Amazing *New* SHERIFF MOD in Among Us

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welcome everyone this is just like regular among us and one of you guys the crew members will be the sheriff the sheriff will have a kill button if he kills an imposter the imposter just dies flop over it's like killing someone else just regular killing but if he tries to kill an innocent player he himself dies while the innocent player gets to live oh my god the best friend duo oh mamma mia papaya baby got the diarrhea one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve trying to get some hard clears on myself for a round one oh god jesus oh psycho oh jesus psycho what are you doing you're crazy we can't do anything with that man we can't say come on we can't do it oh jesus [Music] okay i'll give this person the opportunity to come forward first before i expose them for killing rey yeah leslie tell me all right that was me leslie it was me you caught who was it i walked up on leslie walking away from ray's body damn actually i didn't see it either but if i just admitted to it what do you mean you caught her yeah you caught her from town oh my god i just passed toast and i literally walked up to on leslie like running walking away from the body she didn't report it she just walked away from it i did report it that's why i i'll be honest after you said yes you got you you admit you sort of admitted to it as a joke i locked in my vote i couldn't no i could have voted before that oh i feel like she's really cool leslie get the report though right so it's like yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that's all you're coming and then she went back and then reported it so you think it's me you walked away oh then it's for sure it's for sure i didn't see it at all i didn't see him on there i'm sorry we saw ray's body standing up i didn't see anybody but i think it's more likely to be leslie oh my god vote together yeah i trust leslie it couldn't be listening oh jesus oh [ __ ] all i had to do was not tired that's all i had to do okay so now we have to frame the other one right [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that doesn't help me oh no one's here [ __ ] [ __ ] is it no two uh yes okay i saw one two three midday so wait halfway where did you come from i fixed lights but myself um who was outside the door like when when we got shut in a storage area no all right um i think it was leslie though that i killed or that i was shut in shut in storage i can't even remember where i am right now tbh uh but probably tv you were just in med bay with us oh yeah i was in med bay with edison tycoon yvonne yeah that happened left before that before i didn't think it was locked who is locked in storage i'm trying to clear you who was i think leslie i think it was me yeah i'm pretty sure it's leslie but there were three yeah i thought leslie was bad but i don't think she's bad isn't he maybe good question mark it was leslie i of course i'm saying okay but they're saying she was in that day no she wasn't wait wait when was it when wait so where's the body sorry rewind bonnie's an o2 i watched someone vent throughout navigation i lied whoever's in storage is the killer um oh of course that be leslie though no no i'm in med bay wait no no you left well you left me yeah she left a while ago right now because no no i did leave but you left a long time edison and yvonne are standing outside of med bay because i went to go check and the door is closed yeah where is takuno i was not like no you're the one you're the you're the one in there okay i'm confused this isn't worse i knew exactly what corpse is doing that's why i didn't open my mouth when he said i'm trying to clear you i was like absolutely not i am not opening my mouth because you're just gonna accuse me and no one asked where i was either so i get away with that corpse come this way i have something to show you corpse [ __ ] oh oh no no no no no there's two imposters no no no cycuno is this definitely not me i wasn't even at storage he said it's not him jack is this you no i didn't go through storage this round what did you do i went up to med bay i did my scan it's easy it's two out of three between edison jack and zykuno so wait wait why isn't it all right i will vote whatever leslie and hafu vote just call it edison did do the lights like right away there yeah i don't think it's edison in fact it could be me um jack i'm gonna vote call it uh leslie collins jax i couldn't what are we doing oh my god i almost voted jack there i know i know i almost did too [ __ ] unlucky they were stacked what are we gonna do if i found somebody else i had a i had a quick kill cooldown as well i could have i could have gotten somebody but i mean what am i going to do they're going to know they're going to know it's me either way [ __ ] did i say the game oh he knew it edison was dead jack i didn't kill anybody you're telling me it's me or hafu no i'm saying i didn't