I Got the WORST Time in This RACE Event!

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and we're back what's going on everybody did you miss me i am super sorry for those of you that had watched uh the stream for those of you that didn't know i actually streamed this uh well was just streaming this and then my entire power went out literally i lost everything my the lights went out my internet went out i had to reset my camera everywhere everything went bad and it made me very very sad guys but we're back and the stream should be up and running now so i know i'm very very mad and literally it ruined our run and just everything's bad everything everything went bad and i'm very annoyed guys okay i'm very annoyed but thank you so much for sticking around and coming back to stream i appreciate it but unfortunately uh for the sake of the video and stream i have to explain everything all over again and we basically have to start the video over um either way thank you for joining thank you for being patient i love you guys so let's do this guys we're gonna we're gonna just pretend so no no we're just gonna pretend none of that ever happened okay no we're never we're gonna start it never okay we're doing it again what's going on everybody my name is ryan tutti and today we're going to be doing something terrible we're going to be trying to do the worst the worst work we're literally trying to be the worst that's it normally in races your object of the goal is to go from the start to the finish as quickly as possible trying to be the best but obviously being the best takes a lot of work it takes a lot of time concentration energy and just willpower in order to be the best and you can see that when you look at the races that there are some very very talented people as you can see some people have beaten this this current race in under two minutes number one score is a minute and 44 seconds which is absolutely amazing as you can see my face is in the way you can't see there you go 9 faces out of the way a minute and 40 seconds or 44 seconds from the player named moo is amazing absolutely pure talent now we're not going to do that we're gonna try to get the worst time possible how are we gonna do that well it's up to you and i i've done this a couple of times i've never actually beaten it though my goal is to get the worst possible time so i'm very very very excited um sam balloon master alchemist is way too expensive there's no way i'll ever be able to afford that there's literally literally i'll never be able to afford that so the plan is the balloons start here they go through these three craters they spin around three times and then go up down and then they come all the way around here to the spike factories now you can turn auto start off and you can kind of just leave it off and technically you could just like leave it off and walk away that seems a little bit cheating to me that seems like by doing that you could just get the you literally could just leave it on like overnight and then you could have like a two-day run or something like that and that's not fair that's not fun so in order for this to be an official run the auto start has to be on that's the plan guys okay auto start has to always be on i actually turned it off during the last stream but i decided that it'd be better for this now the strategy i have is we're gonna put a glue gunner here we have a free dart monkey that we're just gonna put here he's just gonna he's just gonna do dart monkey things and then we got a ninja and we're gonna put our ninja right here for now as well and then from there we're gonna be good so we can begin our strategy we can begin our journey i would love to see how powerful some people are in this like how great like the the people's ability are right i want to get the the glue gunner leveled up but we have a lot of things we need to work on for now the idea is or at least the plan is i would love if this run was over an hour long that would be amazing guys if you're enjoying the stream and you want to see more streams and stuff like that in the future make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications makes me feel loved and appreciated i'm so sad guys we lost we lost all of our we lost all of our friends guys we had like 2 000 people watching and we dropped down to only 500 of you and it's very sad but thank you for the 500 of you who stuck around i really appreciate it you guys are amazing you guys are beautiful let me get ninja discipline ninja discipline is such a good ability it like makes them attack so much faster like it's really really really good i like it a lot i'd like to get here stickier glue sticky glue is a really good upgrade and it makes it last like it's really strong to get so we're gonna hold on to just get stick here blue for now oh we haven't lost any lives just yet a little bit a little bit unnerving but we're doing good for now so we want to hold on guys it's three minutes in somebody beat this whole they beat round 76 in a minute and 45 seconds let that sink in let that sink in that somebody beat this in a minute and 45 seconds that's how insanely talented some people are we're already at four minutes somebody's already beaten this two times two times over isn't that absolutely insane to think about it's crazy anyways we got a couple of strategies that we kind of want to work on also i want to get another glue gunner and we're going to put this glue gunner here oh i put him in the wrong spot that's okay that's okay that the glue should already be on right there so we're gonna glue gunners here and you can put hit glue there as well and so that's the whole point of everything right we'll have to see uh we need more they honestly they there's very big possibility but we'll have to see oh yes we want glue everywhere because we want the rounds to last as long as possible right no caesar's about a fortnight i did see your donations thank you so much for your donations on the previous stream i really do appreciate it you're awesome um let's see let's do seeking shuriken is also going to be really nice to get i would like to get stronger glucose 400 but that's really expensive let's get stickier glue for this so the glue lasts longer and look you can put glue on pretty much all of them which is really nice you're just going to be spamming