and that's on top of all the other connections look at this chart it's not the most precise one but Chang Naruto to my heroa one piece fairy tale Etc and you'll notice that most of them are slowly building up connections over time instead of dumping them now and developing later actually bleach and Demon Slayer did something similar but not as fast and in a less satisfying way next I'd like to develop the previous topic further the same way jjk does with its cast a quick disclaimer just like in any narrative there is a bell curve some characters are more interesting than the others and it's totally normal so let's focus on the process instead of their starting or ending point the quality of progression is out standing here not to be confused with quantity as at this point most Side characters from The Big Three experienced way more than the main dude here anyway he went from not knowing what the hell he was doing to helping people get a proper death to wondering what does that even mean to come into terms that he will end up killing someone too in a span of 24 episodes most protagonists don't even question their motivation let alone changing them sure there are Aaron Jaggar out there who change so much that they're now unrecognizable due to all the [ __ ] that they went through but Yuji becomes a better more mature version of himself he's still the same person at his core just with more life lessons under his belt same goes for nobara she started as quite an obnoxious pretentious and braty person but since she had gone into a company of good people and spent her days working on herself instead of sitting in Tik Tok she became a respectable young woman who minus the little crazy part should be an example for all those strong and independent on she even said I love myself when I'm pretty and all dressed up and I love myself when I'm kicking ass if that's not a strong female lead I don't know what is then there is fushiguro with his skeletons in his closet C getting to know itadori more and changing his Outlook Panda trying to get koki out of his misery not to mention the entire antagonist side mahito discovering the world like a child he is ghetto letting Joo get clapped for educational purposes and Hanami learning the joys of battle there are plenty of little pieces of development and they are very densely packed the force concept that I want to tackle is something we see so often that we completely Overlook how repetitive it has become the hidden power Trope every other Shonen has it and almost all of them follow the same formula when the protagonist can't save the day Kurama zangetsu libe insert any other entity here do so instead it's has gone so bad that even childhood memories are now a source of great power eliminating not only the middleman but the downsides as well characters just Spam these in every fight forgetting that it's supposed to be some unknown forbidden or otherwise harmful [ __ ] delx Machina is what it is because you know if DMC gets into a big enough pickle they will either get unconscious or ask for rent money and everything will be all right in jiujitsu kaisen we tried that once and the outcome was the main character's death megumi's almost death followed by strange contract with said power that itadori doesn't even remember now these are some Stakes let sukuna go for a walk to deal with whatever obstacle you're facing and in return you put literally everyone in Mortal danger with the exception of one sexy boy on top of that there is no guarantee that the menis inside will even agree to do something as we've seen how the king of curses relishes every opportunity to make yui's life more miserable and has no intention of helping him if there is no merit for his own cell this is a much more interesting way to ride a demon inside firstly the person who has the power can't rely on it to get themselves out of a tricky situation which results in a significantly more satisfying victory in any given fight an important thing to note here the character itself might not realize that they can rely on it but we do and it just doesn't feel earned when some newbie schmu demon does more damage than the entire Squad combined secondly it gives people a legit reason to fear the holder of that power look at Naruto of course gingeri as sketchi and villagers are understandably wary of them yet it makes no sense for people to alienate them since it's the exact behavior that will make them say [ __ ] it and put on a Tren coat in jjk this is a completely new thing Sorcerers didn't have generations of sukuna holders to observe and didn't want to risk it until they saw that itadori can handle it and possibly rid them of a great evil the third reason is the monster itself usually it either chills or goes with the flow but here it has its own tangible goals plus an occasional sabotage of DMC making it a decent Standalone character all right those of you who have been watching me for a while must know what's coming my favorite part of any story and something I made many videos about villain I love the bad guys here and I can't recall the last time I saw them being portrayed the way they are here cuz what do you expect when you hear about an evil organization in anime movies books and such a group of shady people United by some arch villain who schem in the shadows and try to destroy or take over the world in one way or another I swear every aspect of their existence is shown to have some Sinister undertones unless we're getting a mandatory tear jerking flashback it's always doom and glue akatski aspada Huli you know that these are the bad guys because everything they do is so [ __ ] edgy not in jiujitsu kaisen they go to cafes together hold meetings in brightly lit areas and even play Monopoly in this [ __ ] yeah we are evildoers but in the name of villain you can't just work 24/7 got to relax with the boys too this type of Slice of Life delivery helps me relate to the antagonists simply because they show some nor normal everyday human behavior like Clayman for instance he's a Despicable piece of crap and nobody's arguing he isn't yet seen him big sweets for his people somehow makes me hate him just a little less it is a better way to write a narrative because you are delivering the plot while building up the characters and you do so in an unconventional way making the baddies look like the heroes of Their Own Story they too have their goals motivations and desires Grant violent disturbing ones but you can't deny the fact that they go about them like any good characters would saving each other for example or encouraging your peers so they can grow as a person you can say well all for one does that and I say no since he doesn't do so out of the kindness of his heart clearly having an ulterior motive Maho is the opposite he wants Hanami to be better so that they can reach their goals together and this is where the strangest thing comes into play self-sacrifice for the greater good they want to start the age of curses by liberating sukuna and taking down jiujitsu Sorcerers but if this requires all of them to die so be it this is almost exclusively a heroic act as you're giving up everything you have so that others may continue my hiroa did that a few times and I respect the author for that because it makes us s under different circumstances this person might have been a hero it's not necessarily the case in jjk given how the these guys are created a certain way yet it doesn't take away from the fact that they do indeed possess a degree of selflessness which in combination with their overall camaraderie and clever actions makes them one of the best villain organizations I've seen ever he was I Mah is enjoying a new show into the microphone have a great whatever time of the day you have until next time cheers
Channel: MahisTV
Views: 95,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jjk, jujutsu kaisen analysis, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, satoru gojo, geto suguru, aoi todo, jujutsu kaisen is better, jjk is good, jjk explained, jujutsu kaisen vs naruto, Sakura is useless, naruto, jujutsu kaisen explained, jjk is bad
Id: _jAhhX1A7h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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