I got voted out and still WON

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hot and spicy alert announcement time you remember a year ago i did a youtubes remember little man holding an eyeball well now there's a new one brand spanky new youtubes from jacksepticeye behold the gaelic gladiator in all his glory the most powerful youtubes that has ever been created no one has even come close before he even comes with a tiny sack of potatoes can you can you see that can you sack potatoes can you see it not only that we're releasing some plushies at the same time as well incredible the store's gonna be popping off so if you want this little jacksepticeye or this little jacksepticeye holding a sam or if you want to get a gladiator you can get him too there's so many things but sean when is it happening i'll tell you person in the comment with the question march 17th saint patty's day the irishest day of the year you can go to the youtube store and get them and you better get them because they're limited quantities and once they're sold out they're gone forever you can't get them again can't even ask santa for them you just know how to make them we're also going to be doing giveaways for them all the information you're going to need is down in the description you might as well click those links to find out more anyway enjoy among us episode 50. yo it's been a while since i've played among us and a lot of stuff has changed so i'm gonna hit you with the facts real quick this is modded among us and now there's something called a morphling in the game what that means is that one of the imposters can become a morphling they can take a sample of a crewmate and turn into that crewmate for about 10 seconds so you can use it to get some really sneaky kills we're also playing with a role called the jester what does the jester do the jester is a solo character all on their own who has to get voted off by everyone else the only way you win around is by getting voted off as the jester i had never played this role before it's a very complicated role to try and play but i think i pulled off an amazing round at the end of this video so stick around to see it alright enjoy oh [ __ ] off no i don't want it but it is with cycuno and i love that i actually tried to do card swipe just now [ __ ] sake i tweeted at saikuno saying that i want to manifest an imposter win for us now can i pull that off i need to get toast out i need to get toasted i forgot i can't oh no oh i forgot i can't i i locked myself in ah it's done toast and i think it was jack but i'm not sure excuse me would you like to explain why yeah why is it jack i saw the name wait wait guys there's something [ __ ] yeah but the body i saw him there like legit a few seconds ago they took a piece of potato and turned into me though i feel like there's i didn't run up though the thing is she's right but she's not i ran left because i panicked and forgot that i can't vent why do i have to get the impostor with the hardest version of the job or potentially the easiest you know put it in better hands please i beg oh guacamole who is it man who's impersonating me because this makes me look bad now who's doing it no yeah ash was accusing jack yeah ash was accusing jack and now but i wasn't in the area she said i was someone's impersonating me oh yeah that's true oh that would make a lot of sense they must keep cloning as jack kind of like whatever they love potatoes they keep knicking lumps out of them they must keep cloning his jacket for kills i'm flattered but you're making me look bad i have a reputation to uphold here i need to get to the 50 50 and make a bad decision that's my role i felt that this is the way jack plays i could see her body falling i just couldn't see him killed wait run outside who is probably in admin in wait it's like right inside the door is about to leave do you remember who was there corpse wendy i'm back of lights who else was carl there i don't remember i don't know true carl what have you been up to carl you i was doing med bay and i was med-based scanning while the body was reported and then it did a weird animation to cafeteria you scanned on your own yes i do guys you sound a little jesterly to me i don't know about you guys you're just sizing carol it's like jazzercise it's like jazzercising but jester he's jester sizing he is just sizing wow you really don't think we have enough to go off this ain't a spin class okay yeah i know he thinks okay some kind of amateur you better stop here um i think i played that off pretty well i think there's not a damn thing anybody could do about it i'll take a sample of corpse why not look the lights are done what the [ __ ] is this what happened why can i not morph wait you took away my one power the only thing that gives me i can't do it uh hello why is it counting up is it because i took a piece out of corpse is he mad guys hello what happens when it gets to a thousand i just gotta do it i'm [ __ ] sorry psycho no that makes you look bad oh i've got it big brain play what if i kill him and then pretend someone's impersonating me let's go i did my leaves in o2 i walked to do my navigation test and when he's doing a back and forth dance no no no i walk i saw wendy standing in the hallway dancing going back and forth like waiting for someone to walk up i walked right past her carl's dead bodies there and okay guys i figured it out wendy's the jester she's trying to trick brook brooklyn because the gesture no no no oh no it really i mean that's a is and carl were arguing earlier why we were arguing well they called me a [ __ ] i i did like you wait she called me a [ __ ] i think it's between corpse tina and jack wendy and brooke one of them suggested tina jack wait then wendy's done i have information okay oh what you got corpse it's not me okay stripes all right that is not hilarious why is it not you well of course it's not me i know it's not me right okay i also think between wendy and brooke one of them's definitely the jester the the last person i saw with ray was corpse at reactor so that's like hard to vote look i'll be honest between tina and corpse and jack i i don't want to vote for corpse i'm just going to vote tina oh that's that's rough wait call me a [ __ ] no wait no one go tina she did you can't guys i do have a confession to make oh you're the other it doesn't matter who i voted for oh cycuno no i'm the psycho i'm gonna [ __ ] this up oh oh wow i tweeted it i knew it would work wait wait you did i said i manifested an impressive win for us oh i remember that we did it jack oh if there's one thing i'm worse at than imposter it's jester need to be near a body and run away from it and then say why a lot like why do you think it's me you know i've never even gotten close to winning as jester ever i get voted out immediately or not and voted out i get sourced immediately fix the lights psychonauts i was trying to but someone kept flipping it the other way or something oh my gosh it's a double double kill bomb okay well saw cycuno because he's messing with the lights all right well um i was right outside of the thingy where you clicked the button four times in all four corners that's a drill you've been there for a while yeah and then i went to the right to do the um counting down to the negative 18 degrees checks out well brooke was with me on the lights so it's definitely not her did you see anybody