glue glue everywhere balloon crush is nice but again it's really expensive and we don't have a lot of money to invest right we're only going to round 76 so we're not gonna have a ton of money for this strategy right it's just not gonna really work for us so we're gonna have to make it work but i believe okay um wait okay we're doing pretty good though i want sharp shurikens that's only 350. so i'm pretty excited about that come on we almost got it there we go i want to get double shots if i can get double shot that would be super duper good place yeah i want to get an ice monkey for the slow but i really need to focus on the defense first because if i just put a defense down that's gonna be much more difficult okay let's see let's see the one problem with this is it takes like five ever right yeah no we definitely are gonna get a main moab main moab is gonna be like mwah it's gonna be very important but we don't need to get that for a little bit we can kind of hold out and wait for it we're gonna want we're gonna save up and get double shot too and then after we get a double shot we're gonna get a bomb shooter then bomb shooter we're gonna focus on then we'll get moab after that guys we're already at the 10 minute mark with 11 minutes or 11 rounds in so we're almost at one round every minute i'm pretty sure it's gonna go like up and down for now but we're doing pretty good for now okay we need i know we're gonna have to think the late game is what i'm more worried about i think i'm going to want to get a eventually i'm going to want a mortar tower and put a mortar tower into here i think that's going to be the best our best bet because mortar towers are just so strong right and effect and with the effectively with the stun that's gonna be so nice because wait when do you get the stun there we go yeah shell shock is only a thousand dollars that's actually really cheap that's really good do this 0.51 that's too expensive an 051 glue gunner that's 15 000 i don't have that kind of money i'm sorry i can't afford that that's way too expensive okay hey alex mania thank you so much for the kind words i really appreciate it thank you i always love when you guys say super kind words it really does make my day you guys are amazing okay yeah we will want more towers the wait the problem with some mortar towers is oh do we want do i just go for a water tower i wonder mortar tower could be pretty good or do we get what happened last stream my power went out william i lost all power and it made me so very very sad it's okay it's okay we can put this down or do we start working on getting a mortar tower down it's kind of expensive but it could be really powerful get rapid reload and then if we could get shell shock that's not that expensive honestly and we could stun balloons ooh or do we get guys oh i don't know which one would be better if we get that or probably the mortar right probably the mortar mortar would probably be really good to have yeah we're going to get a more let's put a mortar yeah we'll get a mortar do we want a mortar i don't know we're going to get a mortar i decided on a mortar bigger blast and then we're also going to want to get bloom balloon buster because the thing is i'm pretty sure shell shock allows us to hit what pops balloon buster no what heavy shells pop um can pop black balloons but we don't want heavy shells hey renegade thank you so much for the one dollar super chat you're amazing and you're also beautiful the ninja middle path i do want ninja middle path as well but it's five thousand dollars so shell shock is really gonna be nice for this upgrade there we go it's pretty expensive though i want balloon buster that's six yeah 6500 there we go and then a shell shock is one thousand dollars i want fast reload faster reload and rapid reload there we go that's going to be really nice oh no i wonder how well this is going to work i think this guy can pop all of those if not i can just get the the caltrops let's see i didn't lose any lives i feel very grateful for that yeah yeah shell shock is going to be rapid reload wait how much does the second one cost oh wait faster reload and rapid reload both are going to be nice upgrades to grab uh yeah let's do that fast and then rapid reload oh yeah that's like boom boom boom boom boom yeah that shoots super duper fast that's really nice all right so now we want to kind of focus on we're gonna want to get ourselves a i don't know let's see there's i have a lot of we have a lot of things that need to kind of go right for us for this to work right i want shell shock because i eventually want to get just like the biggest one right we've got we have ninjas so we have no problem popping like camo balloons we can pop light balloons we can pretty much pop everything except camo ledge right now but i don't think we're gonna have to deal with camouflage anytime soon and by that time we're gonna have a village so we can have pop all sorts of things and then we're also gonna want to make sure that we have a brewmaster because brewmasters are also really nice now we're going to start focusing on getting ourselves a sniper monkey so here's the problem with the sniper monkey what's the one thing that sniper monkey does he has global range right he can shoot anywhere on the map so the problem is if i get a really strong sniper monkey and i put him like here or something he's going to pop all the balloons because look how slow the balloons are right and he can one shot those oh no uh we lost some lives but that's okay so the thing is we want the sniper monkey to only take out moabs right so what we're going to do is we actually put the sniper monkey right here and then we don't ever level up his attack speed we only get full metal jacket and we put him on strong it's definitely the way to go how many pops these guys got 1500 pops that's nice oh shell shock would also be nice but we don't want shell shock just yet because we need to we have to we actually have to make sure we have large caliber by round or we have to make sure we have main moab by round 40. so we need like a 7 000 upgrade or something like that so it's not it's pretty expensive and we're gonna have to make sure that we can afford that yeah this mortar is doing wonderful so yeah the stream's back and which makes me very happy so the glue gunner where you