This Golf Lesson Changed my LIFE!

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so as you might know if you're a long time viewer to the channel one of my weakest parts of my game is the short game chipping in particular now over the last few years I've struggled I have I've really struggled with my technique and also when you start to lose confidence that also affects your ability to play good shots slightly more recently my short game is ever so slightly been improving however I went and visited one of the best short game coaches in the world Dan Greaves based at Woburn down south near Watford I had a full lesson with Dan and you're going to see the video right now it's enlightening it's revolutionized my short game I think you're going to really enjoy this I definitely after the lesson with Dan feel more confident my techniques improve and I can't wait to become a master of the short game so sit back relax and enjoy it's quite detailed but very very interesting lesson with Dan Greaves [Music] okay Rick so uh tell me about your short game uh I'm quite sure to start it's definitely my weakest part of my game it's where I'm most fearful it's where I lose the most shots and at the moment right now is present day my strike has improved a lot but I'm not getting that close to the hole previously if I rewind about 12 12 months it was probably where my worst short game like lots of duffs lots of things if I can take putter I will yeah but sometimes it's like it's embarrassingly too far away from the green if you hate this shot this is right in your wheelhouse 53 yards front pen oh my God too far for pots I don't know if it's if you can hit it hard enough but I'm doing it because it's like it's reliable yeah sure you get a contact we've tough to get up and down when you do that of course correct so I I definitely feel like my strikes got a little bit better recently but I'm just I don't I never feel confident if I'm missing the green I would rather be in a bunker yeah or in a position where I can put rather than chip okay you can't entitled as well is that more of an issue like if you're in the rough and you can get your Club underneath I love rough okay if I've Mr Green I'm in the room okay about your short game already yeah and has it always been a problem or is it a recent thing or what's the history with it if I go really rewind that time when I was a kid I felt like I had a really good shock yeah so the golf course I used to play at a par 3 course a little while and 50 yard holes 90 yard holes and spend all day every day on there yeah and as I kind of started to develop and started to when I turned parole and I started more focusing on a long game and I started working at a driving range yeah sure a lot of full shots yeah hardly no chipping hardly any putting and then kind of transitioning more into the last couple of years playing a lot more on video without doing 75 series that it's more it's when it's when it's stressful on my short game you know if I was around here and a bit of a chilled out day and having a little chipping with a mate I'd I'd back myself to some degree when it means something yeah when it's pressure I I'm if I can grab the putter great if it's sat in a ruffle eye gray yeah but I just I want to feel more comfortable yeah so it sounds like your technique's not kind of like foolproof it's not going to work all the time when it matters when it's a bit more relaxed of course give a good player you're going to find a way of making it work but it's doing it under the gun yeah definitely which is what I've got to do okay so we'll run through a couple of different shots today let's let's start with like the basic chip yeah like and a big part of short game of course is how you think okay I call it your golfing IQ so we can look at it from two perspective day technique and golf in IQ yeah we've got to blend it together with number two so if you're going out to that back pin how do you see it what club would you use genuinely what club would you use so if I'm going off this sort of lie right now I've got loads of green to work with I feel fairly I mean genuinely what club I'd use is putter okay but if I had to chip it that was a sprinkled right in front of you yeah if this was rough I'd have to go I'd go my 50 degree wedge yeah on a shot like this I'd want to land in this kind of shaded area and just allow it to roll down so I see it being a low-flighted show okay all right we'll start with this okay so let's look at the low chipper on first so at the moment my kind of safety blanket is to get really close to get towed down and just to eliminate that wrist angle almost as similar to my putting scroll because okay yeah yeah so I'm kind of in there that's a quite a safe way of chipping isn't it that sort of handle handle High now that's a probably a great example yeah that wasn't a bad strike yeah that one first as soon as I hit that I thought you know what that's actually a good connection yeah but it's bloody miles away yeah I mean this is why I'd go more for my Potter because I just know every single time I'm gonna put it closer than that but that wasn't a bad strike so if I go again toe up sorry toe down into the floor I'm almost making the angles straight is this your recent addition like you said you've started getting better because you've gone to that or I have done it in the past yeah um and then I felt like of certain lies it was much harder yeah so I kind of went back to I've I've experimented with different techniques but I've never probably give one enough time or practice and kind of flick between them a little bit too much just a few more but this is like so this is my safety net at the moment okay good one up good where I find that somewhat frustrating is that I'm so outrageously focused on my technique and the strike I'm almost not even really you're not really painting the picture away when I land it what flight how it's going to run away it's going to break not really I'm so I'm in this bubble yeah I'm not thinking that yeah we've got to get your Technique to a point where actually you can then earn the right to start thinking of that yeah we've got to get a technical a little bit more good let's have one more for me all right probably on that one I mean it's got closest and that might be because I I definitely thought here more yeah and tried to think less of this yes but I've hit four shots now yeah exactly start to dial yeah right so Beauty block practice right so set up to the ball for me don't use you normally would okay okay yeah so you're firstly your grip pressure is like there's a grip scale of like zero isn't holding it tends as tight as it gets you're about an eight yeah it wants to be about three so I can see that in your action it's quite it's quite it's really tight yeah so that's very difficult to get any flow in your swing yeah that's why your backswing gets very short yeah so you this is what I see a lot in in short gaming good players like you um yeah pretty tight pretty anxious over the ball and then and then the backswing then gets very short and then what you have then is the reactions good players when they get short then tend to pull pretty hard yeah it's like a reaction because if you think about if you're trying to hit the say 25 yards and you're giving yourself a 15 yard maximum what you're going to do for a good player like you it's got good golfing instincts you're gonna pull at it yeah so you kind of Yank on the handle a bit you're pulling this way and what that's doing is getting this Leading