I Had A Lesson With Best Coach In The World

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you should be looking at getting scratch you don't go this way and then this way right okay I'll shoot a few first so we'll do like a chip and run to that back pin there yeah what so a 56 okay and do you like moving up and down your wedges or do you generally stick to 56 and I'll see if a lot of it is 56. yeah um but then again from here you can maybe but if I'm not lying I would yeah it would always be a 56 okay that's fine it's just one play as you normally would yeah so that back a few more if you get that one sometimes it sort of pops up a bit like low spin yeah they never I wouldn't say the that's probably what I would get more than anything a little spinny one yeah it's never really like the first one came out a bit longer yeah the first one was better pretty good though you've been reading the book haven't you I've seen you can see a lot of uh good ingredients in there yeah I mean you just gotta get a few more in there okay good go in there we go right some good stuff there right yeah good player you've um you've tried to take the the releases on board right so I can see you are hitting that release point that I talked about that release one point yeah like really good like it is good what we've got to get you doing is rotating more you're a little bit Tippy so you're a bit this way okay and then this way and that's why sometimes you'll come down it'll just write up the face too much and it's not going forward enough so we've got to get you more rotational without doubt a lot of reason you are this way okay I'm exaggerating but you're a bit this way yeah yeah it's because you've got a lot of tilt so your dress is like this okay okay so there's too much tilt she's great in long game but what's good in long game can hurt you in short game so you just tilt you've got be good at hitting the driver for example but around around the green police really swans we want to get a little bit more this way and as soon as we get you more level in the shoulders you're gonna feel you can work more on the arc and it's gonna it's gonna give you a feeling when you hit it like your right shoulder's gonna be more on top of the ball okay and you're going to start trapping it and for you to move your short game as I say you want to feel like you're going for a scratch short again yeah the the guys who are planning to open this week they're they're so amazing in terms of controlling their ball flight and I've watched those shots yes I mean they're good shots I mean just there's three stone dead they're great yeah the problem you've got is I don't know if it appears on camera but the the launch window was slightly different each time oh yeah is that what you don't tend to see yeah so I know I can get it there I just couldn't tell you it was going to come out low medium high yeah and I guess that's why I will get I end up making an extra strength and that's the idea so what we've got to get you doing if you imagine a launch window we've got to get your ball going through this window more consistently when you start launching it correctly and consistently every time your feel will improve because the ball is going to react consistently and correctly every time yours is slightly different because you're not controlling that the reason you're doing that not controlling it as well as you should do is because you've got too much dip in here right right so we want to get the thing that you're more this way so it'll feel it feels quite nice I think so yeah exactly but you've got the version set up some setup because you're this way yeah you don't go this way and then this way okay I'll show you on the on the on the video here quick so you can see it feeling real obviously different things isn't it it's quite useful with that sort of stripe on your shirt can you see it to your shoulder tilt yeah yeah I love the foot I love The Stance how you got that left foot turned out the shaft lean is good but I've done a lot of work on on pressure mat so I can kind of see pressure without without it now and if we had a pressure mat there you would actually be about 65 on your right side yeah so we've got to go more left right and then as you go back anyone that I see with a shoulder tilt you know is as great as you've got you can attend to get that left shoulder going down quite low which is what you do right and then you go back underneath it too much okay yeah so we need to get it rotating much sort of flatter with the shoulders uh set up Wise It's good maybe if anything a little bit on your heels you see that so we might just Edge you an inch further away you get the weight bit monitor into the balls of the feet and handle a little bit higher as well and then that's going to help you rotate more as well so you see it's a little bit steeper that right arm's a bit High and then you go underneath you see yeah so yeah scoop it up but we can get this really quickly it's not a biggie that okay a lot of it's from setup I always say to people like you've got a you've got to make sure you don't do anything instead of anyway because there's got to be world class over the ball like there's no excuse why you shouldn't be world class over the ball yeah to try and be a world-class in your movement obviously it takes time right but we've got to get you work classical and if if you're 10 out of 10 set up and you deliver a 7 out of ten swing it's going to be a good shot but if you're like you're probably about a six out of ten setup yeah which is good most people like two out of ten yeah like you're not bad um but we're going to get to 10 out of 10 level over the ball and everything you'll see you'll just start chain reacting so you get everybody I've just said and just set up to it okay so we want to go that way does that feel a little bit different