i will upgrade the glue gunners later but we need to make sure we have a really strong defense on or else we're going to be in trouble and i don't want to be in trouble eventually we're going to want to get ourselves a mib which allows us to pop all types of balloons which is going to be really really nice i watch your dream catch i hope you have a good day i hope you have a great day too mason thanks for tuning in to the stream friend okay let's see deadly precision three thousand dollars oh we need to get we need what and may mello is 4 000 as well so what we need another 2 000 we need 5 000 more dollars so we can get 5 000 more dollar reno's i think we're gonna be in good good hands but another five thousand dollars seems it see it seems pretty intimidating not gonna lie we should be able to do it and ripe i think we'll get it like right before it and then we're gonna have to get camo detection so we can pop like rainbow balloons i don't actually know if we're gonna have enough to pop rainbow balloons i'm a little bit scared about popping rainbow balloons deadly precision we're only at round 35 we're actually gonna be okay so we're gonna be we're gonna be okay hey thank you so much we just passed a thousand live viewers uh oh oh oh oh we're fine oh i don't like this rush of black balloons oh i'm gonna put i'm gonna buy caltrops real fast i think caltrops are gonna be like mwah those are gonna be really important to have like really really more important okay let's do guys i need 3 000 more dollars i'm scared i'm scared oh my gosh there's a lot of camo balloons oh but we have caltrop so we're like we're fine we're chilling guys we're chilling we only need another two thousand dollars then we can focus i really want to get shell shock that stuns balloons at impact point and pops balloons even further out so that's going to be like really nice out heavy shells uh yeah we're gonna have to just kind of be patient here there we go oh yeah and also the sniper can pop in that area too which is really nice we only need another thousand dollars round 42 is when they send um camo rainbow balloon and that is terrifying camo rainbow balloons i don't like the idea of that see this guy's already popped 3000 balloons right like look he's actually taking out a lot of like heavy balloons right around 39 okay so now we need to make sure we have a village and that we can pop um all types of balloons right i'd like to get the 5 2 ninja but that's really expensive balloon tissue could actually be really strong but i don't know if it'll be enough here let's go ahead all right so here's the moab see he just stops the mo up the mob's not allowed to go anywhere guys okay moab's not going anywhere but see he like he just takes out all of them so all right round 42 is the round that's gonna be really difficult to beat so we're gonna put this guy right here and he's in range and then i also need radar scanner which cost two thousand dollars come on radar scanner okay good there we go now we have radar scanner i really really need shell shock i need to be able to stun balloons come on come on oh my gosh oh my gosh we're losing lives okay here i'm actually gonna do this okay i i needed to change it up just a little bit to give us to make sure we don't lose right because losing is bad we don't want to lose we're at round 43 and it's already taken us 31 minutes which is hilarious the big one is gonna be really nice but that cost eight thousand dollars that's really expensive i don't think i can afford that but now that we're starting to get into high oh but look at oh no this is bad this is we might lose here okay i gotta i have to set this over here come on come on don't lose don't lose don't lose don't lose those oh that was close i really need mib that's cost thousand five hundred dollars and that allows me to pop all types of balloons which is really really important because then the mortar can kind of just do whatever he wants right then he has free reign to just pop any type of loot and look at the stunts the stuns are really nice to have i want the i need mib and i'm also going to need things to like slow the balloons down even more so there's a lot of things that we need to like take into account for look at this he's taking out all these ceramic balloons which is really nice i'm so very nervous right now guys once we start getting up into the higher rounds like the round 60s and stuff that's when it starts getting really intense yes look at this the stuns are wonderful to have we have mib boom baby okay this guy can pop any type of balloon now any type so he's just gonna stun balloons and just do wonderful things okay now we can get bigger globs we get stronger glue bigger globs and i also want stronger glue we need to keep these balloons slowed okay i know guys he's got 200 pops we would have lost if we did not have this dart monkey okay he's popped he has saved our butts look at this look at how slow these balloons are but the problem is look see this this sniper monkey he has ten thousand pops he's doing a lot of work right no the dart monkey he stays he stays at zero zero we need all of the money we can get unironically i want to get the big one next which is eight thousand dollars they pop a lot let's see look at this look at all these look at all these oh ceramic balloons oh my gosh we lost no ceramic balloons are too powerful we can't deal with ceramic balloons how do we deal with surrounding balloons guys we got to try direct we have to we have to go again we need to do it again but how do we deal with ceramic coils alchemists is it out is alchemist our strategy like this is the problem i'm having how do we make it go longer right because the problem is we can obviously do it easily but the problem is we need to make sure it lasts longer so how do we do it a crossbow is too expensive so i know this strategy like up until here this works pretty well is ninja the play i don't know if ninjas the play here right because you can't deal with ceramics that well um alchemist i feel like alchemist is gonna be good corrosive glue problem with corrosive glue is it pops the balloons too quickly right we don't want it to pop too quickly because if if it pops too quickly then we then we don't have the slowest time we need the slowest time guys corrosive glue corrosive glue we don't want