pass you toast because that's who did it uh no no one passed me jack went into rockets and that was it uh-huh why do you murder people oh but he was behind me wait what well i guess i could just skip then it sounds like we don't know no no no no let's just what yeah right right are you searching for gameplay right are you are you jesterizing right now switching it up here what do you mean how does that make me just also ray remember when when you know you know how sometimes people say they think we have the same brain cell oh yeah i didn't skip either i have custody i didn't vote for myself either everybody whoever you think it is go go go vote for cycuno because what's voted for no no no no oh you can vote for myself ray you know who i voted for right does anyone like my outfit i know who you voted for she knows who i voted for it wasn't myself oh my i don't even know how i play to pull this off you know what i'll consider a crewmate when a me win because i'm cool like that a jester's part of the crew right how do i look sauce end up looking so sweet i'm not trying to look sauce and then when i'm trying to look cuz i can't do it what would jack do i would be very quiet and then i would say why a lot but i would have to be caught doing something for that to be the case and i don't think i'm gonna be able to get caught near anything here oh where's where who's where who's where who's not i was just at the comms and i just ran down but i definitely didn't see a body there when i ran down kyle kyle reported that money carl did carl jacobs did what did carl jacobs say what did you say carl jacobs oh yeah where was the body i saw cycuno i saw another person standing next to me and i saw that somebody was about to get killed there so i ran away and then i came back and sure enough somebody got killed all right who's standing next to you somebody with a gray body ah that could be any of us carol oh it's combs yeah i went to lights on yeah what do they smell like well done wait i thought calms don't work do we have them they did this time yeah they worked apparently and you would have known corpse unless your body didn't change and i only know that because i've done it before not because i'm uh-huh wait a minute it's not confident i'm just i'm just saying that i've seen it before when i was imposter oh no guys i'm really not the impossibility you're awfully quick to suss people i think cyclone was gesture no i'm not jester either i'm a crewmate i was just providing useful information good one jester sizer you ain't fooling me who went right at the beginning of the round me i did nothing i think i did did i well you guys notice anything weird right and then we all went someone did something or a lack of something hmm somebody oh so oh i i'm on your level you have one thing to say though i don't get it brooke you can put the scarf back on really yeah you deserve it you deserve it wow what's up the reason i can't wait because i look cold my character is closed for me and it could be getting cold i'm freezing you know a great way of uh calming down the temperature is is someone killing you i'm gonna get killed by accident i know for a fact corpse and carol are near each other okay [Music] and rey is over here here we go guys the big play is happening here comes big brain jack oh i should not do tasks properly then follow her oh [ __ ] oh um okay this kill must have happened fairly recently okay wait wait wait wait wait hold on i need to know where everyone is this is very important i'm walking into admin on the right side and i'm right behind brook uh coming out of weapons wait didn't i see cool i think he would have been is it corpse and carol's right outside weapons where are you coming from and i just left that wait corpse how do you know where it is uh wait oh wait wait wait wait wait i thought that's why i was sucking toast i thought oh wait wait a second wait wait you're at weapons oh it's toast it's toast how do you know wait the corpse you were just with us up top unless you were about as well here let me explain i walked i saw that ray killed ray right below communications ray was standing above it the body that got reported was rey so i was like oh i'm standing with the morph and then toast i didn't see toast but toast reported it meaning like he reported it as the morph right because he wasn't much that makes sense just saying the morpheus right next to you and that's right yes then it's not me because i wouldn't report it as morse i'm coming out of weapons when you what you need to do is get locations for everyone now that leaves jack left right i can vouch for carl yeah i can vouch yeah because carl's walking to admin with me so it leaves jack and where's cycuno um like right above by the vent under electrical okay okay okay but that clears me right yeah yeah yeah for sure i'm just thinking probably oh wait me why i was going to say either no i don't think you should have voted jack i know it oh god it it must have been toast i don't need to what oh my god oh my god oh my god that was insane let's go oh my god i'll take it oh man nice that was so unexpected guys guys why it's like four times in a row oh god well your sabotage comes and you get a nice early kill just like that and knew that was gonna happen every [ __ ] time tina died first again all right guys well i feel bad for tina i'm just kidding it's not me i'm a crewmate all right well now they can hang out in dead chat well blind so nobody saw nothing yeah yeah and they didn't do it how do you know that ash because i saw you two hovering around me while i was med base scanning oh that is true i was with her but i have valuable information i was headed towards reactor and her body was near the you know the little bench by the lockers and the i mean by the you mean by reactor yeah like the entrance to reactor wait second right next to me i had the report button but couldn't hit it quickly enough oh i don't know if it was tina's body i didn't see the body but somebody's body cleared by the way oh okay this imposter um i know it was you oh okay wait ray ray you can't just call her out like that okay i know i hate you you can't just call her out like that wait what thanking my i know it was you well usually at the start you can get like a kill pretty free but now it's the ones after this they get really hard because everyone starts grouping up and knowing who they're with he's around me because he knows it's me why do you want toast what do you want oh you want huh what do you want oh god ray saved saved one the morphling though wait is nobody gonna fix it oh please oh please another one another one sir jesus i knew you guys saw someone come out of the vent in decontam tunnel you guys are gonna go push the button i tried i tried wait wendy why didn't you report like actually oh i'm jester oh that was i'm not getting killed right back to spawn dude that was so [ __ ] clean holy [ __ ] ray's a monster at this game like i played okay i i played to the best of my abilities but ray [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] dominated [Music] [Applause] man
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,348,151
Rating: 4.974247 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, among us, among us jester, among us jester win
Id: m3T_IZHtsu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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