that body feels too like you're massively stacked left yeah yeah so just say that don't move don't hit it just move an inch over away from the ball as well for both feet and bring the weight more into the balls of the feet right that's a lot better so if we look at that now does that look like it feels yeah it looks like I'm just like like literally just yeah just I felt like I was about to fall over yeah but it looks good right yeah okay yeah now in terms of you been able to find that position on your own obviously I put you in the right position there you can do a couple things you can switch your hands over you can go left below right which is a really nice way of doing it yeah so that's a great exercise and obviously if it's Patrick does that as well not helped level the shoulders um and then you can try and put the hands back into the position but leave the shoulders there yeah like that's one way doing it the other way of doing it try this as well so get your arms up there and bring your elbows into your rib cage and just twist a little bit to your left and then come down and that's a nice way of doing it that's better yeah but you you do what you feel best you know they're both they're both work but it's got to be right for you now what you should be able to feel from that from this position is easier for you to go for you to go that way let's get a little bit more there with our right arm so your right arm gets a little bit on top could you tilt you actually want to feel like it's going to work more on rotation this way does that feel more rotated yeah yeah you're a bit this way that's it I'm exaggerating but this is you okay and that way and we want to get it more take it back swing now all there okay and then from there you can then work around this way and this is going to be the biggest change and you'll love it when you get it because you're not going to be under anymore you're going to be covering it this way and it'll be a game changer so first couple I'm going to sort of use swing as normal I'm going to move you as well that was it that's it and then down from there good right so you're going to hit it I'm just going to move it a little bit better okay when you're ready you see that launch lower right I really moved here do you feel that yeah do you feel anything different in your right hip yeah I'm definitely more yeah I was probably more like I was probably here yeah I'm not here your right hip before was kind of going if I'm exaggerating a bit under this way yeah as in now it's going down yeah and now you're as I'm working you through I'm pulling that right hip this way yeah so really because like your right side is covering it more okay to get a little bit longer back swings a bit short a little bit of rotation in the backswing I feel like your right shoulder is covering it more it'll stick underneath on that one yep good just needs a little bit more how's that feel yeah just do this stretch you just put the uh but the club against your hip grip it down by deferral let's set take it back so you can leave it on the hip okay and then this is going to be good for you as you come through open up leave it on your hip you feel that like that's basically the movement you need to get that yeah because you're normally this way exaggerating so you go underneath you see so you've got to feel like that stays on there and you cover and everything here the club head the hands and the chest are all matched up love it there you go so I feel more on top brilliant love it could go in this one very good hitting the window so if you had to say any fields that you've got there what would you say like when you when you you was last two been really good yeah can you feel your upper body or yeah I think I was doing the I think I was doing this but I was forgetting about the weight on my foot yeah so obviously if I'm having that weight on my foot there but I think I was doing the setup stuff yeah and keeping quite yeah which when I was that's when I was kind of getting under it as if I really do that all that what you said but keep the weight on my left foot that's why I'm getting them really nice ones sure much very fruitable it's good now that was 50 what lost was that sorry 56 yeah now really I'd like to see you play you've got 50 you say yeah I want to try and get you away from just using the same Loft all the time right because I think there's a lot of Merit in using one club in terms you get used to it but let's just have a look at the green up there you see you know say that middle pin there you wanna you've got to make sure that the ball doesn't get stuck on the slope let's go to that not this first one the second one because what you're doing now is you're playing well this is a 56 as well you know you can hit a shot like that because you see how it don't go in hold it there we go I'll try and spin that leave it short but um right you show me that but when we show them over 50 so it's going to go and that's a short shot yeah oh my gosh so I'll do the 50 yeah well I landed it at the front well you've just seen how to do it haven't you I've got a 50 of them no know if it just bring your landing spot back a little bit off a hill that's good that's pretty good the strike wasn't absolutely pure I like it because you hold yours no there's a bit of work left there I'm going to give you one little trick as well in a second on this shot right much better setup love it 10 out of 10. now that's you see that ball flight that's what I mean now that's really good that now I mean that's pure yeah that is pure it's pulling up a little bit now there's a little trick you can do you can just let the toe turn over the ball a little bit so this is a release one yeah I see you do that yeah it looks like it's almost like you've closed it through it yeah it's a great job because um you as you strike it you