because it'll melt it too fast but we need a we need a different type of corrosive right um here we'll put we'll put our ninja down for now ninja's doing he's doing his best guys okay let's see balloon liquifier near the back ice monkey drood a lot of people are saying drew but i don't know if jude's gonna be the way to go super monkey hmm i'm fluent liquefier i think balloon master alchemist is gonna be a better option if we're now if we're gonna be doing mortars i think putting this guy here is gonna be smarter i think putting him there is gonna work because that way he can shoot into it and i think that's gonna help out a lot i think the mortar is the way to go but we just need them to be a little bit stronger i think that's gonna be way better drew bottom route drew bottom part is pretty good but i don't know how good that's gonna actually be right so we're gonna have to we're gonna figure this out guys all right we're gonna get the slowest time possibly possible okay that's not like cheating downdraft downdraft would be really good but it's also like how expensive is it bigger jets ifr hmm and then downdraft downdraft's really expensive but i would like to get downdraft downdraft would be really nice permaspikes is also too expensive all of these options are things that i want but are too expensive here we need to get stickier glue there we go and then we can also get bigger gloves it's only 100 and that's not expensive so he's gonna get more pops so and then we're gonna want another glue gunner as well because glue gunners are just amazing so get mortise for every crater but again we don't want to pop the balloons too quickly we pop the balloons too quickly and then we're speed running it that's the whole point of it is to do it as slowly as possible we need to we're doing this grandma style guys okay we have to be grandma level slow okay well there is no mage they took mage out i wanted to do a mage i thought major would be pretty good they banned the mage which is very saddening oh let's get ninja discipline because ninja discipline kind of is kind of slapped boomerang monkey hmm boomerang kylie boomerang sixty thousand dollars if i could have sixty thousand dollars i can make a lot guys i'm talking like i have like maybe four or five thousand dollars in cash in order to do this like that i'm not working with a lot of money here okay i have very very small funds in order to do these challenges it is not a lot guys all right i'm doing my best with the minimum amount of money that i got here i need uh seeking shuriken uh or do we just get another glue gunner we need another glue gun where is he 275 no that's a boomerang monkey here he is yeah we're gonna put him right there okay i'm trying to see glaive lord bladelord is bad here maybelline's very bad here because he can't like i guess i could put him like right there but still he's also too expensive that's twenty five thousand dollars if i didn't if i had that kind of money i'd be able to do anything again sniper is global range so we don't want to give them all that infinite range so that's still too it's still too powerful i think bomb tower is probably the play but we'll se we'll have to see there's there's a lot have to see there's a there's a lot of things that need to happen here we do have the glue gunner which is nice but let's do sharp shurikens and then and then seeking shurikens will probably be good another option we have is instead of getting the sniper monkey we just get a really strong mortar tower because let me think about it let's look at our sniper wait is that 750 is that i think it freezes it so that's 350 that's 1500 that's 4500 that's like 8 000 instead of getting that eight thousand dollar thing i might be able to just get the mortar which does a lot of damage as well but i don't but i don't know especially just for around 40 i think that's that's definitely the play and as i focus on getting that the the mortar up and then that way i can kind of i think that's the play i think we just say no sniper monkey i think taking out the the sniper monkey is gonna be way better get one mortar for the middle crater yeah maybe just like one like small border heavy shells but that's 900 but that could be like a smart play and then just get like one mortar kind of just to do a little bit of damage on it that could be that could be pretty good i kind of like this idea all right we're gonna try something new guys it probably maybe possibly won't work but we're gonna see if we can okay so let's uh let's get double shot and we also want to get seeking shurikens as well so we're not going to get a sniper but we need to make sure we get maximum water first that's the main goal is getting max mortar corrosion i don't want corrosive glue i want slow glue i want them to be slow i don't want them to pop over time because if you get corrosive glue they're all going to pop before they even get to the end that's because curves of glue is really good especially if you have the long things yeah the ninja monkey i think the ninja monkey is like a half because like he throws it into the into the crater and then like pops all the gloves he's a really strong i really like how good he is so he stays for sure let's get stickier glue on this guy and then bigger gloves that's like not that expensive so we're gonna have to just be a little bit patient block sniper range with craters yeah but at the same time like do we if we need them just from moabs like that's so much money that we're spending just to pop moabs and i don't think that's worth it i think if we focus more on mortars and then we can just move the mortars to like attack attack the the moab right and by by the time the next moab show up i can move the mortise to just deal with it i think that's the point i like i like the strategy because that frees up a lot of money by by doing that so let's go ahead we're going to get a mortar tower here do we want a more yeah because we're going to want a brewmaster at some point yeah and we're going to put you there and then we're going to focus on getting him as much money as possible so we need to get that out to yeah we want bigger blasts yeah we're going to want the we need the big one before round 40. that's totally doable because it pops five five rounds per thing and then the middle i do definitely want the middle