Edge down fitted it's like well let's try and counteract that drive by putting a bit more bounce on correct okay which is which is good maybe not a long-term move yeah I'd rather get your Technique but as we get a little bit less bounce on there and make it a little more friendly with your Technique rather than the clubs itself so we've got to get the bounce working better for you certainly and we're going to do that by lengthening your backswing and understanding the short game every short game shot is an arc you know you've got to feel like you're asking you've got to feel like you've actually got a lot more rotation your right hip your right pocket doesn't move at all so you just take away just with your arms okay I know you're kind of going that technique a little bit with the high hands there yeah but we want to if you look at all the great short game players if you look at in the past look at Sevier elves all these great guys there's much more movement here in terms of that rotation whereas your very Army you're kind of just working it this way very short and then as a result you're reacting yeah now probably in this situation where you're a little bit more relaxed you're just sort of chipping with your mates you probably you know you're probably getting away with that but on the golf course you're going to get even shorter and then you're going to react even more definitely and I know while warming up I noticed you were getting a few rifling through the green yeah okay that's when you get him shot and then the knees start going it's only getting the 40 50 yards I think for me I'm probably trying to turn it as close to my putting technique yeah and it and when I see good chippers when I've seen you on Instagram and I've seen your students on Instagram I look at the swings I'm like they somewhat scared because of length of the Swing it's almost like a shot like this is almost going back here yeah and I'm thinking well if I did that I mean it's gonna be yeah I know this is a totally the mental side we've got to get we've got to get over yeah right because as long as you're short you're always gonna get driving yeah so you're gonna have to work on this a little bit to get over this and you're gonna have to accept initially you probably will overheat a little bit yeah but then what you'll do is match it with the correct speed and you'll start getting some finesse and some spin I like it because you know obviously this is a big thing I see I teach loads of you know good players who just don't quite understand short game and I put you in that category if you don't mind me saying yeah that's right and then what and then so what happens is there's too much long game Drive which is great for long game but in short game it doesn't suit short game really wants to be soft on purpose it wants to be kind of more relaxed with more finesse and I would say you're a you're a classic player who's taking their long game into short game you don't really have a special short game action no and I think going back and thinking about my golf history that I've been through I think I've I have hit substantially certainly as I've become an adult I've hit substantially more longer shots and I have short shots yeah in practice whereas a kid I hit so many more short shots yeah because a long game I thought well that'll come later when I grow up yeah and I think as a kid you are less fearful yeah you are yeah I probably did hit more of these kind of stood here trying to hit flop shot yeah which probably wasn't the right shot yeah but it was the it gave you that finesse totally agree and your approach to the environment and like for me it works the opposite way like all I really do is short game practice this stage these days so you look at my long game it's like really flippy yeah you know I've got no accuracy there so um we kind of want a bit which it was a game really but I also feel like over the time as well is the technique around short game has gone much more totally agree I remember 10 years ago 15 years ago if I was teaching students to kind of almost flip at the bottom like whoa yeah it was like it was like a dirty word almost wouldn't it yeah whereas yeah I mean you know 15 20th for example everything was drive that way yeah the back of the ball first yeah all right but wedge Design's got better yeah course conditions have probably got a little bit better generally as well yeah so you know we want to modernize your short game use a bit more balance you get a lot more control so if you set up to the ball I actually like most of your setup I mean let's just try and drop the hands a little bit just let's not go quite so exaggerating there okay that is a shot leave it in your locker yeah you know it's a great shot when you may be at the top just playing a short one down the hill it'll I call it the putt chip yeah it's a great shot but um not for your standard chip and run okay 50 degrees 50 degrees Yeah but the rest of your stance I love it's nice and narrow one Club had between your feet this now wants to be yeah totally flat okay we don't want to Arch it okay dead flat from the top of the Thunder into the foot to the floor okay so that's from where I've been doing I'm almost out like that's flat yeah you're right that's almost going this way nothing that adds to your grip tension as well yeah and what I really do like is your um your shoulder line is almost level which is great because most players get tilted too much you do that really well you also look quite connected here actually there's a little Gap just try and get your triceps just touching your rib cage a little bit more and the big thing is making sure from the shoulders down here it's much softer it's a three out of ten yeah I'll tell you if it's three out of ten you give me your three out of ten yeah yeah that's good actually I'd probably say that's a two actually okay yeah there we go all right all right that's good and do you feel just flare this foot out a little bit more because I want you to feel like you're 60 here I like a pivot line to be established between your foot knee hip and shoulder and almost running into that left ear okay and that's going to help you pivot around because you're a little bit 50 50 at the moment it's hard for you to get a pivot line so if you go there you can work around it open and left foot or yeah 60 over that left side so now you see the chest bone is just in front of the ball yeah so it stops in that low point right so we've got a good uh good setup basic there now this will be the change it's a little bit weird right so if you just take a back swing if you tell me what does anything feel different though um I definitely feel like I've turned my hips substantially more than normal good that's a little bit more depth there with the arm as in wider yeah yeah yeah in this angle here yeah yeah and that's key so now you've got a bit of time so if you go there you think about how far that buttery grips traveled you've got now got time to allow this to release yeah so release mean swing we're trying to swing the club out a bit more but if you only go there what are you going to do you're going to go that way I have to yeah so you Flex down that way you're taking all the bounce off okay so yeah the key here is getting getting the time in the swing that actually the lighter grip pressure is going to allow the club to swing more and you know I kind of call these different releases but this is what I call release one where the button where it's pointing at this hip okay just after