just work the toe over and it goes in low it gets two checks and then it like gets a second wind on the third bounce and it moves forward which should be amazing for this shot yeah because there's a little bit of an upslope so you'd use that if you're like look there's a there's a there's a hill there I'm gonna land at that pin but I need a bit of extra you've got to make sure it goes with the slope like you played two really nice shots there but it just kind of grips a bit too much yeah so this will be different so you set up to the ball now don't lose too early you've got to just at the ball feel the toe work you know I call this little hump ship okay so it's a release one but rather than you coming through with your face this way yeah you're gonna work it there all right just a bit lighter in your grip as well right so I like what we're doing here I like what we're doing with the rotation you release points bang on you're brilliant at that you just want to feel that there right I want to see a little bit of drop we'll see if we get it right it'll go check check and it'll go forward on the third check check there we go now you see that now you landed that shorter but it's got past the other two do you see that third bounce it went forward that was actually quite nice so let's try that again that's it here we go there you go that's much better what are you doing this kind of shot what would you what would you play though just totally yeah how many yards is that it probably scored 35 36 yards out so I'd probably score more into not sure giving who's going to more like a like a hip to hip 60 or something right just yeah well I mean if I could play a 56 and you can do that guys and you've got the ability to play that shot you've got to think how many out of ten times out of ten you're gonna yeah I mean M4 even them three not the first one the other three are pretty I'd be very happy yeah and yeah it's a really good shot to have but I think if you get this in your locker it'll be a game changer for you especially for these kind of shots we've got a little bit of 30 yards here what I'm gonna use a 60 degree here you've got to be perfect yeah because you've got to fly all the way if you're if you if you land a bit short it's just going to stop absolutely dead I'm just a little bit Brave with the speed and just just work the toe a little bit more let's see a little bit of draw spin on this I'm actually going to see if you can see the ball move right to left through the air half a yard Ah that's over then she just did it too early there that's fine let me show you so you just got just got to do it at the ball so just watch the club oh it's not earlier yeah so here we go so this is 50. he says go check check and then you see that see how it just moves forward at the end yeah yeah it's at the bottom before the ball just gonna go left in it and would you only use this for this kind of long long shot what this hook shot you would never use it yeah uh no you can use it uh I'll find somewhere else you can use it that's that's the best one you've done yeah and obviously you see the Merit of that yeah it's unbelievable that's fantastic that I mean that's proper that's world-class Link in there and execution um no you don't understand as well anything like up a little bit of a hill like even like up from the from that side up to that pin where there's that little bit at the end give it a bit more up the hill yeah you know what I'll put a lot of empties and the most frustrating thing I see is where the ball pulls up with too much spin yeah like we're not you've got to anticipate what the ball is going to do before it happens and don't be surprised like if you're playing into a slope with a lofty club and it bites up you shouldn't be surprised yeah you've got to try and manage it and think about it how can I check the spin off how can I make the ball run forward and what you're doing here is a way of doing it so there's a little runoff areas how do you get on with this shot normally when you increase the spin because this is a new shot wants to sort of seen the release too is that a new shot for you yeah I mean I never knew you knew you you kind of just do what you used to do and you just open the face a little bit all arms and just I think everyone just kind of hits it and hopes it pops up and just look in it and then I started well it wasn't until I didn't get released to it I got released free I didn't get really feeling I got a bunker shots so one day when I seen that sand thing and I've seen it work I remember it was a lashing down wet upside and it's got in the car went straight to Bunker I was standing in the rain I thought sand on I threw the sand off my shoulder and then I just hit it it was in wet sand it just went up in the air I was like yeah wait there if I'm getting mud on the face so I'm standing really still like a little bit of mud or grass and then I would literally just do the same feel and obviously that was a bit kind of kind of used to use that in playing terms a bit hard so then I think it was one of your Instagram things you said about the shaft like kind of pointing up so now I just put that in the bunker shots and put that in these shots so that really helped me kind of keep them off the thing and then it was obviously again for me it's well I've got a 50. I'm gonna play all the 50. we could make it tougher maybe like why is it not working foreign I feel quite confident with them now I want to see it's more just I guess um just judging that that distance I'm good hold on right it's good you just I mean it's good you release it really well you're on the right lines with it if you think about the ingredients for this shot you need you need quite a lot of cupping of the wrist you do need quite a lot of wrist set and and the release this way but you also need to get a little bit more