path the middle path would be really good ice monkey arctic wind i i want that too but i can't get that right now that's a little bit expensive so i'm gonna think the strategy that i'm going for right now is i need to get the mortar monkey maxed out i think that's kind of what i'm focusing on right now so we can get the more let's get bigger blast which is 500. and then balloon buster which is 650 and that pops through two layers at watch which just like is gonna annihilate a bunch of balloons balloon buster okay so here's the first like round of black balloons which is fine because now that i've moved my ninja upwards and they can shoot into the crater they can do a lot more work for us and then increased accuracy makes the shots more accurate i don't like what does that even do and then bernie stuff i want none of those i need faster reload and then i also want rapid reload so they're just like pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow which is gonna be really nice do we want stronger glue would be nice but that's another 800 upgrade that i really don't feel like getting rapid reload a 0.1 ninja monkey could be could be pretty good especially if we put them like right here do we have how much money does that cost oh my gosh balloons got by i do not like that balloons are getting advised but no i i actually kind of agree that we should have some kind of like middle man to kind of deal to kind of like slow down balloons here let's see uh we're at will we have enough money because it's like i have to really think that's why it's 1 000 oh wait no i only need i need nine thousand dollars i have to save up i actually can't spend any more money can i will i have enough money before i should i should we're putting a ninja right here we're gonna put a ninja right here and we're gonna get distraction and also ninja discipline and then that way yeah there we go and we also we're gonna make this guy target strong too his job is to just like he's just to send balloons backwards because he does he has the potential to make balloons go the wrong way so he's gonna do a very good job of just like slowing down balloons i could possibly get counter espionage but i don't think we need them he's also not gonna do anything there so now what we need to focus on is shell shock and then the big one i'm scared guys i think we're doing pretty good our race time is at 22 minutes so we're doing pretty good yeah distraction uh we could get caltrops but oh we can get shell shock now okay we need eight thousand dollars before round forty can we make eight thousand dollars in 11 rounds we totally can that's definitely doable because that's worth yeah we can definitely do that that's possible but we got to be very patient like we have to be very very patient look at this look how slow this is it buys so much time it's actually wonderful oh i hate how fast some of the balloons start moving once they yeah i wish i could the glue soak would be really nice where's glue soak glue soak much stronger glue isn't there like oh glue soak glue soak through all layer blooms that's really good but we can't get that upgrade unfortunately so there we go oh yeah and now this guy look so he's starting to send balloons back and he's taking out stronger balloons which may not seem like that big of a deal but i promise you it's a big deal it's really nice that he does that but now we have to save up eight thousand dollars in order to be able to pop the first moab but then after that i think it's smooth sailing we're gonna want camo detection and then we're also gonna want a brewmaster but from there i think if we're if we're careful and we're precise and we're patient i think we're gonna be doing a lot with our work okay so for those of you that are just now joining in the challenge we're going for is we're trying to get the slowest time on the race i don't know we're gonna we're actually trying to get the slowest possible time i know you can you can total you can cheese it if you want we're trying to get the slowest possible time without like turning off auto start because we could technically just turn off auto start and just walk away and i think that's a little cheating so we're not gonna do that what we are gonna do though is buy the big one which cost eight thousand dollars if we can't get that before round 35 or around 40 though we kind of lose which is a little bit terrifying this guy has actually been doing work he only has 800 pops i'm tempted to get level him up a little bit more maybe get like sharp shurikens but he like sends because he sends balloons back too because he has that uh distractions and so the balloons are like way where where am i going yeah and he also slows balloons down which is nice oh yeah i really like that he slow that he the shell shock is really really nice i could get balloon jitsu but guys i don't know if i'm gonna have enough money i need another three thousand dollars in like three rounds am i getting a thousand dollars around i don't know i don't know no no no i don't know i don't know i'm scared we should be okay oh no pop you're popping the wrong balloons uh oh oh we're fine we're fine we're just losing some lives we're fine two more rounds oh two more rounds we got this guys i'm putting down cal shops that's four that's only four hundred dollars the 400 shouldn't make that big of a difference and the couch should make it so we don't we still lost that's so hard that's so difficult we i think we have to do a different strategy because the we need and we need more slowdown but the problem is if we pop the balloons too soon then then the whole strategy is like ruined the glue gunner works and this guy works and then the ninja works maybe we changed the ninja strategy out i don't know i'm trying to think what's up what's the strategy ball lighting is too expensive right it's it's just you guys are tr you guys are bad strategies it's too expensive super monkey's too expensive i don't have that kind of money uh what why is the glue oh the glue just like wore off so we have to all right let me think about this while while the rounds are going through i gotta kind of like stratomagize what's going on right maybe if we because we didn't have enough money we lost before we could actually get to that round so the ninja monkey by himself isn't strong enough so we need