the ball yeah and that's a little checkpoint for you so release one you've always been more like release zero yeah as in not releasing and holding okay so we'll hit a few now what I'm going to do I want you to move the club I'm going to move you okay I don't want you to feel what feels maybe a bit different to normal okay yep so did you feel anything there is there any muscles working differently or hard I felt a little bit more in my back and I would definitely say the length of Swing was substantially longer than the shot yeah that length of Swing felt like the ball should have gone a lot better yeah you actually might see a good speed what about the through swing you feel anything here now do you hear that that was nice yeah there you go that's the bounce that connection that was the best noise we've had right yeah that was really nice that's that's the sound that good chippers get yeah did you feel any sense in the in the uh through shot there you know when you were going through the ball a little bit more open there now listen to that see the ball yeah I'll look stay there now that club releasing there is that too high or is that no well maybe it wouldn't be critical but no that I like that for you okay remember before you were like this yeah driven yeah I felt nice you're good hey don't your own now let's see if we can get that right hit working but the important thing here is you're not moving your pressure off the ball you want to feel like your your mass is staying here okay you might feel a little bit pressure shifting to that right ankle but you're not transferring your weight over yeah yeah good now you pulled on that a little bit in transition but it was still better yeah and ball position's okay yeah I love that soften up there we go much better a lot better if you look it's on the video but it's a lot longer length of Swing there you go wow yeah this is releases the Buster grips working back up so you're actually returning it exactly where you started now you can still just work the pivot a little bit more after the ball keep turning on there because you get a little stalled out okay that's because you've always kind of had to the way you were doing it but as you start releasing it when this left shoulder to work up and around okay so if you think about this a lot it feels like such a longer swing yeah let me watch my left shoulder like if I'm moving this left shoulder up and around it's going to encourage the club to release if I'm staying down this way I've got to shorten the radius I've got to drive more okay so up with my left up and around yeah so good just do a practice swing again you feel that yeah it's almost like you're getting a little bit of extension with the spine through the ball that way it feels like my my body's almost kind of tilting here yeah okay yeah fine much better than that that way my slight concern with that my body's starting to feel like it's tilting back well my low Point not start to change um not if we keep that that pressure forward and what about high on the grip does that matter no that's a good question you know when Years Gone by you say get down the handle we get more control whatever but I don't think that's going to suit you because I think you're gonna use arms longer they're going to tighten too much okay that's fine okay if you look at if you look at sevi for example when he chipped right his arms would have a natural fold so if you just let your arms hang for a second you see they don't hang dead straight do they see they've got a little Bend to them here that's how the arms want to sit on the club look so if you stretch them down yeah exactly yeah okay Big Driver you feel that I'm focusing so much on that left shoulder as well again there you go feel that yeah so what we're doing now is you're getting much more of an arc in the swing versus before it's very linear yeah that's basically difference yeah so if you do that just get forget the club for a second and just put your hands out like that and just make a movement see it kind of takes you down oh yeah let's see how your hips are working and that was more very straight yeah this is a shot right here's a shot but it's not it should be a stock shot and you can use this technique with a 99 a sandwich whatever depending on how much you want it to run out so if we're going for that front pin now I would just get uni 56. yeah we'll do exactly the same thing not open it the more you open a club face you're going to be incentivized to drag it so I want you to be nice and square and find the softness with the release of the club [Music] but that to some degree it feels a bit that's my I like to strike a lot that's my Nemesis at the moment I feel like if I do hit it well it's going a bit long [Music] just visualize it really for this shot here you're only trying to hit this one you're trying to hit these five yards aren't you yeah so you're backswing that naturally it was actually too long for the shot it's kind of place I think it's a five yard shot here right it's a five yard back so he's just there no yeah that's perfect there are a lot of it is like don't forget your instinctive part of this yeah like make sure you're painting the picture where you want to land it once you start getting some technique absolutely look where you want to land the ball very very good they're it ah hold on that felt good it feels longer yeah it's a little bit of trust I need to dump into this because I think it feels like a longer swing than I'm not used to doing but but do you understand why we're doing it yeah because you're now getting here your butter grip has got time to release bit driven yeah a little drive you see the knees have gone a little bit yeah so that's when you go there perfect you hear that noise yeah that noise is the big thing the noise will tell you if you do it or not good just just a little bit more rotation just do this as a drill put the uh the club against your left hip grip it down by the feral square face and just take it back and keep it on your hip and then just move through keep it on there you feel like their shoulders working a little bit more up and around now yeah that's the connection because you've never done that before you've always been this way very linear you see so if you can keep it on there and feel it opening up that's more the feel you need now I think I have strolled with that movement in the past [Music] it feels like I'm almost lifting the club away from the ground yeah yeah I understand it kind of gives me some fear you've got to lose a fear yeah exactly driven yeah a little dry you're feeling it though and you're feeling if anyone you do it I can tell by the ball it's like yeah when I'm allowing that club to catch up it's popping up when I'm driving it's coming out too low so make sure you're retaining as well like constant root pressure so when you get to the top of the backswing we don't want to squeeze it right you're going to feel like you keep it here and the big part of this for you is making sure the transition right this little movement here this feels longer to make that move yeah yeah a little calmer it was almost too slow but that's that's fine I'd rather go outside the light in your practice than the other I almost felt like really soft like really dead hands almost beautiful I love that that's not nice that's good that felt long slow motion yeah is my feeling and then turn through yeah cool it felt slow here yeah so let's have one more chip and run shot and then we shall work on hitting some softer shots as