torso rotation and a bit more width okay so like the wrists are good like let's leave them as they are because they're working really well we've got a little sort of soften it to get the arc a little bit wider right and that's why sometimes it's actually popping up a little bit too high I mean this release is more about increasing spin it's not really about getting the bolts on like a bag of sugar it's not always about that we're trying to get it in a bit lower but increases I never really get that that's my shot it just goes up and then lands and rolls out a couple of yards yeah so yeah let's set up to the ball that I'll let you set up now for this shot you're waiting to be sort of 60 on your left and then upper body can be slightly Tilt at the back which is what you kind of do anyway so that's fine I like how your wrists are working what you do really well is you put a little bit of cup in the wrist and you get some Loft on here okay which is really good and then as you come back down you release it here nice and narrow right now I'm going to keep doing that but we're going to do it with rotation so you're going to feel like you're going to get more width there okay so I feel a bit wider yeah yeah and then it's got more space here to pass the energy through the grip to the club head and get in here that's quite a bit further as well yeah does that feel yes I feel I was doing that and it just I was hit they didn't really go that far yes yeah so just feel a little bit more width in the backswing don't open the face too much either that's it right that's good right I like that like a little bit more width in the backswing wider rotate is that weird yeah there were even more than that like this so that almost quite straight yeah yeah well I do bend it like this you wrote you you're getting a bit too narrow okay okay good kind of hit that little yeah done it good let me show you so I'm just going to go we're going to go a little wider that's the first important thing so let's try and maybe dial out the wrist a little bit so not quite as much wristing so just I'm just going to try and exaggerate but she sleeps it's wide you see so that's more that's more the ball flights it didn't go as high as yours yeah you see that yeah so this is 56 as well but I'm gonna you've got to feel like it's gonna go wider and it can slide more you see so you're you're definitely getting too setty okay so a little bit less let's slower I'll just put my wrists I'll go like that yeah I'll just go like that's it it's slow and longer okay more like it see I love that yeah that's a little bit smoother as well yeah sometimes when you're getting your wrists involved as much as you were doing it's hard to kind of manage the speed as well yeah like you've got to feel like your bigger muscles are doing a bit more for the shot much better yeah that felt better I feel shallower now like nobody to use your wrist as much yeah because I've softened that grip even even I thought I was hoping it quite that in my head that's a very soft grip or something that I had to even go more than that it was like it's it's like it's coming out the hands almost yeah but if you do some practice swing right take your thumbs off the grip all together just without borset and you've made some swings this is a really good exercise for you because you'll feel how the club wants to swing on its own right and how really you don't need to actively hinge your wrists if you get the grip pressure right yeah so it actually just goes up by itself doesn't it yeah so I was trying to teach this release in two phases it's almost like you could actually have your thumbs quite late on it because totally yeah exactly but phase one you want to feel like you understand where the club releases but phase two yeah just let if you just have to have the grip pressure right and yeah my thumb's right it might look like they're on the grip but they're not they're not hardly on it right and then from there you see the club wants to swing on itself really okay if I want just hit the thumbs off yeah oh try it I thought your boxing was great you've got to rotate onto it a bit more now okay I'm going to help you with that if you do what you're doing in the backswing I'm just gonna move a bit better through it when you're ready okay there we go we're actually slightly over releasing this one here you're releasing a three here all right so just feel like you not going to flip it's quite so hard okay you ready oh okay okay so I'm doing a bit too much a little too much yeah but I think if we can increase your rotation I think it'll dial it down how does that feel though I know I know I pulled you out a little hard but you feel like you're opening up better yeah good technique that's the perfect ball flight that's what you've got to see this flight more like middle window I think you've got to get better your short game in terms of like release one through the low window release two's got to go middle window not high window yeah so that was middle window there because you're getting more width in there you're rotating more onto it you're not just stalling and flipping it again that's middle window okay you've got to feel it yeah that was middle that was all right yeah that's a good window so turned is wrong turn it's going yeah when you don't turn okay it's going to make it go that way yeah oh okay now if you ever get that one right it's fine it's just when you get to uh leggy like you you haven't quite got your feet heavy enough yeah right too light you want to feel like you've got sort of lead in you shoot it and you and then from there you work around them whereas there you're a bit loose and you've got a little bit of this going on okay all right so just put some weight through your feet rotate around your feet now like that's so much better you understand what I'm saying about those