something else the bomb shooter is good but he's also expensive right then the two two the two two's ninja maybe i upgraded blue jitsu sooner hmm maybe we focus less on slowing balloons down for now and then once we get to higher rounds we can focus more on that because we do spend like a lot of money on that and for now we kind of just focus on a ninja oh wait i need ninja discipline i didn't get the upgrade for it yeah i think that's what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get seeking shuriken and then i'm gonna level up and get sharp shuriken i'm gonna but that's two thousand dollars before for us to get that upgrade which is like really expensive so i don't know if i can ever do that so what i really want to focus on doing a bomb tower could be nice to have i think the sniper also actually does like a lot for us maybe i do get a sniper and just have them be like a really strong attacker yeah all right we're going back to the old strategy where we got a sniper because the sniper is really strong what happened okay sniper here is not good snipers i'm trying to find what's the i still think that's probably our best best spot for snipers like right here because he does a lot he does have like he does get a serious amount so let's get ourselves we can get sharp shurikens and then we'll get double shot then we're gonna get is the mortar the way to go or is is the bomb shooter the way to go wait where can i put maybe i might have messed up and put the this guy in the wrong spot because maybe i can do a bomb shooter like oh maybe i put a bomb shooter like right there i could probably put a bomb shooter right there i'm gonna get a bomb tower instead this time because i think the bomb tower is gonna do better than the mortar i really do i think i think that's gonna be here can we put a bomb tower yeah putting a bomb tower right there is gonna work i think that's gonna work because like that that blocks all of that range and that's all bad i don't wanna do that i think bomb tower right here with that extra range that'll work really well and then we'll be much better okay okay you guys are all silly i would love to get down traps i will eventually get downdraft but i just got to figure out what i want to do first would be good since the how little the sniper can see but the problem is i need the sniper to have put another ninja with the glue monkey i don't want to pop because if i put a ninja there he's gonna pop all the balloons and then the rounds are gonna just fly by and we don't want that to happen yeah you're right we could probably put down we can put down more glue gunners and then we can get uh beer globs and then we can get both of these upgrades which is going to make the balloons way slower over time elite sniper is too expensive all of this all of this is too expensive guys you forget that we are not working with a lot of money we have to really be stratomagizing what's what are what kind of money we're working with you know do we want cow trucks no and now it's time to go for a bomb shooter i think the bombs and right here and then we want extra range look he actually if that works and he can hit into that oh wait does he hit the wall oh he might hit the wall right here we'll have to see let's see what happens if he gets once we get frag bombs oh no he hit oh he he kind of gets in there he sometimes just hits right there which is not good we'll have to see oh no oh no i think we might have put him i think we might have like i think we might be in big trouble we are in big trouble i think we'll see because sometimes the shrapnel shot just doesn't go off let's see if we get cluster bombs and it like is messed up i honestly i don't know what to do i i would be a little bit of a little bit of a scary situation here we only need 700 but he only has 200 pops i guess he is getting an okay amount of pops but it doesn't look like he's doing a lot right okay let's see what happens here so let's slow it down and let's see oh the bombs do go off now okay we're fine we're fine we have nothing to worry about we're we're actually a million percent fine oh we actually haven't even gotten double shot yet we probably should get double shot yeah double shot would be pretty nice to have but i mean this guy is doing pretty good by himself now do it is there another tower that we can get yeah let's get we need double shot we don't have enough money for double shot uh caltrops yes countrums is the way to go i am so smart i have a big brain guys okay maximum brain power usage over here guys that's what we're up to maximum brain power we're gonna do this guys all right i believe in this i'm feeling good about this run now okay i feel i feel like this is the one guys look at that yeah if i can get so now i need bigger bombs larger blast area and more popping power and then we're gonna want to get even bigger bombs as well yeah that that's like very those are pretty good okay bigger bombs and then heavy bombs and they can smash through two i can't use ice yet i will use ice but not right now it's it's too expensive we need more defense because we only have this range this area is not a lot it's not great so we need 800 okay i believe guys guys make sure to hit that like button we'll see if we get a thousand likes we have 1500 people watching but only 800 likes come on guys 200 likes just hit that like button right now in three two one go boom let's see let's see guys i believe in all of you i believe all right now we have heavy bombs so we're like super good 850 likes it's like frozen guy i think you guys broke the like button it's frozen 920 oh 80 more likes guys we're super close we're super duper close a thousand likes literally in like a few seconds you guys are insane thanks for leaving a like on the video guys i really appreciate it you guys are super duper awesome okay this guy is oh my gosh this guy's doing super duper good hey arlo smith thanks for the two two pound two uh i i don't know those type of currency thank you so much for the donation you're amazing and shout out to you friend okay it's time for z sniper okay there we go and then full metal jacket and then we'll also have on target strong do we want fast firing on these guys i don't know i'm not entirely sure i think fast fire i think we need to make sure we get large caliber first before we buy