well a bit skinny but yeah it's fine it's safe yeah yeah it doesn't need to be perfect these tour Pros they're not perfect that way they've just got an action that means there's more forgiveness yeah I mean you could you could carry on chipping the way you've done it but you've got no forgiveness you've got to be perfect yeah exactly whereas you know with this technique now actually you can hit it a little heavy you know and it's going to be okay because you've got a little bit more bounce on them yeah and that's what bounce is there for so you've got you've got three releases that you coach with so that was released one effectively yeah let's release one so we're looking like we're going rather than going here okay you're starting to work it more into the hip here so the button of the club is going on so imagine the lasers are coming out of there it's finishing here yeah that's right and that's really fun so so you can see the club is releasing past the hands but it's going to be a lower flight flighted shot now that if we're trying to play a softer shot for example down the hill here to these tight pins here we're gonna have to start releasing that club a little bit more a little bit more bounce to give you a bit more spin a bit more white one lie I don't particularly like is when it's uphill okay now that makes sense because because you've and then uphill like 30 yard shot it's horrendous yeah so because you've historically driven on and up slope you see you're just plowing that straight into the slope yeah so we're going to make a little setup adjustment but you've got to feel with this with this um more rotational shot with more release you're gonna be able to play up the slope better makes perfect sense so should we uh should we play through this one yeah I love it yeah okay right so we're going to change the shot now and we're going to go down the hill there let's go into work with okay and they you know the release one chip and run shot some great shot to have but you can see in this sort of situation it's just going to run it's nowhere really stopping it with that sort of ball flight so we need to create a sort of a softer flight okay right how's the shot generally for you when you've got these in these little runoff areas and you've got to sort of play down over slopes like this I would probably play the chip and run that you just did there yeah with a 60 degree and maybe try and land it maybe just on the edge yeah yeah so it'd be high tariff I feel to some degree because they're slow it actually probably gives me a little bit of confidence that if I don't chase down gravity will do its work if I Duff it a touch it actually might get there yeah well let's try and play the shot that lands down let me watch you play One Shot how you would normally play it 56 well whatever you would normally do I would genuinely grab myself and I would go back to how I had been playing it the kind of toe down not much wrist angle yeah so it's driven in there played it well yeah a bit of spin it's not try and play a higher shot let's imagine you you know you've got to try and hit in the air a little bit more than that but what's weird is actually don't change that much in my technique I just open the face yeah so I literally just sit the club as open as I can but still almost do the same movement and it pops out to the right yeah I I must admit that's one thing that I've also found more challenging recently is Right slightly more right and left yeah come in where I feel because my handles driving I'm like I've got to save it yeah almost like little pulls and pushes yeah I seem to be getting totally because it's just difficult to manage your face when you're doing that but that's something that's how I've been getting around yeah we can do and I see lots of players who chip that way so what you're doing there is you're going away quite shut so you're shutting the face going back so you're having to start with a 60 first because you're into because it's going out low you're starting with 60 to offset it like you're matching it so you're opening the face up because you kind of instinctively shutting it and then through the ball you're then trying to hold it that way which is you know it works but again you're not really utilizing the bounce I'd rather you see you get a softer shot by playing the bounce rather than going kind of shut to open yeah so the first thing we're probably going to do is not use a 60 to learn this because I do think six is on the back in bid red right with red capital letters should say for emergency use only right if not for all the time you must break glass to use it exactly so we need a bit more of an extreme situation than this so we do need to soften it up so setup here is absolutely key if you get the basics right here you've got a chance of playing the shot so we want that ball position now to move forward yeah the LIE obviously is huge here if you've got a hard pan lie or it's sitting in a bit of a hole we can't play this shot okay okay we're gonna have to get the Leading Edge more down or put the toe down to try and get to the bottom of that ball but let's assume we've got an okay lie um if the LIE gives you the green light you want to start using now more of the bounce okay like the middle section of the bounce Now versus the front section we use for release one what's quite amazing I'll show this to the camera if you look at Dan's wedge the bottom of the golf club this is a kind of a rustic finish you can see the amount of Dan uses the bounce the bottom of the golf club that's completely discolored it's changed color it's been used that much yeah you've plugged my front edge yeah so you can't really see because I've got a chrome wedge you can't really see much wear but I would be using this side of the club too much not the actual bottom of the club yeah I totally agree so we're going to start using more here okay so yeah setup change ball forward lighter grip pressure probably go to that too now okay okay for this one and your challenge here is definitely you getting short and then reacting this way yeah okay which is why you can't play this shot you know so by getting the depth we want to feel like the right hip still turning and what's going to be really key for you here is that your Club face stops going this way okay because you kind of shut it this way you arched the rest of it there which is a great kind of long game move which is weird don't do it okay actually open the face okay interesting yeah so maybe because you've got that 16 up and it's turning down this one way but we want to feel that you are going to rotate and you are going to make sure that that Loft and bounce is going to get on here a little bit of cupping in this wrist yeah and that's making that club just so much more friendly for you yeah and then you can start hitting behind the ball which is which you can't do with a Leading Edge you know okay that's something when I've heard you say that before and I've seen you do that this idea of being able to hit behind the golf ball and the club not dig in and take a divot yeah and still be able to pick up the golf ball is something that currently I can't comprehend I can see you doing it yeah sure if you think your garden almost comprehend at the moment yeah so if you go this way which is what you do quite harmsy and quite linear and turn the face down and you drive the shaft right it's that Leading Edge is proud right yeah so that bounce is basically off the club it's like a minus 20 bounce rather than you know what have