You’ll NEVER Tie Another FISHING KNOT (I TESTED Them All)

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so I've always kind of wondered what is the best fishing knot what is the strongest fishing knot as Anglers a lot of us know that the knot is the weakest part of your line a lot of times when a fish breaks you off it actually breaks at the knot so what is the best fishing knot and not only that what is the worst fishing knot in this video I'm going to be testing out seven popular fishing knots I'm going to be using my push pull Force gauge to tell me exactly what knot is the strongest and what not is the weakest now in order to get accurate results from this test I am going to tie each fishing knot to this small jig head five different times then with my push pull Force gauge I'm going to crank that baby until the line breaks and the gauge will let me know exactly at what pound test this broke after conducting the five different tests I will simply take the average of those test and that will be the result for that knot now the fishing line that I will be using is Yuri t7 fluorocarbon Line This is 20 lb test but after doing my line test last year I found out that this consistently broke at 22 lb so just keep that in mind as we run the tests on one end of the fishing line I will tie my knot to my jig head on the other end I will use these aluminum crimps to make sure that that side has 100% knot shrink now let's get this test started with one of the first fishing knots I ever learned which is the improved clinch knot [Music] [Music] all right so we just got done with the improved clinch knot and this one was a little bit all over the place the highest breaking strength it broke at was 18.8 lb the lowest was 16.1 lb it averaged over the five test 17.32 lb so again although this is 20 lb floor carbon line I'm testing on I know that this particular line which is the Yuri t7 will break at 22 lb so you're losing about 22% of your overall strength by tying that improved clinch knot now moving right along let's get into the uni knot I used to tie a Double Uni a lot tying two lines together but I never really ever fish this particular knot I'm doing four wraps with this 20 lb fluorocarbon just so you guys no there we go this is a single line knot the line only goes through the eye of the hook or the bait that you're using once so that's always important to not cuz I'd imagine that the double ones are going to be a little bit better but I may be wrong here we go first test of the double or just the single Uni Knot Just the uni [Music] knot oh wow was actually quite a bit better 19.1 on the first try that actually beats all of the improved clinch ones [Music] interesting all right so I just wrapped up the uni not tests and this definitely is a better knot than the improved clinch knot so if you've ever debated that with a friend you can now tell him he stinks but anyways this on average broke at 18.3 lbs which actually is a full pound more than the improved clinch knot so this this knot is technically 5% better um it's an 83% knot you lose about 177% of your breaking strength now a big question I know that a lot of you guys have is Tyler where did you get that awesome shirt and hat and you know what you can find it Down Below on my apparel company fin fishing this is a usamade sun shirt it's pretty much one of a kind and they're awesome I have several different ones so if you guys want to help support the channel help me bring more videos like this to you click on that link down below I'm actually running a sale right now if you buy one of these shirts you can get the next one for 50% off so basically two shirts for around 80 bucks it's a deal now if you've ever bought any Trine fishing line before you've probably seen the next knot on the back of the box which is the triene [Music] knot oh jeez the Trine not scored at worst 16.9 lb and at best right at 19 lb giving it an average of 17.6 2 lb making it the second best knot so far just behind the uni knot all right now I'm going to tie the snil knot and I actually don't ever normally tie snails with fluorocarbon um usually for me it's a braid it's braid with a heavy weight if I'm punching Matt that's when I tie a snail knot with braided line but I do know several Anglers Who tie a snail knot with fluorocarbon literally anytime they're flipping and pitching uh a Texas Rig they tie that snil knot so I'm going to do the snil knot um even though I don't do it and hey maybe we'll find out it's stronger or maybe we'll find out it's not now obviously I can't tie a snail knot on this jig head so I'm going to have to tie it on a bare hook now one of the most interesting things I found about this test is that the snail knot is one of the most consistent knots that we tie most of the knots that I have tied so far have a variance of over 2 lb between them however at worst the snow knot came in at 19.1 lb and at best 19.6 lb this gave it an average breaking strength of 19.3 lb which is a full pound heavier than the best knot we have tied so far the uni knot and when tying this knot with fluorocarbon you only lose about 12.27% of your total breaking strength now the only bad thing about a snail knot is you can really only tie this on hooks and not every lure that you use you're going to be able to tie this knot all right now it is time for the Palomar knot this is definitely probably a fan favorite this is one of the knots that growing up I was told is the strongest knot out there on the market so I'm very anxious to see how this does in comparison to the other knots and to see if it is the strongest knot first test with Palomar can you all see that oh ooh 17.1 that's not great now if there's one thing I know about a Palomar knot is that my boy Tyler Anderson from Tyler's real fishing loves to tie you find that Loop wrap it around the bottom of the hook make sure I don't have any tag sticking out like this I'm sorry I had to overall the Palomar is actually a pretty good knot at lowest it scored 17.1 lb and at best it was 19.8 lb overall the average breaking strength was 189 lb which means you lose out out about 14% of your overall line strength by tying this knot something that's extremely important to do is whenever you're tying knots whatever type of knot it is make sure you understand exactly how to tie it correctly CU with every single knot that I have done I have had outliers is what I'm calling them because I'm not going to even count them towards the test because they are times with every single knot I just did one with the Palomar knot for example it broke at 11b test 11 all the other tests that I've done have been between 17 and almost night on an over 19 lb but one broke out 11 and the reason was because that knot I could tell when I pulled it together like it it clicked it like made a weird clicking noise and I just like didn't like like the look of it like it didn't look good to me but I was like I'll just test it anyways put it on there fired it up 11 lb test it broke I had another I had several others literally every single knot I've tied so far I've had at least one where it was substantially worse so make sure that when you go to tie knots you know exactly how to tie them because it costs you huge percentages like I know that this is 22 lb breaking strength and this just broke out 11 that's literally half so that's scary to really think about make sure you know how to tie your knots apparently I do not all right next up is the double pittson this is actually my favorite knot it's the one that I use with all my fluorocarbon I believe that it is stronger than the Palomar knot but we're about to find that out so come on baby be better than the palamar well I told everybody in a YouTube video that I really believed that the double pittson was better than the Palomar knot and turns out according to my tests and the way that I tied them they're literally the exact same now the last knot is going to be the double San Diego Jam last year when I had made a video about the double Pinson there was a few comments that said you need to try the double San Diego Jam and I haven't tried it until today so let's go ahead and test out this last knot now my only question about this knot is did it did it originate in San Diego I know San Diego is Big Bass Fishing Town double San Diego Jam 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ooh TW wow look at that first double San Diego Jam that is the first see if that Zooms in right that is the first that's actually the first knot that I've tied that actually even hit 20 lb line or 20 lb breaking strength well it's official I have been tying the wrong knot the double San Diego Jam Knot was by far the best one on this test with the 20 lb fluorocarbon line that I was testing scoring an average of 19.4 lbs which means you only lost 11% of your total breaking strength now if you were to take that number and apply it to the package of 20 lb line that means you're only losing three % now if you guys enjoyed this style of video and you want to see me test out the best Fluor carbons on the market I'm going to leave a video that I did right here thanks so much for watching guys and I will see you in the next one
Channel: BassFishingHQ
Views: 291,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing knot, best fishing knot, strongest fishing knot, bass fishing knot, fishing knot test, fishing tips
Id: xdNsx4aJ_UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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