anything we're gonna need a lot of money i just realized we need a lot of money very soon but yeah this guy does a really good job of popping balloons like i think it's very underrated how much this guy does so fifteen hundred dollars for a large caliber please i will take one of your largest caliber bullets wait what happens to his sniper once he gets large caliber what he just gets an extended magazine that's not a how hot uh that's not how large caliber bullets work silly hey xavier you're amazing you guys are all awesome thank you guys so much for coming out of stream uh you know supporting me and just hanging out having a great time today you guys are awesome all right we need deadly precision guys we might not be able to deal with we can deal with a moab even if i don't get um whoa i'm like standing up and i like almost fell over that could have been bad okay what challenge all right guys for those of you just not tuning in we're trying to get the slowest possible time in the race guys i want to be at the bottom of the leaderboard guys with us this silly strategy so as you can see we've got a bunch of glue down uh we're gonna put ice monkeys down and the whole point is just to make this strategy just go on forever like we want this to be just take forever and i want it it's going to be super ridiculous and super hilarious all right deadly precision cost 3000 guys i don't know we're gonna have enough money to be able to get it at round 40 i believe i believe we can totally do this guys we just have to believe in ourselves hopefully i don't know let's see uh large caliber please okay we got large caliper oh wow that's a lot of pink balloons that's fine this guy's doing insane work we're actually doing really really good okay so what i wanna be doing right now is getting moab can i get three thousand dollars in three rounds easy that's actually i don't know why i was stressing about it that's fine this guy actually does a lot of work look at his 1600 pops this guy is four thousand so like he's definitely doing a lot of work and as you can see he takes out a lot of the harder like more difficult balloons that you're normally not able to deal with like all these look at these he's taking out a lot of these zebra balloons which would normally get away so i'm very grateful that we have this guy do i want to get faster firing uh probably so yeah we're gonna get we're gonna get even faster firing he's probably gonna be a little bit too powerful but that's fine i'm 100 okay with him being a little too powerful if just if it guarantees that we don't lose i think that's probably the better i think i think what i need to start doing is being more on the safe side and boom baby we just got made more son what you gonna do nothing look at this moab look at this moab he's coming around 40. oh oh you can't go anywhere oh dude you just get popped that's that mo guys that moab right now is what he's crying he's upset guys okay now oh round 42 we need camera we need camera detection now not like not we need oh my gosh we might not be we might have to oh i'm scared we need two thousand dollars for camera detection come on please give me two thousand dollars okay we are bro bro bro give me camo detection oh my god we got it we got camera detection we would have lost if we didn't camera detection because these can't look at these camo looks look at all these camel blinds if we weren't able to oh it's still going to be close yikes yikes that's scary okay we're okay okay okay we're cool we're cool we're chilling we can finally get stronger glue on both of these so now more slows okay even more slows are the way to go i really want to save up now there's a lot of upgrades i want to get but mib i think is gonna be the most important one so this bomb shooter can hit all types of balloons or do we get downdraft getting a helicopter could be pretty nice we're gonna get a helicopter and i want him to be i want lock in place lock and place right here and then bigger jets ifr and then downdraft once we get down jeff he'll start pushing the balloons back it's gonna be so good and then probably faster guards as well there we go he's gonna start doing a lot of a lot of good stuff okay i like it oh my gosh look at this one balloon this one yes he's buying so much time okay there we go we can get downdraft and let's also get yes look at it look at all this yes yes okay let's get we need a so okay okay okay yes okay we're still i need a stronger defense though okay this is good this is good guys it's working yes he's blowing the balloons back i'm making more room okay i want mib now and then i also want to get recursive cluster that's that's the way to go do we have faster darts no it's cost 7 500 guys we're at 35 minutes so the we still want it to last a little bit ideally guys we want it to last over an hour guys that's the plan that's the strategy okay we're doing pretty good oh my gosh it still blows my mind that people are able to beat this in like a minute and 30 seconds recursive no mib boom all right we got mib look at this this is a wonderful news how many pop this guy's yeah i wanna i don't like i wanna let's see can we lock in place over here there we go wait i wanna make sure that he doesn't shoot out no there we go that oh that's because this guy keeps popping him that's why let's see what if i put him like way up here no i don't want to follow mouse lock in place no i ain't fine i'm just i give up i'm putting them right there that seems like an okay spot and then boom recursive cluster okay oh we got recursive cluster oh my gosh look at he just pushes him back now okay okay how is oh man oh man okay oh my gosh that's so good okay so we need this guy here and now we want grow blocker and we also need radar scanners radar scanner okay guys now now we're doing it we're doing it you guys know you guys know what's coming now guys you guys know what i'm about to buy it's about to be time let's go baby alrighty larger radius re-freeze enhance freeze oh boy you guys oh look at this oh we're going to buy so much time now okay deep freeze we need arctic wind boys let's go let's go boys this is amazing somebody just commented in chat that i i've taken this long to beat the race and i'm so bad because i've taken this long no sir i am skilled it's taken me this long okay i had to try very hard to