yeah great shot just get some pressure through the feet yeah rather than just letting them you can be light when you can be strong in your feet yeah anyway then bongers is just I'll say that all I have to be doing there them chipping yeah I actually feel you can see that I feel all right I can get them close yes I agree um bunkers was just I went like Chris tried to do them with this one I'll start doing with us I just couldn't and then obviously that sand on the shoulder thing that learned me a lot not a lot about keeping that Loft then I was literally just in a bunker just putting sand on throwing it pausing and then hitting it and it was coming out so that was me happy yeah there was no judgment of how yeah it's soft I mean yeah so go a day would be for me just to I can get out while sometimes I can't but and I can get out but out that pin there I couldn't tell he was gonna go along be all over the pin come short it's going to be me completely feeling with my hands where it's going to go there's no sure set up for a short one or something this is tough it's quite quick yeah I was downhill you've got a really cool to do is probably what I was doing that released two receipt release it'll be it'll be similar because what I'll do is kind of get them wrist quite early get there think with this guy and kind of just and then it's just go through it okay so we'll see I'll watch it three okay a little long foreign it's not bad at all is it I think you set up really well that I feel quite comfortable with but I can't tell you how that's like yeah that's what that's example there one's off the green and one's two foot yeah but if a pin was like here then we'll go over that pin and that pin um so I mean this one here you want to carry five yards all right so we're gonna be here so this is why I'm gonna set up a five yard box shot right much more down the shaft than you yeah probably lower than you like more knee flex and more down right and then from there it's going to give me a feel where I'm just going to set it I'm not gonna be able to rotate as much it's going to be more set and and reset this way so I can really keep the Loft arm whereas you're a little bit more sort of up the grip you just actually got a little bit too much turn Okay so yeah these little short cute ones you're going to be down here and then look then you can play those little cute ones just let it sort of trickle down whole side yeah don't go in again but yeah you've got it that's the key right so now if you're gonna go a little bit further I'll be a bit more the handle a bit further away it's gonna start be able to get a little bit more torso rotation so if you stand in my footprints here okay and you get a feel for that and I think sometimes as well you also get your ball a little bit too far forward right okay which can get you just chunking running it a little bit like you're spinning it quite enough so get your shaft there that's your Club Face line okay and get yourself down towards the bottom of the grip as well and just step in there you shouldn't feel too early I don't think you're far away from that yeah well can you feel anything different I think this the shaft wasn't as open as that okay the ball definitely wasn't as far back as I was up here yeah if I grip it down does that feel you've got to get into your knees more now yeah okay I'm much lower kick this knee in a bit more right now that looks good right just play it from there don't think too much about it just play it from there there you go you got it that's class yeah let's run down that's good you see how the setup influences it yeah right down the grip down in your knees what she's doing it's getting more Cup in your wrist yep means you've got to open the face a little bit more right because the lower we put the shaft the more we're gonna open the face because the loss starts aiming left the shorter ones open it a lot more yeah exactly yeah yeah brilliant they're just four five yard bunker shots yeah so the short ones yeah that's a assorted yeah yeah right now if we go in to that mid length it would probably be a bit like well he was as you were love it that's fantastic a little bit higher in the grip a little bit yeah you've got it taller and we're gonna have a little bit more right side rotation going back now foreign fantastic you just rotated but much better great great one shot guys that's brilliant you I think you get a little bit close sometimes and it's a bit like you're chipping you get a little bit under right like you add a little bit more room there and as you've played it you've just opened up a lot more like when I when I play these shots as I play it I end up right around the corner do I have something to stay a bit here yeah you get a tiny bit under and just send the sand right to it that goes right but that last one you see you've hit it and you've kept moving almost like that putting the holster kind of in the holster absolutely yes you're around the corner in the holster yeah yeah without even with the bunker shot yeah which is something I would never do it's like even as you're watching the ball go through yeah I want you to still to be rotating very very good now when I say right I knew you're probably getting a little bit too far you've only got to learn to play do keep rotating but at the right speed yeah like just like accelerated but played it much better far more down the line foreign thing I'd say is that right foot's driven a little bit too hard so that gives you a little bit of weight transfer which can just also increase your what is it like scores yeah so you're getting a bit that way right so I don't mind it coming up with rotation but you shouldn't really go all the way okay watch my back foot here let's watch as I played a shot you see it's actually stayed totally down there yeah yeah so I'm working like around it rather