Game Warden Kicks Us Out for Legally Fishing Public Land!!

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how you doing how's it going see your fishing all right and I need to all the all right guys welcome back to the Fish Hook YouTube channel right this old abandoned Mill right here got the fway and it's flowing pretty fast right now but we're going to try to go fishing like normal and see what we can catch there he is there he is hey bud got one oh shoot what is that what is this hey why am I not bringing him in is that a bath oh my goodness little bass I think so yeah ah kind of mess is that ly a spot can't really tell I think it's a little spot definitely got a Tong patch wow little spot I might switch to a he was out there kind of in that slack water there we go like it she going to get every fish today we're about to fill up her cooler yeah a little bass oh you want to throw them back or keep them I'm I'm keep I don't know how how there supposed to be oh I don't know here this is a this is a creek or river so it probably don't matter okay yeah I'm put really all right yep got him got one got one what I got hey crappy hey Dad yeah crappy crappy yeah get on hook little crappy guys on the rooster toil that's pretty awesome crappy yeah want them a sh I do all right thank oh it's crappy yeah crappy thank you you're welcome apprciate it [Music] uh-huh up sir good bik there's a bite there's a bite oh oh got an acrobat woo yes sir oh he's digging he's digging yes sir get out of there whatever we B that's what we're looking for today I don't know if I've ever come down here and caught this many basss get him unhooked out here there we go look at that one guys right under the spillway just came out and crushed it he chased it out it's crushed it nice little fish little spotted bass several of them oh keep my not today sometimes we do we just fing for fun yeah that's my dad oh okay nice yeah oh my God he going to taste delicious oh yeah I'm going to put him in the trunk on some light nice yeah thank you sounds good you keep fishing I walk over okay okay all right I'm not going to have you doing that you fishing I walk oh thank you D him oh D Dam I got it going what is this hey Dad D oh man what is this woo yo so B oh man that's a sholley on the rooster toe guys I literally I literally cast it over there like underneath the spillway and this dude was under there and just nailed the rooster toe that's awesome hey Dad get out guys hey it's a show B it's a show B yeah oh yeah nice I'm going let him go let him back yes [Laughter] there's one there's a fish oh yeah big old red breath hey Dad red breath red breast check him out guys beautiful red breast on the rooster tail that's such a gorgeous fish look at the colors on that the rooster tail is catching everything underneath the spillway right now guys there you there you red br woo look at that pretty fish there's one got him yeah let's go Shell craer Shell cracker shell daddy Sher yeah look at that guys a big one on the rooster toe dad just caught a nice red breast look at that D that's awesome I love it here yeah check out those two guys beautiful red breast s call and a shell cracker we got a lady uh over here keeping the fish so groceries are expensive so good for her for wanting to keep them and eat them this good eating there he is got some come oh it's a bigon it's a bigon it's a bigon boys get yeah there he is is guys come on caught him on a little bit he creep crawl dad oh my goodness y'all believe this guy probably pushing a pound and a half how you doing how's it going fish all right all I don't have any we don't have any fish we don't have any fish all right I know he gave her one have you been out in the water in the water no license license yes sir all right I need see your driver's license and your fishing license okay all right also I need to know why you're in the water uh to get to the fish to get to the fish you can't cast that far oh yeah but there you go was it sign right over there say there's no body contact with the water oh really yeah been there for years is that right since the place I did not know that here's my driver and you fishing L yeah no it's in my phone I think it's up here I think it's at the truck oh it's in your truck yeah all right I'll get it for you I'll walk with you all right thought I had it on and what type of fish did you uh bass uh red brass uh brim I think he gave her a brim oh I'm in this truck over here I'm sorry how big was the B um did you man no I did not is there a rule on is this line Creek right here they say bway in the state of Georgia okay yeah goes by all the and voting regulations as the home state okay oh okay all right guys I just want to pause the video right here for just a second I just want to say he just said that it's a waterway in the state of Georgia so he's enforcing uh laws for the whole state of Georgia so as I showed earlier in the video the only uh place that has a size limit on spoted B is Lake linear that's the only place they're invasive that's why most places want them out of the waters and we were not fishing at Lake lineer obviously and so the fact that he ends up checking the fish was completely irrelevant cuz it was a spotted bass just wanted to come on here just let y'all know that in case y'all didn't quite understand what was happening witches also stated on us right over there okay all waterways in the state of Georgia have the same rules unless it is a private pond okay 1503 radio 27 Geor am I doing wrong here3 everything's 104 just added to the call is this what you need uh this your license I'll take it I was trying to push it I thought it went some you pushed it 33 24 when you got it and it's good for two years Oh I thought when you hit that it went to something the little Carter or something I don't I sometime it looks like this sometime it looks the other way don't ask me I don't know is this the app yeah okay I'm just going to go back okay I'll show you something you see these right here yeah it'sit the little fish right there you can find all your fishing regulations fishing regulations if you can get to it okay yeah there you go all right and then this one it's just like the book okay all right you well let's see is that it no it tells you about different fish things like that uh license fees length limits and all that kind of good stuff okay all right how long you been fishing um for about an hour and 8 minutes in your live oh since I was old enough to remember exactly and you don't know you don't know what what the fishing requirements are I know most most all of them okay I never keep fish did you give it away I did then you kept it you understand what I'm saying mhm all right so that still applies to that all right excuse me however you can't be in the water you're lucky you ain't got leeches all over you because this right this Waterway right here is extremely bad for Lu yeah all right and again that vine right there the one that you either have to go right or left or you hit it right all right that's the one that says all Georgia boating and fishing laws apply and one that says no B contact with the water okay all right all of this is part of the water reservation for the F County area okay all right so we're responsible like if we give a fish away that