kill anybody oh so how did edison die then uh he tried to kill me as sheriff and killed himself that my nose poured his body uh cause i didn't see it but you just said he tried to kill you as sheriff no he didn't wait he did [Laughter] so leslie sheriff this game i don't know who sheriff is they probably died early i'm the sheriff there's no i tried to kill medicine and kill myself i can't do this she's going to believe you every step of the way i had nothing else you guys were stacked into it it was tough yeah it was i did the auto killing i knew you were trying to clear me or i knew you were trying to get me by saying you were going to clear me in storage you were in storage though [Music] yay i get oh dear [ __ ] jesus [Music] i forgot we changed the i forgot we changed the site i could have gotten away with so much more last round if i knew that oh [ __ ] okay so i'm sheriff which means that i i get to kill someone oh god i better not die oh [ __ ] i didn't even think about that why did i think i was immune to death okay wait is the vision supposed to be down still no oh i was one second away from being done with all my tasks oh my god i was like what i'm saying because leslie died oh no and leslie died [Laughter] well look i i walked up with i think yvonne and hafu and carter yeah okay of course um that's why he wasn't dead before lights i passed ray going left when i came right from comms she came out of office does anybody have scans still no i don't know yeah i saw a half of scanning in the dark bars i saw hafu run off the scanner right when i walked up to it so i didn't know because um i heard the semester's open i didn't see her but i saw her when i went down right so um that's when i started on um med scan and then hafu plays i don't think she wastes time standing on a thanks scanner wait rey is with me in comms though no uh she's talking about beginning of the round because i had three tasks in there i i think toast and hafu passed through yes oh i left tatu yeah i might check vitals yeah and then she passed me when i came from columbus it was before it was like um [Music] right before life i think ray was doing uh himself thank you for 100 bits mercedes and x monster thank you guys so much for the primes and subs pretty much together the whole time i don't think it could have been yvonne [Music] but it still could be her for the other impossible i think you guys are doing great keep it up guys that means leslie was probably sheriff and killed herself trying to be smart unless someone else is a sheriff who's not sure yourself now yes i can okay i'm not exposing that i'm sheriff yet because that makes me public enemy number one oh god don't kill me saiku no he'd never kill me right but he's a changed man what if i try and kill seikuno oh no this is so much pressure i'm sorry hafu i was i was one second behind her so i didn't see the killer [Music] we were in admin and we both checked vitals we see that rey is dead so we go straight to admin table we see that there's like a a body in o2 and then so we both start heading over she's like a couple steps ahead of me and then uh she dies ahead of me near o2 like as she's trying to report ray's body so someone was camping the body yeah i should have looked you know what i should have looked around so and it couldn't have been tina or cycuno on this one sorry my brain just like glossed over you said it was an admin what was that yeah this was it was in specialty tina isn't it it's inspecting no no i'm sorry it wasn't me maybe oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wasn't it no no it couldn't have been in med bay i was there three of us just came from there uh-huh i think i literally it was an o2 did no one listen to me you just saw it southeast oh [ __ ] that's me never mind um okay so what useful information do we have it was an o2 there are two bodies in o2 right now on this one because we were all talking about two parties so there was one on um admin table i'm pretty sure it was raised hafu and i bolted straight there but there was enough bodies i hate you so much should i try and kill saikuno oh god do i do it for the content or the friendship oh god this is just too much pressure oh jesus well see here's the thing if i get him and he is the imposter then i'm a hero but if i try and fail then people know that it's not him so i'm a hero either way and i save his life i'm gonna do it guys i'm gonna do it [Music] [Music] this could go either way oh she were right next to me i i was like okay i believe you killed psycho yes i said if i try and kill him and kill myself at least he can be cleared because you guys were next to him but then if i kill him and he's imposter then i'm a hero anyway so i just went for jack i'm gonna believe jack here can i just say something else real quick you know i was getting real confused about the admin table thing i'm not gonna lie but dicey i thought you invented from admin to med bank oh my god tina we've