you got 14 on there but if I hit behind the ball with that Leading Edge down look at what we're going to get yeah so that's why you can't comprehend it because that that would happen that's why that's what I do yeah so what you have to do a demonstration to get the ball you have to get the ball but then it comes off a bit hard yeah it does Okay so we've got to I just want to kind of really slow motion so hopefully it picks it up but if we let the club release this way you can see I hit that three inches behind the wall right so the bounce there is working underneath okay so it's working this way and that's happening because number one you know you've got relaxed pressure but number two the club is in the right position and then thirdly the butt of the grip is now releasing back up to the belt buckle this is released too so it's going to work this way of it okay this way which is very different for you as opposed to holding that way and then you can start trusting you can hit behind it then it allows you to sort of play these no nice soft shot stairs and the other thing here just make sure your wrist now settles down a little bit lower okay the higher you get that wrist that's probably why it actually is just shutting down for you a bit the more you ouch the wrist here than what's going to create that yeah like wrist mechanics are addressed was a huge plan in these three releases so I go one two three yeah so the higher you want to hit it the lower you drop the lower you drop the hands and yeah softness here is absolutely key you've got to be so so soft and relaxed as you play the shot you can see the button grips working back this way so I mean the height you got on that and I'm playing a full flop shot to get that high yeah and it's not a 60 either okay so you set up to it so I've got 56 yeah that's fine so I'm gonna go ball position slightly further forward yeah I'm gonna drop the handle slightly further there and you slightly relax your shoulders now so there's a little bit of a tilt and the chest bone is just behind the ball so I can go a bit more oh I can do that yes exactly because we want the low point to be a little bit back now yeah okay again yeah so that's what I mean about your wrist you see we want to feel like the knuckles slightly twisting to the sky there yeah you see that yeah yeah I'm not in that way yeah so funny everything I'm doing in my full swing is that yeah I'm trying to do everything okay against it I actually feel really comfortable perfectly right there now go to the top that's sitting there from there you want to feel the buttermilk working back up towards you okay that probably feels pretty different I would imagine for you yeah I'm sorry that feels like my mounting description for is it feels Scoopy okay great I'm glad you said it right let's address that so when when people say it feels Scoopy then you might have to do this in phase two phases phase one might be feel in your language like it's scooping yeah in your language yeah I call it a release but you call it a scoop right so you'll release it this way and then and then phase two would be letting it swing itself yeah which is letting the way to the club if you're light enough right and you get the club in the right position with enough length it kind of wants to swing it does it does want to swing and you've got to ask why you mustn't exert force on it and pull down okay that makes sense to me a little bit more I think with the softer hands well that feels like yeah it feels like I'm not opening the face no I love no we're not going to cheat okay right so so that there was a good backswing but it was a driven folder through yeah it's very fast when I played these shots the the top of the backswing through to a kind of around about sort of knee height coming down with a club head feels like it takes about five minutes right so it's got to feel like it takes forever okay so you've got to let it fall more okay now let's just do this drill just to just to understand the release a bit more as well so just address the ground there let's go this way okay that's perfect release right go back to the ground again where you were now I want you to hit the bottom grip first now you've all we're just initially hit the top grip first so you've always hit the top grip first okay yeah I want you to hit the bottom grip before the top grip and I want you to feel how you're doing that okay just let it happen a little softer there you go does that feel different there you go that's perfect so if we've got the face on camera you'll see how that butt of the grip is working back now and how the bounce is starting to work and also your hand Arc is quite narrow so you're finishing quite in here yeah whereas before you've always had this big gap and again if you look at great short game players they're narrow in here they're attached in here really nice yeah right so let's do that release but you've got to be calmer take it back you've got to be calmer and dead here you've got to let this just happen okay let's let it happen good that was like a 1.5 release it was good it that was much softer right you didn't quite release it enough the greatest winch I've ever hit in my life Dan don't forgive me I'm getting picky that's the nicest feeling when shot over here ever no it's nice it fell I think and I'll super transparent it felt for me in that phase there that I had no control about where it was going to hit that's what we want yeah good you've got to give up control physically yeah with a grip and mental to play this shot yeah but it felt like I got 10 I was like sounds ridiculous I'm almost like am I even gonna hit the ball yeah sure that's what it almost felt like my brain was speaking out loud when I'm playing this shot right I get it back and it was like okay over to you gravity right over to you I can feel the weight of the club head I can feel it it seems like we'll do the thumbs off drill actually in a minute which I've got see I'm almost letting the club fall and only about here do I actually then support it with the chest yeah whereas what we don't want to do is go down a lot of people get this wrong they try and rotate too early like the rotation happens but it almost happens as soon as it sound it almost happens after the ball okay and do just do that practice one take your thumbs off the grip and just swing the club now and just telling what you can feel when you do that like can you feel the club out a bit more yeah because I think if we were looking at your grip pressure you've historically squeezed from the pad to the thumbs yeah yeah so put your thumbs back on but don't put them on if that makes sense yeah [Music] okay softer we're still going to release it more that's release one and I think I've still got a bit shut down okay let's go through it again come up there get the toe up there okay I love your length by the way you're really committing to that which is fantastic but it works back this way as you go through Loft as well maybe you can just feel like he's back at the shoulder a bit more yeah I'm gonna touch that other club very very good well done that felt nice well done now you're still doing this in what I call third gear we can still drop down to second speed rise yes wow I feel like this is the slowest I've ever chipped and that was good but you had no chest support with it Well Done speed was great don't you're starting to open that face again and cheat with that face nice and square take it back let the club fall let it fall and then support it yeah very very good