counts towards us not them so that don't count towards them well I'm just I'm just I'm not saying you're wrong honestly yeah I can I can also I'm just saying that so I don't do that in the future I can actually hold it against okay so she asked me I said honestly I don't know if you if you catch I if you catch 30 crappy and you catch another one Mak a 31 you kept it and gave it away so you're over okay it's good to know for the future I mean that's just the way it is okay even though you gave it away you're not you're not handing that responsibility over someone else that responsibility is still yours all right I'm going to grab my T measure okay let's go down and measure that bass real quick and we'll go from there all right okay hey how you doing good man that's bull I've never heard that before get what was it it was good about 14 she said 12 what was it 12 huh what was the limit 12 no it's 10 is the limit for uh 10 is the limit 12 in is the length Okay that's for large and small the other ones are different the only ones that we deal with we ain't got hybrids okay so we don't deal with you're talking about large mouth spotted bass show bass any any of our bass right yeah those are the ones I deal with right3 radio call me just checking on you I'm careful all right but that's the rules about giving stuff away or all that I got you it still appli okay I got you all right y'all have fishing losses and I do appreciate that excuse me however you were in the water right you got to read the okay how we normally do things okay hate wri the Fig I hate wri side okay option I have is ask you to leave and not return okay okay all right that keeps me from right okay okay all right we'll get our stuff together and go yep all right I hand that back to you all right please read sign get on that app go to those regulations so that way you know what the regulations are sure okay if you're if you have a boat same way you got a little boat uh icon down down there to that icon all right do y'all fish by boat we do but very rarely though let me tell you deal your life jackets cannot be inside compartments okay they have to be readily available another where you can pick them up where you can pick him up had a guy argu with me one day and finally got him to show me his Lo jacket and as soon as he opened it he froze just and just stared at me he had an anchor on top of his life mm okay that's one of the reasons why right okay so yeah other'll get it up out citation I'll just ask yall to leave all right thanks fell yep wow he's going to ride us up for giving fish to an older lady that needed the fish and it was in the limits and this is not a reservoir it's a river and he got on to me for being in the water okay and made us leave when me and my son were just out here having fun today fishing what a guy what a guy all right guys so we just going want to we want to give a quick rundown of what happened right there um when we got when I got there there was an older lady there that was fishing and asked her how it was going she said it's going pretty slow she didn't catch a whole lot she said if you catch anything I'd like to keep it we usually don't keep fish guys sometimes we do if we catch a bunch of crappy we fry them up but this time I wasn't really going to keep them um so I told her I said okay you know if I catch something I'll give it to you um so y'all kind of saw what transpired right there with the game ward um the game War was upset that uh we had given her fish which I've been doing all my life um he wanted to check the fish to make sure they were long enough the fish was long enough we had a fishing license then he got mad cuz I got into the water well that's not water that's flowing into a reservoir that's a river right there um it if you go down to Line Creek where we're at all the time you guys see us fishing there which is another Creek in our area that actually flows directly into a reservoir people get in the water over there all the time that's a big place for people to swim and get in the water you're not supposed to have be in the water there I guess not I don't know whatever um but he got on to me he said that we would have to leave for 24 hours um and not come back because I got into the water to fish um it was almost like he was really looking hard for something guys and we were compliant we did what he said we left the area we're not going to get into a confrontation with a game W and guys it's just not going to happen that's not our spirit that's not our personality but at the same time um we were pretty upset that he uh he came up with that much stuff when we had a good fishing license our fishing license were were current uh our limits were current he got upset cuz I didn't know the the limits of a creek it's just a creek I you know I guess that was my fault I guess I'll take credit for that I don't know um but uh you know it gives game Wars a bad name when they just keep on trying to find something and then make you leave when all of your stuff is legal yeah that's pretty tough guys yeah it's like Dad said we we've always had pretty good experiences with game WS we never try to you know I don't talk bad about them but every now and then it's just like people you just run into a bad one every now and then and you know at the end of the day we were just fishing and we were doing it legally and I mean literally a father and son fishing and giving our fish to an elderly lady that needed them she was so happy to get them she was so happy you know with the groceries being super expensive I'm sure it was doing her a big favor so you know there's it's just the way it goes sometimes we uh we try to make sure we're always legal doing what we're supposed to be doing so we don't have any you know uh bad Runnings with these guys but sometimes there's going to be a you know something's going to happen like that no matter what you do no matter how good you try to be or it's just going to happen so that was unfortunate got kicked out we were slaying them I mean we were catching fish after fish you know we'll be back there and we'll try not to get in the water next time even though I've never heard of that before but uh a lot of guys wait people swim in the water I don't get that but like I said I think that I think I think he was just trying to find something against us and that's all he could come up with unfortunately so thank y'all don't let it discourage y from fishing keep going and fishing guys don't matter what they say we're going to be right back on them yeah and thank you so much for watching this was a crazy one as much as we go fishing this was bound to happen eventually but if you enjoyed it hit the Subscribe button hey y'all comment and tell us what y'all think about it tell us what you think about that little uh hopefully we got a good footage I'm going to try to blur his face out but all the audio should be there so tell me what y'all think see y'all in the next video thank y'all [Music]
Channel: FishHooked
Views: 82,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game warden, fishing, FishHooked, game warden kicked us out, game warden catches us, marshall, legally fishing
Id: 9XsFgED4lNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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