been over this you can't see anything this round okay yep you're right absolutely hard clear all right oh [ __ ] it's too much pressure it's too much pressure oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who do i kill who do i kill who do i get it could be corpse it could be tina it could be edison it could be toast toast is not here [Music] [Music] yeah honestly from that position it could have been anyone he tried he tried so much all right tina here's the input and i was like you know i'm just going to make it easier for somebody else and then a vaughn was dead on vitamin k when there was a stack there wait wait a bond's dead yvonne was dead on vitals yes i got you yvonne oh did not forget it's toast right yeah you're the best thank you so yep she died where were you the entire time because i was [Music] wait let me in on this because he says no jack you got to go for the double get pog okay i was like maybe it's not him then excuse me and edison said get psycho and i got him so i didn't think it was him let a girl know what you're up to ah we almost had it all so close okay this is literally the worst see what you do i voted for you toast it's toaster [Laughter] i really hope i didn't throw this is a really good play by talking same like the 50 50 on top of edison it's because me corpse and jack were all together the whole time oh wow i almost got him back tina my whole chat is saying send it after you said it for dk for dk yeah i was going to get tina first i was like no it's probably not her and then you guys were all there and i was like ah shot in the dark who cares all right tuskies let's go what are we doing hello oh oh it's pricey what up hi there bud what's going on oh you know just tasking it up whoa where there's a coast yeah hey interesting are you guys up to oh you know just hanging out you back from the war yeah i gotta go to my canisters and i have a gun oh jesus i wanna be near a gun hello crops [ __ ] yeah bro i don't know i heard well i heard a whisper of coasts in the distance a whisper and he kept saying if i die it's tina do you think a whisper of toast is called a crumb crumb of posts no one's dead that's true if post has a baby it would be um a muffin mysterious the elusive muffin the elusive the camouflage camouflage crumpet oh toast toast if you have a baby your baby is named the elusive elusive crumb you [Laughter] do we have a sheriff here to confirm no no no listen i said i said we were thinking of your faith oh god oh god who's dead oh my god who died was leslie [Laughter] what happened where's the body it's in med bay so this means it was one of us if it's not her fun all right if there's a sheriff alive please say aye oh [ __ ] so maybe it was leslie she killed herself wait i i didn't see what happened i just ran down and then back up oh no to join the rest of you and she was like it was it was toast and corpse and uh jack and then i left to go fix lights i passed uh yvonne she was going into lab so i don't think it's her either that's cap cap i went to white i didn't see you i would ah as i ran so it's not cap isn't that right yvonne i did hear that i actually did but i don't remember where it is for out of love that's cap ha food you're a cat no yo i said oh the whole time what corpse we need a sheriff i think it might have been leslie i think she's definitely trying to kill him because you said kill leslie kill leslie yeah i've just been chilling this whole time all right wait you've been what killing this one wait chilling and killing psycho i've never heard so i couldn't say chilling in my entire life wow wow okay what happened i i did a test what was the test ooh i like this game i actually am the sheriff and i killed hafu and i went to it oh i'm just letting you know but yeah let's kill the sheriff you know by voting already i wouldn't vote me but okay i mean if you have one imposter gone for sure i mean yeah sure but like what the heck is the point of a share if you're just gonna die like this what the heck i'm going to give it to rape i want someone i believe her what the hell i believe rape i think i stand right otg next time i'm just going to kill someone and say i'm sure race yeah that is smart honestly i mean all right honestly we are also i think toast is hard clear then thanks ray all right ray you get a free kill yeah ray go for the next one just don't make it you go for another shot what if you get both imposters that'd be incredible you have to get both of them yeah you got to get the pog i need my info oh yeah yvonne is dead yes i think that it's ray i i think that it's rey i think that it's rey all right go for a court rule for corpses i killed corpse i killed your critic i don't believe yeah yeah i should i think you have all the power and then you go right right go on corpses guys i have one task left i've got to do it i'll go do my task now hey buddy oh right there hello i'm just gonna look at a telescope real quick how [ __ ] dare you and just like