how's that feel Landing like a bag of sugar it's definitely a lot I didn't think I could get much height with a square face yeah sure I feel when I'm hitting this it's probably visually as well I'm looking at club and going the shot I want to picture I don't believe I can hit with that subface currently so that's where that's where you just wear your mind's gonna be yeah what I'd like you to even do just for a bit of fun play it with a 50 now and see if we can get the same softness which is is doable all right my 50 is my is my no higher than chest no higher than hip high shot I think if we get this right you'd be surprised I'll allow you to open this face just a couple of degrees for this one to put a bit more Loft on bounce on there so just same thing right just hit it a bit didn't you driven yeah brilliant brilliant you'll be amazed that came off like you're 60 didn't it that's almost higher than you 60 when you started I the highest chip in my 50 degree wedge ever yeah it doesn't feel like it should go that high so Rick one I'm not saying you need to use your 50s no imagine practicing with you it's a good example yeah I always practice my 60. yeah if you look at all my web four wedges my 60s got the most wear yeah because I'm gonna be amazing perhaps over this Loft you're gonna have to release it okay now you can feel the difference now which is great it's like a speed issue so what we'll do now let me know you hit one I'm gonna move your left arm better okay so I'm just gonna do a little trick with your arm that's it I'm swingers do you think it's normal how did that feel it's going in look um I did something quite if anything I felt like my body scalded a little bit yeah good all right yeah so you come in here I'm trying to what I'm trying to do there is I'm trying to stall it so you move this way and I'm really applying pressure in here so you can release the bottom part of your arm and not the top because your bad one is it's almost like the old on guard you're kind of going that way yeah yeah and we want to work it more here okay look at that now I mean that's just coming off fantastic yeah it's really nice yeah that's the proper release too now so how do I get that unless you come around me Dad and move my hips you've got a feeling okay this is going to stay in here right a little bit New Year more though yeah you can do this right just hold your left hand put your right hand just on there like that so thumb on you on your chest bone there and uh fingers there that's it and just make some swings and really keep that attachment that's it and you feel like you're releasing more the bottom part of your arm and not the top you know what's amazing though and you can have a quick look at this I've hit what 10 12 shots and there's not a divot yeah exactly that that's just again showing I know if I was at home practicing on a shot like this slight up slope there as well there would be divots which is going to potentially get you in more into slope yeah there'd also be balls just in front of me yeah it'd also be balls way over the green I feel like they're getting closer the feelings getting better I'm definitely using the bounce Mark I can feel it and um do you feel like on this time just feel like you're gonna hit it even further behind feel like you're gonna hit like three inches back on purpose yeah that was two three inches back and there you go and again you know ideally you want to hit an inch back right but what I'm trying to get across to you because you're a little bit nervous about short game what I want to get across to you is actually as long as you can hit within probably five inches of the ball and you've got the bounce on you're gonna get half a result that's good and I'm backing it within five inches of the ball it's kind of make sure the bounces on right right yeah I just drove it a bit what I suppose to some degree even if I started to feel like if my releases were worn out at the moment so if my release two feeling was my release one at least we're releasing yeah it does it's different yeah you know exactly that for me felt driven yeah but it isn't it wasn't driven it was it wasn't a zero yeah good let's go back to the 56 now it should feel easier now there you go now suppose again going back to whatsoever used to do in practice with like a thrown out the ball yeah because then when you get a sandwich it feels so easy and you haven't put the weak ingredients in there I mean already that because of the loft I feel so let's go back to conflict we're gonna do the same thing okay releasing it there you go I did get some height that's lovely yeah that's good and then drill wise for you have a bit of fun like see how kind of like long and um and quick in a way your backswing can be and then how short you can hit the shot so you can see you go right up here and then and then that's going to encourage you to play it soft back through you know so it's like long and then feel like you're almost decelerating you won't actually it'll feel like a massive deceleration but it won't be and that's just a great exercise to get you totally away from short and through I love how long and let it fall love love how relaxed you looked on that shot though yeah if I could get a glimpse about that my life would be far improved it's not just my game my life all right so have a good at see it doesn't matter if you overheat it by 20 yards I want you to give me the longest kind of quickest backs when you've done and then I want to match it with the slowest smoothest downswing that's very good first attempt that's brilliant now I'm not saying you need to uh I'm not saying you're going to play like this but again you're training totally away from the fault oh God yeah you've got to break the back of your old phone this is the way of doing it ah tiny bit driven let's do it again are you amazed at how short you're hitting these shots with length of Maximum you've got which is probably three times longer in your old backswing considering I'm not opening my face yeah the only way I could do this before is if I before played it flat just wide open yeah well this is I'm not trying to lay it flat I'm playing this pretty much straight fakes yeah there's no have any divots yeah I'm still getting that level of height so just give me the really soft five minute transition now okay everything else ball position everything I love it all right it's all good yeah I can do it slower oh this looks gonna be in slow motion do not adjust your stats I'm going to swing this in slow motion [Music] I love it well done I mean you know you've played with some great players right you've played when you watch them chip what do you notice the speed they chip at it it is like slow motion yeah even the pitching yeah everything within 100 yards just as like yeah it's like right and that there that probably felt like ridiculous to you so that's gonna stop for them honestly that felt like I was I was going in reverse I mean I almost cannot swing it in my head any slower so you slightly backed out you see how your pressures move back there yeah so you're going to feel like the pressure just stays in that left left foot pivot around let it release to where it's pulling at that again they're fast but good though yeah now just go back to what you call like your regular action there yeah now it just just one final thing just have a swing with this okay and same way you can feel there this is just the training Club okay I like that so what what do you think this club would training to you you have to wait