make sure the race lasted this long okay that i this is pure talent guys okay pure talent okay yeah now we're like okay arctic wind we need three thousand dollars for this oh that's a lot of ceramics that's a lot of ceramics okay this monkey is amazing look at this okay he is working all right take one we need three thousand dollars oh my gosh look at that this is madness okay i need two hundred dollars arctic wind boom all right we also want snowstorm snowstorms gonna be another three thousand guys we're freezing i'm solid they can't move oh my gosh this is too funny oh but i'm scared things might get by oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay i do not like these things getting by at all does this have mib it does okay bigger blast balloon buster i need shell shock i do not want to i don't want to lose because we could very very very easily get overwhelmed and lose and that is not happening we are not gonna get overwhelmed and lose that is like we might oh my i'm getting overwhelmed we're fine calm down guys you need to calm down i'm not i'm not overreacting i want i do want ice monkeys literally everywhere that would be super fun glue storm's also good to get but guys like i have to make sure i don't lose okay guys i'm terrified of losing once i get the big one i can focus i think we're like good to go yeah look this is still good i need the big one first once i get the big one i can focus more on getting like iced up because i am still just scared okay guys i'm panicking my goal is to get the race over an hour okay let's see we're doing okay we're in 45 minutes so far so we just got to kind of like believe you know and with this guy how many pops does that there's four thousand yeah his whole thing is just like keep pushing balloons back which he's doing a really good job of okay yeah this guy this guy's a thousand pops we're doing good we're doing yeah we still have this this normal dart monkey with like 70 pops he's trying guys he's doing his best too what's this guy this guy has 2 thousand pops too we can get snowstorm but i don't want snowstorm bfb is going to show up soon getting snowstorms going to be really nice oh okay oh my gosh look at all those lead balloons oh that's terrifying to look at that is so terrifying oh my gosh they're so slow though and i'm not buying anything except this this upgrade because this upgrade like guarantees that i don't it just like makes sure that like i'm just not gonna be made a fool of myself like i get made a fool of a lot right like that that's kind of my thing that's like the reoccurring theme is oh oh please i think we're okay i think we're okay we're fine we're fine i had to stop i had to stop talking because i was so scared okay we're almost at the big one the big one the big one we don't have to deal with this omg so bfbs are is gonna be the most difficult thing we have to deal with oh my gosh i'm real i think this is where i lost this is the furthest i've gotten i think i lose every time on this round yeah you can you can see why i lose this is a this is a i think i lost around 62 last time actually we'll see okay there we go now we're we're doing good now guys okay now we can start focusing on getting other upgrades as well we're at 50 minutes guys come on we got to get to an hour we got to get to an hour guys it has to happen let's get snow storm because that's going to be a nice upgrade to get there we go keep the slows coming guys keep everything slowed there we go see like this guy he just takes out the mo of course he has 50 000 pops all right this guy is like very important to this strategy yeah once they get to here though it like it pushes them back or just blows them up so i'm okay with both things okay i'm okay with both of these situations snowstorm hundred 1500 actually to be poor precise okay thirteen hundred and oh my gosh the balloons are like just stuck there that's so funny look at this look at all this time we're buying guys we are buying all of the time that's so nice oh that's a lot of ceramic ones okay ooh glue spider could be pretty nice oh my gosh the this this oh scary i was good guys look at look at all this time we're at 53 minutes seven more minutes guys oh my gosh oh no how do we lose literally i don't get it i'm so bad oh my gosh i don't i don't get it literally we just lose literally i don't understand why it doesn't pop all of them does it not actually like register popping all of them i don't know i don't get it why are we so bad guys what are we doing what are we doing wrong why are we so bad at this game why am i so bad at this guys this is what i've been dealing with we were almost at an hour and we lost the biggest one i can't buy it it's too expensive that's the problem is it's too expensive how would we make the game last that long we need to we need the game to last even longer we're at 53 minutes we lose it around 63 every time i thought we were fine like it seems like we're fine and then we literally just lose and i don't get it round 63 is a disaster i wish we had just like the the the balloon just drop a bomb and just just just get rid of it the 4-2 bomb shooter that might be a thing but yeah so we need something with like a fat amount of pierce damage but i thought that's what like the um the bomb shooter not the bomb shooter like both the bomb shooter and the other one but it just doesn't do it i have an apache we don't have that money we don't have that kind of money we're putting it more into slows we only had three thousand dollars i wonder if we were able to do it if i knew it was gonna come engineer trap engineer trap would not have worked i don't know unfortunately guys i don't have enough time to try this again i'm super busy today but i tell you what guys i tell you what if this video if this video gets 3 000 if this video gets 5 000 likes okay 5 000 likes i will try it again and we'll try to go for the the slowest balloon speed of all time and just try to make it as ridiculous as possible so thanks for watching guys i'm very upset that we weren't gonna do it but we can do it guys i believe in us thanks for watching i'll see you guys later
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 121,755
Rating: 4.9160781 out of 5
Id: GHVpyFnFJ7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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