that the only person that wasn't there was tina right yeah that's soccer i go down that's so awkward [Music] oh is much longer there's no way we'll pull it off if i skip can i kill you yes okay thank you oh unfortunate um all right tina what you guys got to say yeah you know i think okay this entire time and she actually is all right no okay did you guys did you i literally she said i wanted to kill one more i'm willing to vote for tina first but i got this solved she's not oh [ __ ] did you guys both didn't use big brain i voted for tina why why why does it matter i mean it's impossible yes i literally killed the spread of everyone and almost like around i know i'm sorry i should have let you kiss yourself everybody's going down with this my heart wait so was leslie then the other oh it is rey wait this isn't awkward we cracked the case it's over we already know what the imposter is see right that's the thing that play sounds really good of course on paper oh no she's gonna kill me because but now that the round's not over and they definitely got tina now i'll go oh now it's obviously rey all right correct the case thank you thank you oh man edison you caught me editing good job corpse you got me oh no this video sucks just kill me don't kill me this video sucks get me out of here go next okay nope nope scratch this one it was so close that was really good by her though yeah sorry tina i thought it [ __ ] you up later in the round though ray you almost had it holy [ __ ] that was good oh there's a task here there he is download there's the snitch oh my gosh if only i was imposter this time toast i'd get you hey toast it's fine toast it's fine i'm not impressed unfortunately toast i can't kill you hello nothing's suspicious i think she's innocent i think so too what you guys doing i spread my fossils gotta go now yup likely story what what were you doing kimmy she was clean i know i know i'm just trying to turn it on her because she's she's accusing us oh yeah yeah yeah wendy where were you last night where are you where were you last oh you guys are asking me oh my god oh my god i'm the doctor here i asked the question where were you oh brain cells they're attacking my two brain cells i gotta get some people don't i i'm just not a killer thank god that was wendy i misclicked holy [ __ ] no one's here god damn it oh my god you found it i knew it yeah that's where i thought awful and toasty because we were both good job [Music] wait a minute you're right contacts i have literally all my tasks in now and i just passed corpse yeah really yvonne ivan was your last asking for communications where'd you pass me and especially like the oh that's that's crazy i didn't see you the lights are off [ __ ] the fire is so hot wait wait oh [ __ ] let i'll go i'll go i go i go i'm so fast i go i go i fix lights it's not me it's not me corpse is gonna die or he's imposter no i'm gonna fall on the blade just in case and he kills me she's in here psychoto i swear to god i said his name too early i wouldn't have been able to see him she's over there carves again huh oh my god he was like if you're the killer we're about to find out she just mowed him down oh my god him down in a cold blood let's just go like i'm sheriff and ivan is innocent no oh yeah that could have happened too no and then he doesn't need it he was he was going to do it but she got to him first who saw ivan kill me honestly i had my map open but if jack said he saw it i trust him ivan's five again i'm just saying well i'll be totally honest i actually thought corpses were imposter because we left corpse and huffu in the top right but the five is hot y'all avon yvonne did you kill corpse because he said he was sheriff and he was going to kill you anyway so you got to him first you silenced him you hushed him one of the others wrong and he killed himself what like what's the sheriff and then you kill me and then he died wait i think corpse was wrong wait so is no one else here claiming to be sheriff corpse claimed no it was his thing said there's a new sheriff in time right in front of sorry what do you think i trust you tina what if corpse was wrong all along i literally saw yvonne do it oh i mean corpse did say he was gonna you're the other one tychuno the entire round please please there's only one person i trust this game that's me right now twice you win kudos i thought we had something man oh no i thought it was probably i thought the safe thing to do would be to vote off yvonne because it was either yvonne or corpse right no i thought right right right it just it was a classic you know decision to make a classic blunder huh honestly i thought maybe yvonne killed him but i i almost [ __ ] that up and oh my god
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,192,793
Rating: 4.967411 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: pMGkK2l30UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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