for that to catch exactly you feel like if I pull that if you load there you go if you load the shaft which you've always done you're going to lose the club head if you play this at the speed to be fair that you've just been playing that the last few you'd barely notice that that's a training club and it wouldn't Flex now this isn't easy right but give this a go and see if you can just get a better feeling in in transition just put that ball forward another inch that's it so I got a longer swing again yeah long swing and sort of what we've been working on yeah so you pulled a little bit yeah this is so slow you've got to keep moving through it very good [Music] that was actually good does that give you a feeling from it that's a very bizarre it's very very difficult right and I'm not saying that you actually need to hit balls on this and you can hit balls of it as well great but you know the feeling is from the top there we go it does uh you can load it that way let's do that again from the top is letting it just fall that way and if you can do it smooth you will feel it release okay have a practice something that was pure okay that's a challenging Club or not I think I was almost stopping on that beautiful Rick top draw that best you've played today it feels slow that was fantastic that's the one beautiful meals beautiful release of the club well that very good to go should we get the bunker yep good right so let's let's look at Bunker play so just again just historically Bunker play how do you feel with that I I like them because yeah I do um I I like this safety blanket that I can drill it as far behind the sand yeah and almost just power it so in a way you don't have to be perfect so you're a bit more relaxed mentally yeah yeah I genuinely would rather be in a bunker yeah what about in different types of functions like you know you can hire more spin longer bunker shots different lies perhaps don't mind okay yeah don't mind for me bunker shots um I think as well you know what's what a bit of a psyche as well I think as golfers we don't expect to hit great bunker shots yeah okay yeah and I think sometimes just some anywhere out and somewhere close is seen as success yeah sure there's less pressure yeah yeah where a chip shot it feels like up and down is absolutely particularly quite straightforward chip or should be correct yeah I almost feel like it's a bit of a safety blanket here to go well if it's not perfect you've got an excuse like 15 Feet's okay yeah yeah in a weird way but I do I like bunker shots I like the idea as well with bunker shots is you can actually play them in my head quite a safe way so here for example once we go over the bank here it's pretty much all the way downhill this is like my favorite Bunker show because I'm gonna hit as much sun as I can behind the golf ball if it hits the bank and rolls down it's going to be good I don't quite catch it and it flies that little bit further it's going to be good yeah sure so I've got that I've got myself a real white yeah in my head yeah I take lots of Loft I take lots of speed and try and smash it out okay well let's see we'll go to that pin there let's see what you're doing okay so I would actually grab 60. well do what yeah and the sand here is like perfect it's really nice depth of sand right so but we will talk a little bit about different lies because you do get different types of sand obviously in different different golf courses different bunkers foreign [Music] I probably wouldn't I wouldn't said I was going for that shot [Music] I knew if I hit more sand it would have come shorter yeah the actual outcome do you sometimes get that one I mean I know it'll probably work out fine but do you feel like you're hitting more sand there I'm almost playing for that okay fine right okay that's great now if we're going for this pin then on the left yeah this is like 12 yeah just kind of your average length bunker shot yeah can you see that any differently no I don't mind this one either so I can just really open the face got a little away from you yeah but again there's a bit of mindset involved here isn't it yeah I think you can be a little bit more ambitious about your bunkers right I mean those three shots they're good shots I might hold one no they're good exactly no that's fine but I'm not yeah just have one more to that pin though so I think this is where we can I think I think you play you the way you play it there I would agree I think a bit of standard run it out totally play this one here where I think it's where we can make a little Improvement yeah so it's coming out a little low and a little Drive yeah what I'd like to see if you um stand in my footprints here okay so just stand right there and just tell me if it feels you feel anything different at all feels much further away much further away okay great but I feel like I've had to go lower perfect I feel like I've had to drop the handle more yeah and I feel like I'm I'm more looking at the balls than the toe Okay cool so for that shot there as you were yeah so this shot server away and then that's going to allow you to sink more down into your knees and crucially you set up there it's going to get this wrist angle more exaggerated yeah which is gonna like to put a little bit more Loft on and when you go back it's going to help top and it's going to get that face more wide open at the top because to get this see I've played this short-sided one we're gonna get more Loft at the top there yeah all right we're gonna go higher and we're gonna see if we can get a load more spin out of it okay that's that's the thing because you don't release it that well it's okay actually you release it much better than your chipping but I think we can do more release three here okay so go to the top of the swing and stop I want you to really feel like she's firing back there's your release three yeah okay now that's gonna be much easier because how we'll set the wrist in the back so you're gonna be able to do that okay I love your setup in terms of leg positioning most people are far too 50 50 you're actually you got the foot flared out knee over the foot right leg is kicking in a bit you look good there and I've kind of gone away from being so open and cut across yeah I feel much more Square I'm a little bit open but I feel much more Square yeah it's okay but if you're way open which a lot of players are you've got to hit your bunk shot about three times harder yeah because the sound's working in the wrong direction yeah so keep that do you feel a bit more pressure down though yeah yeah do I want to level the shaft out a bit more yeah well you had it was okay you had a slightly yeah a little bit more but down is the key down with a hand okay yeah a little bit more like a three now like a two for the stuff Landing a little firmer but it's setting it here you see the how the face changes look yeah that's a little cheat that look and it's wide open now and then you're going to come down release it here and I want you to be really narrow here and I feel like you're putting it in this pocket okay for that foreign [Music] [Music] s right because he's low down here yeah okay right so just practice that do you feel that knuckle twist going back yeah I did yeah to me it doesn't feel too bad yeah and then from there fire it and we feel like your arcs in here okay you see you spin on the ball yeah great so I think that's why you can just take your monkey play to a totally new level when you've got 15 20 yards and you've got a bit of green do it the way you've