than driving forward too hard yeah yeah keep it a bit more planted like that yeah it's still driven a bit Yeah so much my body today I just totally forgot totally forgot what we're actually right here up in the air a little bit all right stand down right come on get out that is how does that feel that's definitely improved your rotation just by working on that yeah it's gone in it's turned in it's in oh so that's really you can do just to give you a bit of feedback on your right heel okay and then that was that turned a bit better as in like the term was much better before the distance yeah because you've got more pressure down here you actually pulled around the corner more yep As Good As It Gets oh my God it was actually in hit the ball when was it yeah it was in the ball's an inch in front of the hole and it hit that it hit that one that was As Good As It Gets yeah seriously exactly yes back pin toughest shot in golf 30 yard bunker shot nah I'll just whack it we'll just go fill out this one with a with a right foot planted a lot to turn fast yeah that's it you got it look at the size of that lip as well look I'm not even looking at that as if it's a problem it's not even in place it yeah yeah too much God very good brilliant that was money yeah that was class that now that's because we got a platform it's the foot in it and then you can turn around yeah because if I'm going like that yeah you can't increase your chest speed test points right so go at that and I go yeah you get underneath it yeah I can actually turn really easy yeah totally what do they say you can't fire a cannon from a canoe you need a good base too you've got a base now now you can rotate foreign good shot that's it oh good shot yeah right now what about if you have a door's not doing flat lies you know this and that's that's me sound here short middle and long we'll try a few bare lies just don't lie like that so they said I just want to make sure because you play a lot of different golf courses right so you will come across some bunkers like this where there's less sand yeah yeah so left sand uh yeah goof it up in there okay this is actually quite a simple adjustment just want to see what you would do without me telling them I promise I'll play it to honestly I'll play the exact same okay you may thin that a little bit if you do that because it's going to kick yeah I'm not going to pretend that I would do anything different on the course I've seen that I'm just setting up to that like my normal first point shot and just trying to do something in it and hunt for the best yeah well let me show you if I don't change anything from this lie right so I'll do my normal bunker shot see what's happened yeah not extended right so that technique from that lie would have been a good shot yeah right but from that lie it was a bad shot because it's kicked too much so when you're playing from this line you've got to take this part of the bounce off by leaning the shaft more forward right so your upper body leans a bit more left open the face get down the grip a little bit and you dig your follower through so it's a release one you were doing great like release threes from the Sun there but for this bunker shot it's a release one so it's more that way and then you're going down it's going to come out a bit lower but it'll still check a bit later okay and that's how you that's how you adjust so that's really important to understand that because otherwise you are just going to get that semi so yeah there's no point of view yeah all right so release so you're going to put a little further back you're going to angle the shaft pull take some bounce off grip down a little bit like that yeah like that and then you feel like you're less should get become a bit lower left shoulder that's it and all you're going to do you're not going to give it any more respect just play it as normal but you're going to finish here a front hit release it's going to come out lower you've got to feel like you're going down am I still do a Mustang back yeah exactly same backswing so Zoom back I'm just gonna go there yeah okay and again I feel like you sort of dig it a little bit more so it'll be a bit more Diggy you've got to feel like your your divot is getting deeper after the ball all right yeah got it totally got it that's a shot yeah does that make sense yeah so just keep it down longer excellent just there brilliant now if you did that technique from this lie this is probably what you used to do it will just dig in and the sand would eat the club up all right and there'll be no bounce on it you see and it was in the ball with the Fluffy sounds the ball wouldn't come out yeah but from that lie you've got to do it that way and it like rained on compact yeah it's compact down you gotta you got to get more Front Edge versus back Edge yeah got it brilliant fantastic good golfing IQ there you're going from soft sand to Bear sand released it differently a lot takening yeah no this is good you go we work on it now but you've done most of it from the book really you've got a lot of stuff on the book you've just we've just basically just bespoked it a little bit for you today yeah and that's what it was right things you can't do you can't see yourself can you yeah you can't feel it do it in person but so you've got a really good handle on it all from the from the book a few videos he's good yeah but it's another level you can go now oh yeah that bunker thing will help just that short one the middle one yeah the middle ones is a slower turn that one's a faster turn yeah and then they set up I like these ones going down the grip for those short ones as well they're good
Channel: Gaz's Golf
Views: 629,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eknWaPzaTjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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