been doing it totally agree it's just these little short-sighted ones no you're right you're right I I definitely one the more I think about it the the ones where I probably try and play my original technique yeah slow down yeah don't get enough height it kind of like I accept that I'm not in agreement we're almost trying to use Fringe a bit to take a bit off but I like to throw it there and spin it a bit more yeah it's a bit of an indicator that I'm definitely using my wrist slightly differently it's the side of my watches keeps getting pressed enough yeah I feel like right there just kick it in a bit Yeah down and in yeah you feel really low yeah yeah really okay cut that wrist going back and then keep the hand as close as you can to you coming down okay it's better what check that past just add a little more to the right of your aim what's the original what's the right all right that's it yeah pretty good it's a little driven just stand in front of me I was gonna play One Shot I'd like to see how how high give me a visual on the height I should be trying to achieve well let's do this so really get down low here that's the key now the big thing I'm trying to demonstrate here is how the where the butter grip goes okay and um and actually I don't give this away too much on social media but for today I'll do it for you Rick when you go through you want to feel like the two pads are coming off the grip all right and that's the only one if you want to really release this and really keep it in narrow if you feel like the pads are on the grip it's going to make you go wider you see so when I play it it's actually doing this and it's that move there that allows you it's very Savvy to release it yeah yeah that's right yeah okay so the pads are coming off and that allows you just to get a little bit more spin a little bit more height okay so just try and watch the release I've hit that a bit hard but you see the follow through there yeah okay is that you're putting your sword back in my pocket that's exactly put it in the holster there you go see the spin wow so it's in there okay that's what we're trying to do that seems yeah so I take it to the top come down feel like the pads are coming off there's as narrow as you can get here for these little spinners wow yeah bring the shaft back an inch so that's it both features come back a bit you're just starting to put a little far back that's it much more narrower yeah feel it feels so far away and low but it feels like you look great ah I kind of went that way yeah so yeah you gotta move you got to fill up your right arm as you release it it's like working across you see that it swings across your stomach as you go through very nice shot [Music] how to play this higher I don't just need is this too far is this high enough you're gonna the problem is it such a short shot so if you've had a little bit more let's let's open it up and let's give this a go so if you're gonna hit it even higher you have to open it absolutely you still have to cut that wrist more you've done well but you've still got 50 more to go with that right there yeah yeah that's as far as a risk can cut about 65 degrees that angle yeah right so you've got to go to the max so you can't overdo this look because you can't go risk Flex more than that or extend more than that okay there's your there's your how wide it is okay and you have to add a little bit more zip at the bottom okay right I did now if you increase it felt really good if you if you've been okay right just um do that again but even more speed that was the first did you feel the wrist that's after this one where you've actually gone to the max on that felt really good ah yeah I didn't quite get it it's not bad though isn't it it's okay it's better than where we were [Music] legs draw over that one there you go foreign [Music] not you yeah all right so that wasn't quite as much sound it kicked okay so let's just go through that actually it's quite interesting I think a lot of people um so if there was less sand yeah any thoughts anything you you change personally I would play this very very differently yeah had really reduced length of Swing yeah I would really look at you know I'm not far off a chip shot to some degree I'd kind of play it with a chip shop with lots of Loft still played out great and you know what that's for brilliant do you know what I'm amazed I think how many people get to a good level and don't know how to play those yeah but that's fantastic yeah you did well I mean the big thing there is if you just think about release patterns when the sound is soft right when it's soft like this you release it so you were looking like that okay full release look when you've got these firm lines like this if you release it like that you're gonna go about 60 70 yards it's kind of Blade so what you did really well there is you've done what I call release one but you're holding a lot so rather than a three you go one which means you hit it more of a Leading Edge yeah right and you'd like to say you dig behind it the follow through is much shorter okay it's much more Diggy yeah I just took them much less length swing exactly it's just a short swing and just a little bit of a dig and that's how you drop the library and that's how you play those shots just there and if you can understand the different releases out the sand for different for different lives that's really key love it well that was very very insightful so almost what we're doing there with that release three that's the extreme shot when you're out in the turf as well you can do it out the roof you know when you've got lob shots from the rough but you've got to get an okay lie yeah like so it would be when you're we'll just try one show we just very quickly just knit one so here because this is an emergency right yeah this is I I genuinely I look at the Shango yeah anywhere on the green up yeah yeah I think I think 10 things it's firm and it's downhill I'd almost be trying to land it to slam dunk yeah and then see what happens after that let's try and land it just over the over the bunker so we're going to really fire the butter grip you're going to feel from the top here that it's working back here now yeah opposition change it's going to move forward I'd say you're way too narrow there all right okay I'll be going much wider than that keep going let's keep going okay good so that feels a bit more bunker yeah exactly yeah open the face obviously yeah yeah we're gonna open the face you're gonna cup the rest even more and then you're going to throw it underneath there still drive it out a little bit I would take that but it's a result in that it's a result it's a result [Music] so this this particular shot that lie wouldn't scare me as much but you don't want to you don't want to sing okay driving you're going to really go there okay [Music] brilliant amazing that's a proper release three look at that that was good all right well done all right thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come check out Diamond all the social media he's got a book out as well you've got to check out we're also doing a podcast which I think will be very very insightful right I'm gonna spend another two hours chipping I think we're ready to go
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 768,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: 4yLYYz_5Z8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 54sec (3834 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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